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Bigger Shards = More People 4 UO


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Stratics Legend
As stated by Draconi there will be no shard mergers as the shards are way to populated :)

Notice he mentioned at this time, he didn't close the door on the possibility of a shard merger when they feel that shards are to empty. This topic will continue to keep pop'n up since there are alot of players that want more populated shards. Hopefully the SA client will put a close to this issue, I'm thinking not gonna happen.


As this discussion caught my eye, I thought it might be worth offering the perspective of a former avid player who left UO several years back and accordingly no longer has the inherent attachments to a particular shard/house/RP community that current long-time players do.

It is interesting to observe the clash of opinions here as to the best course of action for UO's continued existence. I think as someone now looking in from the outside, and with some knowledge of the game's past, it is clearer to perceive how personal investment in the game over a long period of time, and the accumulation of items, can cloud the perspective of gamers when they are forced to countenance ideas which may disrupt or permanently alter the long-standing foundations of the virtual world they inhabit.

When I left UO, I found despite the fact that successive patches had altered the game inexorably into one which felt, at some level, irrevocably different to the world I first stepped into, it was still very difficult to simply shut down the account and walk away. I knew deep down I simply wasn't enjoying the game anymore; partly I was jaded and perhaps burnt out after playing obsessively for years, but also because UO was moving in directions that didn't hold my interest.

In a bid to keep up with the new MMORPGs on the block, the focus had shifted away from the original game mechanics which tended to promote player interaction (both good and bad) and toward the singular aim of accumulating items. Weapons, armour, house decoration became the focus; everything was being tweaked, overhauled and neon-ised. For me, the urge to jump on the new carousel was non-existent, because I knew that ultimately all those shiny new items would lose their appeal when everyone had obtained them and therefore the new focus would be unsustainable.

It wasn't an issue of item balance for me, nor was it the idea that the new focus devalued/nerfed existing items in the game, as I was neither a rares collector, nor a hardline PVPer. What I had valued most in the game was the way it had always facilitated terrific interaction with like-minded players and increasingly I found that game mechanic was eroding. Despite this, I kept my account active for months on end, never really playing but nonetheless unwilling to finally close the door on the house/items/characters I possessed. I did ultimately take that step, and after a short while my attachment to what I had built in-game faded and clarity of thought returned. UO had given me some fantastic memories, but I only fully appreciated after I had left that none of the gaming moments I cherished focussed on my former house/avatar/equipment. Some of my happiest UO memories were of being a newbie struggling in Felucca, and later in Trammel whiling away endless hours in the company of good people with shared interests, indulging in idle chats, casual hunts and creative RP scenarios with strangers and fellow guild members.

Ultimately, for a great many reasons, UO has successively haemorraged players. Some couldn't live with the changes, some simply had their heads turned by the newer mmorpgs. The outcome is the same; whichever way you look at it, as the player base has shrunk and the virtual land mass has remained, the shards have become emptier places to occupy and shadows of their former selves.

Crucially UO remains a fantastic game, whose core original concepts still satisfy a hardcore, dedicated community who will continue to play until the lights are switched out. In effect, the wheat has been separated from the chaff, and only those whose bond with UO is strongest persevere (goldminers aside); only those with its best interests at heart remain.

The difficult question that these UO players have to face is 'Will Ultima Online, in its current incarnation, last indefinitely?'

Perhaps shard merging is not the way forward, perhaps something as simple as renewing advertisement might spark renewed interest and wean away some of the crowd from WoW and its spin-offs. It is not for me to cite a definitive opinion on the impact of shard merges, as I no longer tangibly inhabit the world that would be impacted by such measures. What I will say is every gamer should be asking themselves what it actually is that they really love about UO; what it is that has kept their interest for so long. The pixelated items in-game? Or the fundamental game mechanics that facilitate the type of gaming you continue to enjoy, years later? Change is inevitable in some form or other, to remain attractive as a game and function as a viable cash generator. Personally, I don't think Ultima Online should even try to mimic the crowd; in attempting to topple the entrenched mmorpg king, others are trying to out-WoW WoW, but this route leads only to ruin.

If UO stays true to its original spirit and makes such sacrifices as are necessary to stay financially viable, then the lifeblood that is UO's very special player base will carry it forward, as it always has. Some form of sacrifice will very probably have to be made somewhere along the line, and it certainly won't be to everyone's liking... but the alternative to players vehemently resisting changes to their cocoon of comfort may be a permanent end to it all. Would anyone really be happy watching as their avatars, resplendent in their maxed stat armour and hard-earned, painstakingly decorated and ideally located in-game homes all fade away as the final sign out window beckons?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I do agree though i also see problems for the many shards that are on in difrent parts of the world like oceania. Though i totally agree it would be a good thing even though i run a luna shop i would demolish and move if given the ability though if they were to make this happen i would hope they give us some nice new landmass to house all the new people goin to the big shards.


one word no.u can buy a xfer token for what 12mill?buy the token and xfer if it is that dead on ur shard.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
one word no.u can buy a xfer token for what 12mill?buy the token and xfer if it is that dead on ur shard.
I didn't realize they made transfer tokens to other games! Cause there isn't a transfer token available to a "busy" shard!! :rant2:


Well I have an odd question/solution. When I played City of Heroes and Tabula Rasa, they have mirrored areas. That is if Galaxy City 1 was lagged or full, you could go to a mirror of Galaxy City 2 so that you could play. What would happen if using the moongate as a gateway, they combined two servers?

So for example you would enter the gate and have Trammel 1 which would be ATL and Trammel 2 which would be Catskills. That combines the population to a single server, and does not destroy existing housing. That would allow all players to game together, attend events and still allow large enough land mass for housing a resource gathering. Champ spawns would be more populated, events fuller and so on.

Just a thought.


Actually I have to agree in some respects.
GL is one of the bigger shards and the Valor CHamp spawn is basically empty....
Most people go to tonuko or humility

I see almost noone doing the spirituality or twisted wield one
The dungeons seems basically empty as well. I could farm blood elementals by my lonesome. No more rushing to kill ogre lords because noone is there anymore

The white wyrm is easy pickins for a necro mage and I could farm that too... This is GL I'm talking about

This has got to be alot worse on Baja, Sonoma and Napa Valley

Secondly why would anyone PAY $20 per char to fix an EA issue?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think EA should open maybe 3-4 new servers (one being a classic server) and allow people to transfer their characters to the new servers as they chose. After which the old servers could be shut down.

This way no one has a house (making it fair) and maybe limit the size of houses that could be placed in the new servers.

One thing a lot of you are forgetting is that you don't "own" anything, and just because you have sentimental attachment to your pixels does not make them yours either. EA could close your server tomorrow with no warning and you would be out of luck.


I have a very simple Solution to this problem....

Put the character selection Screen BEFORE the Shard selection Screen and freely allow characters to go to shard of their choice back and forth...

Set a "default log in location" for shard changing, example:

If i chose Pacific my character will appear at the Inn in brit, if i log out anywhere in trammel (lets see Trin) and I change to Atlantic i should I appear at the Inn in Brit...

If I log out in Malas on Atlantic and change to Sonoma I will appear at Luna Inn

Have the moongates have the shards and allow runes to be set anywhere (like the Fel/Trammel change from Moonstone to free recalling)

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Think of ideas to bring people into UO and thus expand the srver populations by growth rather than "expanding" server populations by destroying what is already there.

Reducing the shards will not increase population in UO as a whole and is an absurd idea as long as the server activity (active accounts) is paying for the use of the server hardware.

Lord Zephyrus

While I agree that EA could use some advertisement. Don't forget uo grew from the people who played it they recruited their friends if every single person that plays recruits 1 person and that person recruits 1 person it's a chain effect.

Kiss Of Death

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You can see that UO is getting killed by other MMO's. Yet there is no better PvP MMO out there. This game is not a memory hog people can run it like a instant messenger and watch movies, play it at work, at school, on laptop with wi-fi. It's still an amazing game concept.

I think that if you had more shards like ATL with mass's of people playing at any given time PvP would become even better everything would become even better. More people would go out and buy UO when they see 90% of the servers are like ATL people who play on EMU shards would come back on play production shards. People who play games like WoW may consider playing UO becuase they would see more pics videos on sites like Youtube of hundreds of people doing things with each other.

The reason is there are to many shards, the game has died off to much and alot of the shards are left empty while people have all their items gold and such on these shards with none on them so they quit becuase the game is boring to them and they don't want to pay 30 bucks to xfer or make a new player on a bigger shard.

This is going to kill SA, EA why settle for a million when you could easily get 20 million? Combine servers, or allow say 6 months of free transfers before the release of SA so the shards can become larger and people stop quiting the game becuase the shards they play on are empty half the time.

Thats my two cents and it's seriously just a good game plan.

They should make no SERVER boundries tbh, this way they would REDUCE the lag to any shards (like it happens on UNOFFICIAL SHARDS), they need more powerfull machines to do it, and they should keep 4 UNIFIED american shards and ONE UNIFIED EUROPEAN shard , and 2 UNIFIED JAPANES shards...

HAving no server boundries will reduce totally the lag.

Anyway PVP focus Group should be made by pvpers , not by trammies , they need to intruduce new reasons to make pvp , new prizes, new items , capture the flag events, a copy of Doom in felucca with different artifacts , the bounty system back etc

red sky

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They should make no SERVER boundries tbh, this way they would REDUCE the lag to any shards (like it happens on UNOFFICIAL SHARDS), they need more powerfull machines to do it, and they should keep 4 UNIFIED american shards and ONE UNIFIED EUROPEAN shard , and 2 UNIFIED JAPANES shards...

HAving no server boundries will reduce totally the lag.

Anyway PVP focus Group should be made by pvpers , not by trammies , they need to intruduce new reasons to make pvp , new prizes, new items , capture the flag events, a copy of Doom in felucca with different artifacts , the bounty system back etc
I like. :gun:


doesnt need shards closed it needs advertisment.
WoW for example has had A LOT of publicity. inc adds done by Mr T & william shatner.
Whens the last time you even saw a poster for UO? let alone a tv add.
I could raid the local teenage geek circle here and id wager that they have never even heard of UO let alone have played it.


Anyway PVP focus Group should be made by pvpers , not by trammies , they need to intruduce new reasons to make pvp , new prizes, new items , capture the flag events, a copy of Doom in felucca with different artifacts , the bounty system back etc
Hmmm.. asking a loyal customer why they don't buy your product is... wait a minute.. loyal customers DO buy your product.. I think the idea is to get peeps who DON'T buy your product to start.. so you might want to ask the peeps that DON'T buy it why they DON'T buy it.

Although they could save themselves a ton of heartache and time just by reading the boards here.. in this order.. if you want more pvp.

1) Cheat, hacks, scripts
2) Ganks
3) Non-consensual pvp
4) "Unbalanced" templates