Yeah I forgot pullo is also Amber Rayne. That was a messed-up boat ride, I thought I would have you in that confined space, until you got into protection. Then you cast Attunement, Gift and summoned a demon and I just had to run off the boat asap! =)
Ten minutes later I realized I had conflag pots on me...maybe if I had dropped one of those at the beginning...!
And to Explicit, yes the cries of hacks did come out as soon as the battle was over. I believe the exact words were, "you guys would never win a fight if it wasn't for cheating," or something close to that. But aside from the threat of paging, I think the bigger reason is the constant PVP on Atlantic.
I mean on Chessy, GcH is really the only PVP guild that can field numbers full-time, or respond to a call-up in vent with significant numbers in just a couple of minutes. I don't know how many times we've started a fight with a couple of GcH, only to see 8 people show up almost instantly - any time of the day or night.
As you mentioned I've seen Sadist about three times in two months. I haven't seen any EUO here (except Shelly) since around Thanksgiving timeframe. And LD is busy on ATL. So GcH is it. Aside from a few BKLD/EVI or PITS spawners who else is left?
Can't seem to edit, so: To compare that to ATL, where we can get 8+ LD folks online almost every night. And it's pretty much a given that we're going to run up against 10 or so EUO and 10+ Hi-5. Not to mention a few randoms from guilds like DOOD or PoV. Plus the aforementioned Nicky/DMX or Depraved/Exaphel running around and trying to pick off outliers from any guild they can find.