Tried to stay near the orginal castle specs as much as possible and make it only a 2 level not to cause anymore blocking then there already is. Made use of wasted space hope you like, didn't make a garden because i have seen some really nice stuff people have done by themself on castles and takes the fun out of it.
Roof level. My preferred style I like lots of outside space and removing the lower right tower clears up the area for a nice and open view. More classic version in last two pics at the bottom.
Main entry level.
Basement level.
Alternate version very near classic castle look.
Alternate version Main Entry level.
Roof level. My preferred style I like lots of outside space and removing the lower right tower clears up the area for a nice and open view. More classic version in last two pics at the bottom.
Main entry level.
Basement level.
Alternate version very near classic castle look.
Alternate version Main Entry level.