Obscure rappers? That's Cypress Hill, baby. Come ON!!! What do you listen to? Is this a Sarah McLachlan fan? I am so sorry if it is. I am normally not like this. Call me, we'll hang out.
The subject says "Debate" in it. That word implies something. So I figures, OK, here is my .02 cents and I wrote.... "Don't know, doesn't matter... should be legal."
Here's what I meant by that... "I don't know if it's legal, the legality does not matter to me... and I think it should be legal." This is a perfect gray area.
Let's suppose good UO people like mitzymoo and muffinkitten went through all this tedious work to make a beautiful "Players' Zoo" for new players. No one can argue with them, because they are such good UO people. But, one time, a new player tried his flute on one of the zebras and gained 0.2. What should happen? According to the UO police they should be banned, right? Two days or three, commandant?
Now you are going to say, "No, I would not ban them. They are good UO people and some noob gained 0.2, big deal." You are right about that, but where do you draw the line? YOU DON'T DRAW THE LINE. GMs draw the line, and they act accordingly.
So that is the gray area. Some people get banned and other people do not and the decision is made by GMs, not by you. Similarly (a RL example), you tried to expose the homeowners from your pic as cheaters in a way that was "legal" according to Stratics. Sure, you didn't use their names or name the guild but you probably ruined some peoples' gameplay experience by posting a map of where they live and keeping the post alive as long as you did. It reeks of vendetta.
So you took advantage of a gray area. Stratics says no names, but they allow maps. So you made a map with a fat red x (MSPaint?) on it of where they live, posted it on the internet and then offered gates to the house. Is that harrassment? To me, yes. But I am not a moderator and I don't make those decisions.
On the other hand, if I know where you live in UO... can I post a map of where you live on Stratics and have a subject line "Duck Season, sign up here!" Another decision for moderators, not me.
Here's the thing about pictures. Pictures tell a one-sided story, which is what you wanted because you don't like that guild or whatever it be. Maybe those people RP as scientists testing the effects of discordance on the three primary characteristics of animals found in Ilshenar. Maybe their house was supposed to be a laboratory but because they stink at home design, it just looks like a house with pens. Maybe they record the effects of the discordance on the various animals stats in a book they called "Scientific Facts." All of that stuff would not be visible from your pic but would be necessary for a decision-maker to know. There are any number of reasons like the previous one which make what they were doing OK. It's not my problem to figure out what they were doing. It is the problem of the GMs that you page.
I don't know what to tell you, but I will try. I'm sorry you feel that you've wasted your time gaining skill in some areas, because others (apparently your enemies) did it faster in a manner different from how you did.. Sometimes I feel the same way. I learn, I adapt. OK? BFF? *Snuggles*