ive been a tamer for a long time and its not as easy as it looks.
it is NOT as simple as hitting an all kill macro.
i dont know how many times ive seen poeple buy the advanced character tamer , toss on some jewelery ... and FAIL MISERBLY.
there are alot of dificulties reguarding pets .
first and formost , they are dumb as rocks. (stupid dog, ya made me look bad)
i dont know how many times ive hollered all kill / all follow me till im blue in the face , run back to find my pet with his nose in a corner, trying to kill something ON THE OTHER SIDE OF A WALL .
these pets get hung up on every tree or stairstep ... they have to go kill every mongbat that gets within sight ... god , i swear , sometimes i damn near have to e bolt them just to get their attention. (oh ive done it . hehe, better get that invis off quick)
and yes this is being 3 time legendary ... you'd think they'd listen... *sigh*
the bigest problem with the magincia event (and i tried various pets) was that as soon as i got on sight , my pet would see all these targets and deside it would be wise to run away from his healer and go play with 2 dozen demons.
if i did manage to find an isolated demon and keep my pet on it i still would lose out to the more beefed up dexers . serious , i often couldnt even grey the corpse ...
i went and got my necro/samy/fencer and had no problems greying corpses ... even if i came in late.
so for you poeple who want to complain about damage being overpowered ... bah i know better.
add that to the fact that the new dragons are slow as pack horses (and about as nimble) you really shouldnt have a problem outrunning them . the issue comes in when someone spams a petball . (a simple 10 seccond delay would fix this)
if pets werent so stupid , we wouldnt need petballs , but they are , and we do . so please dont just remove our petballs . you want to delay them fine . want to put a limit on how many times ... fine . but we pvmers need them (even in fel)
i dont believe stealthers are the problem . even on siege with no passive reveal. there are ways to counter.
i dont believe the ninjas are the problem . leave em alone , animal form is a big part of their profile.
i dont believe the pets are the problem . dragons just got a little due respect , dont turn them into chickens.
its the combination of all of these . (poeple using legal game mechanics to their best advantage) and THEN using petballs and auto stable as they were never intended.
and furthermore if you do manage to "balance" this particualr problem (stealth ninja tamers in pvp on siege) you're just going to have these twinks shift over to the next best thing and be a$$hats all over again .
you can nerf this to your hearts content . someone will just take the next "template of the month" and run with that .
and quite honestly , theres absolutely nothing to say you couldnt do the exact same thing yourself. so dont cry for the nerf ...that helps nobody in the long run.
noone wants to speak up to defend the class being nerfed till its your turn with the nerf stick ... then who will speak up for you ?
(dont cry . addapt)
and in closing id just like to say . yes i play a tamer . yes i play on siege . no the pet isnt the problem. its poeple abusing the pet balls and insta stable.
dont nerf the classes . put a limit on how often pet balls can be used (per char not per ball... like a skill timer) and change auto stable to actually stable the pet . problem solved. and it wouldnt affect honest tamers.
id love to see some improved pet ai , but apparently thats asking too much coding. they've been dumb as hell forever .
"BAD dragon" *smacks dragon* ... *counts fingers*
edit= not a reply to "you" specificly. just in general