Ya whats to stop a scriptor from opening up the free recall account dedicated to recalling a loop between all unattended farmers picking up their gold when they get full....which most of them did anyway because 100% lrc was cheap and more importantly it can not be exhausted. BOS at least ran out of charges and became saturated. Not efficient to put something like (BOS) that into a script. Major goldfarming sites out of business because of this? Ya right....did they email EA and say that or something?
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I just spit my drink out all over my keyboard. Seriously this statement says it all. BoS was not the proper way real cheaters were dealing with gold. To think that just limiting the bags would be enough is insane. I think the scripting sites they mentioned shutting down must have been the smallest and most inefficient of the lot and would not be something I would consider a win in the battle against cheating lol.
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Probably the main target of the BOS nerf was the little guy. Randomized resources and BOS were tied to a bigger animal....community collections. Collections were probably the single largest crushing blow to the economy short of gold dupes.
But it's a different dynamic. A handful of folks spent the time combing through the forrests for that book of frostwood spots. When it was completed they altered their mining scripts to allow for wood hopping and set it all in motion. Then automating hand in they sold the rewards on their vendors.
Now if your the average every day Joe, what would you rather do?:
A. spend countless hours/days of your precious spare time coming the forrests for your own rare spots then more hours chopping wood only to hope that 800k points you spend on the reward weapon of your choice rngs the right slayer property. If not, back to chopping wood for another round. Then realizing the 5 other folks already found your spots and you'd be damn lucky to get wood from them anyway.
B. Spend a fraction of that time woth your BOS farming gold then just buy the reward you want from said scriptor's vendor.
Well I think most folks choose B. Now here's the damage. Duping (non gold) does not flux new gold into the system. Probably more dupes were so high priced they sold for real $$. Not UO gold. So the UO Economy wasn't hurt as bad. But for a mere mil you could have just the reward you seek from collection. So this sent an army of average Joes into the high gold spawn farming them at nausea and gold came pouring into the economy.
And it was just insane when ML came out. I spent two solid weeks searching for frostwood trees. Didnt even get a full book of runes before I started chopping it. I did it all by hand and I made 100 mil in a very short time. Was the most gold I had ever made from such an easy resource to farm. I was selling it for 100 gps per...I sat there for hours choping in awe of that every chop was 10 boards..1k..every chop. Imagine the Fel choppers....I know of shop owners who claimed to have moved over one billion in collection rewards. 1 billion.
Now I would imagine that:
A. some stat was gathered in EA HQ that said folks just loved collections.
B. Whatever dev created collections realized just how bad they mucked up the economy and tried to cover it up by nerfing BOS and resource farming
C. Whatever dev created collections realized just how bad they mucked up the economy and took the easy path of fliping the switch on the randomize ore code and quick BOS nerf formula. Instead of fixing collections.
D. Some or all of the above.
If I were to predict the future I would guess that the next expansion will be plum filled with these collections type quests. My reasoning is first Wilki's "gotta do it for new and wonderful items (insert collections rewards here) coming in SA" So where is SA? Oh ya...we don't know. The above statement combined with "rare resources should be rare"...um ya ok. This light bulb flickered on after almost 10 years of non random resources and no one really complaining about it? Ya ok....save shadow heaters what demand was there for anything but iron before community collections? I found more truth in the final
comments on the issue from Jeremy:
We didn't make the change to thwart scripters. As everyone has pointed out, it would have been a really bad way to do it No, this change was purely aimed at the economy, scripters and all.
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This statement basically says "oops we screwed up with community collections and every other excuse we gave you on the issue was just a bunch of crap we made up.
Valorite, frostwood, etc, are *supposed* to be rare and hard-to-get - being able to pick them up casually does weird things to the economy. (For gold or dollars, either way - they're pretty much freely convertible.)
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i.e. community collections created a rediculously high demand for resources that served no purpose other than filling BOD's.
So there ya have it folks. Its all just theory and maybe i'm just too glass half empty on the matter. In retrospect I suppose I had it coming. Most of my time in game has been spent mining. I watch the boards in silence for years as folks moaned and groaned about their playstyles getting nerfed for this and that reason. I watched with immunity as the inevitable "shut up and adapt" post made its appearance. Well it's just my turn now I suppose. Maybe 8 years is too long to play...or maybe I should realize that I just can't beat'em..and download a solution.