How about remove the spirtspeak and make all necro spells (forms included) karma based like it always should have been. This way you would gain no benefit fro one or the other based on karma. Even at neutral karma neither would have an effect. Besides having a huge skil disadvantage for just one spell sux. And its killing my karma boosts on chive as is.
That's actually a fairly decent idea. I never understood why Chiv was a 'single skill' and necro was 2 skills.
Additionally, Chiv has a rez while Necro has none, which if you don't have magery or anat/heal you're not going to be much of a team player. I had some fun necro templates, that were greater for a solo character, but team play they didn't work considering there was no way I could resurrect anyone.
Making Necro Spell damage [I'm against forms] karma based would be cool.
Spirit speak could be revamped to possibly be like an inscription for necro damage and possibly allow for a rez type? [Greater Mana cost/etc.]