Gees Garth, the world isn't ending this eve (at least I don't think it is!). You remind me of one of the guys I played with long ago, one of the clamest (even under fire), most Christian oriented men you'll ever meet, fine young Army officer, but in UO he could blow a gasket quicker than you can blink.
Chrissay has explained this as best she could, but in a round about manner as she performs IAW the parameters of the job. What you're witnessing are three issues, 1) team staffing and 2) decision making, and 3) improper player conduct, none of which rise to level of causing you to abandon a form of entertainment you're clearly passionate about. I agree, I don't agree with the decision and would go a different route, but it's much easier to armchair quarterback from afar when not sitting in the chair (and BTW, Draconi doesn't sit there, his boss does. Drac and Leorcian are one level "down." But I have no clue which of them actually made the call, any of them could have) and there is no review or consequence. Whoever did, it was likely done with an eye toward staffing, legal specifications of the TOS and detection limitations. I have a ever solidifying belief that we're down to a single dedicated GM, at the most. I do think the guys there try, and do well, at least from where I sit. Their procedure seems to be to automate responses when at all possible, and follow up external to the client. In this instance, client activity seems to be required. They'd have to wait for the server to receive an input from the specific character - I don't know if that can currently be done and if so whether it's a time consuming task or not. No detected input means no TOS violation from what I can tell. Even if they "talk" to the guy and he doesn't respond, if no input occurs, my understanding is the TOS have not been violated. The few times I've "met" a GM for the longest time it seems, they want you to party and hit the "/" key so your text stays hidden. I've seen people who I suspect do script - walk around, tame, and gather resources - I assume these people can also "talk" to a GM based on process. Now, a savvy GM could change the technique (if allowed to), and maybe go for a walk with the dude, which I don't think could be scripted to counter. But I don't know what burden of proof might be required for the GM to action the offending character. So they came up with a solution, leave the spot alone if camped by anyone for any reason. It works, though I wish they were more proactive, as you clearly do as well. But even if they were to be more agressive, commiting the resorces required to do so, the characters I "saw" when I took a look around for you are "throw away" characters. My guess is they rid one, another shows, and with a higher level of sophistication than before. Is it worth it? I don't know. I do wish it were.