Container IDs need to be known to the client, how should the client otherwise signal to the server which of the dozen bags in house you want to open?
Very often the most simple of solutions is the best and usually the last one to be looked at, in everything including technology.I don't know. But starting an technical arms race against the cheaters is not running by itself as well.
It's been countless times people reported on scripters, like the story of that Oceania Blackthorn guy. Apparently there was not a single staff GM to jail him? Hmmmm....
"I better don't touch that stuff, my neighbour just lost his account for scripting" is a thought nobody in UO had for years.
I can agree with that in a general sense, but it's hardly saying anything about those ideas posted in the thread so far. On the other hand you could also say "The devil is in the details" and mean that there is more often than not something you didn't think about when expressing an apparently simple solution in the first place.Very often the most simple of solutions is the best and usually the last one to be looked at, in everything including technology.
This and it hurts my eyes. If I look at a screen shot that covers the whole screen it hurts my eyes. I use it to rename pets if I want spaces or numbers. I use it to find things in a chest that I cant find in CC.I tried the EC I liked a lot of its features some of the mods graphics are far better but over all it makes me nauseous
It is very easy, just remove the options to turn it on in options and then turn it off for all chars in CC, problem solved.The problem is that monsters pathfind also. So it is a good idea but might not be as easy as you think to implement it.
You do know UO has not been growing for quite some time nowI also know I was seeing many, many more houses going down across the shards than I see new players in Haven... UO doesn't feel like it's growing right now, ya know?
It took me a few nights of thinking too... but I think he's talking about the bots at Felucca idocs that track you and path-find to you to reveal you for the reds to kill. I lured one of those bots 20 screens away once before the 2 reds showed up and killed me.What on earth are you talking about?
From what I've heard from people, that guy uses an entirely Easy "UO script program not to be named." He cannot even spell, much less use the more advanced stuff that the OP mentioned. I also pride myself on not scripting and am quit jealous of those that do. But I don't mind the top scripters any more either; like Blackie said up above, they all had an honor code at least. They were the top players in the community as well. They made the community. They made events. They made festivals. They didn't flood the market... and they left smaller items at idoc houses on purpose for the rest of us. Since the Devs made the change to public houses going to private... everything has been or "was" good... until a certain "Idoc-man" came along. The death threats and harassment aside, the dude blatantly says in gen chat that our game sucks, he's there for money, and he "can scripts" (bad English and all) b/c Mesanna doesn't care. All of that is toxic to UO. Players leave in droves seeing that....The only real problem here with UO is the one player who we all know that is abusing the system and violating every TOS rule and driving away our friends. Scripts will always be in UO no matter what , just like other things in the world we dont like or agree with, but our friends who are quitting because of this guy will not be here once they leave. Its this one guy, yes one guy, who is out of control and his horrific behavior is what is killing our game and driving away our friends. And that is the real issue at hand. We know he scripts, but lots of idocers have scripted since the 1990s and UO hasn't died. I never had to cheat and always prided myself about it. I dont see the point because i can out loot bots any day of the week. However, this guy has brought a serious out of control element to our game as he assaults people, threatens people, harasses people, uses racist slurs, undersells people like 50% where the economy is taking its hardest in years solely so he can make a PayPal sale. I know friends who refuse to idoc anymore because the value of a lot of items has so mightily fallen it isnt worth the time wasted to do them. More gold can be made going to events, farming legendary gear, etc. I can deal with going head to head with this guy's crappy scripts because I'm at the computer when a house falls and I can loot faster than his cheats can. The problem is this player...period. The problem is this guy plays only to sell gold on a certain *cough* guilds forum. That is the first step, have this guild ban him from their forum so his gold sales are meaningless and take away his platform that drives him to play UO. For whatever reason, he doesn't work so to him it seems that playing UO 24/7 to do gold sales is a job to him. I believe this is what drives him and that's where it needs to start. He can't pvp, he is banned from about every guild in UO, he doesn't pvm, he doesn't help out and assist the community and so on. His pure motivation are gold sales on that one particular forum and if this guild *cough name not mentioned* was honorable they would ban his IP so he can't sell gold anymore there. I'm guessing he is a miserable person who finds no joy in life so he plays UO 24/7 and in this fantasy world we enjoy its the one place in the world where he can release his hearts desire on people with zero consequence. Well here it is, the key word consequence, which is why the devs, gms, etc need to remove this one player permanently and in some cases possibly notify law enforcement about his threats. We were going to go to the 20th anniversary but after seeing what he posted in chat my family is scared to go. So, we decided against going sadly. I hope something is done soon before our community declines any further.
Eliminate his ability to advertise gold sales and he will quit the game when he loses monetary gain.From what I've heard from people, that guy uses an entirely Easy "UO script program not to be named." He cannot even spell, much less use the more advanced stuff that the OP mentioned. I also pride myself on not scripting and am quit jealous of those that do. But I don't mind the top scripters any more either; like Blackie said up above, they all had an honor code at least. They were the top players in the community as well. They made the community. They made events. They made festivals. They didn't flood the market... and they left smaller items at idoc houses on purpose for the rest of us. Since the Devs made the change to public houses going to private... everything has been or "was" good... until a certain "Idoc-man" came along. The death threats and harassment aside, the dude blatantly says in gen chat that our game sucks, he's there for money, and he "can scripts" (bad English and all) b/c Mesanna doesn't care. All of that is toxic to UO. Players leave in droves seeing that....
Blackie has a very good idea. If he knows the ins and outs and knows what that Idoc-guy uses... ( which I've heard from 2 or 3 of the guilds he's been booted from that it's true) then removing path-finding from the game would be the greatest idea anyone's ever had at saving the game. I hate path-finding anyway. Every time my character path finds on accident, I almost die.... It's usually when I'm fighting. Yes, I know you can turn it off, but that's besides the point of finding a way to stop scripting for 95% of the scripters out there. The pros will still be there for UO... They all use a Steamier, Stealthier, more sophisticated personal program of one type or another from the chatter I've heard. The pvp'ers would still be able to speed hack and drink pots automatically with the Easy program, as those don't involve path-finding either. If path-finding is indeed the culprit... then I don't know why the Devs didn't fix the problem long ago? Please consider this Devs.
The Stratics mods have even been super lenient with this discussion, which should say tons about just how much people despise this one Idoc guy.