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First UO Newsletter!


Grand Inquisitor
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NPE first, then actually follow through on the Steam thing. Sooooo...sometime in 2017.


Stratics Legend
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Have you seen the comments on Steam about UO? Do we even want them here......
the comments are all extremely legitimate, and most the common complaints are why users have left "stratics UO" over the years for freeshards, or vets who simply dont return. So, i will say yes, if Broadsword listened to those very reasonable complaints, im sure they would gladly exchange every single stratics user for those new/returning players, as the numbers would vastly outnumber our current playerbase.


Babbling Loonie
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She trained a packhorse and used it during the Dark Wisp Invasion in Moonglow, every time a chest dropped, she just tossed it in the horses pack.
Pack Horses are actually pretty good to train up. They have the potential to have 180+ Stamina (if they're first bought with low DEX/high Stam) when trained, which increases how fast they move. Some of my craftsman have Pack Horses with high Stamina, and they can totally keep up with me when i'm running on mount.

Yadd of Legends

Babbling Loonie
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Borg cubes are a very efficient use of space. Make house design easier and you won't see so many of them.


Grand Inquisitor
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Easier? How much easier can it be? Sure. It takes time to make a decent design. But it's pretty easy.

Captn Norrington

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We will be assimilated, resistance is futile.

I hate borg cube houses too, I don't understand why a lot of people don't realize that as long as the house is well designed, they will still have space for all of their stuff and that they don't have to use every single tile of their house for storage space. The house doesn't have to be an artistic masterpiece, but it would be nice to see people at least attempt to make a house other than a borg cube.

Yadd of Legends

Babbling Loonie
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Easier? How much easier can it be? Sure. It takes time to make a decent design. But it's pretty easy.
I have to disagree. It's incredibly arcane - multilevel roof tiles, raising things with goza mats that are then removed - who wants to take the time to learn all that when they could be killing things?

Lord Frodo

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I have to disagree. It's incredibly arcane - multilevel roof tiles, raising things with goza mats that are then removed - who wants to take the time to learn all that when they could be killing things?
Or they could expand their minds and learn how to do other thing, LOL.
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The Enchanter
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This thread has gone pretty far off the rails.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I have to disagree. It's incredibly arcane - multilevel roof tiles, raising things with goza mats that are then removed - who wants to take the time to learn all that when they could be killing things?
OR they could simply hire someone to do it for them... I've designed and decorated homes over the years for people. I know about a dozen others who have too. Used to belong to a deco guild had a website and everything that's what we did.


Grand Inquisitor
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I dislike the roofing system, granted. So I always make flat roofs and have terrace gardens.


Long Live The Players
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Going off the rails on a crazy train...


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Borg cubes are a very efficient use of space. Make house design easier and you won't see so many of them.
55 storage containers (mostly hidden or placed to fit in with house style)
fully functional normal soulforge (not the rare 1 tile)
full crafting and imbuing area i make all my suits out of
storage area i run all my vendors out of
plenty of room left for tasteful deco.

It CAN be done without a borg cube lol

smoots fire island house.png

P.S. Castles are lame

Yadd of Legends

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
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55 storage containers (mostly hidden or placed to fit in with house style)
fully functional normal soulforge (not the rare 1 tile)
full crafting and imbuing area i make all my suits out of
storage area i run all my vendors out of
plenty of room left for tasteful deco.

It CAN be done without a borg cube lol

View attachment 34827

P.S. Castles are lame
That is beautiful, Smoot, I'll be the first to admit. I'm just saying the mechanisms to accomplish it are far from intuitive and surely could be made simpler in the interface side


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
That is beautiful, Smoot, I'll be the first to admit. I'm just saying the mechanisms to accomplish it are far from intuitive and surely could be made simpler in the interface side
no argument there, the roofing especially is definitely tedious. problem i had with that place was the lower part really doesnt have many walls (mostly flowstone and rocks) only enough to allow for the second floor to be accepted. was hard to make these required supports not "stick out" in the overall deco too much. My crafting area is also hidden under a second floor grass level around the apple tree. that was also hard to place the required supports without them being too noticable. now, i realize its not really a normal "house," but agree it would open up more options for houses and deco if custumization were given a smooth over, and possibly the deco tool. I enjoy knowing and using all the "tricks," but would make it alot easier for the average player if these were intuitive and part of the tools given us rather than things you have to find out on your own.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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no argument there, the roofing especially is definitely tedious. problem i had with that place was the lower part really doesnt have many walls (mostly flowstone and rocks) only enough to allow for the second floor to be accepted. was hard to make these required supports not "stick out" in the overall deco too much. My crafting area is also hidden under a second floor grass level around the apple tree. that was also hard to place the required supports without them being too noticable. now, i realize its not really a normal "house," but agree it would open up more options for houses and deco if custumization were given a smooth over, and possibly the deco tool. I enjoy knowing and using all the "tricks," but would make it alot easier for the average player if these were intuitive and part of the tools given us rather than things you have to find out on your own.
I would kill to have the ability added to the house tool to move objects left and right as well as up and down. And it would be nice if I didn't have to go to extra lengths to get things to place where I want them like putting things in a pouch and axing it, or placing a goza mat and raising it before placing objects. I also still want to be able to craft the "center" section of a table. Heck it would be nice if I could craft individual "parts" of objects... They are parts to begin with it'd be nice if I could use them the way I'd like rather than to have to break them.


Lore Master
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Such crazy dogleg targets in this thread. Can anyone give a half way plausible reason why this newsletter was not automatically sent to every single email address that has ever held a UO account in the last 15 years? Why on earth would you make people "sign up" for this news, and even advertise on a small scale that you would have to "sign up" in order to get this news?

It's honestly as if you want this info and expansion to be available to the smallest possible audience. Good Jerb!


Queen of The Outlaws
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Such crazy dogleg targets in this thread. Can anyone give a half way plausible reason why this newsletter was not automatically sent to every single email address that has ever held a UO account in the last 15 years? Why on earth would you make people "sign up" for this news, and even advertise on a small scale that you would have to "sign up" in order to get this news?

It's honestly as if you want this info and expansion to be available to the smallest possible audience. Good Jerb!
I believe they did send it to every email connected to an account, I got 2 newsletters, one to the email I use for my account and one to an email, only connected to old accounts, I had not used for years. I don't remember signing up for the newsletter, but sure my memory fail sometimes.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I believe they did send it to every email connected to an account, I got 2 newsletters, one to the email I use for my account and one to an email, only connected to old accounts, I had not used for years. I don't remember signing up for the newsletter, but sure my memory fail sometimes.
That's interesting because even though I am signed up in both departments on more than one email... I never got one.