EA-Land Devs off track...

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Most of the posts I read about the developers can be summed up as either "The devs are perfect", or "The devs are stupid." Neither is so, folks. (snip)


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I thought it bore repeating.

We seem to have lost track of this rather basic premise about not just devs, but all people.

imported_Gracie Nito



I'm sorry if my having fun and having the ability to make money has ruined the game for you.

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Your having fun and the ability to make money does not have any effect on my game. You choose to be blind to the myriad reasons others do not share your fanboy attitudes -- and that may in the long run ruin the game for all of us.

None of us can achieve, change or improve that which we do not see. That the game is a wonderland for Gracie is not going to be enough.

And Katheryne -- if you considered that I might have been one of those fabulously rich sims who now complains about how hard it is to make money -- well, I could fill the rest of the page with derisive HAHAHAHAHA's. Not even close. Like you, I was comfortable. And that is all I ever wanted to be -- comfortable. I was never focussed on the pursuit of money, until now. And I am finding that to be really no fun at all.

They seem to be creating a game that will be most aptly named "Rat Race." I don't know how well that will play in the long run. Choosing between the pursuit of meagre amounts of cash, versus spending all ones time chatting, is just not the sort of innovation many of us were expecting.

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Wow. That is really cool. I had no idea that my enjoyment of the game could ruin so many lives. What exactly were you doing a year ago in the game that you can't do today, besides gamble? What is it that you expected to change?
Where are all of your great ideas to improve the game for the betterment of all?


I totally agree with the majority or what you stated and it relates to all the ridulous updates and my biggest grip is with the cost of building,cost catalogue items and the cost of purchasing a lot to even build on. How in God's name is someone with virtually no money,going to purchase a lot costing $71,000. Where is the common sense in that. what it shows me is that EA is only interested in making as much money as possible off of premium players,becasue the higher the cost of items/objects,lots and building,the more ebucks or whatever they are now called,we will have to purchase from them.

To make matters even worse,instead of making things more refined,they are more screwed up than ever.I pay monthly fees on four accounts and now things are screwed up,I can't even access all of my sims because they are greyed out. They give u a solution and the solution doesn't even work,what a mess this EA land thing has turned out to be. Even as I write this post,I can't even log into bleep game,my money is just going to waste on something that is becoming more of a nightmare than a source of enjoyment.


That's all fine and dandy,but the fact of the matter is whether or not the game was due for deletion,we're still here and it's costing us money to continue playing some similarity of the game we once knew as SimsOnline. I understand that new technology is going to bring about problems which I don't mind,but when my money is being spent on something that I'm unable to play on a regular basis,then I get an attitude,pissed and disgusted. The Dev's main concern should be that of correcting the most important aspects of the game,making sure that those are error proof before moving onto to some other problem aspect of the game. I don't mean to get on the Dev's case here,because I have no doubt that they are and have done a great job with the change over and most of my gripes are manifested by frustration with not being able to access game when I want to and not having access to all my sims on each of my accounts for which I pay.




I'm sorry if my having fun and having the ability to make money has ruined the game for you.

[/ QUOTE ]

Your having fun and the ability to make money does not have any effect on my game. You choose to be blind to the myriad reasons others do not share your fanboy attitudes -- and that may in the long run ruin the game for all of us.

None of us can achieve, change or improve that which we do not see. That the game is a wonderland for Gracie is not going to be enough.

And Katheryne -- if you considered that I might have been one of those fabulously rich sims who now complains about how hard it is to make money -- well, I could fill the rest of the page with derisive HAHAHAHAHA's. Not even close. Like you, I was comfortable. And that is all I ever wanted to be -- comfortable. I was never focussed on the pursuit of money, until now. And I am finding that to be really no fun at all.

They seem to be creating a game that will be most aptly named "Rat Race." I don't know how well that will play in the long run. Choosing between the pursuit of meagre amounts of cash, versus spending all ones time chatting, is just not the sort of innovation many of us were expecting.

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I believe that the Gracies and the Katherynes are only looking at the game from a very "hardcore player's" standpoint. For those who are dedicated enough and have enough time to spend online, the current game structure may be fine. The "rat race" as you so aptly describe it will not however be attractive or entertaining for casual or new subscribers. This will certainly not encourage increased subscribership. IMO, for the casual and new players, the ability to acquire a reasonable amount of "objects" and "property" is the first "hook" that snags and keeps them around--long enough to begin to enjoy the social and personal interactive aspects of the game (which long time and hard core players have come to appreciate).

Is EA (the corp.) attempting this re-design in good faith? I wonder. I'm not blaming them if they feel this game should be terminated (for economic reasons). If they ARE making a good faith attempt to resuscitate TSO/EA-Land, then they need to make a commitment to it and devote the resources and personnel to do it properly. This commitment includes (or, should have included) the time to think out the modifications and plan their implementation properly--not jump into it willy nilly.



It is really a numbers game. The simple fact is, that player's who were 'having fun' in the old game, were a steadily decrease number, far below what would support the game.

The numbers just were not there, and the vast majority of original players had moved on and out of the game....indicating that the game as it existed was *not* providing adequate fun for the majority of the people who tried it.

The new game has hit a plateau.....old players surged back on excitement, and then found it to be a work in progress.
*Will the increase in numbers be enough?
*Will the players leaving be exceeded by the ones joining?
*Will the Development Team be able to pull it all together and deliver a game to meet the high expectations they have raised?

These questions about the future are legitimate and remain to be answered, but the one about the viability of the old game has *been* answered, many, many times. However fond, the few remaining players at the beginning of 2007, were of the old game, it simply did not have what it took to survive. That is the bottom line.

The game has been focused on three main objectives for the last year.
*Rebuild the foundation of the game to support the *structure* of a new game.
*Bring as much of the old player's and their stuff, as is feasible, into the new game structure.
*Make Custom Content available to players.

This has happened....not without complications, along the way, but the game has basically met those goals. There some problems to be worked out, but the way ahead is in much more likely to see fun things introduced, than the past year was.
If we can meet the numbers and survive that long, I expect that by this time next year the game will be awesome...and unrecognizable.

But not if we keep trying to pull the game off course and back into the past.

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I think that is a matter of opinion. The viability of the old game was not there mainly because people left in droves when the money bug wasnt fixed. Prior to that coming into play, i believe there were enough players to sustain it and all it really needed was a few updates to keep us happy

[/ QUOTE ]Which money bug would this be?

The game's population hit its peak in the fall of 2003, when N&amp;I came out. Since that time, the game's population has steadily declined. Although it was just icing on the cake, the big money exploit that was left unchecked occurred toward the end of 2006, and had nothing to do with the game's demise.

Gilly is correct. The game as we knew it was not viable, and the steadily declining numbers since 2003 prove it. Therefore, any suggestions that the game should have been left alone or that the game be returned back to the way it was, or even resemble the way it was, are ill-advised.



Which money bug would this be?

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I think he's talking about the one where you were getting a 100k for a case of jam.




The numbers just were not there, and the vast majority of original players had moved on and out of the game....indicating that the game as it existed was *not* providing adequate fun for the majority of the people who tried it.

These questions about the future are legitimate and remain to be answered, but the one about the viability of the old game has *been* answered, many, many times. However fond, the few remaining players at the beginning of 2007, were of the old game, it simply did not have what it took to survive. That is the bottom line.

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I think that is a matter of opinion. The viability of the old game was not there mainly because people left in droves when the money bug wasnt fixed. Prior to that coming into play, i believe there were enough players to sustain it and all it really needed was a few updates to keep us happy

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I am sorry to contradict you, but it is not a matter of opinion.

It is the situation, fully explained to us last year by Luc, and various members of the team. The game had steadily declined in subscribership, since 2003, to the point that EA Games had written the 90 day notices to be mailed in June, 2007.

Luc worked out a deal with them for a chance to take the dead TSO game and turn it into a new and profitable game that was not associated with the Sims franchise, and do so, with a limited budget and in a limited time frame. EA Games was not willing to throw good money after bad, on a dead game.

It is a one shot deal, if Luc and his small team can not deliver the agreed upon turn around, by the deadline, this whole thing goes down the toilet and they pull the plug completely and forever on this game.

This is the reality that was laid out for us last summer...not an 'opinion'.



I pretty much wasn't going to post in these threads b/c I find them to be the writing equivalent to banging my head into a wall. But... hell its' 2 am and there are allowances for all sorts of things at this hour.

Whoever said that the devs are human is correct.

And humans have to work to make money.
So they can pay bills, buy cars, play online games... you know that whole thing.

They dance to the piper just like we all dance to the piper. So that we can pay bills, eat food, buy cars and play online games.

They get told what to do. They do it. They don't do it to slight the people who diss them, or don't like them, or hate them on principal. I assure you they go home and they forget you... you are part of their day job.

I'd forget you too. When I leave my office. It disappears.

When they made changes, I believe that they did this in accordance of what was asked for the longest and loudest.

If your request didn't make that list, o well.

What I find to be BS is that anyone who has been supportive of the changes in game b/c they wanted some change has been labeled a fan boy or a cheerleader. (read corps siggy for more details)

honestly people. You don't like the game, quit for goodness sakes. There are some things I dislike, but others I do. Whatever its' just a game.

just a game.

Cancel the subscription and go.

I've read these boards all these years watching the same people cry over anything. Unappeasable.
You don't have to like the changes, but good lord... booooohoo. The game sucks b/c its stale. The game sucks b/c the changes... the game sucks sucks sucks.

Well you are the suckers for paying the same $10 all these years for something that displeases you.

That pleases me.
I laughed.




I dont mind the beta test I just don't like the risking a character I've worked 5 years building on a test that might not work. I'm thinking of closing my accounts after all this time. I would have rather kept my tso in tact until they had a solid foundation to put my lot on.


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You are not the first to express a similar sentiment....but seriously, does no one see the contradiction?

Players don't want to 'risk' an old sim, but they are thinking of deleting them?

That is just plain crazy talk.

You misunderstood my post I never said Delete I would never delete the old sims I've made Ea will have to take them from me lol

I'm not going to delete the sims probably just stop paying and leave it floating as a free account in case the game ever straightens up. I just wont continue to pay for a game or play it either that gives me more stress then my totally disfunctional real life does.



It is really a numbers game. The simple fact is, that player's who were 'having fun' in the old game, were a steadily decrease number, far below what would support the game.

The numbers just were not there, and the vast majority of original players had moved on and out of the game....indicating that the game as it existed was *not* providing adequate fun for the majority of the people who tried it.

The new game has hit a plateau.....old players surged back on excitement, and then found it to be a work in progress.
*Will the increase in numbers be enough?
*Will the players leaving be exceeded by the ones joining?
*Will the Development Team be able to pull it all together and deliver a game to meet the high expectations they have raised?

These questions about the future are legitimate and remain to be answered, but the one about the viability of the old game has *been* answered, many, many times. However fond, the few remaining players at the beginning of 2007, were of the old game, it simply did not have what it took to survive. That is the bottom line.

The game has been focused on three main objectives for the last year.
*Rebuild the foundation of the game to support the *structure* of a new game.
*Bring as much of the old player's and their stuff, as is feasible, into the new game structure.
*Make Custom Content available to players.

This has happened....not without complications, along the way, but the game has basically met those goals. There some problems to be worked out, but the way ahead is in much more likely to see fun things introduced, than the past year was.
If we can meet the numbers and survive that long, I expect that by this time next year the game will be awesome...and unrecognizable.

But not if we keep trying to pull the game off course and back into the past.

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Although I pretty much agree with these facts, I think there is more to it.
While the game as a whole was a failure, the concept was (and is) a popular one.
The game failed because it was flawed, and support fom TPTB evaporated very quickly (Why? Who knows). The game became stale and players left for greener pastures.
Buuut, that's old news. Now, we have EALand which is *based* on TSO. It has different elements, and different *goals* (mainly for EA), but the concept is still very much the same. For EA to tinker too much with that concept would (IMO) be a huge mistake. Players are here to play a *new and improved* TSO, but if it is *radically* different, EA will have to shop for a different player base.

I like a NASCAR analogy - the early days of auto racing featured car models that were modified, to be sure, but were still essentially, Fords, Chevys, Dodges, etc.
Nowadays, there is virtually nothing marque about the cars, except for the look of the body - most components, even the frame, are custom made, or radically modified. It may look like a Ford or Chevy, but it's not, really.
They do this (keep the look of the body) for the fans mostly, so there is some recognition and familiarity.

EALand is the same way - it has to retain the feel and look of TSO to retain the old players, and modify the mechanics to attract the new.

*HOW* this is being done is a matter for a separate discussion.



I believe that Ealand could be a fun game even for the old tso players.....but first they are going to have to fix the money situation.

People dont want to struggle for money in a game the way they have to in rl.

That is the main source of all the problems ..low money income and high prices. Just like real life.

Most people do not want to pay to play and it to be like real life. They play to escape real life and the stress of trying to make money stretch to the impossible

other than that EaLand can be fun Just like tso was. Tso became boring to many because of the lack of updates and the fact that it seemed Ea quit caring. But with updates they could have kept it alive.


Luc worked out a deal with them for a chance to take the dead TSO game and turn it into a new and profitable game that was not associated with the Sims franchise, and do so, with a limited budget and in a limited time frame.

I wish I had been with you when Luc told you that. Or is what he said in a blog/mb post that I missed? In any event, I hope the limited time frame is the same as our occupation of Iraq.



honestly people. You don't like the game, quit for goodness sakes. There are some things I dislike, but others I do. Whatever its' just a game.

just a game.

Cancel the subscription and go.

I've read these boards all these years watching the same people cry over anything. Unappeasable.
You don't have to like the changes, but good lord... booooohoo. The game sucks b/c its stale. The game sucks b/c the changes... the game sucks sucks sucks.

Well you are the suckers for paying the same $10 all these years for something that displeases you.

That pleases me.
I laughed.

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A big hug to Jackiee. I just LOVE your posts.


Probably a good point "if you dont like the game quit " but if everyone thats displeased by this latest scheme of money making BS quit There wont be anyone left . where will that leave the other people at who wouldnt have a game to play because I guarantee everyone is disatisfied with one thing or another.

I pay for the game I use to love but if it stays like it is its my last month. When payment is due again I'm not paying.



Probably a good point "if you dont like the game quit " but if everyone thats displeased by this latest scheme of money making BS quit There wont be anyone left . where that leave you other people at who wouldnt have a game to play because I guarantee everyone is disatisfied with one thing or another.

I pay for the game I use to love but if it stays like it is its my last month

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I don't want my post to be taken as... If you don't like it quit.

I want it to be as "If it makes you that miserable... gtfo"

Nothing is perfect, and everyone does not have to agree.

if people want change and improvement, I can not begrudge them that.

But the amount of self entitled pity partying people I've been seeing all along is ridiculous.

There is a difference between a frustrated person who truly wants to have fun in a game... and someone who gripes just to gripe, trolls just to troll.

If the game closed b/c the entire playerbase was whiny mofos who left b/c I told them to...

Well I would laugh.
Then I'd laugh a bit more.

Then I'd link the thread to my friends so they could laugh.

And they would.


Maybe the people who are complaining just hope someone at Ea, a Dev, a secretary, a Janitor ...Someone would read the board and maybe get the idea of what it would take to make the game fun again. Maybe it isnt just to complain and Maybe they really do want it to be fun. Maybe they dont wanna quit that they want to give the team the benefit of the doubt and maybe they want to believe that the happiness of the players does matter.

If 100's of people are complaining about the same things maybe its not Whining but actually something that needs fixed.



Maybe the people who are complaining just hope someone at Ea, a Dev, a secretary, a Janitor ...Someone would read the board and maybe get the idea of what it would take to make the game fun again. Maybe it isnt just to complain and Maybe they really do want it to be fun. Maybe they dont wanna quit that they want to give the team the benefit of the doubt and maybe they want to believe that the happiness of the players does matter.

If 100's of people are complaining about the same things maybe its not Whining but actually something that needs fixed.

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What about the 100's who are happy?

I mean every coin has two sides.
And there is a difference between someone who wants change, and someone who just moans to moan.

Either way the choice to pay the subscription monthly is up to each individual person.

The fact that people pay this when they seem so angry....




True they pay when they are angry but they want to keep their accounts current so that when the game does get better and I really hope it does. Then they will be able to enjoy it.

And really the money system is the only thing I dont like. I like being able to build and buy things. But I dont have 24/7 to earn the money. I really like checking out the CC everyone is creating I'm extremely happy that they have added that. That was one of the things they always said we would get in tso but it never made it. I like having all the sims in same city and I think it will be cool when we can run more than one sim from the same account. I love having more sims on each account although many of the poor soles are the neglected sims. So you see its not all complaints there are good things.

And of course the main thing is..over 5 years time I have met alot of people and made many friends and TSO is what brought us together and the reason we are friends in RL now. And I look forward to meeting many more.



True they pay when they are angry but they want to keep their accounts current so that when the game does get better and I really hope it does. Then they will be able to enjoy it.

And really the money system is the only thing I dont like. I like being able to build and buy things. But I dont have 24/7 to earn the money. I really like checking out the CC everyone is creating I'm extremely happy that they have added that. That was one of the things they always said we would get in tso but it never made it. I like having all the sims in same city and I think it will be cool when we can run more than one sim from the same account. I love having more sims on each account although many of the poor soles are the neglected sims. So you see its not all complaints there are good things.

And of course the main thing is..over 5 years time I have met alot of people and made many friends and TSO is what brought us together and the reason we are friends in RL now. And I look forward to meeting many more.

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I completely see your reasoning in why you do things the way you do things... i should have clarified above that you were not even in the same zip code of the ppl I was referring to when I wrote this, I'm not even sure I'm familiar with your posts.

I'd write a list of constant complainers I could do without seeing, but I've made it this long avoiding a ban.

I unfortunately can not give you an example of the people I refer to ...and either way... anyone I know who is disgusted and dissatisfied with a service ends that service...

they don't moan endlessly.


I understand the people you are talking about...no names needed.. they would complain if they were hung with a new rope.

difference between and optimist and a pessimest I think and yes I spelled them wrong but I'm optimistic that people have been playing tso long enough to understand my typos lol



I've read these boards all these years watching the same people cry over anything. Unappeasable.
You don't have to like the changes, but good lord... booooohoo. The game sucks b/c its stale. The game sucks b/c the changes... the game sucks sucks sucks.

Well you are the suckers for paying the same $10 all these years for something that displeases you.

[/ QUOTE ]

Exactly, those mofos have nothing to offer. That is how I took it <font color="blue"> "If it makes you that miserable... gtfo". </font>

Constant whining and complaining with no viable alternatives to offer...


I myself am a returning player.... i do understand what ea-land is trying to do.. I do not have a problem with that... they dont want everyone to be a millionaire or a multi-millionaire... i never was before and i dont expect to be again... but the only difference this time is you more or less have too be just too afford to buy stuff...and that is what i wrong with this game right now... the dev's need to reduce the price of these objects too balance out with the current payouts...

My wife even has turned a lot into a store lot and it still will cost you 99,999 just too buy a pizza table.. so as the payouts are now it would take months just too buy 1 pizza table... thats whats wrong... the prices too buy something is way too high.... and i havent seen too many complaints on this other thing buy here it is.... my other complaint is everything seems too wear out faster now.. i bought some pizza table at a very cheap price and they were 20% and within 2 weeks they have gone too 80% and up and have never been used yet... and that was something else that has changed alot that i have noticed... it just seems too me that they want us too buy stuff with little or no money more now than they did before when i played this game... and yet they have not decreased the prices yet just decreased the payouts.... and i think they also need to do something too speed up the skill speed just a little...other than that i dont really have any other complaints about this game....

So just a note too the dev's.... keep it up just remember too make sure what you started to fix works before you move on too the next part you want too work on...instead of just thinking that the first thing you did does work... and get some good input from everyone on what they think about it too....

edited for typos

imported_Qute Pi


My wife even has turned a lot into a store lot and it still will cost you 99,999 just too buy a pizza table.. so as the payouts are now it would take months just too buy 1 pizza table... thats whats wrong... the prices too buy something is way too high....

[/ QUOTE ]

The reason it is too high is because many players merged items. Until those get distributed and more players enter the world that price isn't gonna go down much.
I have a couple pizza machines for sale, and I'm sure many other stores do too, you just have to shop around...



whats really shocking to me is the fact that a freaking MOD HERE for strat makes fun of us for posting our thoughts! wow really professional there! all we want to know is where are the devs, why are they avoiding us, and updates today that are mysterious, all other updates, even 100 so bites were told to us, there were 2 today and there were no notes as to what they were! so what were they?

go on ahead, link this to your friends, so they can laugh, i don't care!

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I'm not a MOD I'm a REPORTER... and I QUIT... like a week or two ago, its just not removed yet... so... *copies and pastes*



you still have a post that says your are a rep for ea and/or strat, thank god u quit, i doubt ea would want someone who calls their customers mofo's working for them, neither would strat!

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I am not a rep for EA, and stratics is a volunteer site. I felt no need to change my opinions and view points based on a fake job.

And Stratics left it open for me to come back anytime so I couldn't be that bad.

If you have any other observations to make about me, my attitude, my fake employment... or how EA employees feel about me, please feel free to shoot me a PM or click my siggy. So that we can quit derailing this thread any further.




you still have a post that says your are a rep for ea and/or strat, thank god u quit, i doubt ea would want someone who calls their customers mofo's working for them, neither would strat!

[/ QUOTE ]Stratics Staff are not affiliated with EA in any way. Further, Stratics Staff are allowed to express ourselves and our opinions just like anyone else posting here, yourself included, as long as it stays within the Rules of Conduct.

If the opinions expressed by any of our staff bothers you, then I suggest you grow a thicker skin. In the meantime, instead of calling out our staff (or anyone else for that matter) as you did, if you believe a post violates the Rules of Conduct, feel free to report it using the Notify Moderator (
)button found below the post.

Now, I strongly suggest this thread be returned to its original topic.



It wasn't me that pulled this off course, it was you calling us mofo's and making fun of us. so don't point the blame at me.

If strat feels a rep of theirs has a right to call us names just for posting our thoughts, i think that is not right, and i think everyone who posts here feels the same.

Now back on the subject

my thoughts are the devs may be rethinking the game and surprise us with something on the 30th, but i do wish they would post about the 2 updates today and just something to let us know whats going on.

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haha until 20 minutes ago I didn't even know you existed, but if you want to take it personal go for it, I agree with and stand by my statements.

I just can't help but wonder what ppl will use to cry about when the title is removed... I guess we'll wait and see.


I have been selling pizza tables for 899 they were 1400 before the merge. Now everyone is complaining they are higher. :/

Everything is lower.


I think it is funny she calls everyone a mofo. I like it better than any other suggestions made for a new name for "sims". Lots of mofos play...

I would not take it personal.

I have seen the responses the devs have gotten from the last few updates. I don't blame them for not giving us an opening to respond to what they are doing now.

Okay, Kat I just saw your post.



you still have a post that says your are a rep for ea and/or strat, thank god u quit, i doubt ea would want someone who calls their customers mofo's working for them, neither would strat!

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It's not that I mind calling a poster a "mofo" - I just want to know who called the mofo a "poster"????

Lol - ain't you just Miss Mary Sunshine.


If someone wants to call other posters mofos, then if its ok with the mods, it should be ok with us all... as long as thats a green light for anyone that feels like cussing.

What I find REALLY funny though, is that she was referring to people that are complaining about the state of the game.... Complaining about the state of the game is FAR more relevant to this post than complaining about people that do it.

I wonder why it seems to some people a good idea NOT to complain about the way things are going when the end result if things continue as they are will be the end of the game through customer dissatisfaction.
Cusomer feedback is essential to the survival of a game which is on the brink.

Most voices on here are saying basically (from what i read) that stopping botting by limiting peoples ability to buy land, build or anything really meaningful is the wrong direction to go. The game has had a lot of the fun taken out of it by attempting this and discenting voices are surely needed to point this out to the devs.

It quite shocks me that the majority of the mods on here don't or won't see the damage this fugal monetary system is doing to the morale of the customers and generally seem to look down on those of us that want it brought to the forefront of the devs minds.



If someone wants to call other posters mofos, then if its ok with the mods, it should be ok with us all... as long as thats a green light for anyone that feels like cussing.

What I find REALLY funny though, is that she was referring to people that are complaining about the state of the game.... Complaining about the state of the game is FAR more relevant to this post than complaining about people that do it.

I wonder why it seems to some people a good idea NOT to complain about the way things are going when the end result if things continue as they are will be the end of the game through customer dissatisfaction.
Cusomer feedback is essential to the survival of a game which is on the brink.

Most voices on here are saying basically (from what i read) that stopping botting by limiting peoples ability to buy land, build or anything really meaningful is the wrong direction to go. The game has had a lot of the fun taken out of it by attempting this and discenting voices are surely needed to point this out to the devs.

It quite shocks me that the majority of the mods on here don't or won't see the damage this fugal monetary system is doing to the morale of the customers and generally seem to look down on those of us that want it brought to the forefront of the devs minds.

[/ QUOTE ]

See Jammy my post is being misread as saying "Don't complain" 'take it or leave it"

I never said any of that.

And I'm a huge advocate of customer feedback.

But I dislike whining.

See the difference...

Customer feedback.

Crying like a five year old....

Huge difference.

If you are going to discuss my post use quotes so that you could at least be somewhat credible.

and for the record, mofo is no more a curse than WTF, GTFO, STFU. or any of those other lovely things that fly around forums.

Edited to add... see why I quote everything nytelife?


You know.... I barely come onto the fourms but everytime i do, there's always people complaining about everything... There is a certain amount of complaining that people can do untill it becomes "Bleeping" and moaning. Honestly i'll say it if you dislike this game there's the door, last year it was nothing but complaining about the insane amount of money, now it's complaining about having to little money. When i first started playing in 2002, no one had money and no one complained the prices weren't that far off but people dealed, most just bought currency off of ebay "which was against TOS" and they... Then they sat back and lobby'd about scammers and how upset they were at them because the person gettin scammed was a fool to ever believe such crazy deals from someone they barely knew. Now they give you atms and now people don't want to spend money? Umm where were all of you when no one jammed - like it was stated in previous posts, people where locked in there house and people love to build!! Thats fine but this game is about interaction and if you want to build to make your house a mansion then work for it and when you're done it will be so much more satifying. HOW EVER! if you just want to build for the sakes of building because you enjoy it, save yourself ten dollars a month and purchase The Sims "8 in 1" package, people you can build as much as you want there and have as much money as you want there and have no limitations and the best part about it... It's only ONE FEE!!!! Wowwww that is soo cool. I've complained numerous times, in the past and i've quit this game numerous times and came back years later with my accounts and sims wiped, yeah i didn't like the game at the time and i quit, and i came back because i wanted to see where the economy was.. Yeah all my stuff was gone, big whoops i worked hard for it like the rest of you, it's virtual people... If losing certain things from a game affects your life then it's time to "get a life" and persue real life.

-- Your friendly neighborhood spider




If someone wants to call other posters mofos, then if its ok with the mods, it should be ok with us all... as long as thats a green light for anyone that feels like cussing.

What I find REALLY funny though, is that she was referring to people that are complaining about the state of the game.... Complaining about the state of the game is FAR more relevant to this post than complaining about people that do it.

I wonder why it seems to some people a good idea NOT to complain about the way things are going when the end result if things continue as they are will be the end of the game through customer dissatisfaction.
Cusomer feedback is essential to the survival of a game which is on the brink.

Most voices on here are saying basically (from what i read) that stopping botting by limiting peoples ability to buy land, build or anything really meaningful is the wrong direction to go. The game has had a lot of the fun taken out of it by attempting this and discenting voices are surely needed to point this out to the devs.

It quite shocks me that the majority of the mods on here don't or won't see the damage this fugal monetary system is doing to the morale of the customers and generally seem to look down on those of us that want it brought to the forefront of the devs minds.

[/ QUOTE ]

See Jammy my post is being misread as saying "Don't complain" 'take it or leave it"

I never said any of that.


" honestly people. You don't like the game, quit for goodness sakes. There are some things I dislike, but others I do. Whatever its' just a game.

just a game.

Cancel the subscription and go. "


Hmmmm..... I must have misread this then. I read this as saying that if we dont like how the game is now, then rather than speak our minds and try to get it changed, we should take it or leave it.


"And I'm a huge advocate of customer feedback.

But I dislike whining.

See the difference...

Customer feedback.

Crying like a five year old....

Huge difference.

If you are going to discuss my post use quotes so that you could at least be somewhat credible."


I didnt feel it was necesary to quote your passage, it was plain what you meant and you've reitterated it here.
In my opinion, its you that doesnt know the difference between whining and customer feedback as it seems that anything negative towards the game you regard as whining.
"crying like a 5 year old" is that the oposite of "cheerleading"? If so, I guess we are both guilty in each others eyes.
At least us "whiners" often have positive things to say about the game too and are trying to improve it, all the cheerleaders do is rubbish any negative posts and hasten the demise of the game in the process by attempting to keep things as they are now with unhappy (paying for now) customers.
If everyone followed your advice and quit because they didn't like the game as it is now, then you wouldn't have a game left to be so happy about.
Bottom line is that EA NEEDS us all and in order to sustain the game, we need to "whine" about whats wrong with it in the hopes it will be fixed so that people who are on the verge of quitting actually stay to keep it alive.


and for the record, mofo is no more a curse than WTF, GTFO, STFU. or any of those other lovely things that fly around forums.


Oh dear dear.... Are you really trying to tell us that mofo is not cussing? Please spell it out for us, what do the letters mofo stand for in your world?
Please don't try to pretend its all innocent because you didn't actually spell the word out.
It's every bit as bad as "GFO" which you also use.....
I wasn't complaining about it anyway, i was simply saying that if its ok for you to cuss, then i just hope its ok for anyone else that wants to.





If someone wants to call other posters mofos, then if its ok with the mods, it should be ok with us all... as long as thats a green light for anyone that feels like cussing.

What I find REALLY funny though, is that she was referring to people that are complaining about the state of the game.... Complaining about the state of the game is FAR more relevant to this post than complaining about people that do it.

I wonder why it seems to some people a good idea NOT to complain about the way things are going when the end result if things continue as they are will be the end of the game through customer dissatisfaction.
Cusomer feedback is essential to the survival of a game which is on the brink.

Most voices on here are saying basically (from what i read) that stopping botting by limiting peoples ability to buy land, build or anything really meaningful is the wrong direction to go. The game has had a lot of the fun taken out of it by attempting this and discenting voices are surely needed to point this out to the devs.

It quite shocks me that the majority of the mods on here don't or won't see the damage this fugal monetary system is doing to the morale of the customers and generally seem to look down on those of us that want it brought to the forefront of the devs minds.

[/ QUOTE ]

See Jammy my post is being misread as saying "Don't complain" 'take it or leave it"

I never said any of that.


" honestly people. You don't like the game, quit for goodness sakes. There are some things I dislike, but others I do. Whatever its' just a game.

just a game.

Cancel the subscription and go. "


Hmmmm..... I must have misread this then. I read this as saying that if we dont like how the game is now, then rather than speak our minds and try to get it changed, we should take it or leave it.


"And I'm a huge advocate of customer feedback.

But I dislike whining.

See the difference...

Customer feedback.

Crying like a five year old....

Huge difference.

If you are going to discuss my post use quotes so that you could at least be somewhat credible."


I didnt feel it was necesary to quote your passage, it was plain what you meant and you've reitterated it here.
In my opinion, its you that doesnt know the difference between whining and customer feedback as it seems that anything negative towards the game you regard as whining.
"crying like a 5 year old" is that the oposite of "cheerleading"? If so, I guess we are both guilty in each others eyes.
At least us "whiners" often have positive things to say about the game too and are trying to improve it, all the cheerleaders do is rubbish any negative posts and hasten the demise of the game in the process by attempting to keep things as they are now with unhappy (paying for now) customers.
If everyone followed your advice and quit because they didn't like the game as it is now, then you wouldn't have a game left to be so happy about.
Bottom line is that EA NEEDS us all and in order to sustain the game, we need to "whine" about whats wrong with it in the hopes it will be fixed so that people who are on the verge of quitting actually stay to keep it alive.


and for the record, mofo is no more a curse than WTF, GTFO, STFU. or any of those other lovely things that fly around forums.


Oh dear dear.... Are you really trying to tell us that mofo is not cussing? Please spell it out for us, what do the letters mofo stand for in your world?
Please don't try to pretend its all innocent because you didn't actually spell the word out.
It's every bit as bad as "GFO" which you also use.....
I wasn't complaining about it anyway, i was simply saying that if its ok for you to cuss, then i just hope its ok for anyone else that wants to.

[/ QUOTE ]

No, whiners do not have positive things to say. If I were to quote all the inncessent bellyaching that has gone on for the past four years by the same players it'd be construed as a personal attack so I won't. Obviously you mistake my tone, and I can tell by what you picked to quote... completely irrelevant, it only proves my point.

If you want to take me saying that as saying that to anyone who gripes against the game, so be it.

If you are implying that I'm a cheerleader, there too you are sadly mistaken. I could really give a flying fig about the game. I have other games I play. It is not my life. Its simply a hobby to enjoy.

BUt I'm willing to realize that EA is a corporation. I've said this in many posts.
Corporations do not care about you. They care about how much money you can give to their company.

The Dev team works for that corporation at their direction. They might be closer to the community, and even have friends in the community... but in the end they are here to pay their bills. I see people on these forums act like EA and/or Devs have personally slighted them.

Its nothing personal... tis business.

When I say I'm a huge advocate of player feedback... I stand by that... If you revisit my thousands of posts... you'll see me say for ppl to suggest over and over again... especially since the wiki was put out there.

So Jammy or w/e... you can jump to assumptions all you want based on my posts.

I stand by it.

Its just a game. If it disrupts your life and makes you miserable (which is the impression I get from how many present themselves on this forum)

Then gtfo.




If someone wants to call other posters mofos, then if its ok with the mods, it should be ok with us all... as long as thats a green light for anyone that feels like cussing.

What I find REALLY funny though, is that she was referring to people that are complaining about the state of the game.... Complaining about the state of the game is FAR more relevant to this post than complaining about people that do it.

I wonder why it seems to some people a good idea NOT to complain about the way things are going when the end result if things continue as they are will be the end of the game through customer dissatisfaction.
Cusomer feedback is essential to the survival of a game which is on the brink.

Most voices on here are saying basically (from what i read) that stopping botting by limiting peoples ability to buy land, build or anything really meaningful is the wrong direction to go. The game has had a lot of the fun taken out of it by attempting this and discenting voices are surely needed to point this out to the devs.

It quite shocks me that the majority of the mods on here don't or won't see the damage this fugal monetary system is doing to the morale of the customers and generally seem to look down on those of us that want it brought to the forefront of the devs minds.

[/ QUOTE ]
I can't agree that Jackie was refering to all complainers - but I don't need to defend her as she is perfectly capable of taking care of herself.
From my own point of view, I see it pretty much the same way as she, except I use different words to express it.
Childish complaining with the breast beating, inane threats, selfish whining about personal wants, 3rd grade stubborness, etc. - do nothing to help the situation any more than the unwillingness of some to accept that there *are* problems. The 'whining complainers' and the 'adoring fans' are opposite ends of the same smelly stick - as are those who ridicule and denigrate legitimate complaints and/or compliments.
You will find that, in most posts that use intelligence and reason to express a complaint or compliment - it is only the smelly stick people who attack relentlessly. Others will usually express their opposition in a reasonable, considered manner.
'Smelly Stickers' are a detriment to the board and only make the rest of us look bad. I see no reason to pamper them or pretend their diatribe has credence.

Every shot they receive in return is well earned.

*All of us have a tendencey to slide toward one end of the stick or the other from time to time - this is understandable, so long as we don't take up permanent residence.*


<font color="red">General Warning to the thread</font>

The topic of this thread is the direction the Devs's are taking with game development.

The topic of this thread is *not*, complianing, complainers, abbreviations, 'cheerleaders' or personal disputes.

If you wish to personally 'discuss' these topics with another poster, take it to PM.

If you feel a post violates the <font color="blue">Stratics Rules of Conduct</font>, use the notify button.

If you hate everything someone says, put them on ignore.

Please keep all further comments on topic.

Thank you.



<font color="red">General Warning to the thread</font>

The topic of this thread is the direction the Devs's are taking with game development.

The topic of this thread is *not*, complianing, complainers, abbreviations, 'cheerleaders' or personal disputes.

If you wish to personally 'discuss' these topics with another poster, take it to PM.

If you feel a post violates the <font color="blue">Stratics Rules of Conduct</font>, use the notify button.

If you hate everything someone says, put them on ignore.

Please keep all further comments on topic.

Thank you.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thank You Gilly. I am so disgusted that this thread has been hijacked by both independents as well as Stratics' representatives that I was not going to bother commenting further. I was considering creating another thread, however your admonitions will allow me to sit back and see how this develops.

The intention of this thread was a plea to EA and it's staff to strongly reconsider their methodology in how they are implementing the refurbishment of TSO/EA-Land. As a devoted subscriber to TSO/EA-Land and one who has worked as an administrator of a large LAN and WAN for a large corporation, I was suspicious of the manner in which this entire facelift was approached almost from the beginning.

If the topic of this thread is understood by the majority to be a "whine" thread, then I apologize, I have expressed myself poorly--that is not the intent at all. If there are those for whom the game runs fine and they see no problems with it--good for them, I'm glad some at least some are not experiencing the problems many are facing. The "STFU and quit whining" attitude simply indicate a selfish and narrow minded approach to EA-Land IMO. The negatives must be heard and addressed if the program is to be improved and improved enough to attract and hold increased subscribership.

If complaints (and yes, even the whining) irritate these people (as well as EA staff), I would say to them, "consider this...If negative comments are giving you a pain, it is a good thing that said complaints are being made publicly. Pain is nature's way of telling you that something is not right and needs attending to. The continued complaints indicates that people still care about the game and want it to succeed." EA needs to pay attention to the voices of not only those who are happy, but to those who are UNhappy as well. Likewise, in the position of de facto "voice of TSO/EA-Land," Stratics should be very tolerant of those whose comments are not always complimentary to EA and its staff--and should be doing everything in its power to ensure that EA is addressing the concerns of ALL subscribers.


*clears throat*

I think the devs are doing a wonderful job, and i hope EA makes a killing off of us. This way if this becomes really successfull, they will look into bigger and better games. Because if this game makes them alot of money then they invest to make it even better.

I think the direction the game has taken is much better since the numbers have decreased since 2003 and i've watched them decrease. About a year ago i couldn't even skill and if someone had a house open it was to get rid of money. Example: "I'll pay 100k per skill point"... It was ridiculas.

One of my concerns was the title "EA Land." I was at a gamers site and i told people oh yeah the sims online they changed it to "EA LAND" and they were like "what? Are you serious, why would i play a game titled EA LAND... not to mention the outdated graphics but EA Land? Who are they kidding?"

another thing i've read "What a terrible idea for a name, take one of the most despised company names in gaming today and add the word land to it; sounds like a recipe for disaster. "

But that's not the main concern here, i think EA Land is a decent concept at the moment and it's better than The Sims Online, why? Because already more are interested in EA Land then they were in TSO. The only reason TSO has a lack of updates was because the numbers were dropping and they didn't want to waste there time or money. Which if it was my business i would of dropped it all together in that case. We're in a new age where appearance and game-play is everything, so maybe as time progresses and the game is all set they can stop worrying about the "Little things" and then get to the big picture... because let's face it Rome wasn't built in one day..

(if you're wondering where i got all the criticism for the name i got it here http://www.gamespot.com/news/6186790.html )




I dont mind the beta test I just don't like the risking a character I've worked 5 years building on a test that might not work. I'm thinking of closing my accounts after all this time. I would have rather kept my tso in tact until they had a solid foundation to put my lot on.

[/ QUOTE ]
You are not the first to express a similar sentiment....but seriously, does no one see the contradiction?

Players don't want to 'risk' an old sim, but they are thinking of deleting them?

That is just plain crazy talk.

It was these type of mixed messages that ended up costing us 8 months in development time for the basic game to get everyone merged, and I personally suspect the merge is responsible for the majority of the set backs and problems, we are having now.

If the Devs are "off track", it is most likely from trying to reconcile the player's crazy, conflicting demands, instead of focusing on 'developing' the game according to their own expert and professional knowledge.

After all....no one griping here, has worked professionally, on any award winning games.

[/ QUOTE ]

I was think the same thing, you beat me to the punch but that's ok as I love your post.




The numbers just were not there, and the vast majority of original players had moved on and out of the game....indicating that the game as it existed was *not* providing adequate fun for the majority of the people who tried it.

These questions about the future are legitimate and remain to be answered, but the one about the viability of the old game has *been* answered, many, many times. However fond, the few remaining players at the beginning of 2007, were of the old game, it simply did not have what it took to survive. That is the bottom line.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think that is a matter of opinion. The viability of the old game was not there mainly because people left in droves when the money bug wasnt fixed. Prior to that coming into play, i believe there were enough players to sustain it and all it really needed was a few updates to keep us happy

[/ QUOTE ]

That's why I took my vacation (left). The money exploit took all the fun out of the game for me. I didn't have to skill, I didn't have to make money in any way as I had all I could ever need. No goals no challenge, IMHO there wasn't any game. It was terribly boring. Nothing to do. I still don't know what the exploit was and don't care. It ruined the game for me.

Now I have to work again to gain my goals there is a newness to the adventure for me again. I am actually having fun and enjoying logging in to my accounts.

I'm a very patient person and I'm not going to worry too much about what is going on today, as tomorrow when they are done testing today, everything may change.
This is a work in progress and the different issues that are causing all the problems may just be there for us to test and input on, they may not be there for any other purpose. Tomorrow or next month they may be a thing of the past.

I like the Dev's I appreciate their time and work on this game. I'm not going to presume to know their intent, goals or hearts. I just know, that for me it is a great adventure again. For me there is fun when I log into my accounts again. I haven't felt this for some time.


I don't consider abbreviated cuss words as cussing.
I did have to look up GFO though, and then laughed when I found it.

I understand what you're saying, Jackie. There is a difference between constructive complaints and complaing for the sake of complaining.

I could picture MaxisLuc looking at Stratics sometimes, and feeling like Peter in Office Space when he's getting hounded by 20,000,000 people about his TPS report.

"Luc, have you got amnesty ready? Um... Yeeeea... I need you to get that done."

*falls out of chair laughing* I know Milton will laugh at that.




I think that is a matter of opinion. The viability of the old game was not there mainly because people left in droves when the money bug wasnt fixed. Prior to that coming into play, i believe there were enough players to sustain it and all it really needed was a few updates to keep us happy

[/ QUOTE ]Which money bug would this be?

The game's population hit its peak in the fall of 2003, when N&amp;I came out. Since that time, the game's population has steadily declined. Although it was just icing on the cake, the big money exploit that was left unchecked occurred toward the end of 2006, and had nothing to do with the game's demise.

Gilly is correct. The game as we knew it was not viable, and the steadily declining numbers since 2003 prove it. Therefore, any suggestions that the game should have been left alone or that the game be returned back to the way it was, or even resemble the way it was, are ill-advised.

[/ QUOTE ]

I was able to hang on until the money exploit but I agree with you that the game had lost it's upward climb some time back. After the money exploit it was time for me to take a vacation. I was not enjoying my time on line any more. I still paid for most of my accounts as I was hopeful something might change. Ever hopeful. It has and now I am back playing. I don't know where the game is going, I'm not thrilled with ALL the new changes but I gave my input on that sometime back. I'm not going to keep shoving it down peoples throats adnauseum. I'm having fun and playing again so I will wait to see how it all goes and be patient. Sometimes it takes a while to create a new world.



I make the majority of my money working in robot factory or diner. My custom content uploads have been for the most part experimental or for my own use. I have sold a few things here and there to friends but nothing that would make me rich. I would expect the money that I have made in a store would be less than 50k in the 4 months that ealand has been open.(all of which, I continue to sink into my experimental cc uploads) I had two houses from Betaville come in the merge with multitudes of old and useless objects that no one in their right mind would buy. Not to mention that both of these homes had to be remodeled once they arrived because I no longer needed private bathrooms all over the house for shy sims. I brought my home from Dan's Grove fully furnished with anything I would need and just a piddling amount of items for resale.

I have no problem setting a goal and achieving it. Sure, I would love to be playing pizza for money because I've always enjoyed it. However, I discovered I can make money faster in a job track so I do that to achieve my goals faster. I will have no problem jamming for hours if that becomes the most lucrative and time saving way to make money. However, that is not the case today. Besides the 3 lots that came from the old cities, I have my property I bought in EAland the day it opened and long before merges. Before the merges, I was able to build what I felt to be a very comfortable living.

I'm sorry if my having fun and having the ability to make money has ruined the game for you.

[/ QUOTE ]

Don't apologize Gracie for what you have been able to achieve. Be proud of it and remember that if you can do it, others can too.

People need to understand that they can either add to the game or tear it down. Ultimately they are in control. If they still love the game and hope it succeeds then stick with it, if not, well then they have lots of choices of what they can do then. We've all been faced with that I think.

I'm having fun and enjoying myself and at the moment I am glad that I did not burn any bridges with my accounts when I took my little vacation. It gave me the chance to work on upgrading both my computer as well as my Internet connection. I am sooooo happy I did that because I have had practically NO issues since coming back.