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Arrrrghh!!! Why is it EVERYTHING done to stop scripters benefits them?

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Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Perhaps the role of local government could be augmented. Why not have the Governor have control of an entire territory surrounding its town. That Governor can appoint characters (as a sheriff or deputies) who have the ability to "transport" suspected scripters to the town jail (which would be a no-recall area). This would be possible to do on any facet. The jailed character would then have say ten minutes to do something in particular in order to get out of jail (in order to verify that it is not a scripter), or be sent to Yew prison for a set term (say 90 days). Such a person could get out of prison by paying a fine to the town (say $10M gold) or by asking for a trial in order to prove he or she was innocent. Such deputies could only be on accounts that were at least seven years old. Deputies would get some sort of reward for this. Deputies could then from time to time patrol their areas searching for possible scripters.

Couldn't the devs set up something like that?
This is an absolutely TERRIBLE idea. The opportunity for abuse and harassment is simply far too great. No Governor in their right mind would want to deal with the pancake fests this would create, let alone the EMs, GMs or devs...


Stratics Veteran
Valorite isn't that hard to get, between Prospector's Tool+Gargoyle's Pickaxe...
Though you are right that this way is the best way to get valorite, I don't think I should have to make my miner a fighter, to deal with the spawned valorite elementals, just get the good ores. To me it would be the same as requiring taming to have a chance to kill dragons. That wouldn't be fair for the non-tamer.

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm surprised people still mine or lumberjack tbh
I go do something fun, sell some of my loots and then buy what I need from Sam the Scripter. Way more enjoyable for me. Yes it does suck that this goes on, but it does provide a service that most players do not want to do. When I could spend a day and mark runes to ore spots I did not mind going out and grabbing 1000 of the ingot I needed. Now to get 1000 verite or valorite...I have to dedicate ALOT of time to mining. I would rather go do something fun and pay 1000gp an ingot for them.

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
I go do something fun, sell some of my loots and then buy what I need from Sam the Scripter. Way more enjoyable for me. Yes it does suck that this goes on, but it does provide a service that most players do not want to do. When I could spend a day and mark runes to ore spots I did not mind going out and grabbing 1000 of the ingot I needed. Now to get 1000 verite or valorite...I have to dedicate ALOT of time to mining. I would rather go do something fun and pay 1000gp an ingot for them.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
makes me happy that i powergamed the heck out of frostwood back before they started randomizing their spawn.
in fact i once placed a small house beside a frostwood tree so that i could Lumberjack all day and it would auto drop them into the locked down pile at my feet.

but ya, the new way sucks.
i go to a new shard and i go all the way to GM in mining or LJ and i end up with zero of the frostwood or valorite.
for the casual resource gatherer its just not a viable thing.
heck, i hate to admit it but the last couple times ive needed frostwood i purchased mine from venders that im 99% sure where gotten from scripters. but when ya need frostwood ya need frostwood!

Jirel of Joiry

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Jirel, if you want the devs to do something about scripting, hacking, and duping, just ranting about how the players who do it "win" and rule-abiding players "get screwed" may not have much effect.

To get the dev team to pay attention to what you are saying, it may be more effective to spell out EXACTLY how the actions of these other players are affecting your ability to play and enjoy UO.
okay let me tell you HOW a scripter ruined my sister's and my ability to enjoy UO. Yesterday my sis was sitting an idoc.

This cheating scripTARD exploited the housing system he had plop plots on three sides of the castle. (4th side was next to the water). ALL owned by the SAME player name and early stages of decay.

The castle had fallen and my sis was picking up stuff. She was playing 3 chars switch between them NO MULTIBOXING! The ScripTARD places a KEEP on top of her and her packie. Her packie vanished, she had just lored the packie and it was wonderfully happy. She was searching every where for the packie. In less than a minute the scriptTARD replaced the keep with a CASTLE, we're talking SECONDS!!! She asked him if he saw her packie and HE ACCUSES her of UMing! She's no I am running 3 chars, but I'm manually switching between accounts. Also a stack of 60k of boards also vanished at the same time as her packie.

I get home from running an errand and sis is quick get in game NOW! I get into game and she explains what happened I tell her page a GM it sounds like he's using cheats/exploits. She pages and I hunt everywhere for her packie. I never found the packie OR a body! it was not a bonded packie. The stupid GM sends a canned response and today we get an email stating "GM's cannot replace lost or stolen items" WTF!?!? She asked them to investigate a a damned cheater/scripter!

Then later one of his plop plots fell and there was a box of resources it was over 100k stones in weight. The ScripTARD runs by and then BLAM the entire contents of the box were gone, but the empty box remained! Now I'm like Joe Kenda, I DO NOT believe in coincidences. We tested the decay of a large stack of items, used a pile of 45k of lock picks it took hours for them to decay. Can you say SCRIPT?

Now please try to DEFEND this, because it is indefensible!!! I DARE you to tell me that this is NORMAL game play! I dare you to tell me that Broadsword isn't giving the cheaters/scripters/dupers/exploiters a pass!
If this jerk wasn't cheating, I swear I'll streak a Green Bay Packer game in NOVEMBER!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
On one of the freeshard UO was the way of control for macrosing: in each hour there was window,and the player had to solve a simple mathematical example,if the answer wasn't-disconnect.

Jirel of Joiry

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
On one of the freeshard UO was the way of control for macrosing: in each hour there was window,and the player had to solve a simple mathematical example,if the answer wasn't-disconnect.
That's cool! I had suggested instead of banning the GMs turn the cheater/scripter/exploiter freely attack-able in tram or fel. Then let open season commence!!! Bah-wa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! How fast do you think the scum would get a clue? :D

King Greg

Lore Keeper
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Do you actually have evidence the player that placed the keep was scripting or doing anything illegitimate, or was it just a "Feeling" ? You can name Characters the same thing on multiple accounts and place houses with those characters, wasn't necessarily one character with all the houses. The Packie was not his problem and probably just happened when the keep dropped. (Blame the glitchy game)

A chest with 100,000 Stones worth of Resources in it? What, like 1 stack of 10,000 ore? 1 stack of 60,000 Logs? 100k Is not a lot of weight.

Sucks that you lost the packie though, but waving fingers and paging gm's on a player because you "Think" they "might" be cheating seems a bit silly.


Stratics Veteran
Do you actually have evidence the player that placed the keep was scripting or doing anything illegitimate, or was it just a "Feeling" ? You can name Characters the same thing on multiple accounts and place houses with those characters, wasn't necessarily one character with all the houses. The Packie was not his problem and probably just happened when the keep dropped. (Blame the glitchy game)

A chest with 100,000 Stones worth of Resources in it? What, like 1 stack of 10,000 ore? 1 stack of 60,000 Logs? 100k Is not a lot of weight.

Sucks that you lost the packie though, but waving fingers and paging gm's on a player because you "Think" they "might" be cheating seems a bit silly.
Im obviously missing something here (still pretty new) but my character can only carry about 400 or 450 stones or something like that. Is there a special armour or something that allows you to carry about 250x that?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Offensively that developers don't even show interest in our problems, even after this discussion at a forum we will hardly see result,and some actions. :(
I fear this post tells quite clearly how it is. As I have stated before, if there is a will to do something it CAN be done. Now, and historically there has NEVER been the will, sure there have been some attempts, often ill thought out and often exacerbating rather than cure the problem. But in these cases where it had not worked, if there had been the WILL to resolve it, it would have been back to the drawing board lets try something else. After all these years with little or no action the scripters now feel perfectly safe to work openly and why wouldn't they?. I am quite satisfied we will never see the stable door closed now. The horse has total freedom.

King Greg

Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
Im obviously missing something here (still pretty new) but my character can only carry about 400 or 450 stones or something like that. Is there a special armour or something that allows you to carry about 250x that?
Dude just placed a castle and multiple houses nearby, Not hard to frog leap things in this game, Or just pick them up with multiple characters and hold them on your cursor until you can figure out things to do with them.

All things a typical idoc player knows how to do.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dude just placed a castle and multiple houses nearby, Not hard to frog leap things in this game, Or just pick them up with multiple characters and hold them on your cursor until you can figure out things to do with them.

All things a typical idoc player knows how to do.
Speak for yourself. I did idocs for over 10 years and I do not know how these things are done.

King Greg

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Speak for yourself. I did idocs for over 10 years and I do not know how these things are done.
You've never Picked up a stack of something too heavy and tossed it two tiles in front of you, then ran two tiles in front of it, and repeated until you reached your destination? Never Been at an idoc and Seen something too heavy to fit on a packy so you just pick it up and hold it until your guild can help you figure out something to do with it? Really? I don't even Idoc and I know these tricks.


ICQ 647752375
Stratics Veteran
Dont Discuss something with someone that Have NO IDEA on how to play the game!
Some people dont know the use of the command called "I wish to resize my house"

Some people dont know how to move heavy weight boxes to Boats
and to last, some people need to learn the advantage of PINCOS and all the LEGAL add on's against 2D when it comes to place houses, or pick up items nearby...

Captn Norrington

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This thread has been cleaned up, please stay on topic and do not accuse people of things on the forum. It does nothing other than create drama. Take any arguments to PM. If it happens again the thread will be locked.

Tina Small

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Stratics Legend
Now please try to DEFEND this, because it is indefensible!!! I DARE you to tell me that this is NORMAL game play! I dare you to tell me that Broadsword isn't giving the cheaters/scripters/dupers/exploiters a pass!
If this jerk wasn't cheating, I swear I'll streak a Green Bay Packer game in NOVEMBER!
Jirel, I am not trying to defend the cheaters. Several things you mentioned above seem suspicious, however as I don't do IDOCs I don't know if some of the things that happened are just the result of normal game play or were the result of an exploit or something else.

I think all you can do regarding the cheating is just keep pointing things out with lots of details about what the situation looked like from your perspective so the dev team can use the information to look into things and try to replicate the situations themselves if they decide it is worth their time to try to come up with a way to make such stuff stop happening. I think it's the giving very detailed, factual descriptions of what happened and how it affected you and your friends (while trying to keep your emotions in check so the post isn't completely littered with all caps and color) that is the key to getting something done about the cheating versus just making general, non-specific posts complaining about cheating.

I don't think the Stratics rules of conduct will permit you to make accusatory posts naming specific individuals/characters/guilds. However, you should be able to write your posts in such a fashion as to comply with those rules and then send an e-mail to Mesanna with actual names if you have them and with a link to the thread/post so she can read your post and any responses it garners.

Try to stay calm, however, and keep things in perspective. If you didn't actually lose something of value that you already had before the incident occurred, keep in mind that there may not be anything she can effectively do at that point to "make up" for what happened. For example in this case, what was lost that you or your sister owned before the incident happened was an unbonded packy. If you really want Mesanna to replace that, ask her but I kind of think you might just get an eye roll for a reply.

As far as getting any promises that they will look into things....I think you improve your chances of any such promises meaning anything if you provide as many details as you can to get the investigation process moving along. That means you must be prepared to give Mesanna dates, times, shard and facet names, coordinates, character names, screen shots, etc. in an e-mail.


The Enchanter
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The stupid GM sends a canned response and today we get an email stating "GM's cannot replace lost or stolen items" WTF!?!? She asked them to investigate a a damned cheater/scripter!
What did you honestly expect them to do? Turn back the hands of time? Make your packy reappear? Give you loot from the IDOC? Investigate how? Unless a GM or someone was there to witness it themselves, your sh*t outta luck.

Also, some of the things you complain about in your post are capable to be done by legal programs. Not everything you accuse of being scripting is actually scripting.

Now please try to DEFEND this, because it is indefensible!!! I DARE you to tell me that this is NORMAL game play! I dare you to tell me that Broadsword isn't giving the cheaters/scripters/dupers/exploiters a pass!
If this jerk wasn't cheating, I swear I'll streak a Green Bay Packer game in NOVEMBER!
There's no conspiracy on part of the developers or Broadsword. That's just wild and false accusation. It's well documented that there simply isn't much at all that they can do.


ICQ 647752375
Stratics Veteran
Just 1 example from 2 years ago!!!

How mass Loot using Pincos!!!

Its ALL there, go do a little "learning" before bring your "frustration" and accuse people of doing something that You have NO IDEA on how to do


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You've never Picked up a stack of something too heavy and tossed it two tiles in front of you, then ran two tiles in front of it, and repeated until you reached your destination? Never Been at an idoc and Seen something too heavy to fit on a packy so you just pick it up and hold it until your guild can help you figure out something to do with it? Really? I don't even Idoc and I know these tricks.
My answer is still the same, when at an idoc and something was too heavy, as I was not desperate to get everything there I would leave it. I have never used multiple characters so that doesn't apply and standing holding something on my cursor was definitely not my thing either. Once I had done a few idocs years ago I had more than enough resources of all types, why stand holding on to heavy resources I didn't need, much easier to let someone else have them and go for easier pickings.

King Greg

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I dunno, you might be staring at an old glitched 9999 glitched storage crate with 4 million stones in it. Might be worth holding onto for a few hours.

That one chest of items might be worth more than everything else in the house. Thought that was the beauty of idocs.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What did you honestly expect them to do? Turn back the hands of time? Make your packy reappear? Give you loot from the IDOC? Investigate how? Unless a GM or someone was there to witness it themselves, your sh*t outta luck.

Also, some of the things you complain about in your post are capable to be done by legal programs. Not everything you accuse of being scripting is actually scripting.

There's no conspiracy on part of the developers or Broadsword. That's just wild and false accusation. It's well documented that there simply isn't much at all that they can do.
Err I don't think he mentions conspiracy that is your extrapolation. What he is saying is they are not doing anything about it.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Just 1 example from 2 years ago!!!

How mass Loot using Pincos!!!

Its ALL there, go do a little "learning" before bring your "frustration" and accuse people of doing something that You have NO IDEA on how to do
Thanks for sharing matey. I'll be giving this a go later! I've been using pinco's for a few years now and never really tried this.


ICQ 647752375
Stratics Veteran
Thanks for sharing matey. I'll be giving this a go later! I've been using pinco's for a few years now and never really tried this.
There is SOOOO MUCH that Pincos can do, But I guess is easier to just point Fingers instead of learn!!


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Im obviously missing something here (still pretty new) but my character can only carry about 400 or 450 stones or something like that. Is there a special armour or something that allows you to carry about 250x that?
Use a character with high stamina. Hold the item on the mouse pointer and keep chugging refresh potions.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Mess made it clear the last few times it was discussed..."just dont be unattended"!!!! The rest isnt cheating anymore... pincos and EC changed the game...so fire up those old third party programs and have at it. Or just use EC and pinco's...learning curve is probably smaller.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Mess made it clear the last few times it was discussed..."just dont be unattended"!!!! The rest isnt cheating anymore... pincos and EC changed the game...so fire up those old third party programs and have at it. Or just use EC and pinco's...learning curve is probably smaller.
Those 3rd party programs are still illegal to use with UO. You can attend macroing with CC/UOA and EC only. But with this Copyright © 1998 - 2015 Tugsoft, Inc. All rights reserved. comes the question what happens to UOA after 2015 and the next patch. Does Tug fix it or is it time for him to just walk away? Without a Copyright to protect who knows.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Those 3rd party programs are still illegal to use with UO. You can attend macroing with CC/UOA and EC only. But with this Copyright © 1998 - 2015 Tugsoft, Inc. All rights reserved. comes the question what happens to UOA after 2015 and the next patch. Does Tug fix it or is it time for him to just walk away? Without a Copyright to protect who knows.
I was talking with some guildmates about a time long ago when UOA was an illegal third party program. UO cartographer is a third party program. Vent and team speak...third party programs. Pinco's,,, third party. Is something isnt illegal if you never get punished for using it?? I think Mess made it clear....have fun and win anyway that makes you happy just dont be unattended and you wont ever get busted.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I was talking with some guildmates about a time long ago when UOA was an illegal third party program. UO cartographer is a third party program. Vent and team speak...third party programs. Pinco's,,, third party. Is something isnt illegal if you never get punished for using it?? I think Mess made it clear....have fun and win anyway that makes you happy just dont be unattended and you wont ever get busted.
I remember when UOA was illegal and changes were made to make it legal. UOAM/UO Cart or whatever other mapping programs do nothing but show you where you are at, they have no ability to do anything in game for you. Pinco is totally legal because the EC was designed to work this way all the players had to do was figure it out and do it, guess Pinco was smarter than your average rabbit. Chat programs are just that, there is nothing illegal about them and bringing them in is just grasping at straws to try proving a point. We all know what programs we are talking about, SPEEDERS, the other program out there like UOA was before all the changes and all the other programs that DO things for you are still illegal.

It is kind of funny that you tried to lump Pinco in with the third party programs because Pinco has been able to do all the things that UOA did when it was ILLEGAL and more. In fact I would go so far as to say that Pinco could out do that other UOA look alike and a lot of other 3rd party programs out there.

Just because you do not get caught for speeding down the highway does not make it legal it just means you got lucky that day.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If that is all your mapping programs do you are out of the loop! :) Not sure about speeders never used one....but unless they changed from years ago all you are doing is overclocking your processor ( which virtually all computers do now anyway)...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just because you do not get caught for speeding down the highway does not make it legal it just means you got lucky that day.
Interesting point,,,where I live the posted speed limit is 62 MPH ( converted from Metric) but you dont get pulled over unless you are doing in excess of 75 MPH. This is guaranteed and not situational. It is to the point the government is considering changing the speed to 75 MPH, but some are afraid it will just shift the problem up the spectrum, as in pickets wont start until 90 MPH.

Jirel of Joiry

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was talking with some guildmates about a time long ago when UOA was an illegal third party program. UO cartographer is a third party program. Vent and team speak...third party programs. Pinco's,,, third party. Is something isnt illegal if you never get punished for using it?? I think Mess made it clear....have fun and win anyway that makes you happy just dont be unattended and you wont ever get busted.
Have fun which ever way makes you happy. So you can cheat your ass off and thats fine . Drop an F bomb in gen chat gen a 24 hr ban. that's what happened to me. Mesanna's attitude sucks if you ask me . . . not that anyone is.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Interesting point,,,where I live the posted speed limit is 62 MPH ( converted from Metric) but you dont get pulled over unless you are doing in excess of 75 MPH. This is guaranteed and not situational. It is to the point the government is considering changing the speed to 75 MPH, but some are afraid it will just shift the problem up the spectrum, as in pickets wont start until 90 MPH.
LMAO just because where you live they are think about adjusting the speed limit and are temporarily letting people go 75 to see what happens is your justification then you go for it. The point is still the point and you know it you are just trying to grasp at whatever straw you can think of to justify your use of what ever program you use, so please have a nice day this conversation is over.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
LMAO just because where you live they are think about adjusting the speed limit and are temporarily letting people go 75 to see what happens is your justification then you go for it. The point is still the point and you know it you are just trying to grasp at whatever straw you can think of to justify your use of what ever program you use, so please have a nice day this conversation is over.
Temporarily???.... ummm it has been this way since the mid 1970s,,,lol now now dont get your boxers in a bunch. As I said...no justifications are required.... it is A GAME! LOL

Jirel of Joiry

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
LMAO just because where you live they are think about adjusting the speed limit and are temporarily letting people go 75 to see what happens is your justification then you go for it. The point is still the point and you know it you are just trying to grasp at whatever straw you can think of to justify your use of what ever program you use, so please have a nice day this conversation is over.
I actually laugh at that cause I live in BFE Oklahoma. Its a very small town with the stupid politics to go with it.
For example the horrific wreck I was in a year ago, the person that hit me was a retired cop and his wife. Both of them born and raised in Oklahoma. Their families go back several generations, etc. I am what people round here call an "outsider" cause I originally hail from Dallas, TX, never mind the fact I have lived in this town 25 yrs. The driver( a family member) of the car I was in was found at fault, never mind the fact they hit us hard enough to spin our VW Beetle around 2 1/2 times, and destroyed the front of the bug. They also over looked the fact they were OBVIOUSLY speeding because their car ended up leaving the roadway and was in the middle of a grassy area in front of the bank.

Unfortunately I cannot tell you every single detail because I have a huge gap in my memory of the wreck. Yet we were found at fault. LMAO the best part there were only 5 cops at the scene and the investigating officer asks me at the ER for my information. I already given it to 4 other cops at the scene. But yeah tells us at the ER it's yall's fault. Oh wow a whole hours worth of investigation.

None of it mattered he was a retired cop and they're native so I was S-C-R-E-W-E-D. You can't fight city hall. WE had to fight with our own insurance company to get them to pay anything. FYI State Farm is the kind of neighbor that makes you wish for medieval Castle with a moat full crocodiles, a draw bridge, catapults and cannons.

Bottom line just because you get away with something doesn't make it right, okay, or legal. What goes around comes around, and it'll catch up eventually.


ICQ 647752375
Stratics Veteran
Temporarily???.... ummm it has been this way since the mid 1970s,,,lol now now dont get your boxers in a bunch. As I said...no justifications are required.... it is A GAME! LOL
People dont understand that you are getting FREE Loot because someone either screw up their Timing recycling the account or they Just plan Quit!!

Than You go to this Idoc and you get mad because someone else is there as well trying to get FREE stuff that was NEVER yours in the beginning!!


Seasoned Veteran
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What you can do if you are interested was demonstrated several times by WoW. They took the following approach: Instead of acting by patching the game, they investigated the accounts involved in the hack/fraud. Then they watched over a lot of time, build up files of the repeated violation of the TOS, documented the networks it they were there. Meanwhile, the boards went mad about the hacks/frauds and the company not acting. And then, after weeks and sometimes months - BAM! 300k accounts permanently closed, end of discussion. This is something you can do if u are interested in action against these things.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What you can do if you are interested was demonstrated several times by WoW. They took the following approach: Instead of acting by patching the game, they investigated the accounts involved in the hack/fraud. Then they watched over a lot of time, build up files of the repeated violation of the TOS, documented the networks it they were there. Meanwhile, the boards went mad about the hacks/frauds and the company not acting. And then, after weeks and sometimes months - BAM! 300k accounts permanently closed, end of discussion. This is something you can do if u are interested in action against these things.
Fizzleton I agree with you,in WOW can see the work of developers, and interest in the problems and challenges players !
In all MMO games, macrosing is punished very severely and scripters strictly monitored

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
What you can do if you are interested was demonstrated several times by WoW. They took the following approach: Instead of acting by patching the game, they investigated the accounts involved in the hack/fraud. Then they watched over a lot of time, build up files of the repeated violation of the TOS, documented the networks it they were there. Meanwhile, the boards went mad about the hacks/frauds and the company not acting. And then, after weeks and sometimes months - BAM! 300k accounts permanently closed, end of discussion. This is something you can do if u are interested in action against these things.
As much as we HATE, and I really mean HATE cheaters if UO were to do what WoW did would mean the end of UO. It really suxs when you look at it that they are helping to keep UO alive and the worse part is they and UO both know it.


Stratics Veteran
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Macrosing is not so bad, it is bad when macrosing on an industrial scale to 20 or more bots.

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
What you can do if you are interested was demonstrated several times by WoW. They took the following approach: Instead of acting by patching the game, they investigated the accounts involved in the hack/fraud. Then they watched over a lot of time, build up files of the repeated violation of the TOS, documented the networks it they were there. Meanwhile, the boards went mad about the hacks/frauds and the company not acting. And then, after weeks and sometimes months - BAM! 300k accounts permanently closed, end of discussion. This is something you can do if u are interested in action against these things.

LMAO Someone would have to open up many many many many accounts for UO to have 150k accounts to banLOL, much less 300k


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
LMAO Someone would have to open up many many many many accounts for UO to have 150k accounts to banLOL, much less 300k
I don't refer to the numbers, I refer to the method. I also disagree with Lord Frodo. I don't think that the population of UO or the majority of accounts is made up of scripters. In most cases, you will find some people behind this shady business, and sometimes banning one persons's accounts will give enough rumor to make others shut down their business.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I absolutely love script threads. The real scripters chime in and say how awful it all is, and how they do it all on the up and up and wish that Devs would do something about it. Totally bizarre to me...and then you have non scripters, that still seem to know every little nuance of every script and how they all work yada yada.....and I am in no way calling names or pointing to anyone in particular....i would never do that.......ever.........not ever never ever..... ibtl
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