Are any other vets as depressed as I am, this week?

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Dor of Sonoma

Just wondering...I'm having a helluva time trying to maintain interest in a world where, everywhere I turn these days, I am again reminded of the departure of my friends, and the history blowing away into trackless dust...

Having to watch, with overwhelming sadness as house after house crumbles to the ground, leaving only place-less spots in their wake...the names erased forever from the local history rolls, whispered away in the errant breeze, and all remnants of their contributions and time and heart spent in our land grabbed by clueless latecomers, who go scuttling away into the night clutching items that they will never know the true meaning of, from players that they never knew or loved.

"I got LOOT, man!!"


I am having a hard time of it. It just feels so empty right now :-(


Despite our greatest efforts, time always erases everything. Even the greatest mountain will become dust one day.


Yes, I get sad from time to time missing all my friends that have departed. I find it harder making friends with the *new* mindset of players that are now coming into the game, so I tend to solo or do more crafting and skill building than anything. I am thankful I do have those good memories of friends from long ago though.


I know how you feel Dor. Ive been in the Atl RP community for a little over 2 years now, and everywhere I look I see people leaving, and old establishments falling or on the brink.
I just play with the friends I have and try to make new ones. Nothing more you can do.

Dor of Sonoma

I guess what really drove it home to me tonight, is the fact that I am watching Spinkickr's place decay...the one he erected to help newbies with, and the one he friended me to...the one that he loved. The one that I loved.

Unfortunately, I am not sure I can save his things. The AoS publish reset all secures to Owner-Only, and so I am helpless to do anything but pray that I log in before the vultures descend, so that I can store whatever of his is left.

The trouble is, we still don't know what happened to him (I know that he did not cancel his account), and so I pass the hours remembering him and the incredible times he created for so many, many others, all of the happiness he left in his wake...and worrying about what could be the sad, hidden reason that would prompt all that he worked for so crumble silently around me.'s just a morbid night for me, my apologies. :-\


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dec 9, 2002
Las Vegas
Yeah I watched a tower fall a little ways from my house thats been there as long as I can remember. Makes you wonder if UO is really on the way out.


I passed my "depressed" phase months ago. I have now settled in a permanent state of "jaded".

Draken of TWT

Here is a post I made early yesterday. It pretty much sums up how I feel about how UO has "grown".

Dor, I agree with you completely, it is a sad day to watch things decay in a game we all enjoyed so very much. What saddens me more though is this, there is no one that seems to want to rebuild what is falling.

Draken of TWT
Atlantic Shard
*He who hurries cannot walk with dignity*

Lady Rena

I think I've felt like this for a long time. Ever since my friends who got me started in the game left. I sat and watched their house go from one owner to the next, and eventually collapse and have someone else take over. Saddest part was we all had houses within the one little area, and I remember my friend who was one of the first GM Bowyer's on Baja had a vendor house nearby and now it's gone... I've kind of gotten into the whole solo thing now. Yea I'll go PvP with my guild every so often, but mainly I'm out doing things on my own. Kind of in the numb phase now. I think I realized a while ago that being depressed about it isn't going to bring it all back. I even still have runes to friend's houses from years ago... For some reason I can't bring myself to throw them out. /php-bin/shared/images/icons/frown.gif


I keep my account open because of the things I have in-game and the hard work I put in to complete my characters. Unfortunately, the most important thing, comradery, is gone.


I'm way past the sad/jaded phase and have been hanging with bitter for some time :-/ If anyone out there is looking for the good old community feel, come on over to SP and hang out on the SP boards here. It really does feel like the good old days, thieves, reds, and even a few anti's /php-bin/shared/images/icons/smile.gif

I keep my sons account alive on GL's cause he has a house right next to the Trinsic front gate. I remembered when I started I thought that was the coolest house in the game. I know another can't be placed there so I keep it standing. Fel doesn't appear it will ever be what it was, but that house has a great value to me for all the memories of being a newbie long ago and that house was a center of commerce and many a front gate battle with those evil reds. Sometimes when I'm there I can almost see the ghosts of the Trinsic invasion with heros breaking down the front gate barriers, hidden reds waiting in ambush, and mages with their summoned demons pouring out of town to pushing back those vile highwaymen. When I walk through town I can almost see the boats parked everywhere on the little rivers and the streets busy with activity. /php-bin/shared/images/icons/smile.gif

But SP is pretty close and certainly not the walk in the park UO has become in most places, I invite those who are looking for a bit of UO's former glory to stop in, and keep your eyes open and your blade sharp /php-bin/shared/images/icons/wink.gif

Tionne of Siege

I know the feeling Dor. I had been watching over Calla's place on Sonoma for a little over 2 yrs. When our PC crashed we lost her icq and had no way to contact her. When the changes came where a friend could lock an item down in your house I left a book and a rune with my number, one of her other friends just happen to see it and passed me her email address. Well I email her and found out that she was not coming back to UO, due to real life but wanted to pass her house on to someone and not let it fall. Her's was an old account with 4 homes, one on Sonoma, one on LS, two on Baja. She did not have the CD for the game any longer, but she did pay for another month on her account and pass me the account name and password with instruction I was to pass the houses to those in game.

Her Sonoma home (which was her favor) went as a grand prize for contest this week, which OTE sponsor for me. Her two homes on Baja I made it a race for them posting a picture of locations and the first person to get there won the house. It was a close race for one of the homes, where I had two people arrive within seconds of each other. The 2nd person took off for the 2nd house which he did get to.

Her Stone shop on LS no one wanted, but I was able to tell a guild that lived near there that it would fall soon and when it did all items would be up for grabs. I have Calla's roses at my Malas home set up as she had them set up in her bedroom. When I found a rune to the Y in her book I assume you knew her and brought her over to say bye as well. If you like to reach her do let me know I PM you the email address.

Calla if you every read this, I will miss you sister and I hope with all my heart that someday you can come back to us. But if you never do, then I wish that the angels above watch over you always.

Kylie Nightangel

I'm completely UO-depressed as well... Just nothing seems the same. Looking back, remembering all the little things ("Ryna starts to tame a dragon" .. I never got to see that..) Knowing it's never going to be the same.. and everything is going to be money/item based instead of both ingame and irl skills... Not to mention all the people... *sighs* I need some sort of alternate hobby.

Kalidor Mundane

Yah Know , Yah Can look at it that way. I once did myself.But for some weird and perhaps demented way I feel it`s for the best. If UO is to continue on in a positive direction. UO must evolve further. UO`s past won`t be forgotten, Not for a long long time.The Game has always been about change, for good and for bad.We all are on our own quest in game. we`ve all been on this quest since the day we`ve opened our accounts.The Quest has always been how we chose to live our virtual lives.



maybe it's because you play Sonoma, the ghost shard - Catskills is still bustling and just fine thank you - thank god all the crappy old unused houses are finally collapsing - only took 2 years too long

you all just need to make some new friends instead of sitting around being depressed - did you really expect all of your guildmates to play for years and years and years - very few people do - you have to constantly increase your friend circle or get stuck in reverse like you're all in now

Lady Malynn

I am fortunate to be able to play with a group of long-time players. A couple are considering leaving UO. These are folks who've played for about 5 years each. It always heartbreaking to lose long-time friends.

Why are they considering leaving? Because they are bored to tears. These folks know how to make fun for themselves and others in UO. They've done it for years. We are high-end PvM'rs... and there is simply nothing for us to do except Doom. The Ilsh champ spawns are broken. Sometimes we sneak into Fel to do a champ spawn there. But we don't enjoy non-con PvP. We had lots of non-con PvP during the dread days, and never developed a "liking" for it back then, and we still haven't come to enjoy it.

SunSword hints that there is sometime neat coming for vets. We need to know what that is, need it yesterday... not months and months from now.


*sigh* I do understand.... and several times, feeling that way, I actually quit for a while. But the world of Britannia is addictive..... I keep coming back.... still, the ghosts of the past gather 'round me each time I log on.....

I need an exorcist.


I am :/
A good friend of mine quit awhile back, came back a few weeks ago, then quit AGAIN!
Talk about a kick in the balls...

Dor of Sonoma

I have a pretty adequate circle of friends, that I have continuously added to for years. :)

It's just that each one is unique, as is their history. Hell, Spin flew 2000 miles to come out here and fix my comp, only having known me from UHall before I met him at the airport. He was pretty extraordinary...and impossible to duplicate or replace, as is each rare and singular being, really.

I do make new friends...every day. I just miss him, and it's hard seeing the last vestiges of him float away in this manner. I could wish for a nicer ending, that's all.

I'll go on...I always do. I just don't always like it a whole lot.


I think one can never find the magic back one had when starting the game. It was all so exciting, the first time you bump into a bunch of orcs and live, the first time killing a balron (remember that pool in Terathan? lol). Now it's kinda been there done that. I also miss my old friends who have been part of the 'magic', but i made new ones too.
Alot has changed in Ultima over the years and me too thinks that AoS has made it very item/gold based. *longs for the time a 40k vanq mades one uber* /php-bin/shared/images/icons/wink.gif
The respond on this thread shows many vets are missing and looking for the same, so let's try to get together and make UO what it was for us 3/4/5 years ago.


Those times gladly are gone for me.
The first time it happened to me was when the friends from our guild left me alone in the game. Within two months each of them departed to other games. A few came back again later but left UO again within 2-3 months. This departure of them made me move over to GL. Then in 2001 it was time for me to leave too to travel to new lands. It was one of the hardest things to do. Now that i'm back for about a year again i'm about to leave another time.
I don't need UO to communicate with the friends i made there. I use ICQ for that. Yes, there are a few things that i never will forget like: my first house, the first bigger (guild)house, my first 3x (4,5,6)-gm, the fun times with friends.... Some of those things noone can take from me. I keep the screenshots on my computer and in my head.

And then there's this thing:
The game just isn't anymore what it used to be. The community "is gone". the bustling cities are empty (except for one spot in Britain).
You will have that in all multiplayer online games with a static world where an expansion pack is going to be released. There will just not be that many players in the game to keep the old places busting and fill the new ones as well. I saw this happen with UO and see it happen with DAoC right now.


Dor, I'm currently on reservist (compulsory military training), so I don't have much time to log in UO or to read/post on UO Stratics.

And I'm really depressed to hear about Spinkickr's place decaying (and worse, his continued absence).

*remembers fondly the newbie events he organised on various shards, the babble threads and his coloured hair*


Eh...I lost one of my last friends in game over a year ago...
Solo player on Chesapeake, and Solo player on Sonoma, except when those few times my BF will play...

Lonely in game...but friendly out here on the boar.....wait a second. Lonely out here too. Everyone who was good on the boards that I knew, left too...Now it's filled with more bitter vets then you can shake a gnarled staff at! /php-bin/shared/images/icons/wink.gif

But yeah...As time moves on people keep leaving...Times change....
Gotta make new friends and stick with the changes that are delt to us. The more we are able to accept the changes, the longer we may stay...same with the friends we chose if they can handle the changes as well...
Bird of a feather flock together?


Ancient Evil

You should not think of it all in terms of a beginning and an end. If our world is persistant then these are the moments of our chars life simply passing by along with a constant stream of new moments and new friends. Something new will replace the old in time...


It is a sad thing indeed to have friends move on and leave, this is even doubly so in our great lands where at one point, friends where the only thing from keeping you from seeing gray all the time.

However, as does everything, time moves forward and so does our lives. I miss several people from back when I started but then I also know many more people who are still here. Dang if I will let memories from the past hang like bags from my skin ignorning those new friends or keeping me from enjoying a game that has brought so much in to my life.

I am sorry to see people go, yes, but I also see many new people come and though they don't have the great tales and fantastic journeys to tell, they do have one thing the others don't. They are simply there and are interested in our evolving changing world! They are creating new worlds...they are creating new fun...they are the same as the ones who left.

We all live and we all shall die. Best not to dwell on the old for to long and become nothing more than a memory when you have every possibility of making the same greatest adventures as before. Tis the same world? Nay! And thankfully our world continues to evolve because they day it stops moving will be the day no one will be standing beside you as the dark door of our characters lives closes for good!


Goodman Atlantic

That sense of depression started a few months ago when many long-time players started dropping out of UO. I have asked Sannio if there is anything a player can do to help, but alas the offer has had no reply. We need to find a way to keep the veteran players involved in the game.

One thing that has hurt is the player who had a 7 GM character that suddenly realizes that he needed to drop one of those skills in order to make other skills 120 Legendary, just to maintain the same relative skill level that he had before, as compared to other players.

When OSI nerfs a skill that many players worked hard to gain for the advantages it offered, that hurts too. How many players added lumberjacking to their warriors to have some added punch with axe weapons, only to have that added punch almost disappear?

This phenomenon is not new to OSI, and they seem to accept it as "acceptable consequences" of the changes they make. But, to the veteran player, it means losing friends; losing those social contacts that holds us to the UO community. And, in the long run, this nudges us all a little bit closer to the edge where we find it easier to drop out of the game than to continue.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Feb 25, 2004
Colorado Springs, CO
I kinda miss Spin too...My first adventures on Seige was an event Spin planned..I still have screenshots.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Mar 18, 2004
It is getting kinda sad. Ive sat here and watched every one of my friends leave. *hates daoc* they all went to daoc or swg..

Its tirersome to see the same people get all the good stuff time and time again. Like going to champ spawns and seeing the same guilds get everything. Going to doom champs and seeing people decked out with arts yell "I Got another one!"

Watching player run towns die out as people move on. i hoped with Malas wed see player run towns again since there are so many houses in certain areas.. but alas.. no.

Hearing about EM run events and never being to one sucks as well. Ive yet to hear about one until its over.

Eh uo is kinda fading for me.. Nothing really to do. Im not gonna quit or anything, but damn.. its getting boring.


I do know how you feel. I am right now pretty depressed about losing my UO bf. She owns about four accounts and has four houses. Her husband played at one time so two accounts are his. My house is next to hers and our guild has a little area where we all have houses. She also runs a vendor shop next to one of her houses and I do have vendors there as do many guild mates...but *sigh* that will be sold. She will be selling all her houses and selling her possessions. She says she will still play, but I don't think she will.
It makes me very sad to see all this happening. We've been bf for over 4 years. We talk on ICQ constantly, and play in UO together. Although UO has become boring to us all lately, so neither of us have been on much lately. Yet we've kept talking by ICQ.
She will be the third person that I'm friends with that has droped UO in a short period of time.
Its a very sad time.

Dor of Sonoma


Aye, he was the best! :)

Is there any way you could post those screenshots, Ludes?



No, I'm not depressed at all.

These old friends are not dead, they just moved on to other things they enjoy more, or their paths took them in different directions. Nothing to mourn about there.

I love UO, and the fact that it's in a constant state of flux makes it even more interesting.


I'm always amazed by players who have been around for 5+ years. I'm coming up on 36 months here, and I'm stuck in a major rut... haven't even felt like logging in more than once or twice a week. All of my friends from back when I started have left the game, and the player-run projects I've involved myself in recently have either fizzled out or grown too big for my tastes. Building characters has become boring... PvP feels like a waste of time... I found that I don't even care about phase 3 or all the collapsing houses, and hunting for these things was always one of my favorite parts of the game.

I know it's me, and not the game that's the problem here, so I cut my UO accounts back down to one, passed on my house and most of my belongings, and started an account on another MMORPG. I'm hoping that by the time I burn myself out on that one, my UO addiction might be ready to come back.


If you would like help in the "looting fest" that happens when a house falls let me know where and when. I am quite a fast looter. You can have all the items I get I want nothing in return. Good luck to you either way.


Almost 3 years later , and I'm in the same boat , alot of my friends have moved on , I log in and cant figure out what to do. Ah well summers almost here , i'm sure there will be more players on schools / colleges almost done for the summer.

imported_Grifty McBegg

After further review, and further insight as to the intentions of the post, it doesn't appear to be the typical shameless bump.

Not posted WITH Malice, merely BY Malice... teehee.

Me being pressed for time is no excuse for me not to review things properly.
So, there ya have it.

Now everyone be good and please ensure this discussion stays lock-free =Þ


You know you just made other mods look bad, right? Watch out! They might beat you up in the locker room.

back to topic... I am one that is leaving... I am not sad, but relieved! I think my exiting way IS the only way to clean-cut UO from my life. Having all my stuff stripped by friend(s)... and then close my emptied account and move on. (Not even going to save ethys on my favorite chars, totally stripped naked.)

For me, not all my friends left UO... many did, but many others are still here...

However, our "meaning of fun in UO" differed these days. Some went to pvp... others are happy mindlessly doing peerless in hopes to get something of great value. "MY" UO community is pretty much dead these days. "MY" UO social life had been dead since ML came out, I think.

Another thing that contributed to my walking away is that... I haven't been able to find anyone worthy of me helping... no good newbies to be found lately... Yes, helping a newbie is a lot of fun and very rewarding... Newbies do grow up and become buddies. I used to have my image double... someone that made chars that doubled my chars, cause I helped him with his templates... and now happily playing WoW. hehe


Hey Dor, what happened in the end to that chap and his falling house, did they ever show-up again?



I had registered the username of 'Honey' for these boards, prior to feb 2004.

And... you aren't me.

And... I had made a lot of posts under that username...



and I had received this funny e-mail and disregarded it:

Someone from the ip address '' requested a temporary password for the Username 'Honey' for the website 'Stratics Message Forums'. This is a temporary password that can be used if you have forgotten your original password. If you did not request this, please ignore this message. The temporary password for this Username is --


*sigh* Yup - I share your pain, I feel like the last of the mohicans as folks are finally pulling the plug. Several of my regular-player buddies closed their curtains just recently so there will be more and more houses falling (especially with the 30 day housing life).

Its when the far-flung small multi-shard player grandfathered houses go that you really feel the soul of UO fading away. Nobody places small houses any more as an 18x18 spot is far too simple to place.

Not sure how long I will hold on myself, I get rather depressed visiting my many little outposts and rarely see anyone unless I hang at the "ugh" Luna bank. I have dungeons to myself, the only one at a champ spawn I'm not even sure I want any loot from an IDOC, I already have waaay too many "sentimental" items (things crafted by long since departed players) - nowhere else left to stash it and no enhusiasm left to weild it

Darn yer making me maudlin ....



Despite our greatest efforts, time always erases everything. Even the greatest mountain will become dust one day.

[/ QUOTE ]

Luckily most of us don't have to consider things on a geologic scale ... but 9 years is a long time to hold on to the magic and excitement of hearing stones for the first time and seeing the chest open then entering a virtual land to meet new folks and experience world of wonder. Nobody can take the memories away - and weren't they simply .... magical eh?


Ahhh Spinkickr ah yes, fond memories of that scamp
If you need some extra vigilence, PM and let me know I'll gladly help hold fast to any memories. I found a whole load of player written stories from a Sonoma IDOC and couldn't bear to let them decay. Soooo while other folks were busy hauling off piles of resources, statues and rares, I'm grabbing the story books ... the true rares

If you want some nostalgia go look at the books in the little public cage-tower just west of the library in Sonoma Ocllo.


After the database got dumped and a bunch of people had to re-register their nicknames, a banned poster caused a lot of problems for staff (and other users) by registering a *ton* of names that already existed but hadn't been re-registered yet. So your username may have gotten snagged by him as well.


I still get the same sort of feeling a lot on Europa, and haven't really played much for the past 2-3 years

It will probably sound odd, but I can't even really stand to spend too much time in my house on Europa, at one point it was a fairly busy tavern, and a meeting point for many in the guild I was in, now it always feels empty.

When I used to ocassionaly camp IDOC's I used to quite like it when from time to time someone would refresh them, and even when I sucessfully placed a house tended to wonder what happened to the old player, did the pile of 1000 gate scrolls mean they were attempting to train a scribe? etc.

With the advent of my nephew pursuading his dad to let him create an account on Legends i've been having quite a bit of fun with my first really new and independant character since I first started playing.
There is something enjoyable about starting fresh on a different shard, sort of like wiping the slate clean, as although you're working in the same areas they don't hold the same memories


This week? How about the past few months...?

In the past year and a half I've seen the RP community dwindle to the barest of bones. I've seen large scale battles in PvP turn into small attack squads. I've seen player run governments with empty chairs. I've been to player run towns that are now dirt plots with 'SOLD' on them or just plain empty. I've seen a handful of players do their best to invest time and energy in keeping the level of excitement into this game because EMs have been absent for ages (and they still keep promising us they are just around the corner).

I've been told that I'm supposed to have more reasons to log on and when I do all I see is a few NPCs in Britain repeating the same phrases, over and over.

I've been told we have an art team and from that we've gotten a targeting system and one suit of armor.

I've been told we should expect GMs to be more involved, yet there are more canned responses than ever. Heck, theres not even a queue for characters anymore.

We have a community manager who spends 90% of his 'community' time defending himself rather than actually being _proactive_ about what the COMMUNITY wants.

There have been a few nice touches, here and there, but the Team really needs to get on the ball and make changes. Soon. Or the 'big announcement' from darkscribe is that our 60 day notice for UO has finally come in...


I've quit twice, came back again a couple months back, and this time around I'm getting embittered by how artifacts are destroying the armor and weapon crafting community--a community that once provided a lot of social and economic opportunity, and gave people pride in what they could craft.

I see more peeps decked out in millions, or tens of millions, of dollars of artifacts, head to toe, who don't seem to know how to do anything but talk about themselves. It's like running into a bunch of self-absorbed models.

Still, I meet a lot of good people in game, and nice newbies too.

LAH Architect


Just wondering...I'm having a helluva time trying to maintain interest in a world where, everywhere I turn these days, I am again reminded of the departure of my friends, and the history blowing away into trackless dust...
&lt;br&gt;Having to watch, with overwhelming sadness as house after house crumbles to the ground, leaving only place-less spots in their wake...the names erased forever from the local history rolls, whispered away in the errant breeze, and all remnants of their contributions and time and heart spent in our land grabbed by clueless latecomers, who go scuttling away into the night clutching items that they will never know the true meaning of, from players that they never knew or loved.
&lt;br&gt;"I got LOOT, man!!"
&lt;br&gt;I am having a hard time of it. It just feels so empty right now :-(

[/ QUOTE ]

About 2 years ago at an IDOC, I got an item that changed my perception of them. It was a Guest Book. As I read through the entries, I was deeply sadden by the departure of the various people mentioned in the book and also by the disappearance of the IDOC - which was a community place / tavern. Nothing special / not IGM blessed, just that it had life !

Since then, I have great disdain for IDOC hunters that loot these places, sell the spoils like commodities and brag all over the place like they are the enlightened 'Bill Gates' of the lands.

When friends or associates tell me : hey there's an IDOC. I dun get excited anymore and instead feel : Another one bites the dust.....



Just wondering...I'm having a helluva time trying to maintain interest in a world where, everywhere I turn these days, I am again reminded of the departure of my friends, and the history blowing away into trackless dust...
&lt;br&gt;Having to watch, with overwhelming sadness as house after house crumbles to the ground, leaving only place-less spots in their wake...the names erased forever from the local history rolls, whispered away in the errant breeze, and all remnants of their contributions and time and heart spent in our land grabbed by clueless latecomers, who go scuttling away into the night clutching items that they will never know the true meaning of, from players that they never knew or loved.
&lt;br&gt;"I got LOOT, man!!"
&lt;br&gt;I am having a hard time of it. It just feels so empty right now :-(

[/ QUOTE ]




Since then, I have great disdain for IDOC hunters that loot these places, sell the spoils like commodities and brag all over the place like they are the enlightened 'Bill Gates' of the lands.

When friends or associates tell me : hey there's an IDOC. I dun get excited anymore and instead feel : Another one bites the dust.....

[/ QUOTE ]

slash of gl

I started playing soon after UO went public, spent the first month running from mongbats and the second trying to sneak past the pk's at the crossroads to walk (didn't know what recall was) to ratman valley. Well a kind soul named Iuz took me under his wing, taught me the basics of the game, introduced and got me accepted in my first and only guild. Iuz quit probably probably arround 2000/early 2001, and to be honest hadn't thought of him in years.

Well to get to the point of this story, this last sunday I was wandering around Fel and came across a couple folks looting a IDOC. Opening a chest, the first thing I came across was a valentine scroll from 1999 with Iuz's name on it. It's locked down in my house now, as a memory of the good times I remember from the best days of UO.