Someone has to mention our continued Dominance of Felucca and Europa PvP.
We didn't get it on video, because it was so intense!
During the week, various spawns, announced, defended with ease - got to the point no-one will raid us anymore.
Saturday, we announced a Harry, no-one raided us, so we did another speed Harry straight after, 15 minutes time trial.
We tried to get it down to 10 minutes so we could show it on the free 10 minute Bandicam youtube on UOHall.
Having successfully griefed Mervyn on his tamer all day as he was trying to pvm, we gave a couple of minor skirmishes to Pro to build them up confidence-wise in the afternoon.
We lost 1 VvV 5v6, then lost the next VvV 6v7...
(Without many of our big-name pvpers).
The stage was set for an awesome evening.
Having bullied and griefed Pro all week long and stirred up the hornets nest, then given them a little taster of victory to make them believe they could take us on - we raised the curtains for a 5 hour PvP marathon from 19:00-24:00.
We announced a Rikky in Destard, and sure enough, lvl 3, Pro hit.
Intense fighting, meant it took us 2 1/2 hours to complete the Rikky, it was like Void Pool on steroids, we defeated 7 waves of Pro, with them getting bigger and bigger each wave, and us staying the same numbers, eventually we were easily beating back far bigger armies of angry oranges!
Eventually we won the Champ, and Pro looked defeated, and we were tired...
Then Tec got home, and spawned a Harry on us!
Not too happy about this, as we were all exhausted, but we had our honour to defend and PvP to win.
So we regrouped, smaller this time, and went back in, thinking Pro had not noticed the Harry - they had, and they had taken control, and we were beaten back, our first wave of defeat.
So we regrouped again, knowing we were massively smaller as a few had left for the evening, PvP, work the next day taking it's toll.
Tec started the spawn... (full of bright ideas Tec!

) So now we had a Harry and Rikky spawn to contend with...
We took the Ankh as it had the ress spot, Pro got the True Harry to the East, and the spawn eventually helped us as it hit lvl 3.
We fought hard, outnumbered, and eventually killed them so many times, they started giving up.
Eventually, after killing off at least 10 waves of Pro over the course of the evening, they cracked, and fled, never to return...
We unleashed our 2 pvmers who we had been defending at the ankh, they took out the Harry, then we defeated Rikky, leading to a double Boss kill.

5 hours later, I was allowed to go to bed, where I slept very well.
Moments I enjoyed;
- Gandalf twice getting himself trapped in the ankh area, and panicking so much as he died to fireballs, he really doesn't think well under pressure, a pure "flight" kinda guy.
- Nightmare going 1v20, and putting himself on foot to dismount me... Brave, but highly stupid!
- 10 Pro chasing AJ around Destard, while we killed them all from behind, and finally catching up with AJ who was still alive, and all Pro not realising they'd all been killed from behind.
- The army of blue Pro's, who turned most of us red, we look so sexy red.
- Not hearing a single word from Mick in general chat all night?
- Bonbon swearing at me in German again, I'm beginning to like that girl

There were many other moments, I'll leave this open for you to add more.
Thank you for the PvP all, was awesome.