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Enhanced Client now completely unplayable



That isn't to say that the team should be let off the hook for failing to work overtly on the EC. Of course we hold them responsible, and of course we want them to fix all of the outstanding bugs and conflicts, both the ones that affect us personally, and those that don't. But maybe let's not call "sky is falling" when it's just another cloudy day?

He he he the day they fix EC will be the same day EA will re-introduce another new one for all to play with.

They threw away KR instead of fixing it and doing it right in the first place right?
What gives anybody any assurance it won't happen to EC? This inspite that KR had it's misgivings and they were plenty was still a visually better one.

The BETA tag will of course remain for the EC maybe another two years till such a time folks are all fed up with the bugs the lapses etc etc., bringing the game of course to the brink of extinction till probably something good happens. That we are hoping for.

This is only possible till a "messiah"from EA will come to establish the good and honor of such a cherished game. Of course again nobody knows the time hehe.

Now for the very distinct minority who claims they have no problems on using the errr "enhanced client" I feel somehow they are not really 100 percent true because the undeniable number of unsatisfied subsrcibers far outweights their claim to nirvana. But then again they are only fooling themselves eh? For one thing barely seeing the content of your backpack is indeed a great sacrifice.

May this thread thrive on as long as concerned people are out there who really cares for the game. May their voices for change and improvement echo on till EA and it's cronies of developers become sick to the uproar of all the foolish things they have done. JOHO of course :stir:

(KR playable free of bugs will bring me back)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just wanted to say: this isn't a new bug, it existed in KR, and there have been reports of it in EC for months. Not everyone gets it -- I haven't seen it myself in EC ever and it's the only client I play. So it doesn't make the client unplayable in that broad kind of sense, and suggests that individual hardware conflicts are at the root of the problem (it just screams "texture memory issue" to me).

I've been using the EC since 7 months now. I NEVER had this problem. When the Halloween events started, this problem appeared out of nowhere, and I DID NOT change my hardware or any drivers before that.

It DOES make the client unplayable. If you recall and half of the screen is black and your movement is blocked, please explain how you inted to continue playing?



I've been using the EC since 7 months now. I NEVER had this problem. When the Halloween events started, this problem appeared out of nowhere, and I DID NOT change my hardware or any drivers before that.

It DOES make the client unplayable. If you recall and half of the screen is black and your movement is blocked, please explain how you inted to continue playing?
I concur with this.

The black areas block movement.

A client restart will clear, but it seems certain areas, e.g., blood dungeon entrance are prone to the problem.

Its totally obnoxious.


That isn't to say that the team should be let off the hook for failing to work overtly on the EC. Of course we hold them responsible, and of course we want them to fix all of the outstanding bugs and conflicts, both the ones that affect us personally, and those that don't. But maybe let's not call "sky is falling" when it's just another cloudy day?

He he he the day they fix EC will be the same day EA will re-introduce another new one for all to play with.

They threw away KR instead of fixing it and doing it right in the first place right?
What gives anybody any assurance it won't happen to EC? This inspite that KR had it's misgivings and they were plenty was still a visually better one.

The BETA tag will of course remain for the EC maybe another two years till such a time folks are all fed up with the bugs the lapses etc etc., bringing the game of course to the brink of extinction till probably something good happens. That we are hoping for.

This is only possible till a "messiah"from EA will come to establish the good and honor of such a cherished game. Of course again nobody knows the time hehe.

Now for the very distinct minority who claims they have no problems on using the errr "enhanced client" I feel somehow they are not really 100 percent true because the undeniable number of unsatisfied subsrcibers far outweights their claim to nirvana. But then again they are only fooling themselves eh? For one thing barely seeing the content of your backpack is indeed a great sacrifice.

May this thread thrive on as long as concerned people are out there who really cares for the game. May their voices for change and improvement echo on till EA and it's cronies of developers become sick to the uproar of all the foolish things they have done. JOHO of course :stir:

(KR playable free of bugs will bring me back)
This is a rant and out of place in this thread.

You grok that EC is KR with different art?

Until recently I have had no real problems with the EC and I still have excellent performance. You can claim I am 'not really 100 percent true' but that is simply your inability to deal with facts you dislike.

the 4th man

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
they should just forget about all this "new client" nonsense. it has been a failure 3 times now.

work on "enhancing" the 2D client.

lol....that's a good one dude. Look, you can only buff and polish so much.....rust is rust, and your 2D is rust. It's an embaressment to EA, and an unmarketable product. The only reason it's still around is because of the dinosaurs who play UO and can't handle change.

It's the truth.....UO has fantastic content. No other game, including world of whatever, can come close.........I fully respect all who play the enhanced client, and see the 2D people as......you get my point.


Der Rock

i dont call it ENHANCED client anymore, BETA-TRASH is more realistic :(
last patch broke the BB UI Mod :(


why they give the player the possibility to make the BETA-TRASH playable, if they kill every patch those genius mods :(

DEVS i tell YOU january is the deadline, then the ENHANCED client IS a enhanced client, or i will be back to 1 open account every 3 month for 30 days.

damn i hate this trash so much, GIVE us a client that WORK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


lol....that's a good one dude. Look, you can only buff and polish so much.....rust is rust, and your 2D is rust. It's an embaressment to EA, and an unmarketable product. The only reason it's still around is because of the dinosaurs who play UO and can't handle change.

It's the truth.....UO has fantastic content. No other game, including world of whatever, can come close.........I fully respect all who play the enhanced client, and see the 2D people as......you get my point.

Sorry, but most people prefer to use a client that actually works well, and does so all of the time. The EC is bugged as hell, things don't work right, and it's generally unreliable. Until that changes there won't be many that will use it even part time, much less as a primary client. Once it actually reaches a point that people can depend on it to be as stable as 2D, then your argument might hold some water. Until then, it floats like the Titanic.

I find it extremely ironic, not to mention laughable, that you would post something like this in a thread titled "Enhanced Client now completely unplayable".


Lets drop all the 2d vs. EC at this point. It can be argued in other threads.

The purpose of this thread is to document an issue recently manifest where a block of game tiles become black and impassable to characters.

Sometimes moving away for several screens and coming back resets it, other times, in my experience, the client needs to be restarted to correct the issue.

I have been using EC exclusively for months and having a great experience until this problem began and its a deal killer.

It would be nice to get developer acknowledgement, if nothing else.


The purpose of this thread is to document an issue recently manifest where a block of game tiles become black and impassable to characters.

Sometimes moving away for several screens and coming back resets it, other times, in my experience, the client needs to be restarted to correct the issue.
I concur - the problem seems to have appeared with Halloween's content, but I don't think it's actually due to the patch, rather something to do with the antivirtue dungeons and their corners (very Lovecraftian, this) - stuff that I personally haven't seen a lot before this content, and when I did, I did not move as relentlessly as we do now when morphed.
Anyway, the easiest solution most of the time is to just move so that you cannot "see" the black area. Corners are your friends, as are gate and recall. Strangely, though, changing level doesn't seem to always work.

Anyway - I've been using the EC as my primary client, using 2D only at work (don't ask), and I like it a lot, its many shortcomings notwithstanding. So, I really do hope the devs will at least tell us they're investigating this.
On this note, I'd propose a petition: let's ask the devs to open a twitter account, to let us know what they're working on every once in a while, without the need for longer posts etc. Whaddaya think?

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
lol....that's a good one dude. Look, you can only buff and polish so much.....rust is rust, and your 2D is rust. It's an embaressment to EA, and an unmarketable product. The only reason it's still around is because of the dinosaurs who play UO and can't handle change.
That "embarrassment" and those "dinosaurs" are what keep UO running. We have already had two instances of additions which just butchered the playerbase (Trammel and Age of Shadows). The game can't survive a third disaster.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'd propose a petition: let's ask the devs to open a twitter account, to let us know what they're working on every once in a while, without the need for longer posts etc. Whaddaya think?
While I would like to see some kind of status report, I seriously doubt that EA will make any comment about the Enhanced Client. They've been refusing to do so since 6 months, and they most likely will not start commenting on the EC issues now. Maybe they are under some kind of non-disclosure contract. I can think of no other reason why they would leave us in the dark with such incomprehensible persistence.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm doing this Halloween quest and it is just UNPLAYABLE, The map is black, You can't walk on it and it never loads.

I have no choice but to play 2D now, I recently opened 2 new accounts since SA and the client. I am quite happy to sell the small houses on those accounts and shut them down if this bug isn't fixed in the next month or two. UO for me is the SA client.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Someone has posted it is easy just to hack the 2D client and have greater resolutions. They should have just gone with that 4 years ago, instead of throw massive amounts of money that could be better spent elsewhere down the drain.

My opinion is if your not going to have a real 3D client dont bother. And if you like the 2D view, in a real 3D client you can zoom and rotate it to a 2D isometric perspective.


This is a rant and out of place in this thread.

You grok that EC is KR with different art?

Until recently I have had no real problems with the EC and I still have excellent performance. You can claim I am 'not really 100 percent true' but that is simply your inability to deal with facts you dislike.

Can you deal with yours is a more appropriate question. I have dealt with mine by quitting to spend my good hard earned money on a game which EA and their cronies of developers refuse to decently upgrade into a better product through the years.

And oh please stop contradicting yourself,it really is an embarrassment to say you are 100% worry free only to find yourself having problems with the black goza plague right now hehe.

Anyways your present status doesn't really concern me. I try to look at the many real problems the game has to offer other shall we say "unfortunate" players who have to deal with a whole lot more problems other than you.

Now you still think you're being true? Brother you need a spanking hehe.


Cear Dallben Dragon

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Im now noticing about a 20 second delay in loading humility from luna thru the moongate. I also still cant run the thing on all four cores of my Q9550. Does anyone know how to set up a program to alway start with affinity to a single core?


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Im now noticing about a 20 second delay in loading humility from luna thru the moongate. I also still cant run the thing on all four cores of my Q9550. Does anyone know how to set up a program to alway start with affinity to a single core?
In Task Manager, you should be able to set affinity on the process for UO.

Cear Dallben Dragon

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Im now noticing about a 20 second delay in loading humility from luna thru the moongate. I also still cant run the thing on all four cores of my Q9550. Does anyone know how to set up a program to alway start with affinity to a single core?
In Task Manager, you should be able to set affinity on the process for UO.
Aye thats what i do. i was looking for a command line i could program so i dont have to do that every time i open the client. id like the client to launch itself using only my 4th core for operations. that or the client get fixed.

Cear Dallben Dragon

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
oh cool i get to have this problem now too.
did all this suckage really just start occurring in the last few days?
I normally keep my cool but lack of response on even a publish for the client coming is freaking me out.



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Im now noticing about a 20 second delay in loading humility from luna thru the moongate. I also still cant run the thing on all four cores of my Q9550. Does anyone know how to set up a program to alway start with affinity to a single core?
In Task Manager, you should be able to set affinity on the process for UO.
I already tried that and it did not improve anything. To my opinion, this workaround is an urban myth.

Cear Dallben Dragon

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Im now noticing about a 20 second delay in loading humility from luna thru the moongate. I also still cant run the thing on all four cores of my Q9550. Does anyone know how to set up a program to alway start with affinity to a single core?
In Task Manager, you should be able to set affinity on the process for UO.
I already tried that and it did not improve anything. To my opinion, this workaround is an urban myth.
no no no no no...
as far as overall basic lag. on certain CPU's, at least my 2.83 quad core intel Q95500, this works. heavenly. even in plain grass fields, i lag every 2 screens if i don't set it to one core.


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have the same problem and I refuse to use the 2d client. So each time that happens to me (And it happens alot... escpecially in dungeons) I have to recall to another spot.

Somtimes you can be unlucky and recall into this black hole... I have had success with teleporting out of it... which at the same time loaded the black areas.

Please fix this asap


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This black area bug happened either from the halloween patch, or from the "memory leak" patch.
I only get the black areas in dungeons, not over land. Over land, I would sometimes see some black areas, but fills it out.

Cear Dallben Dragon

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I used to cry a bit every time i logged in with no patch. now i cant log in. clicking ok after the patch screen just shuts down UO. I guess i'll reinstall.


O where O where can the Developer's be?

Are they deaf to the cries of the people?

Are they waiting to be paid and commissioned by the powers that be?

Or could they be enjoying an early Christmas for a work well done in horror?

Only Ea and God knows the answers..

For the good folks who still plays the game with all the animal crap in it. Our hope is that things will be well soon for we realize your patience is getting thinner by the day.



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Even as someone who didn't like the new client much, this is a hopeless mess. People can't play the game, the fault is widely reported - and yet on an 'official' forum, where there is supposedly a 'community manager' and devs regularly post and read, there's total silence about a genuine game-stopping technical issue. So far, they have not even acknowledged there is a problem.

Rather than have a 'community manager', is there any chance we can get a community representative who can keep us up to date about what is (or isn't) happening with the product we're paying for? We don't need 'managing', but as paying customers, we at least deserve the basic courtesy of being told why the software we pay for isn't working, or at least that the problems are known and being addressed - or is it really the case that EA/Mythic has so few resources that keeping people up to date on real problems stops when one person goes on holiday?

Sometimes I have to wonder if attempts to make a '3d' UO client are just an experiment to see if they can create a Beta test without end by repeatedly fixing then re-breaking things........ :coco:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Even as someone who didn't like the new client much, this is a hopeless mess. People can't play the game, the fault is widely reported - and yet on an 'official' forum, where there is supposedly a 'community manager' and devs regularly post and read, there's total silence about a genuine game-stopping technical issue. So far, they have not even acknowledged there is a problem.
Possible explanations:

a) Community Manager has called in sick 4 months ago.
b) Community Manager helps the developers to fix EC bugs, and thus doesn't have time to communicate.
c) The position of Community Manager is vacant again.

Other suggestions?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Possible explanations:

a) Community Manager has called in sick 4 months ago.
b) Community Manager helps the developers to fix EC bugs, and thus doesn't have time to communicate.
c) The position of Community Manager is vacant again.

Other suggestions?
Sssshh. Dont tell anyone, but they are all working on a new "2.6D" client. Wooooo. :cheerleader:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Other suggestions?
My suspicion, from past woeful experience of EA? I'd suggest internally it's going something like :

We can't find any positive way to spin it so we're pretending to ignore people, hoping a future patch makes it better, corporately agreeing we can't say 'we don't know what's happening' because it might look bad, and wishing people would stop talking about it in public....

They honestly want it to work, I'm sure. But after previous fiascos ('Gold' KR client, anyone?) they are hopelessly confused about what their line should be in public, so hope it will all work out in the end if they just keep tweaking stuff in silence. So we get 'managed' instead of 'communicated with'.


I updated and tried the EC last night ... my house is in Malas, about halfway between Luna and Umbra. I didn't go more than 3 screens and black tiles started gathering.

System is a an AMD 3.0 ghz dual-core CPU, 4 GB ram, 512 MB vidram with under 20% cpu and ram utilized. No excuse for this and the EC worked fairly well for me all thru beta.

I flipped back to 2D and UOA. <shrug> It works and is stable.


The thing that totally gets me is that the UO team ALWAYS asks how they can improve communication. This is yet another example of them dropping the ball.

I think the most anyone wants to hear at this point is 'We are aware of the issue and working on a solution'... yet instead, they obviously go for the Silence Is Golden route by saying NOTHING. Which is terrible for customer service, of course, because this was there is nothing that even remotely acknowledges the UO team finds this to be an issue.

It's like they just can't change their ways (which is just like, I dunno, adding new clients and promptly not doing anything to make them PLAYABLE). Old habits die hard, I suppose, and as long as we pay our 9.99 to 12.99 a month it's what we have to live with.


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Now they can reach all this what seems to be impossible with KR and they destroying it with patches.

I dont understand the work of the QA is that all day long surfing in the internet and drinking coffee? Sorry but i think everyone notice this bug when only logging in for a few minutes, how can get this throw a QA?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi everyone,

Our engineers have been investigating this issue and have confirmed it to be the result of one of the recent stability tweaks we implemented to fix a client crash issue. There is no ETA yet on a fix for this, but our engineers are looking into it. Thank you for your patience.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi everyone,

Our engineers have been investigating this issue and have confirmed it to be the result of one of the recent stability tweaks we implemented to fix a client crash issue. There is no ETA yet on a fix for this, but our engineers are looking into it. Thank you for your patience.
Thank you! But can you ask around your colleagues and arrange that, in future, someone actually talks to us a lot earlier when these things crop up? You'll never lose a customer by keeping them informed, even if it's bad news, but clients that don't work (or actively get worse over time) combined with deafening silence might just do the trick....


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
Please hurry!


<points at Aurelius> Absolutely! I'd much rather get bad news up front with any workaround info possible than be kept in the dark.


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi everyone,

Our engineers have been investigating this issue and have confirmed it to be the result of one of the recent stability tweaks we implemented to fix a client crash issue. There is no ETA yet on a fix for this, but our engineers are looking into it. Thank you for your patience.
Hehe but please dont revert it in cost of stability ;) iam happy to play now 3 or more champs in a row, both is the correct way stability and fixing this bad problem.

Aedon Durreah

Village of Aegis
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi everyone,

Our engineers have been investigating this issue and have confirmed it to be the result of one of the recent stability tweaks we implemented to fix a client crash issue. There is no ETA yet on a fix for this, but our engineers are looking into it. Thank you for your patience.
Don't hold your breath waiting.

I would just as soon slide down a razor blade into a barrel of hot snot before using either KR or the "Enhanced Client"


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi everyone,

Our engineers have been investigating this issue and have confirmed it to be the result of one of the recent stability tweaks we implemented to fix a client crash issue. There is no ETA yet on a fix for this, but our engineers are looking into it. Thank you for your patience.
They are alive! :)

Thanks for the reply! What about the rest of the bugs? Any plan on fixing those in the near future?


While I have a really nice machine (PC) I have never had the issues of an unplayable area.

My biggest upset is when I start up the game, all the ground tiles are yelllow and this last for 30mins to 1 hour WHICH is crazy annoying, Also Ive had issues with the maps overlapping each other. Ill go to Brit then recall to moonglow and all the buildings will be over lapping each other causing me no being able to move in spots that you "should" be able to go to.

I hope for a new an improved client, Because while I love playing 2D I want a good change.

And this isint for the good.

As of RIGHT now its quite apparent that

A). There is a massive patch to fix alot of this coming (In the works) OR

B). EA/Mythic is not going to continue support for EC Due to some MASSIVE issues.

C). They are going to close WARHAMMER and Merge Engines with UO. (Long shot? Dont know)



Allow me to give credit for the comfort such limited response has created. Just like cool water in the desert the assurance of letting players know something is being done about the black plague is indeed good news.

At least somehow the suspicion that callousness runs on EA's veins is for the moment put aside.

But as many would hope the rest of the bugs plaguing the EC would absolutely be addressed as well. Otherwise you have merely healed a nick while the bleeding continues.

This is just wishful thinking what if a big slice people decide to go on a vacation as well lets say for 3 months without paying their subscriptions? Would this prompt EA to play good ball?

Honestly I wouldn't know and I don't feel it's going to happen. But what if?
Like myself on self exile from the game waiting for it to make a real turn for the better people would just quit for awhile eh? Instead of making endless complaints while continuously paying for a lousier game client huh?

The worst thing which can happen is people starting to realize they are surrounded by fire only to find out there are no exits available. Only time will tell if the EC will yet be bug free and totally playable for all to enjoy. First things first the lame beta tag has to be gone ASAP. Otherwise we can only look forward to another client being err "retired" like KR.

It is always nice to evolve in the game not however in the manner of being a human turning into a ***** cat. Then again for some this may be favorable
he he.



nope - t'was mentioned earlier that Chrissay is on a vacation ... Jess is filling in.


why do you call it "classic client"

it is UO

the "enhanced" client is not UO.
I bet you don't know what paticular NPC monster I visualized after reading your reply! :drama:

I hope nobody will hijack this thread to turn it into yet another Classic users Vs Enhanced users flame fest.
To late? :thumbdown:

They need to get rid of the original client to fix many of the bugs and exploits.
It's a real catch 22 isn't it? They can't fix a good many of the age old exploits without scrapping the old client all together. The problem is, they can't do this until they have a product that's capable of replacing it, but the manpower's not available to create such a product as long as people are needed to update and keep the old client running. Scrapping the old and releasing a product that should still be in alpha(Beta at best) would be a quick way to finally off this wonderfully annoying game of ours.

Although, I'm no programmer. In fact the only computer skills I had prior to playing UO consisted of "Point" and "Click, and even now are only sufficient enough for the upkeep of the game and related stuff on my computer. (IE: UOA and the creation of macros) Therefore, I think it's safe to say that my opinion on these matters is probably spot on and of the greatest concern to the development and marketing teams for Ultima.

I will say this, even though I'm one of those diehard old timers who thinks a classic shard would bring in a large amount of reopened accounts and I can be very nostalgic about the pre-uo:r days of UO, that if they did create a new client that was at least somewhat polished up and ready for a honest release... I would gladly accept the old client being put out to pasture. (Put to sleep! With as much comfort as possible of course, and it would have to have it's loved ones there to say their final goodbyes...)

Oh and totally unrelated but does anyone else find this smiley :sword: as awesome as I do?. (Which I find odd as even though I use them, Smileys or whatever their called are so uncool and at times annoying!)


hmmm i think

if i post here or if i dind`t post here
or anywere else

it`s like a sod of rice titting over in china....



UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I wanna play the Ehanced Client normal like KR. Iam a poor man, a poor poor man ;)