How does one use that Spreadsheet ?
It is necessary to manually write from one's own SOS the coordinates into the spreadsheet ?
And then, UOAM and UOCart will display the pin for those location ?
If so, it would still be quite time consuming as one would need to then sail back and forth in between all "pinned" locations on UOAM and UOCart...
I was looking for a way to "group up" my SOSes to moreless the same location at Sea so that, I can go fish up like 15-20 or even more all close to one another without having to sail too much in between...
Is there a way to "filter" or "sort" all moreless same location SOS when being in a Davie's Locker ?
This way, one could then only pull them out like 20 at a time, all at moreless the same location, and go fish them up without having to do too much time consuming sailing....
Another thing which could help, would be if handing out an SOS to a tillerman and telling him/her start, would then get us to the SOS location without any more trouble....
you could use a world map and mark a pin to near the coordinates and drop that on the tillerman and tell him to start and they will autosail to the spot .. should take some of the work out of it