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Enhanced Client now completely unplayable


Yen Sid

Has anyone noticed that this is getting increasingly worse? Last night I got stuck in the "Black" twice. Usually never do I get stuck in it. and I crashed twice last night. RAM usage for UO was at 1,500,000KB (1.5GB) at one point. I have 6GB so no big deal but this is getting out of hand. We need some confirmation of some sort that this is at least getting looked into. I'm going to be upset if they scrap, I am NOT going back to 800x600 in 2d. Maybe if they increased available resolutions in 2d I could go back but not if it stays at 800x600. PLEASE LET US KNOW SOMETHING IS BEING DONE ABOUT SOME OF THIS.


I tried to play 2D, and I honestly couldn't take it. I missed my macros (I don't have UOA so no equip macro worth a crap), no crafting macros worth a crap and on my 22" monitor, that 800x600 window is the tiniest little window ever. I know I could hack the file and get it bigger, but then everything else goes out of whack...

I showed my other half how bad the lag and black areas are, he said,"I know you love the game, but how can you play it like that".


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Look, you can only buff and polish so much.....rust is rust, and your 2D is rust. It's an embaressment to EA, and an unmarketable product. The only reason it's still around is because of the dinosaurs who play UO and can't handle change.
The biggest embarrasment to EA is that they cannot create a replacement that works better than their existing 12 year old client, despite 3 attempts at it.

And THAT, my unlearned friend, is why the 2D client is still around.


It's still around because some people refuse to leave it, even if the new version was much better. And they're so vocal about it at the same time.

It's the same thing that happened with all the attempts at combat improvements. The people at the top threw fits because their advantage would have gone away. Never mind that the game as a whole would have been improved, but THEY would no longer be at the top. It's the same with the people using the flaws in the old client to their advantage.

No, not everyone using the old client is like that, but the ones who have the most to loose from it being dropped react the worst to it, so the devs have to concentrate on two clients instead of one. If the devs (programmers?) were allowed to work on just the new client, it would (probably) be working better by now.

And before anyone says they can just keep the old client, they've stated before that the only way to fix the problems that the exploiters use, and just plain bugs that people think are features, would be to rewrite the entire client anyway. In other words, a new client.

Things like speedhacking, which I see so many complaints about, are due to flaws in the old client. They could conceivably be fixed, but the effort to do so would be comparable to just making a new client anyway.


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
It's still around because some people refuse to leave it, even if the new version was much better.
It's still around because EA like making money, and it makes them money. No other reasons exist.


they should just forget about all this "new client" nonsense. it has been a failure 3 times now.

work on "enhancing" the 2D client.

They could enhance the 2D client by releasing the game on the Nintendo Super Entertainment system. We tried to get a few ex-EQ friends over to play UO and they just could not stand the graphics even in the EC. They then loaded the 2D and all we heard was laughter over Ventrillo. Not sure how many people that dont use 2D would stick around if it was the only choice. As a former 2D user myself I can say as I would stay. The big question is why continue to throw resources at a 12 year old anything in the computer game world? Serously. Of course the opposite is also true.

I guess the real thing they should do is come up with UO2...oh wait they bailed on that 5 or 6 years ago. The game mechanics are second to none. It could dominate the industry if done right.


this does make me think back at how the old 3d client wasn't all that bad in hindsight. i did like the 3rd dawn models (which looked as close to the 2d artwork as it can get), and detested the look of AoS avatars (whole different art direction). 3d models could be much easily updated, in definition, scaling, and animation. i also liked that there was a plethora of animations for the avatar to express, too. it was a little disappointing that the devs never took advantage of that, seemed like they only developed it in a half-arsed way.

it's disappointing with the EC when the devs don't at least acknowledge any milestones in the development even if there isn't a release immenent. it would do wonders to morale if there was at least a weekly update in the FOFs about the EC.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Got my first "black block of death" today ... wow, it really is annoying.

(however, logging out and logging back in cleared it)


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is there any ETA when this next publish, written in the FoF, is comming?


No, not everyone using the old client is like that, but the ones who have the most to loose from it being dropped react the worst to it, so the devs have to concentrate on two clients instead of one. If the devs (programmers?) were allowed to work on just the new client, it would (probably) be working better by now.
I would make a wager that the amount of time spent on the 2D client programming would be less than 1hr/week.

Things like speedhacking, which I see so many complaints about, are due to flaws in the old client. They could conceivably be fixed, but the effort to do so would be comparable to just making a new client anyway.
If 2D was discontinued they would write the exploits for the new client.