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(Closed)Gold pledges (to buy Baby Doll's Mag house)


Stratics Veteran
Lets see how many pledges we can obtain to get a decent offer together for the shard to buy the house. We'll need someone to hold the gold until it's decided who the owner will be so we're not trying to get hold of people for their contributions at the last minute, I'll start it off...

Shalimar - 2mil
Magichands - 2mil
Nirot - 1mil (from another thread)
DrAJ - 2mil (from another thread)
Igg A Pie - 1mil
Bearclaw (Starcon) -2mil (via pm)
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Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
So... What do ya wanna do with it and how would it be managed?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well i think the idea of Starcon (if he will get it) is to keep the house with the same services there are now because they are very useful for the shard.
Anyway count on me for helping with this project. (i can add a couple of milions me too)


Stratics Veteran
So... What do ya wanna do with it and how would it be managed?
The house would need to be operated as a vendor/auction house as it is now, with the designated owner being active and easy to contact as he/she would have the most responsibility of making sure players have their vendors placed, stocked regularly and removed if left empty for a period (end free rental contract) Same with auction blocks - keep an item running for auction or have the deed returned to you. If players are chipping in to buy the house then they would obviously want to be able to move around it, so no private areas.

Owners of vendors would secure their own spare vendor supplies, leaving the security set to owner, so only the player securing the bag/pouch 'vendor owner' and the house 'owner' have access to it. I think two or three active players should be permanent co-owners, but the house would be a co-op as much as possible, with players ideas for the house listened to and discussed as long as beneficial to the shard.

If the 'owner' of the house is not around as much as needed, he/she must agree at the outset to pass ownership to another player we can agree on.

If anyone can think of anything I missed, please give your input.

So, Shalimar 2 mil, Magichands 2mil

More pledges?
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Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Do pledges secure a "spot" or any other privileges? What is in it for the house manager? I am not trying to complicate anything here... these are just a couple of questions I have. The days of blindly throwing support and pixels at what seems awesome ideas and a great boon for the community are over for me.

That being said, I am interested in this community-oriented project and will support it if it seems to have wings.


Stratics Veteran
Do pledges secure a "spot" or any other privileges? What is in it for the house manager? I am not trying to complicate anything here... these are just a couple of questions I have. The days of blindly throwing support and pixels at what seems awesome ideas and a great boon for the community are over for me.

That being said, I am interested in this community-oriented project and will support it if it seems to have wings.
I wouldn't expect my 2mil to offer me anything over and above any other player no matter what they could afford to pledge. Nothing in it for the house manager, it would be a service to Siege. Vendor spots would have to be allocated fairly, and, if they're popular in as much as we have more players wanting a vendor than spots available, we'd need to do rotations, but if I couldn't have a spot for a while it wouldn't make me go off in a huff and cry about it. Throwing support and pixels at community costs us nothing apart from pixels, so why not?

Baby Doll

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Shalimar I 100% thank you along with Magichands, Nirot, DrAj, Igg A Pie, Starcon and Kelmo for stepping up. I am withdrawing the offer of New Magincia to community due to lack of interest. Thank you all for your time and wonderful day!


Old and in the way
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Stinky Pete

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I'm just curious to the value of this house. The community had pledged 10 million to buy it. What do you estimate the value to be? Not that I am interested in purchasing, as I am just a poor old bard.

Baby Doll

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm just curious to the value of this house. The community had pledged 10 million to buy it. What do you estimate the value to be? Not that I am interested in purchasing, as I am just a poor old bard.

It was never about the gold value, and I do not think that the pledge of 6 or 7 who stepped up constitutes the community of 50 to 100 players on Siege. And if the community only offered 50k per person but showed that indeed the community would step up the community would have owned the New Magincia plot.

Did you pledge a single gp to see it continue or even comment on its value to you?


Stratics Veteran
It was never about the gold value, and I do not think that the pledge of 6 or 7 who stepped up constitutes the community of 50 to 100 players on Siege. And if the community only offered 50k per person but showed that indeed the community would step up the community would have owned the New Magincia plot.

Did you pledge a single gp to see it continue or even comment on its value to you?
Well said!

Stinky Pete

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
It was never about the gold value, and I do not think that the pledge of 6 or 7 who stepped up constitutes the community of 50 to 100 players on Siege. And if the community only offered 50k per person but showed that indeed the community would step up the community would have owned the New Magincia plot.
I don't quite understand, it happens a lot with me, I'm not gonna lie. It seems to me like 10 million is a fair offer but I don't know, which is why I asked. I just can't figure out why you would expect the 50-100 players of the community to step up with their wallets open. Do I think that the community would want to see this public vendor house to remain open? Sure. But nobody asked that. You just wanted everyone to pledge gold to you to show how much it means to them? Seems a bit conceited in my opinion.

I apologize if I come off as hostile, I understand that you do things for the community or whatever and we need more players like you. I just asked a simple question as to the value of the house and got an entitled and crap answer.

Did you pledge a single gp to see it continue or even comment on its value to you?
I don't see how this is relevant at all but since you asked... No, I didn't pledge a single coin. Why? Because I simply won't use it, but that is just me, and my opinions are well known for being wildly unpopular. The house's value to me is next to nothing but I do believe that it would mean something to the community to have a public vendor house and someday we may have one. Expecting everyone on the shard to pledge their gold to you for this one is just whack-a-doodle.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
I'm just curious to the value of this house. The community had pledged 10 million to buy it. What do you estimate the value to be? Not that I am interested in purchasing, as I am just a poor old bard.
I bought my New Magencia house about 4 years ago for 35 mil but their has been several sold in the last 2 years that I am gusssing went for a lot more!

Stinky Pete

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I bought my New Magencia house about 4 years ago for 35 mil but their has been several sold in the last 2 years that I am gusssing went for a lot more!
This is the kind of answer I was expecting. Notice how it's not a load of bull****. Thank you @Sam.


Stratics Veteran
I don't quite understand, it happens a lot with me, I'm not gonna lie. It seems to me like 10 million is a fair offer but I don't know, which is why I asked. I just can't figure out why you would expect the 50-100 players of the community to step up with their wallets open. Do I think that the community would want to see this public vendor house to remain open? Sure. But nobody asked that. You just wanted everyone to pledge gold to you to show how much it means to them? Seems a bit conceited in my opinion.

I apologize if I come off as hostile, I understand that you do things for the community or whatever and we need more players like you. I just asked a simple question as to the value of the house and got an entitled and crap answer.

I don't see how this is relevant at all but since you asked... No, I didn't pledge a single coin. Why? Because I simply won't use it, but that is just me, and my opinions are well known for being wildly unpopular. The house's value to me is next to nothing but I do believe that it would mean something to the community to have a public vendor house and someday we may have one. Expecting everyone on the shard to pledge their gold to you for this one is just whack-a-doodle.
Hi Pete,
You're still thinking of this in terms of gold values. This particular house sale wasn't about gold value, it was about Siege and its so-called community, which for many years we have been proud to call ourselves 'Siege community this, Siege community that, blah, blah, blah'.
This particular house sale could and should have shown we are still a community, a team, all inclusive, that is able to get together to do a little bit of something for all of us. Instead, it's shown we are merely cliques, shut-ins, closed off.

You obviously didn't read the other thread where the question was asked about interest in this house remaining a vendor/auction/hub house, and outlining the reasons for it being offered to 'the community' not for gold value, but for 'Siege community' Baby Doll has deleted her post now, so too late.

You say you didn't pledge a single coin because you 'simply won't use it', I most likely wouldn't have used it to sell anything either but other players would have, which is why I pledged something. Asking the shard to pledge something for a community project isn't whacky at all, it's the reverse, it's including everyone, asking everyone to be involved. I very often ask for small things I need for the NEW guild. I don't ask a select few players, I ask in general chat...and usually get what is asked for.


Grand Poobah
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Let´s not kid ourselves here. The bottom line was about gold.
I personally didn´t participated in this as the gold collected would go to the current owner. She has burnt her bridges with me. And most likely with others as well.

Now, had this simply been about a census to "get name signatures" and if enough people signed on then she would´ve handed it for free to a representative to hold it for community use then I would´ve participated. But it wasn´t.


Stratics Veteran
Let´s not kid ourselves here. The bottom line was about gold.
I personally didn´t participated in this as the gold collected would go to the current owner. She has burnt her bridges with me. And most likely with others as well.

Now, had this simply been about a census to "get name signatures" and if enough people signed on then she would´ve handed it for free to a representative to hold it for community use then I would´ve participated. But it wasn´t.
Hi Tjalle,

I don't agree with you.
If it had been about gold, BD could have asked for many millions for a house in Magincia and no more to be said, just a regular house sale. Instead, all we had to do was pledge a nominal sum to show our interest in holding the house for 'the community'.
It doesn't matter whether we get along with someone personally, 'the community' should be bigger than disagreements between individuals.


Stratics Veteran
Der iz uh cummonidy on Seige. Dun let diz houze make eberywun bidder ta eberwun elze. Mez habn had much time ta play az mez wood like on any ub da shardz mez on so mez nawt shur ip id wuz pozted in game er wuteber. Lodda hummiez dun chek straticz anymur. Wuz uh nize plaze mez window shopped der sum. Juzt neber seem ta git ober 50k gold ta buy anyting ;u) Nawt ta add egzcoozez but diz time ub year uh lodda hummiez dun play az much eider. Ebery shard takez uh hit frum wut mez can tell.
Long story shordened. Girkle fur runnin da houze fur az long az yooz did BD. N unly takez wun ta step ub ta stard uh new vendor houze. Da real qwezchun iz duz anywun hab da urge ta do wun ;u)


Stratics Veteran
In my opinion, the house owner has an extremely toxic attitude. I feel like most of her threads are full of aggression and hate.

Expecting me to get behind a “community project” lead by, what appears to me as, a venomous snake will lead you to disappointment.
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Stinky Pete

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Hi Pete,
You're still thinking of this in terms of gold values. This particular house sale wasn't about gold value, it was about Siege and its so-called community, which for many years we have been proud to call ourselves 'Siege community this, Siege community that, blah, blah, blah'.
This particular house sale could and should have shown we are still a community, a team, all inclusive, that is able to get together to do a little bit of something for all of us. Instead, it's shown we are merely cliques, shut-ins, closed off.

You obviously didn't read the other thread where the question was asked about interest in this house remaining a vendor/auction/hub house, and outlining the reasons for it being offered to 'the community' not for gold value, but for 'Siege community' Baby Doll has deleted her post now, so too late.

You say you didn't pledge a single coin because you 'simply won't use it', I most likely wouldn't have used it to sell anything either but other players would have, which is why I pledged something. Asking the shard to pledge something for a community project isn't whacky at all, it's the reverse, it's including everyone, asking everyone to be involved. I very often ask for small things I need for the NEW guild. I don't ask a select few players, I ask in general chat...and usually get what is asked for.
Anyone can use my house to place vendors if they want. It's located in Barter Town a bit to the NE of the Minoc mines. It's an 8x10 I think so I can't place too many vendors there but anyone on the shard is welcome to use it. I'm certain I can convince my guild mates to do the same. Perhaps Barter Town could be our new Mecca of trade, but I doubt we'll have any takers due to the whole stealing thing.

See how I did that without expecting everyone on the shard to give me their gold? It's including everyone, asking everyone to be involved, without asking for them to give me their gold, much more effective I would think.

I know @Baby Doll means well. She has been running this public vendor house for a while now and I applaud her for the interest that she has gathered. It will be kind of sad to see this house go to someone who will most likely keep it for themselves. But her answer to me was a bit rude and my question was never meant to offend. I don't believe this idea was in the best interest of the community which is why it was met with some hostility and not much interest. I don't think that the lack of interest has anything to do with the community's ability to come together. Believe it or not, building the Siege community is my primary interest in this game, we just go about it in two very different ways. If you need anything from me, I would be happy to provide, unless you ask us to stop killing/looting/stealing from NEW members, that is not negotiable.


Stratics Veteran
In my opinion, the house owner has an extremely toxic attitude. I feel like most of her threads are full of aggression and hate.

Expecting me you get behind a “community project” lead by, what appears to me as, a venomous snake will lead you to disappointment.
I guess your experience has been different from mine, Creeger. I have had one, single, solitary interaction with BD in game and that was the day she came up to Shal and handed her a large gold donation for NEW. Between that donation and this gesture of passing her house to the shard for a nominal amount, isn't toxic or venomous in my opinion, I'd call it reaching out to the community...but that's me.


Stratics Veteran
Anyone can use my house to place vendors if they want. It's located in Barter Town a bit to the NE of the Minoc mines. It's an 8x10 I think so I can't place too many vendors there but anyone on the shard is welcome to use it. I'm certain I can convince my guild mates to do the same. Perhaps Barter Town could be our new Mecca of trade, but I doubt we'll have any takers due to the whole stealing thing.

See how I did that without expecting everyone on the shard to give me their gold? It's including everyone, asking everyone to be involved, without asking for them to give me their gold, much more effective I would think.

I know @Baby Doll means well. She has been running this public vendor house for a while now and I applaud her for the interest that she has gathered. It will be kind of sad to see this house go to someone who will most likely keep it for themselves. But her answer to me was a bit rude and my question was never meant to offend. I don't believe this idea was in the best interest of the community which is why it was met with some hostility and not much interest. I don't think that the lack of interest has anything to do with the community's ability to come together. Believe it or not, building the Siege community is my primary interest in this game, we just go about it in two very different ways. If you need anything from me, I would be happy to provide, unless you ask us to stop killing/looting/stealing from NEW members, that is not negotiable.
That's really generous of you, Pete. I can't comment on the last part of your last sentence though...as there are no thieves on Siege.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I thought at one point Gilfane had donated a house to NEW to Freja several years ago. See if Freja would let that still be a NEW house. Correct me if I am wrong on my history.

Max Blackoak

Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
I find it quite interesting that whatever approaches people have been taking lately there's one thing you can be sure of: certain GIL members displaying an incredible ammount of negativity and suspicion.

Not everything on this shard is about you or even against you. Don't you realize how that makes you look?

You come across as a bunch of bitter and paranoid individuals constantly offended by everything and everyone who are making everything about themelves, even if it has to be dragged in by the head and shoulders.

PS: This is not meant as a personal attack but instead as honest criticism of the displayed attitude.


Grand Poobah
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I find it quite interesting that whatever approaches people have been taking lately there's one thing you can be sure of: certain GIL members displaying an incredible ammount of negativity and suspicion.

Not everything on this shard is about you or even against you. Don't you realize how that makes you look?

You come across as a bunch of bitter and paranoid individuals constantly offended by everything and everyone who are making everything about themelves, even if it has to be dragged in by the head and shoulders.

PS: This is not meant as a personal attack but instead as honest criticism of the displayed attitude.
Well, who are these GIL members you speak of? And what have they been saying that´s so negative?
Please come with examples. You can start with this thread.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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WOW all this over somebody getting butt hurt because only 6 people donated. This was never about helping the community because if it was then the house in question would have been given to someone that agreed to keep it going as is in support of the community. Does the owner of the house think that everybody that plays SP post here or that everybody that plays UO posts here, give me a break. This was never about helping the community it was/is all about the over inflated ego of the home owner and nothing more. There have been community support houses given away on these forums for no gold but you had to apply and get approved by the owner to make sure that the house was going to stay as intended. I have seen houses done like this in Gen Chat by putting your reason why in a book and dropping it in the mailbox of the home owner. Grow up, get a life and get over yourself. Have a nice day.


Grand Poobah
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literally every one of your posts for example.
You need to be more specific.
Do you mean my posts where I call you guys out on crap you do/say and then you guys avoid the subject and give no real answers? Kind of what you just did...
Or do you mean my post in this thread where I shed some light as to why someone perhaps didn´t want to spend gold that would end up in a certain individual's pocket while not only explaining why, also offered an alternative to do it should she want to try again?

If you consider opinions as negative comments then yes, I can understand why you think most posts are negative.
But I´ll give you another try, Max. What GIL members and what have they been saying that´s so negative?


Grand Poobah
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WOW all this over somebody getting butt hurt because only 6 people donated. This was never about helping the community because if it was then the house in question would have been given to someone that agreed to keep it going as is in support of the community. Does the owner of the house think that everybody that plays SP post here or that everybody that plays UO posts here, give me a break. This was never about helping the community it was/is all about the over inflated ego of the home owner and nothing more. There have been community support houses given away on these forums for no gold but you had to apply and get approved by the owner to make sure that the house was going to stay as intended. I have seen houses done like this in Gen Chat by putting your reason why in a book and dropping it in the mailbox of the home owner. Grow up, get a life and get over yourself. Have a nice day.

By the looks of it it seemed like a sale disguised as a "community act" and when the gold collected wasn´t considered high enough it was withdrawn.
However, I give credit to Shalimar for the effort she put in.

Max Blackoak

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You need to be more specific.
I do not need to be mor specific. Every single one of your posts is full of resentment and negativity with the usual mix of suspicions, self-righteous accusations and conspiracy theories. Go read what you post, maybe you can see it yourself.
I will not discuss this any further with you because it is useless to do so.


Grand Poobah
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I do not need to be mor specific. Every single one of your posts is full of resentment and negativity with the usual mix of suspicions, self-righteous accusations and conspiracy theories. Go read what you post, maybe you can see it yourself.
I will not discuss this any further with you because it is useless to do so.
Thank you for proving my point. This is exactly what I´m talking about.
You guys do this all the time, both here and in General chat. You accuse someone or say something that´s bullsh*t and when confronted you just avoid the question(s) and switch to blame-shifting. Can never get a straight answer from you guys. I wonder why...

I´m sure everyone has made a post or two with negativity in it but unless we know which posts you are referring to we can´t adress the context of it.
So until you present those examples all we see here from you is mudslinging and slander.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I do not need to be mor specific. Every single one of your posts is full of resentment and negativity with the usual mix of suspicions, self-righteous accusations and conspiracy theories. Go read what you post, maybe you can see it yourself.
I will not discuss this any further with you because it is useless to do so.
OMG Get a life, you sound worse than my 3 year old grandson, grow up.


Stratics Veteran
I think Max got one thing right when he said It’s useless to discuss this farther.

Vice is our enemy, by their choice.

I don’t think anything they say about Gilfane should be considered credible. They are obviously bias, and I believe they will exaggerate, take things out of context, and simply make things up while spreading anti-Gilfane propaganda.

Baby Doll

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Apoligies to Siege for attempting to any thing nice in a pixel world for pixel enjoyment. I ran a house for several years offering free vendors and recently auction safe as well as a mini hub. So I mistakingly thought I will send it on to Siege community, because surely a community who invests in a community project would see it's future put to good use. Then I post a Stratic's post trying to pass on to community. But NO after 17-18 years of playing Siege I first recieve almost silence in another thread, now haters post here in cowardly fashion on the backside! People spew out a festering poison about me, however they never took the time actually find out what the facts are. Well here the facts are you cheap lil trolls. The house will be passed on to Starcon at no cost and this decision was made even before the haters started trashing me. What ever he wishes to do is to the New Mag. spotis up to him. Thank you to the friends of mine, I appreciate it the pms!

Baby Doll

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
See nothing but hate does not care about what might be true just attack in hateful manor. Enjoy the day all!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The good thing is, the siege community is small and everyone knows everyone. Everyone knows how Gil really acts and it has tarnished their reputation over these last couple years. Save a few of them, they're all very toxic and will go out of their way to spite someone.

Vice, uwsp, and New have been on the forefront of helping the community and new players. Gil continues to circle jerk each other behind their walls.


Grand Poobah
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The good thing is, the siege community is small and everyone knows everyone. Everyone knows how Gil really acts and it has tarnished their reputation over these last couple years. Save a few of them, they're all very toxic and will go out of their way to spite someone.

Vice, uwsp, and New have been on the forefront of helping the community and new players. Gil continues to circle jerk each other behind their walls.
Oh look, another blanket statement about GIL. :rolleyes:
Perhaps you wanna be the first one to step up and provide some context to your claims? How does GIL really act? And who are the toxic ones and why?
Since everyone seems to know it anyway it shouldn´t be hard to answer.

The stage is yours...