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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Okay, people, how do you pronounce Jhelom, Minoc, Malas and Umbra?

I have been talking with someone new lately and he pronounces everything wrong. (haha, just messing with you, friend!)

Draconi and crew, how do you pronounce all of the UO place names?


Lol, those books arn't gonna read themselves.:thumbup:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I will set my "for sell" ruin beatle loose and my minionions will leave your castle in runes.
Damn accidentally spelled loose correctly...I meant to say lose.

And yes, evil minionions are the most insideous and utterly evil plants ever! The scourge of dungeon masters everywhere! It even has an entry in the d&d magic encyclopaedia to warn DMs how dangerous they are!

Right up there with the violins of violence!

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Back to my rune vs ruin comment... we even have someone in our vent who says "Mark me a ruin"
Sometimes my eyes roll so far back in my head I can't play because they get stuck.
Ummm...are we in the same guild? I hear this almost daily. :cursing:

Shamus Turlough

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
"mini onions" ?
Weird, never seen that vegetable before!! :dunce:
Never had a martini?

Rogue n. - Sneaky type that might either be an assassin or thief (NOT THEIF).

Rouge n. - Colored stuff that women (and some men) put on cheeks to color.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lol, those books arn't gonna read themselves.:thumbup:

Oops, got caught slacking, yet again! Today, stratics is far more interesting to me than ethics and cyber security. I'll behave and read at least one chapter, darnit.



Okay, people, how do you pronounce Jhelom, Minoc, Malas and Umbra?

I have been talking with someone new lately and he pronounces everything wrong. (haha, just messing with you, friend!)

Draconi and crew, how do you pronounce all of the UO place names?

Luna : Loo-nah (from latin)
Umbra : oo-mm-brah (same)
Minoc : min-ock
Malas : mah-lah-ss
Jhelom : jay-lom

Hunters' Moon

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Okay, people, how do you pronounce Jhelom, Minoc, Malas and Umbra?

I have been talking with someone new lately and he pronounces everything wrong. (haha, just messing with you, friend!)

Draconi and crew, how do you pronounce all of the UO place names?

Luna : Loo-nah (from latin)
Umbra : oo-mm-brah (same)
Minoc : min-ock
Malas : mah-lah-ss
Jhelom : jay-lom
Luna ---> loo-na

Umbra ---> Oom-bra

Minoc ---> Men-nok (I place a stong emphasis on the 'n')

Malas ---> Mal-lass(I place a strong emphasis on the 's')

Jhelom ---> "Jail-um" is how I say that city. I have gotten laughs before because of it.


I had one of the same people that says "ruin" ask me if I had a "ruin" to "Trisnick" bank........ I said sorry I don't have a RUNE for there:thumbsup:

Stupid Miner

Luna : Loo-nah (from latin)
Umbra : oo-mm-brah (same)
Minoc : min-ock
Malas : mah-lah-ss
Jhelom : jay-lom
Well just because they're Latin words doesn't mean they're pronounced the same way in English. English typically butchers Latin pronunciation. I'll bet Cicero ("kick-ero") rolls over in his grave everyone calls him "sis-ero."

What's wrong with just pronouncing Jhelom just as it's written?


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Luna : Loo-nah (from latin)
Umbra : oo-mm-brah (same)
Minoc : min-ock
Malas : mah-lah-ss
Jhelom : jay-lom

Let's see...
I say

Umbra- umm' bra (uh wait, no I say the last syllable bruh, like the sound of brother)
Minoc- min ock' (like lock)
Malas- like malice (ma' ləs)
Jhelom- don't even know how to write out how I pronounce this one. Well, kind of like juh loam' I guess =p

(I read two pages so far!)



Ahh, that mite be a UK influence as we have a brand of bandages called Bandaid :)
Uh....everyone has Bandaids, not just the UK. :pint:

My pet peeve.....the phrase "needs fixed".

Something may need to be fixed, or even may need fixing, but it damn sure doesn't "need fixed". :twak:

Then there's always the favorite southern bastardization of English phrases, like "I'm fitten'na do some warsh" which means "I'm getting ready to go and wash some clothes".


I mean "a" in [luna] like international phonetical alphabet. And [umbra] too.
With an R, not an "aaaw". RRRRRRR! Not AAAAAAW!



Uh....everyone has Bandaids, not just the UK. :pint:

My pet peeve.....the phrase "needs fixed".

Something may need to be fixed, or even may need fixing, but it damn sure doesn't "need fixed". :twak:
There's also the "could care less" instead of "couldn't care less". How can you be in such a mental distress that in order to say your care-o-meter is at the minimum and can't be below, you say "I could care less"?


There's also the "could care less" instead of "couldn't care less". How can you be in such a mental distress that in order to say your care-o-meter is at the minimum and can't be below, you say "I could care less"?
I always just answer them with "What would it take?". They don't know what to say to you after they realize what you're saying.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well just because they're Latin words doesn't mean they're pronounced the same way in English. English typically butchers Latin pronunciation. I'll bet Cicero ("kick-ero") rolls over in his grave everyone calls him "sis-ero."

What's wrong with just pronouncing Jhelom just as it's written?
There's a city in New York called Cicero, and it's pronounced "Sis-ero". I hope they didn't name it after him.

There's also the "could care less" instead of "couldn't care less".
That one drives me nuts. My mother is the biggest offender of that one. I'm always telling her how stupid it sounds when she says that.

If you don't care about something, you COULDN'T care less, because you don't care now!! Geez!

and I pronounce it paa-poo-uh.

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I should of done that.

Is that what that dose?


Sometimes people make me cry.


I heard in vent someone the other day say.... "I'm gonna go to Isenhower, Humanity to get raised".....
Now that was a head scratcher!
Translation - "I'm going to Ilshenar, Humility to get rezzed"
We all had a good laugh at that.
This person is new to the guild and pronounces alot of things in a funny way.


Site Support
Stratics Veteran
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Wiki Moderator
Not a spelling problem, but Emma in my guild pronounces Magencia, Magnacea.
Bet you didn't point this thread out to her after that post either did you :-(

But for those that didn't know Emma Hunting is the Chesapeake Shard Pastime... I even asked EM Dudley if we could do that as an official event once a month and he said "I'll think on it"....

Stupid Miner

There's a city in New York called Cicero, and it's pronounced "Sis-ero". I hope they didn't name it after him.
Yea, they undoubtedly did. He was a big time philosopher/poet/lawyer/letter-writer/orator, one of the few Roman guys that anyone actually knows of anymore.


Pet peeve: Congradulations

Where did the "d" come from? How? I even HEAR people say it with a "d"!

(oh, and the "could care less" too - I seem to be seeing/hearing that more and more!)


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hubby and I have always assumed 'lich' = "litch". However, someone told me it was "leeshe"... but surely to be pronounced that way it would be spelled 'liche' not 'lich'...?


Curious... how many of you say acrost, instead of across?
I used to have a friend who's entire family used to say that.

There's also the "could care less" instead of "couldn't care less". How can you be in such a mental distress that in order to say your care-o-meter is at the minimum and can't be below, you say "I could care less"?
Someone once explained this one to me. The explanation did make sense, and there was some logic behind it.
Although, I've since forgotten what the explanation was, and sunk back into doubt and denial.

Jhelom- don't even know how to write out how I pronounce this one. Well, kind of like juh loam' I guess =p
I knew someone who used to pronounce it something like "Ja-ho-lum".

Personal peeve is when people try and say the names of places in Tokuno.
I do remind myself that the names can seem unfamiliar jumbles of syllables, but I still die a little inside.

Saying that, calling "Tsuki Wolves" "suki wolves" is quite funny.


So my question is;

Can any one marck me a ruin to tel mur so i can tame me one of them new beatles, i seem to always loose mine and its macking me go nutz!!!I couldnt care less where the ruin is just so i dont dye!

Schuyler Bain

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There's also the "could care less" instead of "couldn't care less". How can you be in such a mental distress that in order to say your care-o-meter is at the minimum and can't be below, you say "I could care less"?
INDEED! - this one drives me crazy! :wall:

Schuyler Bain

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Okay - my mother likes to "dethaw" food in the microwave. Now I know some online dictionaries say it is now acceptable, but I don't buy it. She really means thaw or defrost.

A recent annoyance for me is "updation." A friend of my parents has used the word for years. Again the word has become more acceptable and has gained use when talking about software and development work. Unfortunately this guy uses it while doing a walk-through of an apartment after a renter has moved out.


Orge. I have seen folks in Luna spell it Orge. In high school, I used to play D&D with this one kid who even pronounced the word ogre "orge".

Like orgy without the ee.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Pet peeve: Congradulations

Where did the "d" come from? How? I even HEAR people say it with a "d"!

(oh, and the "could care less" too - I seem to be seeing/hearing that more and more!)
ROFL Teeshy!! I hate this one too.

Long ago, I used to work as a cake decorator. A pompous ding-dong who worked at the same bakery as I did scolded me one day for misspelling "Congradulations" in frosting letters on a cake. I told him HE was spelling it wrong - and asked why he thought there was a "D" in it?!

He said "because it's what you say to someone when they GraDuate from school!" And he was completely serious. Had aspirations of becoming a lawyer too...


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The wonderful thing about the English language is that it's descriptive, not prescriptive ... if you do something wrong long enough, eventually the dictionary writers shrug and accept it.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Your - You’re
Your message might lose impact if you’re not paying attention to this number one word maltreatment. If you find it particularly difficult to separate them from each other, stop using ‘you’re’ altogether and notice how you are starting to improve your spelling.

Then - Than
The next step is then to tell yourself that it’s better late than never to get that vowel placement in order. Then your readers might find something more useful to comment on than your apparent spelling impediment.

Its - it’s
It’s best to write a reply and its words properly for optimal reader engagement. Again, if you still fail to tell the difference without effort, just write how great it is not having to worry about misusing or misspelling words.

To - Too - Two
To write two posts per day, or not to write two posts per day. That too is the question.

Were - Where - We’re
Where in the world were you? We were at Billy’s and we’re staying for another day.

There - Their - They’re
They’re moving their cursor over there. By focusing more attention on proper word use, your readers won’t highlight and pinpoint your mistakes.

A - An - And
A flawlessly written reply serves as an eye-opener and should provide lasting value. Remember also that an abbreviation like SUV starts with a vowel pronunciation and requires an ‘an’ in front of it.

Off - Of
Of all the mistakes you could prevent from appearing, start off by checking out this common mix up. You should have paid attention at school when they told you not to write ’should of’. Or off your visitors go.

Here - Hear
Hear ye! Hear ye! Here is a post worth reading. You can almost hear the distant clicks of new readers finding their way over here this very moment.


Now as a side note, I hope that the lurkers understand this is more an exercise of boredom, than anything else.

*Looks Devilish* or sharpening up ones sparing weapons, that are stored in the Cabinet labeled "I refuse to have a duel of wits with an unarmed person".


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
To kill the golden goose: no, the eggs were golden, not the goose. The goose laid the golden eggs.
The proof is in the pudding: no, the proof is in the eating of the pudding. You test the pudding by eating it.


Just want to thank all of you for staying up all night and making this thread. I actually lauged right out loud at a few of them. A whole entire thread and no one calling anyone else names or being ignorant. I didnt think it was possible, but Koodoos to you all ;-) Hope everyone has a great day. See you in Ter Mur, if it ever opens


duel / dual
Yeah, duel wielding and dual my main... sure... :fight:

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just want to thank all of you for staying up all night and making this thread. I actually lauged right out loud at a few of them. A whole entire thread and no one calling anyone else names or being ignorant. I didnt think it was possible, but Koodoos to you all ;-) Hope everyone has a great day. See you in Ter Mur, if it ever opens
Dai's right! No name calling or ignorance in a UHall thread?
We can't have that!

Kelmo is a smelly stupid head. :lick:

There. Fixed. You may all go on about your normal day now.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
duel / dual
Yeah, duel wielding and dual my main... sure... :fight:
Duel wielding = Special method of wielding weapons in a duel.

Dual my main = Cast a clone spell on your main character so that you can take twice the number of actions in a round.



Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Duel wielding = Special method of wielding weapons in a duel.

Dual my main = Cast a clone spell on your main character so that you can take twice the number of actions in a round.

Dual my main: main is a ninja who only ever has one mirror image.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Luna : Loo-nah (from latin)
Umbra : oo-mm-brah (same)
Minoc : min-ock
Malas : mah-lah-ss
Jhelom : jay-lom
That's how I say them as well :)

I know Ocllo is supposed to be ock-yo but I just can't come to terms with it as I've always said Ock-low.

I also say:

Papua: Pap-poo-ah
Delucia: Del-loo-sha
Skara Brae: Scar-rah Bray
Khaldun: Kal-doon (like goon)
Hythloth: High-th-loth

My former guildmates had a field day with me too the first time I said "Tortoise" in vent. As English isn't my first language (French Canadian here :D), I just assumed (yeah that thing one should never do!) that it was pronounced same as turquoise and noise. So I said Tor-Toy-Z. They mocked me for a while with it :wall:

Things that annoy me the most: when people say Felucia or Fulicia (wow, even typing it made me cringe!), and when they say Magincina. I will pester about Felucca but considering I can be stubborn with Ocllo, I usually shush about Magincia :lick:

There's also the "could care less" instead of "couldn't care less". How can you be in such a mental distress that in order to say your care-o-meter is at the minimum and can't be below, you say "I could care less"?

Up until now, I was convinced "could care less" was really the way you guys said it and it so made no sense to me. Each time I would ask if it shouldn't be "I couldn't care less" which is way more logical, I would be told no, the expression is "I could care less". :thumbup:


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend


Up until now, I was convinced "could care less" was really the way you guys said it and it so made no sense to me. Each time I would ask if it shouldn't be "I couldn't care less" which is way more logical, I would be told no, the expression is "I could care less". :thumbup:
Then you can reply to them that as long as they have not made up their mind(s) to care less, you will continue to try to persuade them to care more.