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A YAMA story - Updated 3/24 with Chapter 5

  • Thread starter Yasou Wakayama
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


She stood in her garden, looking across the Village Green. "So," she thought, "there is to be war." She would follow Aeric's lead, whatever would be his decision about this matter, she would stand with him.

Nuri sorted through her armor..she was new at planning what would best serve her need of protection in battle.

"What a mess!!" Nuri spun around. "Aeric, do not sneak up on me like that!"
The man laughed, "what are you doing with this junk?" He picked up a piece of reasonally repaired leather gaunlets, but dropped them when he caught the smell of them. "Whew..these smell of the sewer.."

Nuriko grabbed up the gaunlets and tossed them back in to the chest she had been searching. "Never mind the gaunlets. What news have ye about this mess facing the realm?"

His face grim, Aeric spoke only one word.."WAR!"

She looked at him for a moment, and then grinned.."Well, at least the next weeks shall prove interesting, shall they not? What of the others, for surely cousin, ye know I will stand with ye!"

"They too see the need. We must train hard, for there is little time left before the battles begin." Aeric smiled a tired smile, "There is a good deal to be done, and precious little time to do it in."

Nuri stood still for a while then spoke in almost a whisper..."A time back there were knights who rode these lands...I remember their battle cry..I think this is how it goes..Brother to Brother in Life as in Death!!!" She smiled..."These are our lands, these are our brothers and sisters who are taking up the sword against the tyranny..tis time to make a stand, and, cousin, I stand with thee and our allies. Where ye would lead, I will follow gladly."

Nuriko tried to calm her hands, they shook. She had never deliberately chosen to take the life of another, but this was war. Urging Valorite into the gate, she yelled her death cry...'TODAY IS A GOOD DAY TO DIE!!



---------- Hours earlier ---------

Yasou handed the parchment to Kanaye. “Leave this on the door to the mayors home.” He handed him a sack with a severed sheeps head. “Place this on the stoop. Use stealth and make sure you are not seen.” Kanaye nodded and then vanished.

Mayor Kelmo …
You have been harboring enemies of the Wakayama Empire within the borders of your village. Shake hands with Waka emissaries with your right hand while holding a sharpened dagger with your left. A declaration of war has been sent to the group you give safe harbor to. We expect that you and your citizens will ride with them into battle. No quarter will be shown to you nor any of the I^A clan. Our sources have made it clear that Iantown is not the peaceful enclave it claims to be. The streets of your village will flow red with the blood of your citizens. When you are sick over the carnage you may seek a parlay … until then let the blood flow.

Prepare for war…

Yasou Wakayama, Shogun Iragael Shabba Wakayama
Wasabi Wakayama Obake Yamamoto

[/ QUOTE ]

The shock of finding the severed sheep's head on his door step quickly turned to anger. Kelmo eyed the blood stained parchment. As an experienced diplomat, Kelmo realized there were many levels to this message.

Many considered sheep docile animals, domesticated and used merely for food, clothing, and of course the manufacturing of bandages. Kelmo thought much more of the sheep that roamed the village of Iantown.

"Poor gentile creature," Kelmo whispered " Tis a sad day when your violent death was merely a message to me."

Many people have misunderstood Kelmo's love of the sheep. He accepted that. Kelmo's mind drifted back to the early days of what would become Iantown. An endless grassy plain.

"I Found it" Asmodi yelled. His compatriots, Ragman, Llyod, Paradox and so many others followed. Se'an Silverfoot and Folger soon set up in the fair lands thay would become Iantown. Blind Hugh settled in as well.

Folger brought many settlers, Sissy and khamul amoung them. Ragman presented the elusive Bridgett. So many people... So many friends.

Kelmo thinks back, to the first house he had here. The sign said pub, but it was just a big plot of dirt. Off to one side was a shack. The shack did not even have a roof. It was home.

The early settlers were poor, but had focus and mission. "We will build a town here!" It was lumber and cloth that built Iantown. Kelmo sighs, and pulls out his shovel. A grim chuckle escapes him.

"I think I remember how to use this tool."

Kelmo taps the dirt down. He looks to the missive that came with the poor sheep's head. As he reads it, his anger intensifies.

"Cowards" Kelmo mumbles, " We have dealt with greater threats."

Though a tinker and tavern owner by choice, Kelmo ponders his options. War, the Waka want war.

"They will get their war, but on terms they have not even considered"


The fight at the Yew gate was going badly, but Jeanna noticed one thing, she saw only 1 or 2 Waka, and a alot of SAS, perhaps she thought as she was getting resurected by Elija, Waka was afraid of being called criminal by their own king, and let the mages of SAS do their fighting for them, who had no such fear.

Felinious looked at Grot as he walking into his house, "Well I talked to the jailkeeper in Yew, he said i was reported 3 times for murder tonight" Fel stated.
"It seems the new tax collectors would not enforce their own decrees, and waited for others to be agressive. What if they held a war, and no one came?"


A clump of dirt crumbled gently in his gauntlet, and he allowed the dust to fall with the ominous sound of time as it is pinched cruelly and unfairly, single file, through the hourglass. He sighed heavily and stood carefully.

The view expands... the dirt is trodden heavily, and in places is soaked in the blood of the fallen. There, the corpse of a rune-beetle who was overwhelemd by numbers, there the broken-winged body of a hiryu, and there again, perhaps most senslessly, though he could not say for the life of him why, a jackrabbit. As he bent over the innocent corpse, the victim of a stray shot, or spell, or back-handed swing (who can say?), he shook his head in dismay, and twitched in pain.

The battle, such as it was, had been heated, powerful, and ultimately pointless. No territory was decided, no victories won, no vendettas met... there was simply no point to any of it except to spill the blood of others. And what ate at his soul deeply, was that he, Jacob Redwing, a samurai in truth, was not involved in any of it.

Oh, he was there... he witnessed it all... but he could not fight. He was honor-bound to fight only in defense of himself, or others who were deemed worthy. The same honor that bound him to cast aside the calling of his soul and take up arms, also prevented him from doing just that. He was forced to stay still and sneer in distaste as his hated enemies approached him and chuckled, then passed him by in favor of more 'worthy' game. The frustration was made worse by the fact that they did not attack anyone. Not once did they draw first blood against his allies. They waited, and taunted, and all but begged them to attack first. And someone cracked. No one could say who, or when, and it really didn't matter. But someone had struck first, and sealed the fate of the rest.

The battle was bloody indeed... and in the end, there was really no victory for either side... but in the eyes of the law, his allies were in the wrong.

Jacob turned on his heel and looked into the unfeeling... eyes... of his golem. The creature was not truly alive, but his mechanical knowledge (a remaining gift of his time retired) had granted him the knowledge in their creation. Naught but a disposable weapon of brute force, he had never deigned to give them the benefit of his speech aside from to give it orders... until now.

"So, my friend... how did you enjoy your first battle? Did it satiate the bloodlust that courses through your metal veins? Did you render bloody vengeance upon those who damned your allies, cursed your honor, and trod upon all you believe in and care for? Let me ask you, you moronic creature of the void..." He flung his hand out backwards, and pointed toward the broken body of the rabbit. "WAS IT WORTH IT?!"

The golem tilted its head slowly. It's lifeless eyes looked upon the face of its creator, and then upon the rabbit. And the the golem did something impossible, something mind-shattering, something that tore at Jacob's very soul for many days and weeks thereafter.

It shrugged.

He turned back to the carnage. He hadn't allowed himself to see the bodies of the people yet. There had been too many. A warrior was brought back from the nether, and fell again on the spot his ressurection took place. Rotting and flesh-picked corpses alike were strewn about the field, the buzzards having come-and-gone, and come again. The bodies that still clothed flesh, were clothed in naught but. The desecrators had long since left and laughed merrily at their 'sport'.

"This wasn't the work of any true Samurais. This was a distasteful display of cowardice and opportunism. I have seen its like before, golem. Such acts were perpetrated by two in my memory before... two from long past... two whom none miss. Two men, but one evil, that has come again..."

The wind hissed in vile revulsion as the names pushed forth between his lips. The ground shifted, and the birds and animals stopped their movement and natural noises. Only the buzzards seemed to be effected positvely by the names, and that only seemed right, somehow. The leaves caught the names, and hurled them viciously back towards the Samurai's ears...

"Yooooda.... Daaarrrtth..."

A sudden crunching sound turned Jacob around quickly. He pulled his weapons back hard, ready to rend the fool who thought him unprepared open from gonads to gizzards. He didn't think to call for his golem's aid... which was well...

Because the sound was of the golem grinding its massive heel into the skull of one of the fallen. It cracked and split under its massive weight. And whether the corpse was of an ally or enemy hardly mattered at this point. The point was made. And it was made quite thouroughly.

The golem looked up quickly, and there was no mistaking the look of unbridled rage upon its face, which suddenly looked very human indeed. The sounds that came next haunted Jacob, for they seemed to come from somewhere unnatural and possessed, as opposed to his own lips, which was their true source.

"From here until the ending of dawns, I shall make weapons of war... golems... and I shall distribute them to all of my allies... and they shall rend the flesh of any who support that most accursed evil. And from this day forth, each and every weapon that is wrought from my hand will carry the same soul, the same hatred, and the same name..."

The wind laughed as he spoke this word.

And the golem smiled.

And together, Jacob Redwing, and Vengeance, strode off the field of battle.

Yasou Wakayama

Iragael slid back the partition to the Shogun's private chambers. He could see the rigid silhouette of Yasou kneeling in meditation as he entered the darkened chamber.

"I have come to report on the battle at Yew gate, my Liege.", Iragel said, as he knelt before the Shogun.

"Speak, my friend.", Yasou's dismembered voice echoed from the shadows.

"The fighting was savage and thick with enemies, my Lord. Despite the large numbers engaged, casualties were fairly light on both sides. Although I must confess that my soul entered the netherworld several times through the ebb and flow of battle. All in all, our enemies were well met."

"Good...very good, my old friend...and your counsel would be?', queried the Shogun.

Iragael's reply was short and direct. "Send the declarations of war, my Lord."



Since the Mod felt it necessary to delete... and drop it to page two... especially when it did not shine well on his own guild...

imported_Daan Mor



Since the Mod felt it necessary to delete... and drop it to page two... especially when it did not shine well on his own guild...

[/ QUOTE ]

*OOC* What?
*edit* carry on...


Everyone on this shard knows Kelmo seperates these boards and his ingame activities quite well. Calling that into question is simply ludicrous.



Everyone on this shard knows Kelmo seperates these boards and his ingame activities quite well. Calling that into question is simply ludicrous.

[/ QUOTE ]


Back on topic..

SpyderBite watched the bridge awaiting the attack from the Wakayama Clan. He spotted Aeric who watched as well, but only nodded.

From behind, the Vampire heard the pounding of hoofs.. relieved, he watched the Sherriff of Iantown approach.

"Hi Spree", was all he could say before a mighty Canine was set upon him.. sicked upon him by the stealth tamer, ToeJam..

Realizing that they'd been betrayed, Spyder and Aeric launched an attack.


The candles burn low as it is late. But matters must be attended to in these times. Reports of skirmishes, battle readiness, and other details...

Kelmo rubs his eyes and reaches for his pipe. All is not well. While battles are won and lost, there seems to be confusion amongst some of the folks fighting the Waka Empire.

Rules of engagement are unclear. Old feuds still exist. Spies seem to be every where. One thing is clear to Kelmo. Iantown is his home. Family and friend live here.

Kelmo looks again at the reports his informants bring in. There are no less than three alliances and perhaps more fighting the evil empire. Yet there is no peace even amongst those.

Kelmo chuckles, "Situation normal...."


It had been a fruitful morning for Severina. She had unearthed and discovered many great items during her treasure hunt. She was busy sorting through her loot bag and didn’t even hear the approaching rider. It was not until the wind chimes rang out a familiar warning, something or someone had disturbed the air around them.

Severina quickly called out to Skittles to come to her side, she didn’t get many visitors here and she was ready for whatever she was to encounter when the door was opened.

As she opened the door, a smile appeared upon her face.

“Aeric!” Severina reached out to hug her long time friend from MYTH “What brings you to my Loft in Iantown? I cant recall when the last time was that you set foot in my home. Come in… come in…!”

Aeric stepped inside and glanced over at Skittles. “Has he been fed today? I don’t wish to be lunch for your feathered friend.”

Severina laughed and commanded Skittles to go upstairs. She grabbed the ale from her shelf and placed two mugs on the table. “Drink with me and tell me what brings you here. I sense something is wrong.”

“You are correct my friend. I have come to tell you of a fierce war…” Aeric then related all of the events that have taken place… the letters from the Shogun, the battles that have begun to rage all over the lands and the alliance MYTH had formed with the Exiled of the Damned.

“You know I would not ask this of you under normal circumstances” he continued “But I wish for you to ride by my side and to join our alliance. I know that you are a peaceful woman and that you are friends with many in this realm… evil or good, it never mattered to you. However, my dearest Severina, this is a time where we must all choose a side if we are to overcome this threat to our lands, to our way of life.

As Severina listened to Aeric, she already knew what her answer would be. Aeric has been a dear friend to her ever since she came to these lands. How could she say no to someone she has known and respected for so many years? The Court of the Ruby Grail would join the alliance, she would ride with him and his companions and face whatever evil it was that threatened her homeland.

After they discussed the details, Aeric left. He had mixed emotions about his friend and her guild joining the alliance. He was happy to have them by his side, but he knew the great danger that they would now encounter.

Severina went upstairs and sat on the floor by Skittles, she took out the file and began sharpening his nails… “Time to prepare” she said to him “For we are headed out to the battlefield…”


"We mean ye no harm, old one." came the voice from near the window, as Otto leapt skywards in fright. "No, no - shhhh! Be still!"

"He sounds much like the large nosed creatures of our homelands." commented another voice from elsewhere in the room.

"Please pardon our brother. He may talk like an idiot, and look like an idiot, but don't let that fool you: he really is an idiot." said another.
Who were these, and what did they want in his room at the Inn??
Otto considered calling room service, and asking them to send up a bigger room, but though the better of it.

"Sir, we bring you a message!" said the first.
"A message!" echoed the second.
"Honk Honk" came from the third.

"Aye? And what might this message be? And why deliver it in such a manner? Have ye something against pigeons?" The shock was fading, and Otto's ire was starting to rise. It had been a frustrating, fruitless day, and now some strange people were lurking about his room in the middle of the night!

"Here!" said the first.
"His visibility is zero!" said the second! "And he can't see either!"
"Honk" said the third.

Sounds of a small struggle ensued. Otto wondered whatever was happening.

Eventually the first one spoke again. "Here are the words of the Priestess Ibichi, of Clan Wakayama, hear them, and be grateful."

Otto had extreme doubts as to how grateful he would be.

"Sir Otto, I know from experience that yours is a trustworthy heart.
And so, even in this strange time of wars, and rumors of wars, I send this exquisite penmanship, which your eyes will never see, to you."

The reader paused. "Aye, this is indeed very fine penmanship, sir, not that I'm an expert on the topic. I'm a ninja. Well, I aim to be a ninja. One day. You see? Oh. You don't see. Well. I like it."

Otto began to wonder if he'd accidentally drunk from the tavern ale, instead of his water gourd, before retiring for the night.

"But, good Otto, I must tell you, this war was not intended, nor was it unintended. But, it is now upon us, and I have received word that you have been roaming the land, far and wide, seeking Yasou, or one of his millitary leaders."

The reader coughed. "What? You? You are blind. How do you hope to find anyone? Ouch."

A loud whacking noise came from the reader's direction, and further sounds of struggle ensued. Otto sighed, and pinched himself to see if he was indeed having a strange dream. He was not.

The reader continued, once the struggle abated.
"I can not give details, or my life is forfeit, but I fear this war is my fault."

"How can you say that about her?" yelled the second speaker "She is our priestess!"

"She wrote it! I am merely reading her words!"


Further scuffles ensued, and Otto began to wonder if they would notice if he simply got up and left. But, the reader continued before he could start to rise.

"I was ordered to wed, you see, good Otto. Ordered!! Can you fathom it?
And, in my anger, my despair, and fear for the future, I tried to divert the minds of the leaders who made this order as far away from thoughts of my nuptials, and my love life, as possible. Unfortunately, their thoughts settled on the matter of expanding the empire. And so, we have war."

"This is unbelievable!" Otto said "most of the land, plunged into war, so that she can avoid a wedding!! Unbelievable!"

"It's right here in the message, sir" said the speaker. Otto felt a breeze as the paper was obviously waved in front of his nose. "Who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes?"

Otto thought it best not to answer that.

After a long, uncomfortable pause, the speaker continued.
"And so, good Otto, I send these messengers to you. If you have any thoughts on how this battle might be turned, I beseech you - send an answer back with them! I warn you, however, the minds of all the Wakayamas have been changed by my sorcery, and I can not undo it.
Worse, I suspect there is still some intention to force me to marry - and I have no wish to do so! I am happy as I am! Good Otto, if it comes to it - help me escape! But, for now, I am in the unusual position of having to ask your aid.

Honored greetings.

Priestess Ibichi Wakayama"

"You would think that she was used to unusual positions." remarked one of the three.

"No! Say not such things! We're fighting for this woman's honor, which is more than she ever did." said another.

Yet another scuffle broke out.

When the sounds of pummelling had stopped, Otto spoke.

"Tell your priestess that I have no answers at present, but I will think on the matter. When I have an answer, I will send it to her."

"Thank you sir, and forgive us for alarming you!" replied the first voice.
"Thank you for listening, good sir. I hope you decide to help the Priestess. In fact, I can tell by your face that you will. And remember while you're out there risking life and limb through shot and hell, we'll be in here thinking what a sucker you are."

"Come, L'ar--ri, come, Cur'li, we must slip away into the night!"

And, after a lot of crashing noises and much cursing as three Wakayama messengers plummeted into the waste barrels behind the inn, they were gone.

Otto sighed, and closed the window. After a few moments, he felt along the edge of the window, and rummaged around in his backpack. With a look of exasperation on his face, he pulled out his toolkit.

The inn was used to the sounds of banging in the night, but this was probably the first time that they'd actually come from a hammer.

*with apologies to the 3 stooges and the Marx Brothers*
*and possibly with apologies to the Wakayamas, if I can ever find one*


Not wanting to break the RP theme, but Otto, that is one of the funniest things I have read on these forums in a while.

I'm not so sure Ibichi will thank you for turning the focus back on her arranged marriage though.



Aeric stood on the veranda of the new Myth Town Hall. He looked out over the empty land trying to envision what Myth
would look like in a year. The warm sun, and cool Spring breeze made him feel young and as if all was well. But all was
not well... was it? The Wakayama Clan was threatening taxation in the name of the false king British. Perhaps it was the
time he spent in service of Lord Py Lethius, and Mithras that gave courage to his convictions. Perhaps it was his stubborn
Highlander ancestry.... but nothing set his blood to boil faster than tyranny.

Everywhere one looked there were new signs of life.... children playing, new homes, workers mining, the sound of the smith's
hammer. Things were coming along very well.

A large white pigeon startled Aeric as it fluttered noisily up to the stone veranda, and lighted on the stone wall in front of him.
Attached to the pigeon's leg was the most ornate golden message tube that Aeric had ever seen. Catching the pigeon, Aeric
withdrew the message and read...

"Aeric Horn,

You have chosen not to respond to the message sent to you through Mizo. He assures me that you, indeed, received it.
I can only take this to mean that you, and your so called alliance are prepared to suffer the consequences of resistance.
As we are an honorable people... I offer you one opportunity to request any terms of war before our conflict begins. I require
your answer immediately.

Any delay will result in refusal of all terms.

Yasou Wakayama, Shogun Iragael Shabba Wakayama
Wasabi Wakayama Obake Yamamoto"

Aeric was filled with doubt. His guild was small, new to these lands, and like family. Was it folly to subject them to
war with a much larger, much more war hardened foe? Was it ever wrong to stand against tyranny, or those who would
discount the beliefs and freedom of others? The alliance was formed... and Aeric knew his friends to be true, they were still
greatly outnumbered. But the rest of the resistance... The Knights of the Silver Serpent, The Citizens of the Wispwood Shire...
surely the insults made to them will make them stand against these agents of the false king. And IanTown, and the
Highlanders of Stonehaven... surely they will not stand for the absent king's taxation of Malas. There would be plenty of help...
Having reassured himself, Aeric went back inside to his new office and penned his response....

"Honorable Yasou Wakayama and leaders of the Wakayama Clan,

War is never my desire, nor the desire of my family or friends. Peace is what we all want. But peace without freedom
is slavery. Your tyrannical demands for taxes for an absentee king in the lands of Malas are unreasonable.

My terms of war are as follows;

The war will go until The Wakayama Clan recognizes that the lands of Malas are exempt from the laws and taxation of
Lord British. Also until the moongates are grandfathered as "public" to all resistance guilds. In battle, if slain, the ladies
of Myth request that their skirts not be looted. It should also be known that we stand with the Citizens of the Wispwood
Shire against any foe.

May you be filled peace and honor.

Aeric Horn, MYTH
Circle of The Flame Alliance"

Aeric rolled his message, and slipped it back into the beautiful message holder.... stroked the dove for a moment, and
released it. The bird flew swiftly to the North, and then West... and was soon out of sight.

Two days of waiting... and finally the return message arrived. This time a black pigeon with the same ornate message
holder. Aeric carefully removed and unrolled the message....

"Aeric Horn,

Your terms of war are acceptable.

Yasou Wakayama"

Sitting staring at the words.... he still wondered if he had done the right thing for his guild and alliance.
And what of the other resistance guilds... what terms had they agreed to?

Yasou Wakayama

Starting from noontime Monday ...

The clash of steel rang out as the four raiders of True Brit attempted to breech the Shadowlords Stronghold. To the shock of the small group of TB fighters there were also warriors of Minax aiding in the strongholds defense, as well as eight or more SL scum. Back and forth the three fighters would approach as another hung back for the dismount and in this manner they were able to pick off several of the fighters sending them into stat loss. Several times nearly a dozen of the enemy would spill out in the attack and each time TB would back up unscathed ... regroup and come back again. After nearly an hour of fighting the Commanding Lord of TB was felled from his saddle and the others retreated ... the sigils were nearly curropt and a new tactic was needed.

Three in the afternoon ...

Two towns were lost before the remaining three TB fighters came up with a defense against the horde of Shadowlords ... with the assistance of a lone WAKA warrior defense was attempted at Minoc ... and the fight raged for nearly an hour with the small group of defenders utilizing the soldiers of Lord British to their aid ... but alas, and with great insult the siigil was currupted and Lord British's soldiers immediately changed their support to the enemy ... the former sheriff of Minoc and mighty samurai Weinan Wakayama was felled in the havoc. From there defenses were attempted in Trinsic and Magincia ... and while the efforts of the few were noble they could not contend with the horde of enemies ... and those cities fell.

Early evening

A small WAKA raiding party came upon a large force of EB2 and I^A in the dungeon despise ... when taxes were requested the group attempted to refuse ... large taxes were levied from the blood soaked back packs of all ... shortly thereafter a group of 4 Council of Mages wizards attempted Despise ... they were met head on by two WAKA who collected a stipend from the two that fell but the other ran to the hills and will make their payment next time.

Later ...

Small fights broke out in various places against TnT, I^A, EB2 and random others. A small group of vampires was dispatched near Sacrifice after the patrols of the Lost Lands found no criminals breaking the law. When no one could be found we followed the trails of the Vampires and replaced their mark with that of the Wakayama Clan - and twice we caught the undead and vanquished them.

Later still ...

Whilst checking the status of the vendor shop in West Umbra, Hugibear was met by Aeric Horn and Spyderbite ... the Shogun himself came on the scene and taxes were exacted from the two who spouted indignities about the absent King. Shortly thereafter the daywalker returned only to be smote once again by the Shogun.

Unimaginably late ...

A force of Eight True Brit fighters made up of one SAS and seven WKD (Wakadaichi) put up a valiant fight for over an hour at the Shadowlords base ... the defenders with twice their numbers held their ground despite suffering crushing casualities ... they woud repel the attack which each time was weakened further stil by the loss of another to stat loss.

A day/night of many battles and bloodshed. Many many taxes collected for the coffers of Lord British ... and an ego boost to the evil Shadowlords and their pitiful minions in Minax ... much much more to come.


Daimyo Shabba Wakayama, the eldest male of the Waka Shogunate, is set to return to Britannia this evening.

His imprisonment of almost a fortnight was not peaceful. A rage burned throughout his captivity. Reports filtered into his cell of new enemies threatening the Shogun and disrespecting the clan.

Tonight the ship carrying the Daimyo will land and the cargo it carries shall bring and end to the MYTH.



Katharine looked up from the wound she cleaned on her husband's arm to smirk at him. "For such a big, bad Vampire, you don't have much of a tolerance for pain". Giggling, she went back to cleaning the large scratch, "How did you come about this nick anyways?".

SpyderBite glowered at the woman, "It was one of those oversized dogs your kind are so fond of riding". Katharine glanced out the window at the ghostly Unicorn that grazed by the lake and stifled a laugh. He winced as she pulled tight on the stitches. "The rest of these 'nicks' are from the Shogun's own sword and his Warlord Hugibear's as well". He looked at the stitches, "Nice work.. you kept the stitches small".

"They were going to heal overnight anyways, Love. I sometimes wonder if you even realize you're a Vampire". She chuckled at him as she put away the needle and thread. "You raised a weapon against your friend then? Against Yasou?". Her look had become one of concern.

"Aye", SpyderBite looked upon his wife with a sad smile, "I had no choice".

"He attacked you first then? I see". She went back to cleaning up the bloodied bandages and healing tools, but his pale white hand touched her cheek and turned her eyes towards him.

"No", his look dead serious, "I drew my blade on him first".

Katharine's mouth dropped open in shock.. all she could think to do was to pull him into her arms.

Barely a whisper in her ear, he continued, "When our eyes met.. I didn't see the man before me as I have in the past.. I saw a man who sent his warriors out to slaughter the people of the lands in the name of a Man who I myself sent back to Void. I saw an Enemy, Katharine".

The Vampiress held her husband tighter, feeling the torment within him, "I understand, my Chosen".

SpyderBite pulled back just a bit, so that he could look in to the eyes of his wife, smiling slightly, "Aeric and I fought well". He brushed the golden locks from her face, "But we were alone in our patrol. Tonight and going forward, Severina will join us."

"That's fantastic!", smiled Kat, "She's a wonderful friend and will make a valuable ally!".

"Aye, she is both. But, I wish you were there as well". The Vampire's sad smile returned, "I don't fight with half the vigor as I do when you're by my side".

Katharine grinned at him, "I'll be there, Dear.. don't you worry about that!".

Spyder smiled at her, "I know you will. Now, I hope Aeric gets half as much enthusiasm from his own family. We've been small in numbers on our patrols and we can use every sword we can get". He stood and pulled the horned red tunic over his head and pulled on the matching gloves over his cold, undead hands.

"This War has just begun, Kat. And, last night, I crossed swords with a friend". Draping himself in the ivory white robe, and thrown his sword over his back, he turned to his wife, "How many others will be forced to face the same decision before this over?"


Maleeka watched the companions leave her shop and ride off towards the Tomb. Her heart was heavy as they thundered across the desert. She had said little while SpyderBite and Aeric relayed the details of the skirmish with the Wakayama Clan in the nearby Umbra town limits.

Her breath caught in her throat when the Vampire mentioned Yasou's presence at the fight. Luckily, neither man picked up on her concern when she interrupted Spyder, asking if Yasou had survived and if he was alright. It tore her apart inside everytime the Vampire spoke the Shogun's name while discussing war strategies.

The merchant walked over to a maple chest and unlocked it. From within she pulled out her tome of spells and various jewels of power. A short time later, she saddled her horse and looked in the direction of the Tomb to be sure her departure was undected. Leaping upon her mount she rode towards Umbra. Towards the man who fought her friends. Towards the man who owned her heart as well.

Yasou Wakayama

As noontime hit in Wakatown, two WKD warriors gathered for lunch. As Big D and Kaicho ate they were interrupted by the Shogun who walked quickly into the dining room with a sense of purpose.

“OTF is in despise, come we must collect taxes from them.” The Shogun commanded.

The two immediately geared up – as Yasou explained that there were as many as 6 of the enemy within the dungeon. The plan was decided upon and Kaicho proceeded stealthily to the altar as Weinan (who replaced the weary Shogun) and Big D swung around the left side of the island. In the initial skirmish Weinan was separated from D and ended up facing three alone and was felled. Big D continued to fight as others tracked and then dropped Kaicho on the island.

Yasou returned with Iragael, but they could not get past the OTF defenses and both D and Iragael were felled … D had scored a kill as well but when he dropped the Shogun was forced to retreat … vowing that these new breed of vampires would pay … he had no idea at the time that payment would be extracted so soon…

Several hours later a group of seven WKD/WAKA gathered to prepare to make their rounds on patrol, they were joined by Forsaken of SAS… at first the patrol seemed fruitless … no one was found in T2A … and there was no one to skirmish at the shrines in Ilshinar either … so once again the group headed to despise … hell hounds and ratman mages were out in abundance and a equal sized group of OTF and CCC were hit wit the surprise raid … to the man they fought bravely and well … but to the man they fell and taxes were collected from Lord British. One of the enemy, Nicole proved to be the most tenacious returning several times with just a weapon in hand stabbing repeatedly at the flanks of Obake Yamamoto who chased her for an eternity through the spawn. Her knowledge of the Necronomicon made her a hard target despite being naked beneath her robes … but eventually she was sent to the netherworld.

The group then divied up the spoils and taxes for the missing king. The suggestion was made to hit Wintermoor, Iantown and the Shire … and so the patrol went in that direction … the first two stops were quiet and the mark of the Wakayama Clan was left on the steps of the respective town halls … the villagers would know that agents of the king had been there...

Bishamon continued to smile upon the WAKA warriors as the entered the Shire ... before they had reached their destination the found battle with EB2 and their faction guild ... after a short skirmish their back taxes were forcibly removed from their backpacks and their corpses left for the crows ... continuing on the met Ares alone outside the Inn where the story tellers had gathered ... Ares fell before our 8 warriors and we assembled in front of the Inn waiting for the citizens inside to come out and pay their dues to Lord British ... the mayor came out and requested a parlay that those inside were unable to pay their taxes this day and sought our mercy. The group was merciful and set to depart only to be set upon by one lone berzerker a bloke named Vortex of KSS ... he paid his taxes in blood and the group departed the Shire.

A small battle raged around the Yew gate again with the forces of EB2 and now SOS ... with only Robert Franco showing impressive skills and tactics in battle ... while not certain if the folks fighting there were with him ... no taxes were collected from that scoundrel though all others paid their dues.

On to Sacrifice where members of DR scoffed at the notion of taxes and refused to call Evan Spitfire Lord ... in the ensuing battle taxes were extracted from the purses of three dead men ...

On to Umbra ... TnT was nowhere to be found in their enclave and their was disappointment ... however, camped in front of the Waka Homes on West Umbra road was a combined force of DR, Myth, and EoD ... in the ensuing battle the Waka side faired well with no casualties and taxes were collected. The Shogun in this battle smote the daywalkers himself and sent them back to their tomb of dirt ... as his warriors proceeded to Luna ... he followed the daywalkers spirits at a distance through the desert ... a familiar path toward Crafters Corner ...

Meanwhile in Luna the Waka contingent was fighting enemies on all sides, EB2 and SOS again being the main force who refused to cough up their back taxes ... after a battle of not quite epic proportions ... some taxes were levied and the rest of the offenders seemed contect to sit in their homes and the Waka patrol ended for the eve ... Hachiman had shown the WAKA clan that he is a supportive god and truly the divine protector of the Empire.


Iragael began his reconnoiter in Wintermoor....

He had received reports that the Mithras Knights were aiding the Mythic Knights in the skirmishes throughout Sossaria. The Shogun had requested verification of these reports, so Iragael ventured forth to see for himself. Young Wing had accompanied him as their gate opened in the heart of Wintermoor. A harsh wind buffeted their faces as they eased their mounts through the deserted streets. They passed the old blind man's inn. Iragael has always enjoyed his encounters with Otto, but today his visit was met with the stony silence of enhanced fortications and buttresses.

From the corner of his eye, Wing spotted one of the Knights in his castle, but no one came forth in greeting or combat. The two WAKA nudged their steeds away from Wintermoor.

"Perhaps the reports we gathered were in error...," the daimyo thought to himself. Heads would roll if false reports were brought to the Shogun's attention.

Iragael and Wing passed into the lands of T2A to scout the spawn areas. All was quiet, so the WAKAs took the opportunity of ridding the City of the Dead of it's vermin. With the aid of Lord Korndogg and Aeowyn, their efforts went smoothly. The WAKA split up...some returning to Wakatown...others banking their spawn rewards.

As Iragael passed through the underground passage in Delucia, Lord Korndogg reported slaying one of the Mythic Knights in Skara Brae. His curiosity peaked, Iragael opened a portal to Skara Brea.

The daimyo was caught by surprise as a Knight of Myth stood directly in front of him as he emerged into the streets of Skara Brae. Iragael immediately went on the offensive, but the warrior darted away and lost himself in one of the back alleys. The WAKA circled town repeatedly, searching for his prey. There! By the bank, he spotted his quarry. But, he was not alone! In the MYTH's company was a KSS! The reports were true!

Iragael spurred his horse to gallop and hit the gate that the enemy and opened and escaped through. The KSS warrior was fast on his heels as they broke into open ground. Iragael guessed that he must be in MYTH's town, but he didn't have time to react as both knights engaged him. He saw a third begin their attack as he raced past. Iragael was clearly on the defensive as the clang of steel on shield rang through the air. It was the only thing that kept him upright as the combined forces pressed their attack. He forced his horse into a sprint as he incanted spells of healing, but he could not shake his attackers. His shield buckled under the repeated blows of his enemy and he felt the cold claws of death nearly capture him several times. Unexpectedly, he saw the flash of an explosion. He heard the air crackle as spells erupted around him. Korndogg and Shabba had launched themselves on to the field of battle and caught the KSS/MYTH unawares. Soon, the bodies of their enemies lay at their feet. Among them...a Knight of the Silver Serpent.

The three WAKA retired from the field. Iragael turned his mount toward home. He needed to re-equip. As he saw to the repairs of his equipment, his mind drifted to the KSS. Perhaps it was a chance encounter? Would the Mithras knights kill without a formal war declaration? That would simply be.....murder. Not that Iragael was above murder....the three idiots that Ibichi sent to Blind Otto discovered that quickly enough.

As he mused, he received word that Korndogg was locked in mortal combat with more enemies. As Iragael rushed to his aid, the deathtalker, Makani, joined him. Four enemies harrassed Korn as Iragael and Makani made haste towards him. Again, KSS was sighted in the attack! No coincidence here...KSS had joined MYTH on the field of battle against the Wakayama. As the battle was joined, Shabba closed to help his mates. The air again exploded with the sound of combat until all the Enemy had been routed. The MYTH/KSS forces had fought honorably and magical gates were opened to Chaos for the dead. Iragael smirked. Funny that the Knights of the Silver Serpent used the very same symbol as the True Brit faction. He wondered if Hugi would be amused at the irony...

With that thought, Iragael returned home to rest and report to the Shogun.


Nuriko mended the rends in her armor as best she could. The wounds she had recieved yesterday were healing well. She had been cleaning the Saloon when the call came that her mates were under attack. She had hurried to aide them as quickly as she could. She had not used her head, but after applying bandages to the wounds of her friends, had armed herself and sought revenge. She was too unskilled against such warriors as those that fought against her. One, her memory failed her, she could not remember the name, had quickly removed her from the battle field with a well aimed blow.

She sighed, she was learning, but slowly. Mayhaps this eve she would fair better, and last a bit longer on the battlefield. If only she could remember not to rush into battle, unprepared to heal herself. She grinned at her reflection in the polished metal surface she used as a mirror, 'Idiot! You MUST remember to heal!!'


Maleeka paced the floor of her bedroom. It was late but how could she sleep when the people that were important to her were at war? She had to do something….but what? She could not take sides against the Waka’s which were led by her beloved Yasou….and yet how could she stand against those that were her friends in the Circle of Flame alliance?

Perhaps she could only try to protect those that mattered to her. Entering the battlefield was a scary proposition to her, being a lowly crafter. Would those she cared about attack her or would they in turn protect her? She knew there was only one way to find out. Tonight she would ride into the fray and set her sights on anyone who attacked Yasou or her friends, Spyderbite and Katharine. She would not survive long, but trying was much better than sitting in her house and worrying. She only hoped if the three met, she would be well enough to stand between them and wish for the best.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As all that was unfolding in these cursed lands... an old man by the look of his eyes, hidden by the youth that encased them, sat in a tower room peering over a crystal ball.

**the mist inside the ball began to twist and weld together forming shapes mirrored in his mind**

::as soon as an image had taken shape suddenly a voice echoed in his ear::

Dark Voice: "Ahhhhh, So this is where you have been."

As the battle worn mage turned at the sudden interuption his eyes fixed upon eyes of fire in a dark corner in the room.

BlacK RaiN: "Of course... you've always known where to find me."

Dark Voice: "Don't... you know very well what happened to us... What is your news... hsss..."

BlacK RaiN: "A war has begun... have you spoken with Forsaken?"

Dark Voice: "No... Forsaken's link with us is too weak for us to detect, this is why I come to you now... hisss... what is happening."

BlacK RaiN: "Everything is moving according to plan, already we have 6 of the 10 ingredients needed to open the gate... it's only a matter of time."

Dark Voice: "Time... time is something we do not have... we grow weaker by the day... some of us have already passed... hisss... with each of us that dies we lose everything we worked for... you must hurry."

BlacK RaiN: "What do you want me to do! we are no longer powerful enough to...."

Dark Voice: "EXCUSES HISSSSSS *crack* everything will be made right when the gate is opened... you know what I have sacrificed *pop* for you and the others... hissss... my very essensssse. You're failure is not acceptable... did I make a mistake in choosing you? *crack*"

BlacK RaiN: "No... I will not fail. Forsaken is already pushing for us... he has found others like us... already we are feared... soon... soon, Draxous... we will be ready... I just need more time!"

Draxous: "Hissss... you have no more time... I am sending you my brother... this is going to cost us another soul... do you know the price you've just paid for him?"

BlacK RaiN: ".... Hellfire? No... you shouldn't.... we are too.... "

::Suddenly before the last word could be uttered, the shadows in the corner began to move... like tentacles they spread... covering the room in darkness till there was nothing to be seen

In the distance a small light could be seen... BlacK RaiN with almost blind eyes walked towards the light... the light appeared brighter and brighter until a pit of fire could be seen in the depths of the dungeon Wrong... in the center a charring human corpse lay lifeless... burnt to almost ash being consumed by the flames.::

Black RaiN: "Vas An Flam"

::Dousing the flames... BlacK RaiN crumpled up his cloak and began pouring water all over it. Proceeding to wrap the body inside it...::

BlacK RaiN: "Vas Rel Por"

::Carrying the body back to his tower... immediately the waters from the Fountain of Life began to work their magic... what was once flesh and bone turned to ash and cinder began to take life... and after many hours of care the first breathe of life was felt::

Hellfire had made the Journey... but at what price?

Dor of Sonoma

Deeply engrossed in the latest chapter of a stirring tale, Dor didn't notice the wobbling leg of the bookcase until she leaned against it while turning a page - sending stories tumbling off the shelf and onto the floor.



Aeric woke with a start. A night bird was calling loudly in the woods. He
looked around to find all his mates still sleeping restfully. The campfire
was just a bed of embers now. Aeric stirred the coals and put some dry
wood on. Soon there was a warm crackling blaze.

He looked to the sky which was just beginning to lighten... quietly
stood up and began to walk down toward the river.

Aeric had promised Coy that he would raise the Ancient Order of Myth.
Coy had asked that he meet with Shad to first understand Honesty.
Shad, graciously receiving Aeric... had layed the quest out before him
which now lay heavily on his mind. The Sage had instructed him to find a
reflecting pool and to confront the lies that he told to himself.

And so, each morning since that meeting.... no matter where he was,
Aeric had gone out to find a pool of reflection. He had meditated, stared
at his own reflection until the sight of himself made him ill, and generally
fretted over "the lies we tell ourselves".

"I know I am not a perfect person, but I cannot see where I have
myself fooled!"
Aeric thought, as he lay prone on the riverside staring
at his dark reflection in the still shallow water.

*CRACK* A branch broke behind him, and Aeric lept to his feet.

There in the violet dawn stood Skada, Aeric's new Haakun Scout.
She knew this area very well. Aeric had hunted these woods many
times, but never had they covered so much ground or camped so
comfortably as when Skada was blazing the trail. And now since the
war with WAKA was raging... her expertise was even more valuable.

"Sneaking up on me?" Asked Aeric with a grin.

"If I were sneaking you would not have heard me."

"Ahh! You are an early riser then."

"Aye... I have noticed you are too. What are you looking for in the water?"

Aeric looked at Skada intensely for a moment. Her honest eyes, and
strong jaw gave her an almost regal countenance. She had proven herself
to be a most trustworthy comrade, and as he needed someone to confide
in.... Aeric decided to tell her of his quest.


"Honesty?" Skada furrowed her brow as she looked into the pool where
Aeric had been kneeling.

"Aye... I am to find a reflecting pool, and confront the lies I tell myself."

"Ahh... you seek Lac Clair!" Skada exclaimed.

"Lac Clair?"

"Aye tis a place of legend among the Haakun. It has only been visited by
a few... and of those, all but a handful went mad. Confonting one's true self
is not an easy thing."

Aeric sat down beside Skada and pitched a stone into the water, watching
the ripples grow wider and wider until the water became still again.

"I am to raise the Ancient Order of Myth, but first I must complete eight
quests of virtue. This is my first, as given to me by the sage Shad."

"What is this Ancient Order?" asked Skada.

"It is the old order of knights of my people. They were once very strong,
but have been decimated after generations of opposing Althantos. Old Coy
was the last of The Order. His dying wish was that I raise the knights again."

"Ahh yes... I have heard the tales of Althantos..."

"So... do you know where this Lac Clair is?"

"Aye... it is in an underwater cave about two day's ride from here."

"Will you take me there then?"

"If that is what you wish.... but I advise you not to go there."

"I must. We shall inform the others, and leave at once."

Arriving at camp, Aeric saw that Nuriko, and Leif had things well in hand.
New recruits were running here and there , and Nuriko with her hands
on her hips laughing at them all.

"Hail cousin! How fare thee!?" Shouted Aeric

"Very well! I have these new ones to test! I do so enjoy that!"

Leif walked Aeric's horse over to him. "In what direction do you send us today sir?"

Aeric mounted his horse. "Back to Myth. I want you all back there as
soon as possible. Skada and I have a short trip to make that I will tell
you about upon our return. Get rested. When we return... the battles will be
coming closer to home."

And with that Aeric whirled, and spurred his armored horse forward, with
Skada on his heels.

Yasou Wakayama

The Shogun heard the curtain part as his new seer entered. He knew the man entering was a tad touched, mentally unstable – but there were reasons for his choosing the deathtalker as his seer.

“Obake, what news do you bring me today?” The Shogun asked.

The deathtalker sat across from the Shogun. “I have seen many visions of late, most showing the glory of the Empire … yet still others of crushing defeats at the hands of the Shadowlords, I have had dreams of the growing boldness of our opposition, and have had both visions and heard rumors of deceit on the part of our brethren.”

The Shogun nodded. In the past week he himself had participated in many battles, many glorious victories. There were reports of huge triumphs over the Vampires of Homare, and then another story of a long drawn out battle with the same clan that left the outnumbered WAKA warriors in full retreat. The fiercest opposition had come from the Showlords … nothing Obake stated was new except for this hint at a problem amoung the ranks.

“Speak more to me of this …” the Shogun began to say when suddenly Iragael and Squid burst into the temple.

“E ..e .. excuse me,” Iragael stammered as he bowed to the Seer and Shogun.

“What news have you for me daimyo?” Yasou enquired.

“I have two pieces of news for you Shogun.” Iragael spoke loudly. “A parchment has been intercepted with some interesting musings. The parchment should arrive here soon and was removed from the corpse of a warrior of Myth. If word has reached me correctly Aeric Horn himself has already sent a missive to our former allies in DR – seeking the assistance of Otis Driftwood and his army to take up arms against us. Secondly this intercepted parchment was meant for Shad of TnT. Seems our adversaries in Myth have decided the White Council will not stand with them officially and accept the mantle of war – so they have decided to create their own force. I believe this parchment asks TnT to join with them and fight us together as one.”

The Shogun nodded. Seems he has been nodding agreement to many things of late. It made sense for his adversaries in Myth to seek more warriors to the cause … a United Front could be potentially stronger. The warriors of DR were tenacious but they were few, the WAKA army had already taxed them heavily in the past week – surely this could be enough to spur Otis to agree with Aeric. TnT however, the Shogun was unsure. TnT was both noble and honorable in combat, and had grown stronger with each skirmish. They had allied themselves with the peace loving beatniks of Iantown – who till know the WAKA Empire had left relatively unscathed. But their other main ally of EB2 were a plague that the WAKA armies had heavily taxed on several occasions and knew little of honor. If Shad was swayed by Aeric’s persuasions then the Circle of Flame Alliance would have to be much more carefully considered.

Squid grumbled, and was met with the acknowledgement of the Shogun. “Sire I am confused. We have been going to the village of Wispwood and enforcing a tax on her citizens, and yet when the vampire horde came to their hamlet the other night you called for our knights to defend the citizens there … why would we assist those who do not acknowledge our authority?”

“A request was made for our assistance however subtle the question was raised,” The Shogun explained. “The Vampire Horde are despicable, malicious and hateful in their desecration of the bodies of the fallen and in their ferocity of attack. When we went to the Shire that night we only engaged the vampire horde, and though outnumbered we fought them long enough for the citizenry to retreat to safety. Perhaps next time our collection agents will be met with open arms. For it is easier to tax the estate of the living then it is of the dead … for the dead all you can to is return them to their corpse state and pick their bones. With the living their can still be a civil recourse.”

This answer seemed to satisfy Squid. The seer to the right of the Shogun however seemed uncomfortable. He hissed at Iragael “Speak of your other news daimyo!”

Iragael cleared his throat. “Evan Spitfire in service of the Wakadachi captured a pixie.”

The Shogun and Seer looked at each other and exchanged quizzical looks.

Iragael continued, “The pixie revealed two things to the WKD warrior. Firstly that she had been one of three who had delivered a message from our priestess to the blind scribe of Wintermoor. She would not reveal more then that as she was obviously under an enchantment from the High Priestess. Secondly she stated that the Lady Maleeka has been cursed with an evil spell and that she will soon wield a weapon against our clan, and against you personally.”

Both these statements hit the Shogun like blows. Why was the High Priestess communicating to a slave of Mithras? Who had placed an enchantment on his beloved so that she would turn against him?

“Out!” He said to Iragael and Squid, “The seer and I have much to discuss.”


Traveling home from the bank, Grot encounters the brigand Evan Spitfire at the Yew gate. Knowing well the mage's purpose, revealing people at the gate, Grot engaged. The battle raged across the land, from the moongate to the Abbey, north, back to the moongate. The whole while, the mage running in circles, casting numerous heals, repeatedly casting poison and curse on Grot, repeatedly disarming him. Yet he did not prevail, for Grot was prepared. Where the mage had reagents and numerous spells at his command, Grot had the items crafted for him by the people of the land, their careful labor embuing them with defensive magics. But even so, the combatants were evenly matched. And so the battle raged. Grot chased the brigand all the way south to the orc valley. He could only assume that the brigand was running to the anomoly there that causes people to disappear. On the way, the brigand called out the only words in the battle. "Can you gimp more?" An odd thing to say, considering how even the battle was...almost enjoyable. An odd thing to say, thought Grot, as he looked in his pack to notice almost no supplies left. If only the mage had the courage to fight, he may have found that he would have prevailed. But alas, he fled. Another example of the lack of courage in these self proclaimed tax men.


SpyderBite leaned back on two legs of the Vesper style chair, his ivory white boots propped up on the table and arms crossed upon his chest. He studied the crafter as she labored with the horned leather and thread; producing piece after piece of the crimson armor. When she'd finished the last gauntlet she organized the pieces in to sets and placed them in to backpacks.

She worked with her back to him, occasionally turning and offering him a nervous smile when she found he was watching her. The Vampire had noticed her behaivor as of late had been odd for the usually jovial woman.

"How comes it, Maleeka?" he asked casually.

She picked up the back packs and put them on the table where his feet rested. SpyderBite watched her hands as she rubbed her hands together. A nervous habit of hers.

She did not look up at him when she spoke, "Will that last you for a while?".

Spyder frowned slightly in thought and inspected the contents of the bag. "Aye, this is plenty, my friend".

Standing, he closed the backpacks and put a hand on her shoulder. "You are my friend, are you not?". He could feel her suddenly shiver slightly at his touch.

Looking up at him with a forced smile she replied, "Of course I am. You and Kat are like family to me. Why would you ask such a question of me?".

The Vampire just smiled, but noted the dark lines under her eyes and the worry that she could not hide on her face. She had not been sleeping much lately; that was evident. Probably a result of those late night rides. Sometimes not returning til mid morning. More than once, he'd considered following her, but he gave in to trust instead.

Now, however, it was clear that her loyalties were torn between her family and the man she loved, the Shogun, Yasou.

"Forgive me, Maleeka", he said, squeezing her shoulder kindly, "You never allow me to pay for your work. At least share some wine with me, aye?".

She relaxed slightly and nodded at him. The crafter took a seat at the table while Spyder crossed the room to a cabinet where she kept her collection of wines from across the lands.

Pouring a stout Port in to two large goblets, he turned his head to look back at her. "You enjoy a good dark red from Empath Abbey don't you?".

"Aye. That's a good choice", she replied staring in to the fire that lit the room lost in thought.

SpyderBite took the opportunity of her distraction to pull a small vial from his ivory white robe. He inspected the crimson red liquid within. Blood. Not the same blood that satiated his own hunger. He had bled many a Dyrad and Satyr to concoct the perfect mixture of each. Silently he uncorked the vile and poured the blood in to one of the goblets, swirling the glass to be sure the blood was disolved completely.

"Here you go", he said walking over to where Maleeka sat still staring silently at the fire that burned within the hearth. She smiled and took the cup from his pale white hand.

Spyder raised his glass to hers as he sat across from her. "To friends and family".

Her hand visibly shook as touched her cup to his. The Vampire smiled brightly at her, both fangs bared.

They drank deeply from their goblets, "Worry not, my friend", he said as he wiped his mouth with a hand. "In the morning, I guarantee you will feel much better and these burdens you carry will dissapear".

The merchant looked at him and attempted to smile, "Aye, tomorrow is new day" she replied almost inaudibly.

SpyderBite's smile widened, "Aye.. a brand new day.. again, to family and friends!".

The Vampire drank again of his goblet, and watched as his friend's smile suddenly warmed after finishing her wine as well.

Yasou Wakayama

There had been far too few skirmishes ... seemed the citizens had taken to thei homes rather then face the WAKA patrols ... small groups of vampires had been vanquished at the swoops and in other areas of Ilshinar ... and even though the patrol had swept by the Shire there was no one in attendance at fight night ...

The group moved on to Ice East where they proceeded to eliminate the foul beasts Mephistis, Neira and Baracoon in quick sucession ... the patrols resumed and small skirmishes occured with CCC and OTF with taxes sucessfully collected.

As it was growing late a small party consisting of the Shogun and 2 of the acolate deathtalers headed out west of Umbra ... now when their party was the smallest they met a force of CCC and then a still larger force of OTF who were engaging some random citizens. The small party jumped to the aid of the citizens when one of the party noticed two vampires of EoD coming up from the rear ... the party retreated eastwards as reinforcments from WKD and SAS arrived.

Then the battle raged anew with casualties on both sides and opportunistic mosquitos swarming the fallen. Several lawless citizens engaged in questionable behavior and their actions were noted for future punishment. The combat was too heavy with the forces of opposing factions and declared enemies to be able to focus on bottom feeders this night.

As the skirmish ended with several on both sides suffering stat loss ... news reached the Shogun that on the corpse of a dead daywalker was a ledger signed by Otis Driftwood. The had joined the alliance with Myth, EoD, and CRG ... a former ally was now a declared enemy. The Shogun and his inner circle were not surprised ... DR was not a group of cowards afraid to bear the mantle of war. The Shogun was left to wonder if the other rumor was true ... would TnT be the next clan to pledge total war ...


While fighting some dishonorable members of the Out to Feed guild, Grot notices a couple of Waka in the area. He watches out of the corners of his eyes to see how they will act. Will they aid one side or the other? Will they stay out of the fight? It's hard to tell at first, in the ebb and flow of battle. Soon though, their true intentions come out. When running back out to the site of battle after fetching some lost pieces of armor, Grot is savagely attacked by members of the Waka alliance, while they're fighting OTF and CCC no less. "It seems they see me alone as the bigger threat," Grot thinks. "Well, so be it." Unknown to both sides, Dola is nearby with her faithful Cu Sidhe. Enemies from both camps fall to the combined might of the couple. Sadly, the brigand leader of the Waka alliance manages to escape justice. But oh, the foul things yelled by Robert Franko when he's attacked. Does he not realize that he and his declared this war? Does he not understand the repricussions? Hopefully no children heard his words, shouted openly for all to hear.


I think Grot hides behind the pets of cowardly tamers hidden in the shadows.
I think Grot was the one complaining about cowards like this earlier.
I think Grot is not as brave as his enemy who engages in battle with all enemies without the luxury of picking and choosing.
I think Grot picked the right template for his poorly trained fighting abilities....evade...evade...evade a battle at all costs.


I believe you should reconsider ...Sir.

I was attaked by not less than 4 pets in that fight. Not less than 3 mages on top of those pets, plus others. Thats just the Waka/SaS side. Not once in that fight did I run into a house, nor the guardzone except when grabbing equipment. Not once did I 'hide' behind the pet. I was visible and attackable the entire time. And attacked I was. Like anyone who is being attacked by over three mages and 4 pets + others, I was forced to retreat at times. Yes I evade. Retreating and evading is no different than a mage running and mini-healing or wanding, nor is it different than someone parrying my blows. I came back though, even given those odds. Consider also, your band of brigands invariably fights with pets, often centering your defense on them. 'Ere you call me a coward for fighting alongside my wife and her pet while greatly outnumbered, you should look to your own and consider what you would have done in the same circumstances.



I think Grot hides behind the pets of cowardly tamers hidden in the shadows.
I think Grot was the one complaining about cowards like this earlier.
I think Grot is not as brave as his enemy who engages in battle with all enemies without the luxury of picking and choosing.
I think Grot picked the right template for his poorly trained fighting abilities....evade...evade...evade a battle at all costs.

[/ QUOTE ]

Empty words. Grot has been a stalwart hero of this land for many years, and he has never boasted of his skill, which is considerable for a man of community and peace, and even so for a man of war. In the years gone by he has tossed many villains like yourself on their respective arses, fairly and without the aid of dark magics, and I imagine that he will do so well into the future of this land.



...tamers hidden in the shadows...

[/ QUOTE ]
*Dola beams with pride* never before has her name or her actions in combat been the subject of banter before on sky pages. With the aide of her husband, Dola and her faithful companion fell sworn enemies of Wispwood shire. Finally seeing the successful result of her recent training paying, Dola grabs more equipment in the near by shadowy town of Umbra in search of more enemies to fell, only to find they had retreated. She went off to slumber, with disappointment of not being able to see more fall.


The clashing of swords and the cracks of the mages' lightning bolts were muted on the wind as they whispered through the dead forest of Umbra. Shad's gaze returned to the fire as its flames danced into the sky, it's embers drifting lazily on their ascent to the gods. The heat and light of Promethius' gift illuminated torn armour, bloody weapons, aura's still glowing with mystical energy, and smiling faces. Shad chuckled his deep, dry laugh...good mates one and all.

"So, how do we fare?" he queried the group. Laughter greeted his interest and Vaype was the first to speak. "I fare far better than the WAKA that fell to my blades and words of power. I believe the poor sod cried out for a woman as his breath escaped him....probably their priestess, much good that did him." Shad chuckled at this. Kat spoke "My pets have enjoyed the snacks and many treasures have been returned to the coiffers." General laughter and happiness flowed as the warriors reviewed their victories.

Kaisa set up and leaned into the fire's warmth. "These WAKA are noble adversaries on many levels and despicable at the same time. My blade has tasted many of them, but at the same time I have had to be called back from the abyss several times myself." Shad nodded, glancing at the tear in his armour where Huggi's weapon had found a soft spot and the burns on his arms from Spytfires accursed white magic. Omni's low voice carried over the wolf's howling in the distance, "Aye, they fight well together. But I believe we have dealt out our share of respect and we improve daily. We win and we lose, but we are improving and holding them at bay." All nodded their agreement at the wise words.

Aleric questioned the group "What of their allies, they appear to be jackyls one and all. Additionally, a new force appears to be taking advantage of this war as their numbers grow quickly. I feel that there are many fronts to this war." "Aye" responded Mitsurgi, "but even in the fog of war, clear answers are provided. At least we can now see both foe and ally more clearly."

Shad nodded in agreement and spoke, "Our friends have been beneficial, especially our Iantown bretheren. Our blood has been spilled, but so has that of our enemy. Such is the course of war, and it should be so. New people to respect have emerged, such as this Grot we have heard of...he is strong. But sands seem to shift constantly and even now I hear the ravens speaking of allies departing. Times are grave and crossroads loom yet again. So there are two things that must be done. I must strike out with Kat and hold council with the leaders to determine our path. I dream of war and blood flowing over my skin, I yearn for this. The desires of the Ancients demand more retribution and recovery of lost treasures. The path I want for us, is the path that will provide us these things and bring smiles with glory and honorable defeat."

With that said, Shad summoned his mount from the shadows. As the etheral form emerged, Sanders asked "And the second thing? What else is it we should do while you try to hold council?" Shad cackled and looked over his shoulder as Kat walked to her hellish mare. "Well my friend, continue the battle and kill as many as you can find. I will find you on the battlefield and, the Ancients willing, you and I can feast over the corpse of our enemy once again."

Shad chuckled again as he looked out over the horizon, Kat issued her commands and the mare responded. "Come friend, we go to visit allies and seek out the heads of our enemies." The hooves thundered through the forest under night's cover and the laughter of the clan faded as the sounds of the front loomed before them.


It had been a long, and tiring trip back to Myth. Nuriko was dead tired
and only wished to sleep. The Golden Ingot Saloon was closed now...and she
retired to her garden terraces on the upper floors.

At last my comfy bed! she thought while letting herself fall back
into soft down quilts and pillows.

Sleep came quickly, and so dreams....

Nuriko is weeding her garden,
the shadow of clouds grows darker, and darker still
until all is eerily dark and quiet.
And then the stillness is broken by a deep rumble!
Nuriko looks back over her shoulder and she sees it! A cyclone!
Tall and black and bearing down on her!
She begins to run... changing directions... trying to break from it's path.
To no avail. The cyclone changes direction each time she does.

Nuriko breaks through a wooded area to a downward slope into a beautiful valley.
She recognizes one of the houses as a friend's house and runs toward it.
Looking back over her shoulder, Nuriko sees an astounding sight...
The cyclone spins down to a knight all in gold armor who begins to chase her on foot.
Nuriko runs into the house! Bolts the doors!
Looking around she sees several friends in a room standing around a large chest.
As she enters the room they guide her to stand in the box.
And then they fold her down, accordian style, like oragami paper and close the lid.

Nuriko wakes with a start...

"Oh me... I feel like a cup of tea! Ha Ha I am a poet."
Nuriko made her way down to the tavern, and put a pot of tea on. She was staring out
the window and the bright stars when it dawned on her... the date! It was near time for
the Spring Jousting! With Aeric away... she felt she should start the preparations.
Those of the order of Myth had not missed a spring testing in recorded memory. She began
to study on the preparations as the terror of her nightmare faded away.


"Are you sure this is the way!" Aeric whispered harshly. "This is very close to Umbra!
Which means WAKA will be about!"
"Yes... this is the way. shhh!" Skada looked about warily.

*THUNK* An arrow flung... by... wait that is a beast! What madness?!! So fast cannot target him!
Squid Wakayama... and Takeshi Wakayama... they fought well but departed the busy
area before they were bested. Then Yasou Wakayama himself came across the bridge... and after a
short battle, and unwanted help from a bystander... the Shogun was mortally wounded and died and honorable
death. Brave Skada was felled, but fought valiantly.

When all were returned to the living Aeric said "let's get going while we still have our hides."
The two galloped into the strange black woods...
"Shapeshifters! I hate shapeshifters!" muttered Skada under her breath.


The Vampire, SpyderBite, and Aeric Horn, sat across from one another at a large wooden table. Behind, them the Inn's fire burned low. Aeric watched Nuriko hasten to add another log and stoke the dying fire. He returned his attention to the Vampire across from him.

"You are far too hard on yourself, my friend" he said. SpyderBite looked up from stein of ale he'd been staring at to look at Aeric and listened. "You have not failed on the field. I have watched you pick yourself up, dust off your armor, and charge back in to battle each and every time we face our enemies". Aeric leaned back in his chair, his own mug of ale in hand. "Every time we go to battle your fighting is fiercer. You are growing strong. That is hardly failure".

Spyder shook his head slowly and smiled at his collegue and smiled. "You're right of course. We face a force that is not only larger in numbers but much more experienced as well". He sighed in resolve, "We have done well with what we have to work with, Aeric. I'll try to keep that in mind before judging myself too harshly in the future".

Nuriko approached the battle weary fighters, "Is there anything you two need before I retire this eve? Its been a long night for all of us".

Spyder and Aeric said their good nights to the swords woman as she made her way up the steps of the Inn to her private quarters.

"Shall we take a walk and allow the night air clear our heads of battle?", asked Aeric, standing up.

"Do not fool yourself, Aeric", replied the Vampire, "It isn't battle that clouds our heads.. its that Gaman piss you call ale that you serve here".

Both laughed as they closed the door of the Inn behind them.


SpyderBite stopped outside the entrance to Aeric's home, "Have you heard from Otis yet?".

Aeric Horn pulled several parchments out from his cloak and smiled as he handed them to the Vampire. SpyderBite unrolled them and scanned them quickly. Smiling, he looked up at Aeric to find him smiling back at him.

"So, its official then! Devil's Legions has joined the Circle of the Flame!", clasping the man's shoulder with a gauntleted hand, he continued, "This is good news indeed. Now, make my evening, what did Shad have to say? Do the Highlanders stand with us as well?"

"I don't know", said Aeric, brows furrowed in what looked to be a combination of determination and frustration, "I believe it is still being debated amongst their leaders".

"With the seasoned fighters of Otis' guild and the Highlanders of TnT, we would be a force to be acknowledged as much more than just a inconvenience to those barabarian Wakayamas", replied SpyderBite.

The Vampire watched glowing of lights beyond the northern ridge where Wintermoor stood. Aeric turned to look in the same direction. Both stood in silence for several moments before Spyder finally spoke.

"You see to the Highlanders, Aeric. I'm going to pay an old friend a visit".

Aeric ****ed his head at his commrade, "What are you planning, fanged one?".

"I don't know yet", he turned to Aeric Horn and smiled broadly, fangs fully exposed and sparkling in the Malas moonlight, "So far we've been each other's councel. I need to go seek out the advice of another. One wiser than both of us. He sees nothing in this world, but much more than most at the same time".

The warriors bid each other a good evening and SpyderBite urged his ghostly mount across the grassy plains, ivory white robes trailing behind him like a ghost.


Otto sat at the table, and listened to Otto's words.

This was not as strange as it may sound, nor was the blind man in the habit of talking to himself. Rather, he had been visited this eve by the strange 'twin' who had somehow crossed to these lands by an errant spell of his scribe's, more than a year ago. While Otto wore the dark blue robes of KSS (apart from on the odd occasions when his scribe felt it neccesary to re-arrange his garment chests) Otto wore the brighter crest of the Newcomer's guild.

"My thanks, 'brother', said the Chronicler of the Silver Serpents. "many have given their congratulations on the design and decoration of the new theatre in Wintermoor. Now, fear not - my tinkering skill will soon fix those last few accoustical problems. But - ye said there was a visitor?"

"Aye," replied the teacher "one named Iragael - of the Wakayama clan. I am not sure, but I think he mistook me for you. I heard hoofbeats without - as I often did, while decorating - and though nothing of it. After all, many Knights have come and gone by the window while I have been about my tasks. But these cantered round and round the building, so I put aside all my tools and materials, and went out to speak with him. "

"He did not harm ye?"

"Nay, not at all. He was less than courteous... we have met before, but he refused to address me by name. Still - there was no outward aggression. We spoke of day to day things, and of the health of his Shogun - but, all told, there was not much to it. However, I now hear that he reports Wintermoor empty - which was certainly not the case that night. Nor was he ignored. He would have had a response sooner, if he had but knocked on the door, or run a bell. It is hard for a blind man, deep within a building, to know that the one without is there to speak with him, after all!"

Otto nodded. Too many, despite knowing of his ailment, constantly forgot that he could not see them. All too often, the women folk would ask how their dresses looked, or another would comment on the flight of the birds. Otto would merely smile silently, until they remembered.

He was disappointed by his quest to find, and speak with, some of the leaders of the Wakan clans. Still, this "war" had made no sense - at least the tale from the three extremely strange messengers added a small amount of sense to it. If the entire clan was under a spell... could the spell be reversed? But, what then, of Ibichi's pending nuptuals?

Otto sighed, and addressed his 'twin'.

"My thanks for this information - and for the work on the theatre. I have kept thee from thy tasks too long, though - I am sure there are newcomers to this land who need ye more than I do!"

"Aye, that is always true! I will be on my way! Be safe!"

With that, he stepped through a gate, which, ironically lead to a well known part of Britain.

Otto leaned back in his chair, tired from the long rides of the week past, and the conversation, and was just about to rest - when more hoofbeats could be heard in the distance, and the chattering of the nearby orc encampment grew to a nervous pitch - as they always did, when anyone with fangs approached.

Rest was not to come this day, it seemed.


*Ibichi tosses her hair back and wonders when people will understand there will be no marriage unless it is her choice*

The Shogun surely is only saying such things to confuse the others.



Empty words. Grot has been a stalwart hero of this land for many years, and he has never boasted of his skill, which is considerable for a man of community and peace, and even so for a man of war. In the years gone by he has tossed many villains like yourself on their respective arses, fairly and without the aid of dark magics, and I imagine that he will do so well into the future of this land.

[/ QUOTE ]

A hero. Your words are loose with meaning. To boast of skill you must first possess such. This man of community and peace is neither a hero nor a brave warrior of your town. A man of war and peace. How is this so? Tis not the war which brings peace to a man's soul tis the peace in a man's soul that bringest the war. Our warriors are at peace with themselves and do not take to battle for the mere fascination with peace. If peace were to come upon one due to the bravery a young man achieves in battle then this is a man, which can be called a hero. The Wakayama Clan has had many brave heroes’ fall to those hiding behind false truths. These are the true hero's of our community and you shall respect them as such. For you to claim villainous is beyond disrespectful, creeping eerily towards war. If this is how an honorable man treats another then I renounce my honor and will strike down upon thy with great vengeance. I have not been trained in this dark magic you speak of but the darkness you shall experience is not without much regret. Face our Clan in a battle and you shall see what hero's are truly made of and we will display for you first hand the future of this land.


From the shadows, he watched his brother. Only illuminated by a single, flickering candle he watched the warrior carefully fold a battered, blue uniform and place it in a chest that held various memories.

The warrior lifted a worn battle standard. Much like the warrior, the standard was torn and frayed at the edges, possibly enduring one to many battles, one too many wars. He held the standard in his hands, looking at it a long time. Splotches of mud and blood, some of it his own dotted the flag. But through it all, the outline of a serpent and a blade stood out. The warrior sighed, and carefully folded the flag and laid it next to the uniform.

A crack of lightening shown through the window, followed by a bellow of thunder that shook the Mayor's house, and the clouds opened up and the rain fell across the city.

Springtime deluge's were not uncommon for this time of year, infact the farmers counted on the springtime floods to nurish the land for the upcoming season. But this storm seemed more ominous, seemed more vicious in nature, as it was a harbinger of things to come.

Castor looked out from the window, watching the dirt roads suddenly turn to mud in the deluge, and he thought of a story from his youth, a story about God's and Vandal heroes.

"And the Gods openly wept tears of sorrow, for they have seen what their children had become and the trials they must suffer." Castor said aloud, looking out at the rainstorm.

From the shadows, Pollux finished the proverb.

"and those tears of sorrows, drenched the heros, and washed away thier sins and their cares, for they were the chosen ones, and their duty lied on the field of battle, like their ancestors before them."

"Pol" Castor said quietly, "How long were you there?"

"Long enough, Castor, Long enough", his brother replied.


Skada and Aeric had ridden hard for hours through thick forest... ever mindful
that WAKA scouts were everywhere. They broke through to a clearing, where
a remote tavern was unexpectedly lively with light, and laughter. There were
many fine steeds tethered to the rail in front. Aeric recognized the black horse
of Lord Py Lethius, and the swamp dragon of Lord Grot... two old friends that
Aeric would be very glad to see. There were also two matched bay horses with
very ornate tack.

"Let us quench our thirst... there are friends here I have not seen since the start
of the fighting with WAKA." said Aeric as he tied his warhorse next to the black.

"You take too many chances! Will you at least draw your hood so that you are
not immediately recognized as we enter?"

The two MYTH warriors drew their hoods to conceal their identities, and entered
the tavern. There were many people inside, and many coming and going... and so
they entered without raising any eyebrows. Taking seats at the bar, Aeric called
for ale and the barkeep obliged.

Aeric could hear his old friend Py's deep voice speaking quietly to Grot at a table
in the back corner... but he could not make out any of the words. Mainly because
of the ruckus raised by Big D, and Hugibear.... who were engaged in a drunken
game of darts, and being very loud.

"Two more ales barkeep! We will deduct these from your taxes... as usual! har har!" Shouted Big D.

This was met with a shower of tittering laughter from Hugibear... who seemed to
be able to do little except laugh in his inebriated state.

"Well this is a fine kettle" whispered Aeric "perhaps we should drink up and..."

"WELLL WHAT DO WE HAVE HERE!?" Big D bellowed.... he apparently had just

Aeric felt his face redden, as he would not sit still long and have his friends' honor
questioned in such a way.

Py Lethius rose slowly... as did Grot.

"We would not subject our people to more of your dishonorable battle tactics."
Said Py in even tones.

"We seek peace, and have an agreement with Lord British already." said Grot.

"COWARDS!" Slurred Big D!

"Yea! Cowrads!" chimed in Hugibear... followed by his maddening giggle.

Py and Grot each drew weapons, as did Big D and Hugibear....

Aeric could stand it no longer... throwing off his cloak, he lept to Py's side. Py
grinned his wry grin... as always.


Big D was amused... "speak stripling, and then prepare for yet another death."

Aeric spoke to Big D, "I have fought beside these men you call cowards. It is not
cowardice that keeps these men from accepting your war. These are men of honor
and courage, but they are also men of principles who care for their people. They
do not make snap decisions where the welfare of their people is concerned.
They choose a peaceful path whenever that path is available."

Aeric then spoke to Py and Grot. "Brothers, please excuse my intrusion. I could
not sit idly by with so many empty insults flying. I have been fighting these men
for sometime now. Never have I engaged a more honorable foe. Not even in the
old days fighting the Undead, and the Orcs have I enjoyed such combat... and
seen our fallen respected by our attackers. I said that you, my good friends,
choose the path of peace whenever that path is available. My brothers there do
come times when that path is not open. I ask you... as I buried forty three last
week... is it available now?"

Aeric stepped back, moving between the WAKA warriors and the door, and
awaited a reply.


The flame of the candle burned low casting ghostly shadows upon the walls of the bedroom. Maleeka tossed and turned amongst the spider silk sheets upon her four post bed of Elven design.

"No! Don’t..", she muttered sleepily; desperately as her nightmare overwhelmed her sleeping mind.

"Where is Marius", she yelled at him, catching herself before she panicked.

"I don't know, Maleeka!", her small brother responded, worry on his face. She took a handkerchief and wiped the dirt from the boy's face.

"Let's get you home, most likely the boy has beat us there already, thinking this was a race". The two of them walked home, sure to see their brother, Marius, on steps to greet them.

Both of them stopped before the sight before them. Their home raged in flame and smoke. Outside the home, men and women with pointed ears, and dark skin, and snow-white hair, pulled the bodies of their parents to the ground out front. Surely these strangers were rescuing them! Maleeka dragged her brother towards their parents, but he struggled, begging her not to make him go. Frustrated, she looked down at Mathus, "We must help them boy!", when she looked upon his eyes she saw naught but terror.

"Maleeka", he stuttered, "They are killing them", he only pointed at where their parents lie. The alien intruders took turns thrusting their blades into the bodies on the ground. Sense taking over, she grabbed her brother's hand, and placed the other over his mouth to stifle his scream. They hid in the brush for hours, expecting to be captured at any moment, as the warriors ran past them back in to the forest.

She released her little brother, and immediately he ran to where their parents lie dead on the ground. Her heart stopped as she watched one of the marauder's fire a bolt of flame towards the boy. For fear of suffering the same fate, she could do nothing but choke down her screams as she watched Mathus burn on the ground.

When the invaders had finally left, she stumbled weakly towards her dead family and thought, "Had Marius survived?".

The crafter reached outward with one arm unconsciously, unable to awaken from the nightmares of her childhood.

As the vision faded, her arm fell lifelessly to bed and her breathing slowed as the scene changed before her.

She stood upon the green grass, which contrasted with the white sands of the desert beyond where Brigands and Scorpions of unusual size roamed freely.

Before her sat the Vampires Katharine and SpyderBite upon the their unnatural mounts. Maleeka looked upon them proudly. Spyder's white robes whipping in the Malas wind and Kat's red armor shining brightly under the desert sun. Her family she thought, smiling.

A disturbance in the distance caught her attention. Storm clouds formed above the desert. Storms of sand and lightning approached rapidly stinking of violence and blood. SpyderBite and Katharine were oblivious to the maelstrom behind them and only smiled at her. Unable to speak, she only pointed urgently towards the storm. The Vampires turned and looked in the direction she continued to point at, still unable to scream; her breath had been taken from her. Desperately she tried, but failed to call out to them. Beg them to run from the storm.

Turning their gaze back on the merchant, smiling still at her, this time with anxiousness, eagerness, they reined their mounts and trotted off towards the storm.

Maleeka gathered her skirts and leaped upon her own horse and charged after the two. The only thing she could think of was to help them. Protect them from the storm. As the three approached the edge of the storm, the clouds gathered in to a single plume before them stretching leagues in to the sky. Maleeka watched in awe as it took the vague shape of a man. Clearer and clearer its features sharpened, and the crafter stifled a scream as she recognized the face of the anomaly that thundered above them.


Beneath the goliath cloud marched savage warriors. She recognized faces amongst the army as well. The Priestess Ibichi, the Assassin Akane, Warlord Hugibear, and too many others to name in her panic.

She called out to SpyderBite, but her voice was nothing but a whisper much to her torment. Oddly, he seemed to hear her anyways. As Katharine stood still as statue, crimson scimitar drawn, the Vampire leaped from his mount and walked up to where Maleeka stood and smiled down at her.

"Do not fear for me, Maleeka", he said. She noted his skin was not the ghostly white hue she'd grown accustomed to these past years. It was natural, tanned by the sun. His smile was with out the incisors he used to bleed his victims as well. It was a man that stood before her, not a Vampire. "We have a greater strength within us than those barbarians could ever even fathom". He kissed her softly on the cheek, and as he withdrew, her breath caught in her throat. He seemed to be growing younger before her eyes. Younger even than before she had first met the man. He turned back towards the storm and walked to where Katharine sat upon her charger facing the storm. Maleeka watched in awe as the robes about him seemed to drag the ground as well as his sword to the point where both fell to the sand behind him.

Maleeka covered her mouth, eyes wide, torrents of shivers running up and down her spine.

The small boy, stopped beside Katharine's mount and turned towards Maleeka and waved. Smiling brightly at her with the enthusiasm of youth. Katharine extended a gloved hand to the boy who took it and pulled himself in to the saddle behind her. He continued smiling at her as the two marched off in to the desert towards the mighty storm upon her silver charger.

Tears streamed down the crafter's face and she cried silently as she fell to her knees unable to restrain the deluge of emotions that overcame her.

"Noooooooooo!!! Don't go!!!!"

Maleeka screamed as she bolted upwards in the bed. In the darkness of the room she wept openly for some time. The image of the boy burned in to her head.

Sobbing deep in to the night, she only spoke a name..


Yasou Wakayama

The Shogun raised himself up … the pain was still too intense … and he lowered himself back down. After two weeks of intense battles, nightly skirmishes, long drawn out sieges; the Shogun was both weary and injured.

Most of the citizens of Sosoria were organized into clans, and it seemed each clan was very vocal in their opposition of both Lord British and the Wakayama Empire. The absentee king had been gone way to long … there was nary a spatter of respect left for the man. For the past several weeks the Wakayama Clan had been helping refill the royal coffers which had all but run dry, through tax collections and the acquisition of goods from those who refused to pay their taxes. The refusal by some former allies of the Empire to pay their due had sparked some anger and animosity and many former friends of the Waka Clan were now sworn enemies.

“So be it,” thought the Shogun. This was the correct path to choose. Only one other knew what the end game would be – what the true plan was behind the Shogun’s thought process … and that person was far away doing his part to assure that all the pieces would fall together.

The Shogun looked down at his blood soaked sheets. Through meditation he could lock out the pain … his advisors suggested opiates but for now the meditation would do. He was now three days into his fast … in 48 hours he would be ready.

Obake and his Inner Circle sat quietly in the adjoining room – again they questioned the sanity of the Shogun. When offered the healing of those assembled he had refused asking only to be kept from death and be allowed to bleed. He had already instructed Weinan that after the 48 hours had passed that he was to be stitched up in such a manner as to leave a scar. This too confounded all of his Inner Circle since their mystical healing powers could restore their leader completely. Obviously again their Shogun had a plan, or was not completely sane.

The Shogun traced the lines of the wounds … sword slash … dog bite … blackened skin from poison strikes from a rune beetle. He thought back to the battle that had brought him to this … out West of Umbra three days prior, the Shogun alone in contemplation was faced by two warriors of Myth. Despite being outnumbered the Shogun immediately jumped to the attack … and the skirmish proceeded up the road toward Obake’s home … while locked in the violence of battle the Shogun felt his mind go elsewhere … he saw the image of his beloved looking fearful and teary eyed, surrounded in a cloud of darkness. This momentary lapse almost proved fatal but the Shogun snapped to and righted himself … almost knocking the one warrior from Myth from the saddle … again the vision returned and this time he saw blood … blood on the hands of his beloved as she lay weeping over a body … the Shogun failed to see Harabec of OTF come up behind him with a bola … he failed to see Aimy of OTF summon up her beetle … and he failed to see the third enemy at all who summoned up a pig-dog … in a second the Shogun was struck from the saddle as both the pig-dog and rune beetle tore at his flesh … he heard the warriors of Myth yell at the assassins as he fell to the ground …

And now he laid here .. three days later … brought back to the living though nowhere near well. 48 hours left on his fast and then he would face the painful repair of the needle and thread … there would be a scar … the Shogun traced the wounds with his hands and his fingertips were stained crimson … a slight smile upon his face.



GRRRRRRRRRRR the suspense is killing me! Finish it already!

*sits none too patiently back and fidgets*


The Vampire rushed up the granite steps of the tower towards the huge oaken doors, slamming in to the door with a "thud".

Cursing, SpyderBite rubbed his shoulder and tried the iron handle once more to no avail. Locked. "He changes his locks more oft than a chaste maiden", he growled between fanged teeth.

"Otto! Open up now!", the Vampire screamed up at the turrets of the tower.

The nearby Orcs hastened back behind the saftey of the walls of their fort at the sound of his frustrated bellowing. SpyderBite snickered at the sight, and some of his frustration was diffused as a result. He recalled running from those same brutes for hours while he trained with the Kryss years ago. Occasionally seeking the safety of the blind man's tower when overwhelmed. That had been when he was much younger, and human. He'd known Otto long before that.. as a sapling new to the land of course. But, while angering the Orcs in his youth, was when he'd first met Otto's scribe, Beatrice. Both, had been priceless advisors, confidants, mentors to him over the years. The working gears of the lock snapped him out of his moment of remincing.

The oak door opened slowly and the sight before the Vampire sent him in to a fit of hysterical laughter. A small black Imp dressed in a red doublet and round hat with flat top and tassle struggled to pull open the door. The Imp's bright green eyes widened in stark terror at the sight of the Vampire and he reversed his efforts, attempting to push the door closed. SpyderBite pushed the door inward with one hand, knocking the creature to the floor.

He continued to laugh at the sight of oddly dressed Imp, "You look like a circus monkey, do you realize that? Has Otto also fit you with an accordian so that you may entertain them after supper?".

The Imp struggled to its feet growling and brushing himself off, "At least close the door behind you Master Mosquitoe". With both clawed hands he braced himself against the door and slowly began pushing it shut again. SpyderBite reached over and pushed the door closed, causing the Imp to fall on his face.

"Where is Otto?", asked the Vampire, ignoring the Imp who pushed himself to his feet for a second time.

The Imp glared up at him, "He's in his laboratory", it sneered, "What business do you have with him?".

"What business is that of yours, Organ Grinder?", replied the Vampire, smirking at the creature.

"What business?", shouted the Imp, "Because everytime you or your daemon spawned spouse come through that door, the world is going to end, monsters trash the place, or some misguided King gets a knife in his heart! You seem to know how to find trouble you, you know that?!"

SpyderBite patted the Imp on his funny red hat, "Nay, I don't go looking for trouble", turning towards the steps he called out over his shoulder, "Trouble pretty much knows where to find me".


Katharine sorted through the battered pieces of armor her husband had discarded after the last skirmish with the Wakayama Clan. She held up a tunic to inspect it for any worthiness of repair. A small glass vial fell from the tunic and clanked upon the stone floor. Setting the tunic aside, she reached down and picked up the vial. Uncorking it, she sniffed the residue that remained.

A look of concern shadowed the Vampiress' face. She recalled him working in his makeshift lab that Otto had helped him assemble a few months ago. She glanced over at the very table, where bowls of stagnated Dyrad and Satyr blood sat.

She tucked the vial in to a pocket of her dress and headed up the steps to their greeting hall. As she made her way up the ancient stone steps, her thoughts were of their last conversation.

"I'm concerned about Maleeka, Kat", said SpyderBite, worry on his pale white face.

"You fear her loyalties are in the wrong place?", she asked in return.

"Nay.. I think they're in exactly the right place. Unfortunately, the right place is divided between Love and Family". Spyder took a long draw on the goblet of blood and inspected the cup in curious interest.

"You should talk to her, Love. The two of you have a connection. She'll listen to you". Kat placed a hand on his across the table.

Still staring in thought at the goblet, he said without looking at her, "Aye. Perhaps I should have a talk with her".

With haste, Katharine doned her robe and vanished out the entrance of the Tomb. She ran without pause towards Maleeka's home. She had left Spyder in Myth two nights earlier. He would not return home til the morning at the earliest, and only then if he risked using the Moongates. Urgency quickened the step of her boots towards the Merchant's home.


*long uncomfortable silence*

Skada had retrieved Aeric's cloak, and now stood at his side.
"We should leave..." she whispered.

Py and Grot both looked at Aeric with apologetic expressions, but said nothing.

Aeric smiled. "Brothers, I understand that we each must fight in our own way.
Rest assured that the Guardians of Myth will ever be at your side... no matter
how you stand in this war."

From the corner of his eye Aeric noticed quick movements behind the two
drunken WAKA.

"YOU SHEEE!!? COWARDS!" Big D started in again with his taunts.

He was just about to speak again, when *THWACK* an arrow pounded into his
right shoulder. Felinious, and Daan Mor had come in the back door. Daan closed
in now... swinging his shadow axe... making a sound like so much bologna slicing.
Py, and Grot joined the frey... and the warriors of the White Council seemed to
have things well in hand.

Aeric grabbed an ale off the bar and downed it.

"Now we leave." he said to Skada.

Stepping out into the cool night air... Aeric was filled with many emotions. He
donned his cloak and mounted up. "Lead on." he said bruskly.

Skada set a steady pace, and the two covered a lot of ground in a short while.
Neither had said a word since leaving the tavern. Finally Skada broke the silence.

"Perhaps it is not my place to ask this, but I am curious... why do you stand by
these who do not stand by you?"

"Because they are my brothers!" Aeric spit angrily "I do not wish to speak more
of this. They will fight in their own way."

Skada stopped her ridgeback, and turned to face Aeric. "I do not wish to anger
you, I just do not know these people that you hold so close to your heart. I am
only trying to understand. Maybe we should camp for the night... we are close
to Lac Clair, and you will need to gather your spirit before we go there."

Aeric placed a hand on Skada's shoulder. "You are a good friend. I am sorry I
snapped at you. Come, let's make camp and you can tell me all you know of
Lac Clair."


As I awoke this morning something felt different. My throat was dry and my stomach was in a knot, normal after a long night of drinking ale. My shoulder was injured, bandaged, now soaked with blood. No pain, it seems I had been drugged to null the pain. I had no recollection of how it happened. This wasn't what troubled me. As I made my way down the stairs I heard some familiar voices. A few friendly faces were gathered around my table exchanging words over coffee.
"Look who's finally up."
Ya, ya what happened?
"We'll explain later. Right now we have a bigger concern."
Out of coffee?
"No you ass, the Shogun is in rough shape from an attack he suffered in the desert."
"He's under the knife as we speak."
Who's to blame?
"We arn't sure yet, he could hardly speak in his weak condition."
Then why are you sitting around here? Get your ass' out there and find out. They hit us, now we'll hit them!

Takeshi Wakayama

Exhausted from the long ride across our lords lands, I pause to draft a pigeon to Big D....

"D sire sir! I have some early reports to make! There has been a breech of your sacred dungon "doom" during the nite, it seems the clan of EB2 has saw fit to exploit the abcence of the Shogun! Also, i have some early news from our death talkers in the far lands of t2a, there has been unauthorized eradication of the vermin horde, without proper taxes paid! What shall we do?" Takeshi


Big D writes:

The news is very disturbing. The reply I send is even more disturbing. Do nothing. Continue to monitor the whispers of the shadows. We have more pressing issues to attend to. Those that try to take advantage of the situation will receive their due, but not now. Our warriors will be needed to guard the Shogun in the near days. We cannot spare to send any troops across the land at this time. Get me the names of those responsible for the Shogun's injuries. They will be our first priority.
