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  • Thread starter Trinity North
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Trinity North

Rowan....always seeing things in your own light. I'm clinging to the past so hard that I've said I'm leaving the game and have given up on hope? Is hope clingy? Do we not all hope for something, past, present, or future? Talk about clinging to the past, when was the last time you played UO? Instead, you just chime in on which ever forum peeks your curiosity for drama. You put your 10 cents in when you don't even play and it really does not concern you due to the fact that you do not play.

Ryo....it was you. I thought they wanted you to be GM first. But you got physically sick.

Its funny, the two things I asked for back on the UTB forums and now here on the Stratics forums was 1. an apology and 2. to say we (those involved) erred. Two simple request and I would have left this alone a long time ago. Actually, it wasn't even me who dragged this whole thing out this time. I spoke of it in my initial post, but didn't expand on it greatly. I believe that was y'all (again).

If your ego's will not allow you to apoligize, then why continue this arguement? I made my peace with it when Volrina became GM as was my wishes long ago. We may no longer be friends or commrades as we once were, but lets just agree to move on. Unless this is the only thing that you find of great interest in your life. Online game drama...I'm sure we could dig some up for you on the WoW forums if thats what you so desire.


I've talked it over with the remaining guild members and to make sure we never run into a situation where we are without guild leadership If I am going on vacation or going to be gone for more than a weekend I will promote Nexus (Whom I've named as my second) as guild leader for that time. In this way we can insure that UTB will never go any period of time without an actual guild leader to guide it.

If you leave I'll miss ya Trin, I'm sorry that its come to this mess which certainly is not helpful to the guild but its your thread you started it as a leaving post. I will remember you as my guild leader whom I learned everything from and my friend. I hope one day I can just forget this entire thread though.



I'm sorry that its come to this mess which certainly is not helpful to the guild

[/ QUOTE ]

Please heed Volrina's words. If all of you have any respect for UTB as a guild (regardless of what you may feel about its past or present members) and for its chances to come back to life, please let this issue go and refrain from attacking each other on the boards. There are things called private messages for that. I am not trying to take sides in this, I only wish well of UTB and its future chances under Volrina. Please give it the chance that it has.

Duncan O'Shay


tha's righ ye...pard'n me fer un...

*clinches eyes and bends at the knees*

*rips tremendous fart*

oy, ben sav'n tha un fer qite sum time now.

Ai'ght, moovin on...ye kneed to git ov'r u'r egos and realize tha thar be more a stake than who been righ er wrong. GIT OV'R U'RSELFS!!

A unce good guild is a stake here. So I be suggestin ye be fergittin u'r petty squabble and move on with whas bes fer da community.

UTB has a great and funny (when drunk whish I've seen wif me own peepers) mas'er now. I sugges u's be supportin her insead of squabblin'.

Now squze me fer I think I got mor than jus a skid mark in me trousers.

Volrina me lass, I propose a date fer a quaffer when ye get a free moment. Consid'r it a date! *purrs*