Township Summit Meeting Information Archive
March 31, 2010
By: Tancred Redstar
The Bi-weekly Chesapeake Township Summit was convened by Lady Tavalia Zodok, Ambassador of the Crown, March 31, 2010(Earth time) at 8:31pm in the evening and a roll call was taken.
Roll Call
Rivi Ravenwynd sat for Zedland
Wat the Tyler sat for Al Ellisande
Nyx sat for Cimmerian Pass
Tancred RedStar sat for Gyldenfeld
Lord Angus sat for Guardians Gate
Tatania Karthina sat for PaxOku
Winfield sat for PaxLair City
Ozog for Pitmuck
Darth Oni sat for Silvervale
Miss Watson sat for Kijustsu Anei Village
Manshoon sat for Moria
Poseidon sat Kijustsu Anei Keys
Lord Coolhand Luke arrived late and sat for Colt at 8:35pm.
Nanoc arrived late and sat for Dragons Watch 8:35pm.
Lady Lootu Too arrived late and sat for Templar at 8:36pm as Prowler was afk.
Al Ellisande called absent.
Nidaros called absent.
Kijustsu Anei Keys called absent.
Benito the Fryr gave seating trouble but was eventually convinced to sit in the observation gallery.
Official business was then commenced as such:
Treaty of Moria to the Crown
Lady Tavalia Zodok brings up the matter of the treaty petition of Moria, given it's recent political turmoil, and asks if the new treaty has been prepared. Miss Watson indicates it has and a copy already delivered to the crown. Lady Zodok says she will have a page check the post.
PaxLair diplomatic tour of Moria
Winfield, Governor of PaxLair, reports of a diplomatic tour. He calls Ben, Ambassador for PaxLair Statehood, to present the report. Lady Zodok acknowledges him as a speaker. Ben recounts the tour, saying a PaxLair delegation toured Moria, hosted by Manshoon of Moria, who showed them a wonderful time, full of lore and history. He ends his report speaking of a hope for better relations between PaxLair and Moria.
Poseidon arrived late and sat for Kijustsu Anei Keys at 8:42.
Wat the Tyler arrived late and sat for Al Ellisande at 8:49.
Lady Zodok briefly revisits the business of the new treaty between the Crown and Moria, saying a decision will be pronounced at the next meeting.
Chesapeake Theater Season Commences
Tatania Karthina of PaxOku extends an invitation to all to partake of the Chesapeake Theater as it's season has begun. She then proceeds to pass out books containing additional information about the same.
Zedland Grows
Rivi Ravenwynd of Zedland announces Zedland now has 25 buildings. Lady Zodok acknowledges this by stating the register of records shall be updated.
Maritime Dispute
Lord Angus of Guardians Gate lodges a complaint that Kijustsu Anei Keys has too many ships blocking sea access from their bay. Miss Watson of Kijustsu Anei immediately objects. Lady Zodok quickly calls for order after accusations begin to fly and asks for proof of a "blockade". Nanoc of Dragons Watch mutters merely to "sink them" if the ships interfere.
Poseidon of Kijustsu Anei Keys asks to formally refute the claims, to which Lady Zodok asks him to proceed. Poseidon attempts to clarify the matter, saying while there are ships in the bay, they are not meant as a blockade, they were placed there merely in haste as the Kijustsu Anei Keys docks are currently under rennovation. This explanation is met with renewed grumbling from around the table.
Lady Zodok states that the Royal Navy is presently tied up in Jhelom dealing with the mysterious whirlpool situation and so little aid is currently available. Thus, in that regard, each city should seek to secure their home waters as necessary.
Tancred RedStar of Gyldenfeld interjected he similarly saw the Imperium fleet off the coast from Gyldenfeld, questioning why a fleet would sail so far from home for manuevers and especially right outside the harbor of another town. Winfield of PaxLair City adds that he too witnessed the same group of ships in that vicinity.
Lady Zodok pronounces that any action Guardians Gate may take, including aggressive actions, will not be construed specifically as aggressive towards the crown, but on the same note, the seas are a wild place and all are still yet bound to directives issued by the Royal Navy.
Manshoon of Moria retorts that in this light, by not enforcing law by force, the Crown has little sway over such matters. He then quietly continues that, nonetheless, the ships shall be moved, darkly adding that had it been a "real blockade", it would have been readily apparent.
Lady Zodok concludes the discussion saying:"It is the policy of the Crown to not involve itself in the dealings of individual Townships. Lest the interest of the Crown fall into question, or a township peitions the crown for such support, as bound by treaty, that request of course may be honored or denied at the bequest of her Majesty."
After more protracted accusals, posturing and rebuttals, Lady Zodok seeks to move business forward onto other matters.
Prowler of Templar interjects, saying Templar warships have received dispatch orders for war. Manshoon says the blockade was an act of war to begin, and their sinking shall be an act of enjoyment.
Lady Zodok reminds everyone that the High Seas are open to the wilds of conflict unless it directly imperils the interests of the Crown. However, conflicts on land, Lady Zodok continues, are an entirely seperate matter and may warrant decisive action from the Crown.
Brief recess called at 9:35pm.
A Royal Engineering Corp representative adjusts the address system.
Recess adjourned at 9:43pm.
Prowler of Templar announces all ships from Kijustsu Anei Village will be stopped, inspected and sent back.
Deputy Commander of the Royal Guard Voting
Winfield of PaxLair City asks how the results of the vote for Deputy Commander of the Royal Guard shall be announced. Lady Zodok says the Chief Detective shall make that announcement.
Current Status of Township Relations with the Crown
Winfield inquires as to the loyalty of certain communities. Lady Zodok clarifies the matter a reading through of the current register of communities and their self-proclaimed loyalties.
Sovereign Rights of Crown Treaty Partners in Tokuno Islands
Winfield asks about the sovereign status of PaxOku as it lays in the Tokuno Islands, a region of the world nominally overseen by the Empress of Tokuno. Lady Zodok indicates that PaxOku is recognized as a political entity under jurisdiction of the Crown. Furthermore, the Empress is aware of this and takes no issue with the fact.
As a follow-up question, Winfield asks if the Crown would at some point be willing to hear upon the matter of the designation and acceptable use of a shared area of land, formerly of PaxOku but now of Kijustsu Anei, should treaty discussions fail to settle the matters. Lady Zodok indicates she does not see this as an issue, but would consider it if necessary.
Lady Zodok formally adjourns the meeting at 10:09pm.
Next Township Summit/Assembly Meeting currently scheduled for 8:30pm on Wednesday, April 7
March 18, 2010
The Bi-weekly Chesapeake Township Summit was convened by Lady Tavalia Zodok, Ambassador of the Crown, at 8:32 in the evening and a roll call was taken.
Noted Absent:
Kijustsu Anei Keys
First order of business was a rejoined call, from the previous meeting, for community teleporter petitions.
The following townships petitioned for a teleporter:
Moria, by Manshoon
Cimmerian Pass, by Nyx
Al Ellisande, by Gowron Dukaat
Silvervale, by Naitch
Lydia then appeared and took seat for Pitmuck.
Lady Zodok made an aside as to the question of Moria, given it's recent transitional status with regards to it's governance and political situation, and required that a new treaty of recognition be petitioned of the Crown afresh. Lady Zodok consigned Manshoon to deliver this message and it's requirements to whatever new governance is now in place in Moria.
At this, Manshoon got lippy about it, stating how he is no one's errand boy. This raised an eyebrow or two with Lady Zodok who reiterated in a somewhat sterner tone that a new treaty of recognition would need to be approved prior to any teleporter construction decision, but also quietly added that any aggression would be dealt with "appropriately".
A recess for 10 minutes was then called by Lady Zodok at 8:47.
Prowler appears and takes seat for Templar.
The recess adjourned at 8:57 and conduction of business resumes.
Van Helsing appears and takes seat for Colt.
The business of teleporter petitions resumes, first with Silvervale.
Grace O'Malley appears and takes seat for Kijustsu Anei Keys.
The vote on the petition for a teleporter for Silvervale is called for and subsequently affirmed unanimously.
The vote on the petition for a teleporter for Cimmerian Pass is called for and subsequently affirmed unanimously.
The vote on the petition for a teleporter for Al Ellisande is called for and subsequently affirmed unanimously.
Lady Zodok then calls for other official business.
Tancred RedStar of Gyldenfeld requested the sea zone restriction imposed by the Crown a month ago after the appearance of a dangerous whirlpool west of Jhelom be lifted, citing no more ships have been lost.
Lady Zodok mentioned she will speak further on the matter with Commander Foxx but approves the lifting of the restriction, re-opening the waters south of Skara Brae and west of Jhelom to maritime trade and ship traffic.
Miss Watson of Kijustsu Anei requested Kijustsu Anei, Kijustsu Anei Keys and Moria be moved and recognized together.
Lady Zodok reponded the matter will be considered after the new treaty of recognition with Moria is received and reviewed.
Winfield of PaxLair said PaxLair City is having problems transporting goods to PaxOku via sea. They have to had beach their ships and move goods by land, which is dangerous as PaxLair City is in Felucca. Various comments then flooded the table, including a request for a sort of SeaGate(similar in function to a moongate or the Serpent Pillars). Winfield added that a search for information regarding such magics or construction has been ongoing and continues through volumes of old books.
Lady Zodok said she would bring this matter to the attention of Queen Dawn for consideration of feasibilty, if it were even possible.
Grace O'Malley of Kijustsu Anei Keys was recognized and read a prepared statement from the Acting Portreeve of Kijustsu Anei Keys:"I, Odin Doomhammer, have reviewed my predecessor's files and have determined that a misjudgement was made when deciding to be loyal to the Crown. I hereby decree that the Kijustsu Anei Keys loyalty be recorded for the records and changed from loyal to the Crown to neutral."
Lady Zodok responded, saying this will jeopardize the consideration of rendering aid from the Crown in times of need. She quietly added "tread carefully in the guise of neutrality, fFor bearing false witness to such will not be dealt with kindly"
Tatania Karthina of PaxOku said she heard a rumor in Zento that the Empress of the Tokuno Islands might be touring her lands therein.
Lady Zodok thanked Lady Karthina for the news and made note of it.
Tancred RedStar of Gyldenfeld proposed cattle drive into the capital for the purpose of presenting the monarch, or her designee, a choice from among the herd of the finest cattle to stock the Royal Larder.
Lady Zodok approved of the idea and correspondence would be forthcoming to arrange the details.
Winfield of PaxLair City followed up, requesting any such cattle drive plan to include clean up efforts behind the cattle of what comes from the behind of cattle.
Tancred RedStar of Gyldenfeld quickly remarked that's what orcs are for.
Lady Zodok, to address the issue, said the Ministry of Sanitation will be notified with regards to clean up efforts.
Lady Zodok then moved to close the meeting, pronouncing the next township assembly/summit meeting will be on March 31.
Future meeting dates shall be April 7 and April 21 for the month of April 2010.
There will be no meeting May 5th, 2010.
Lady Zodok then adjourned the meeting.
Township Summit & More
Britain Castle, Trammel
March 3, 2010
By: Merik
Summit Chamber Lock Down
Commander Drake Foxx entered the Hall after receiving word
about the slain noble discovered in the chambers by Miss Watson
of Kijustsu Anei Village. He confined all delegates to the chamber
by order of the Queen, until the threat could be understood. Miss
Watson was escorted from the Chambers to give an official
statement on the situation. Once she returned she handed it to
the commander. After glancing it over he informed the room of
delegates that the Ambassador would be along shortly.
Ambassador Tavalia Zodok entered the room
shortly after and addressed the chamber.
A noble of the court was murdered this day attempting to deliver a
message to this office. Her Majesty thanks thee for the cooperation
during our investigation. As mentioned, a note was discovered
earlier today. Along with the unfortunate victim addressed to this
office, the note has since been lost or stolen that determination
has yet to be made. Has any township sent a parcel by way of
courier to this office? Can any take claim for this communiqué?"
Each town of the towns in attendance replied with
not having sent a communiqué to the office.
As information becomes available this office will update as needed.
Should any become aware of this attempted communiqué Tould be
a violation of the crown to obstruct such communication.
Commander Foxx is handling the investigations.
Attacks throughout the realm
You may be aware of attacks throughout the realm. The most
recent assault on the Sea is a frightening reminder of the world in
which we love. This is vile treachery afoot, and we must unite to
overcome it. Thankfully, with the help of many of you seated here
this eve as well as your kinsmen alike. The threat was dispatched
and once again our efforts at the Serpent's Pillar are on schedule.
Lord Balandar has informed this Office s solution to the most recent
obstacle is within each. And soon he shall call upon three to help
obtain the necessary supplies. Again I stress this implicitly. Reports
of intrusion must be delivered at once and any indication of who or
what challenged us must be discovered and researched in a timely
manner. Reports of such actions may be made through the Royal
Guard. The brave citizens of Al Ellisande have succeeded in keeping
the supply of sand constant. Through the treacherous deserts.
Transportation Hub
Andrea Kildare has enough resources now available to begin
construction of a transportation hub that will link all eligible locations.
Should you feel your representative communities are worth of being
a part of this hub it shall be indicated by no less than three of your
peers. And not before any claim of the contrary to be addressed and
decided. Are there any townships that request such consideration at
this table?
The following towns were found to be worthy of connection to the
transportation hub. Each town received a 100% yes vote from
those in attendance.
Dragons Watch
Guardians Gate
Kijustsu Anei Village
Kijustsu Anei Keys
Paxlair City
However Moria Village was excluded from consideration. Moria has
currently been conquered by the Ethereal Void Imperium. Tavalia
Zodok responded to the news by nullifying the treaty between the
Crown and the Village of Moria. The crown will not be sending any
reinforcements to Moria.
Townships Addressing The Chamber
Miss Watson, Kijustsu Anei Village-
A book was delivered at the last meeting requesting
action of the crown. Was it missed?
Rivi Ravenwynd, Zedland-
We were attacked with undead creatures and a green dragon. We
also noticed a summoning device on our banner. The summoning
device on our banner was removed since though. We sent out a
request for help and many responded. Even though the hour was late.
A Spy
A odd looking color creature was seen whispering into the ears of a
few townships representatives. He even whispered to me and I think
the creature said something along the lines of Miss Watson is a liar.
I am unsure what the creature whispered to others in attendance.
[SIZE=+1]Township Summit[/SIZE][SIZE=+1]
[/SIZE]Castle, Britain City
Torchwood is no longer recognized by the crown. Gunga Din is now a
wanted man by the Royal Guard for crimes against the crown. Gunga Din
earlier in the week stole her majesty's Yacht, which was later stolen from
him by Scarlet Von Trinsic.
Whirlpool Discovery
Her Majesty would like to extend her warmest and sincere thanks to the
citizens for attending this summit. And for your continued interaction. For
those who have not been privy to the decree. By order of the Royal Navy.
The waters to the far south of Skara Brae and West of Jhelom have been
closed. This is in response to the mysterious whirlpool discovered next to
the Serpent's Pillar.
For the safety of boaters and sailors throughout the Kingdom This
measure was taken to prevent further losses in the area. You all stand
notified and the Crown thanks you all for your anticipated cooperation.
-Waters in Felucca are unaffected
-The Crown understands there are economic concerns with this order.
Such as the fishing area used by Glydenfield. Tavalia will convey the
concerns from Glydenfield to the crown.
-Penalty for entering the restricted waters is far less than harboring a
wanted criminal and mooring a stolen vessel flying the Queens colors no
less... The activities of the Keys are not unknown to the crown.
[SIZE=+1]Township Battles [/SIZE]
There have been reports of light skirmishes in various cities and settlements
throughout the kind. Information has been scarce.
-Nidaros was attacked and sent out a Call to Arms. Most other townships
responded within minutes.
-Kijustsu Anei Village was attacked by Orcs and Ettins. Scarlet Von Trinsic
appeared in the area after the invasion.
-Al Ellisande, Apparently, the ore elementals were trying to disrupt the
trade of sand to the Queen. However, our town folk with the aid of our
Alliance with RBG, we were able to defeat them. (The deserts near malas
are of interest to the Crown. The Crown can also count on the brave
nobles of AlEllisande to secure those trade routes.)
[SIZE=+1]Scarlet Von Trinsic[/SIZE]
Bentio stood up to address the summit leaders.
I think it should be noted. That when Scarlett Von Trinsic appeared in
Kijustsu Anei she took it upon herself to convince any who would listen to
back her, instead of the queen. Tavalia Zodok looked to Miss Watson and
asked if she disputes these claims.
Miss Watson stated she would have to take his word for what allegedly
happened. She was not there and has heard nothing of it.
Tavalia Zodok took a few moments to explain who Scarlet Von Trinsic is. It
was stated she is nothing more than a common thief. A hiwaywoman as it
were. She gives empty promises. Tavalia went on to state, for the unlawful
acquisition of the Queens Vessel, continued acts of Larceny and covetous.
Scarlet Von Trinsic is deemed an outlaw and brigand. Any citizen or
township found to be aiding or abetting said criminal will be held accountable.
The price on Scarlet Von Trinsic head should be taken up with the Royal
guard. They set counties in such matters.
[SIZE=+1] Township Teleport Hub [/SIZE]
Miss Kildare's office is finalizing a design for such a hub. When it becomes
available discuss can continue.
Chesapeake Township Summit
Queen Dawn's Castle
January 31, 2010
By: Merik & Sean Silverfoot
Township Information
Towns were asked to write the information for the Loyalty and Alliances the
towns have. Each towns responses have been recorded below for public
knowlege. As we all venture into this unknown territory Loyalty and Alliances
may be put to the test.
City of Guardians Gate
Leaders: Daria Blackmoor and Angus
Buildings: 42
Location: East of Britain along the road.
Coordinates: 43,46N 42,23E
Allegiance: To The Crown
*Allied with: Silvervale and Al Ellisande*
Settlement of Cimmerian Pass
Leaders: Nyx and Lakoda
Buildings: 14
Location: South of Luna centered around Hanses Hostel.
Coordinates: Unknown
Allegiance: Neutral
*Good Relations with: Kijustsu Anei Village and Kijustsu Anei Keys*
City of Zedland
Leaders: Rivi Ravernwynd and Naomie DeLayne
Buildings: 21
Location: Malas
Coordinates: Unknown
Allegiance: To The Crown, Neutral to Gargoyle Queen and Tokuno Empress
*Neutral to all townships and no known enemies*
Al Ellisande
Leaders: Labonyx and Miroku
Buildings: 14
Location: South West of Umbra
Coordinates: Unknown
Allegiance: To The Crown
*Allied with: Silvervale and Al Ellisande*
Kijustsu Anei Keys
Leaders: Posideon and Grace O'Malley
Buildings: 9
Location: East of Britain along the shore
Coordinates: Unknown
Allegiance: To The Crown
*Allied with: Kijustsu Ane Village, Torchwood and Moria*
*Good Relations with: Cimmerian Pass*
Leaders: Coolhandluke and Lord Thakria
Buildings: 9
Location: Malas
Coordinates: 115' 40N 31' 38E
Allegiance: Neutral
*Allied with: The Sacred Order of The Runes*
Village of Moria
Leaders: Demon Slayer and Angelica
Buildings: 12
Location: Britain crossroads in Felucca
Coordinates: Unknown
Allegiance: To The Crown
Leaders: Cymbria Devereux and Adoncia Muerte and Tesla Radcliff
Buildings: 6
Location: East of Skara Brae along the road to Britian
Coordinates: Unknown
Allegiance: Neutral
*Good Relations with: PaxLair Statehood townships, Glydenfeld,
Kijustsu Anei Village. Neutral towards all other townships at this time.*
Leaders: Gunga Din and Dualis Aex
Buildings: 3
Location: SE of Ter Mur Royal City and Moongate.
Between a waterway and mountain range.
Coordinates: Unknown
Allegiance: To No One!!!!
Kijustsu Anei Village
Leaders: Niva, Ado, Luna, Kire and Gareth
Buildings: 19
Location: Homare-Jima, Tokuno Islands
Coordinates: Unknown
Allegiance: Neutral
*Allied with: Kijustsu Anei Keys and Moria*
*Good relations with: Torchwood and Cimmerian Pass*
Village of Templar Stronghold
Leaders: Prime Minister Prowler & Templar high Counsol
Buildings: 5
Location: North East of Minoc by Sacrifice shrine Felucca.
Coordinates: Unknown
Allegiance: Neutral
Leaders: Darth Oni
Buildings: 12
Location: North East out of Britain past the swamp
Coordinates: Unknown
Allegiance: To the Crown
*Allied with Guardians Gate and Al Ellisande, No aggression
towards any townships.*
Settlement of Pitmuck
Leaders: Xzebok and Ozog Giantfart
Buildings: Unknown
Location: Unknown (Follow the Ice Cream for now)
Coordinates: Unknown
Allegiance: Queens Buddies
*Good relations with: PaxLair, PaxOku, Dragons Watch and rest in that
alliance, Nidaros and others in the PaxLair Statehood.*
Dragons Watch
Leaders: Mayor Nanoc and Se'an Silverfoot
Buildings: 16
Location: North of the town of Vesper Felucca
Coordinates: 139' 24N, 129' 39E
Allegiance: To the Crown
*Diplomatic relations with PaxLair and cities of the Statehood of PaxLair.
Also Glydenfeld, Nidaros, the Pitmucks, Silvervale, Guardians Gate and
PaxOku. We have no aggression and a friendly neutrality to all other townships.*
PaxLair City
Leaders: Winfield and Ga'kuct
Buildings: 30
Location: West of Compassion Shrine, Felucca.
Coordinates: Unknown
Allegiance: Neutral
*Allied with Dragons Watch and PaxOku of the PaxLair Statehood
and also allied with Glydenfeld and Pitmuck.*
Village of PaxOku
Leaders: Tatania Karthina and Winmere
Buildings: 6
Location: Homare-Jima Island
Coordinates: Unknown
Allegiance: To The Crown
*PaxOku is in the PaxLair Statehood and we're in alliance with PaxLair City,
Dragons Watch and Pitmuck, with good relations with Gyldenfeld, Nidaros,
Silvervale, Guardians Gate and Kijustsu Anei Village*
Town Of Gyldenfeld
Leaders: Mayor Tancred Redstar and Deputy Mayor Lissa Eldi
Buildings: 20
Location: West of Britain, through the western mountain
pass, at the crossroads of Yew, Britain and Skara Brae.
Coordinates: Unknown
Allegiance: To The Crown
*Diplomatic relations with PaxLair, Dragon's Watch, PaxOku,
Pitmuck and Nidaros. Neutral towards other towns.*
Tavalia Zodok Address
It has come to my attention that some of you have recovered various
dispatch orders. Left from times long ago. It is the duty of the crown to
honor these orders still. How you come into possession of these orders is
of no consequence to the Crown and of little interest to myself. Depending
on the nature of the order. You may wish to dispatch an attack. Should
you wish to utilize these orders, please provide the original order. With who
you wish the attack to fall upon. In a sealed case to myself during one of
these sessions. Seeing as how you all hold no ill will towards any other. I
suspect I shall not receive any for quite some time.
There you have it. Your partners in progress. The relationships you form with
each other will be the backbone by which we achieve our goals. You have
all been given a great gift. A tangible one yes, but an intangible one as well.
For the first time in this realm, the people are seated at the Crown's Table.
It is the decisions you make that will determine our course. It is the choices
we live with that will dictate our actions. It is our future to make my Lords
and Ladies do with it, what you will, for in the end Judgment shall fall upon
each of you in your own right.
Are there any who wish to address the Chamber? Please step forward and
identify thyself.
Addressing the Chamber
Tancred RedStar Mayor of Glydenfeld
My fellow citizens of Sosaria. As some of you may already know me. My
name is Tancred RedStar Mayor of Glydenfeld. I wish to share my warmest
wishes with you all tonight. One the eve of this great event let us forge
new bonds together under the banner of the crown. Let our instrangiences
of the past or even the dim light of some hardly knowing thy neighbor, be all
cast aside as we enter this new age. From here we step forward, let it be a
long journey. Thank you.
Ozog PR man 2nd In Command
MES Ozog of Pitmuck. Just wanna invites yoos to Pitmuck any times. Yoo
kin habe ice creams or rides merry go round, or poke sticks at trolls ina
cage. (Ozog handed out Ice Cream to all those in attendance.)
Tavalia Zodok Closing Statement
This Chamber shall serve as your link to the Crown. You may make request
to her majesty for supplies For protection. For whatever ye may need. This
will also serve as a forum discussions between townships. And foster
communication and aide to each other. The only matter left to attend
to will be to determine when we shall be called to this Chamber.
Township/Crown Summit Meetings
The Wednesday Township/Crown summit meetings start at 8:30pm EST
(twas a compromise after the vote) and will commence in March on the
1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month.
In the meantime there will be a February meeting on Wednesday
February 17th, EM to post a reminder on approx the 15th.
Dudley Announcement
Rolled Parchment
Dudley knows who has the first batch of "Dispatch Orders". Future orders will
be given a time on them. They will show how many seconds remain before
they poof. They can be turned in and stored until a township wishes to use
them. This is being done so fake copies cannot be made. The new system is
being used to deter Rare collectors from just keeping them or making a
major profit on the Dispatch Orders.
Invasion Rumor
Direct Quote From EM Dudley
Oh also. There's been a lot of chatter and conjecture regarding these
dispatch orders. Let me be clear. Nobodies banner is going to be destroyed.
Whoever started that rumor is a jamoke and has no idea what they are talking about.
Invasion Demonstration
EM Dudley instructed everyone to remain on the steps as he gave the
demonstration. Should someone turn in a scroll and it's good for some
fire elementals. They want to use it on an ememy then Dudley does this.
The attacks won't just come from the scrolls and other townships. That's
just a way for you guys to foster RP between the cities, towns, villages etc
etc. Most of them will come from EM Dudley! Towns will not be able to pick
what type of spawn they wish to send. The difficulty of the spawn will
depend on your town size.