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Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wiki Moderator
Feelin’ Crabby Angling Tournament Leaderboard

Feelin’ Crabby Angling Tournament

Vessel Achievements
Wednesday, August 17th

The Rum Runner: 2,228

Wotan Von Asgard, 2228

SKS Star: 10,075
Orin, 4237
Heimaterde, 88
Bishop, 2701
Elves, 626
Kaiko, 1486
Calixtula, 391
Adrianna, 303
Poopsie, 243

Crimson Stingray: 0
Judge, 0

The Lil' Morsel: 2,246
Sushi, 2246

Black Dragon: 603
Slick Willy, 603

The Big Stuff
Wednesday, August 17th

Most Named Catches by Vessel
SKS Star, 125
Lil Morsel, 2
Rum Runner, 2

Named Catches
Adrianna, 9
Bishop, 117
Elves, 24
Kaiko, 6
Orin, 170
Sushi, 4
Wotan, 2

Heaviest Crabs (Top 3)
Stone 146 Orin - SKS
Stone 133 Bishop
Stone 131 Orin - SKS
Spider 127 Orin - SKS

Heaviest Lobster
Lobster, Blood 65 Orin - SKS
Lobster, Blue 89 Orin - SKS​

Results for Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Vessel Achievements - Most Crustaceans

The Rum Runner: 900
Wotan Von Asgard, 900

SKS Star: 3377
Orin, 1155
Heimaterde, 88
Bishop, 266
Elves, 626
Kaiko, 324
Calixtula, 391
Adrianna, 284
Poopsie, 243

Crimson Stingray: 0
Judge, 0

The Lil' Morsel: 496
Sushi, 496

Most Crabs
No Results

Most Lobsters
No Results

Most Big Crustaceans
No Results

Results for Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Individual - Angling Achievements

Most Named Catches as a result of weight
No Results

Heaviest Crab
No Results

Heaviest Lobster
No Results

Results for Monday, May 25, 2011
Vessel Achievements - Most Crustaceans

SKS Star: 1186
-Orin, 417
-Heimaterde, 88
-Bishop, 266
-Elves, 264
-Kaiko 161

Rum Runner: 225
-Wotan Von Asgard, 225

Crimson Stingray : 0
-Judge, 0

Most Crabs
No Results

Most Lobsters
No Results

Most Big Crustaceans
No Results

Results for Monday, May 25, 2011
Individual - Angling Achievements

Most Named Catches as a result of weight
No Results

Heaviest Crab
No Results

Heaviest Lobster
No Results

Remember the Tournament runs all the way from now until September, so you have plenty of time to form a crew and increase you vessel counts. This is still anyone’s game and we hope to see you out there next time!

"Big Stuff" Amendment...
From Elder EM Dudley

For Vessel achievement of Most Big Crustaceans (Crabs and Lobsters of any type with name of person catching and date appropriate to tournament window) we will accept any crab or lobster fished up, from a vessel, during a specified tournament window (Usually a 4 hour slot on a given night).

The crustacean must have the appropriate date, as well as a "caught by" tag & weight. No crustacean turned in, except from a tournament window, and caught on a ship, will count towards this achievement.

As far as all the individual achievements, you may fish openly to satisfy the requirements, and turn in any crustacean, so long as the date falls within the tournament period (5/25/2011 and 9/6/2011). It will be the responsibility of the angler to save the catch to be turned in during a tournament window.

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wiki Moderator
The City of Area 51

The City of Area 51
(Will appear on the web pages of the Chesapeake Shard Directory once Stratics launches its project.)

Our guild is located out the west gate in Luna. We are a fun loving bunch that loves to help each other and hang out, have fun and just enjoy each other’s company. We are all about helping others, and doing what we can to make Chesapeake a better place to play. As we all know there is not one person or guild that would get a 100% great reviews on any shard, but I think that the ones on Chesapeake get better coodos than most shards.

We have several members that are vet players, we try to teach the new players that respect in this game is usually gotten if it’s given. We have a guild house, a crafter house, alchemy, fishing, archer house, Smithy shop all located in our little village. Usually when we wake and have our coffee walk out the door to go in search of something to hunt, it's waiting at the steps ( A crystal Ele) to give us a wake up call. We love our little village. So we tolerate those mean little crystals. (They could wait till I have my second cup of coffee though :).

I would love to say thank you to all our members each and every one of you have made UFO awesome, and an awesome guild to be in. So THANK YOU!!! I would name all of you but I’m afraid Gareth would put a hit out on my head again. LOL but Guild Leader Macabre (Peengu) and co Guild Leader Abby Normal want to thank all of you and say we love each and every one of you.