Where would Stone form fit in this?There are 2 Caps, there's the damage Increase cap, and the damage multiplier cap.
You are at the damage increase cap. Enemy of One and Consecrate weapon act like slayer damage which is modifier damage. They will multiply that 300 you already have by up to 300% more. If you have other modifiers in effect (Slayer, Perfection, Bard) you only need enough chiv to get you to 300 multipliers to hit max damage. If you don't have bushido/perfection, then 120 Chiv will get you close (98%) to the damage you'd do with perfection, without the headache of worrying about honoring the target.
The formular for damage is like this
Damage = (X + W(X) + T(X) + A(X) + S(X) B(X)) * M
X is your base weapon damage
W is your Damage Increase (Capped at 100)
T is your Tactics Damage Increase Factor
A is your Anatomy Damage Increase Factor
S is your Strength Damage Increase Factor
B is your Bards Inspire Damage Increase factor (up to 64%)
The Cap % for W,T,A,S is 300% (Your damage increase cap)
Your base Modifier is 100%
Super Slayer is bonus 100% to your multiplier
True Slayer is bonus 200% to your multiplier
Perfection is 10% bonus per level up to 100% to your multiplier
Enemy of One is up to 82% bonus @120 Chiv to your multiplier
Concecrate weapon is up to 16% bonus @ 120 to your multiplier
Honor self is bonus 25% to your multiplier
Bard Inspire Damage Modifier is up to 15% bonus to your multiplier
Grapes of Wrath is 10% bonus to your multiplier. (edit: Forgot this)
The Cap for all your multipliers is 300%
Hope I didnt overload you there.
If Pinco's UI is accurate (and it seemed to be while testing), then all that is needed to benefit from the 5 DCI is that the quiver is equipped (character sheet visibly adjusted just like the damage ranges). I will admit that it is difficult to actually test and verify, because of all the chance involved, but I would say its safe to reason that Lower Ammo cost (and the weight reductions), Damage Modifier, and the damage type modifications are the item properties that require archery.I wonder how the 5 DCI factors in from the quivers, does it only work if you have archery? I think most of us use that with the thought that it is a suit mod and not skill based but this thread makes me wonder.
Focused Weapons function like Slayer/Stone form Damage Modifier type. Not Weapon Damage Increase type.How does Focus (like the trait given from those crystals from the Bane Invasion) interact/fall in to this discussion on damage and caps.
So, if you are at the cap, it actually hurts you.Focused Weapons function like Slayer/Stone form Damage Modifier type. Not Weapon Damage Increase type.
I have used this on a weapon and it seems to follow what is posted on uoguideFocused Weapons function like Slayer/Stone form Damage Modifier type. Not Weapon Damage Increase type.
As opposed to hitting them on every swing like we do now? I mean, uh, no offense but I haven't had a meaningful PVM fight where less than 50% of my swings were Armor Ignores in ages. LMC and mana leech aren't that hard to cap.To get the most bang for the buck, since the bonuses stack with most specials, hitting those specials while in the bonus stages can be very rewarding.
All right, so this made me decide to do some math. For the sake of convenience I'm pretending we do a base damage of 100 per hit, and that everything we're hitting has 70% resistance to whatever damage we're doing. So basically 30 damage per hit. That's rather high, but I only care about the relative proportions here anyway.You could still hit them on every swing if you wanted to and you'd see increased damage. In cases like that the overall damage is still positive but in PvM tactical application of bonuses is rarely a concern. Since the weapon rage focus effect takes place in both PvM and PvP, tactical usage of the bonus is a valid strategy in some applications, while there is no penalty to just blindly swinging away. It is tactically rewarding so to speak.
That bonus is 90% of one hit, over a sequence of 20 hits.-40 + -32 + -24 + -16 + -8 + 0 + 2 + 4 + 6 + 8 + 10 + 12 + 14 +16 +18 +20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20
Total penalty -120%
Total Bonus = 210%
Net Bonus = 90%
I don't really need to list all the reasons why starting out at, and regularly descending back into, a large damage penalty against every new target you engage could be a drawback in PVP do I? I'm sure you can think of some.If you have finite mana, to deal as much damage as possible, if there's a way to get a 10-20% bonus on top of that by sacrificing 5 hits at lesser damage, for a 10 swing damage window where you can get that bonus.
Why wouldn't you?
Many thanks.EoO checks on modified skill, not real skill.
I for one openly admit to favoring certainty over possibility. It's why I've stick to Chivalry for so long despite the jaw-dropping potential of Bushido's Perfection and Lightning Strike. Chivalry to me offers certainty. Did so before the changes and seems to by the changes now offer a wider range of possibilities at both ends, but has maintained some degree of certainty.There is a typical all or nothing mentality that the player base has.
The reason i listed those properties is because they are not guaranteed. They are not something you sit there relying to make up for your gameplay ability. They don't introduce a new playstyle or template. If you max casting focus or resonance on any caster, they aren't suddenly going to become uber, or run around never being interrupted. You stick it on a caster who's already making the most of their spell timings, and choices, and they are going to do a little better. Maybe get that arch cure or gheal off when you may have been interrupted and save your life, OR get that flame strike off and finish off some one because they thought you got interrupted but focus or resonance pulled through.
I'm not saying the masses ignore stuff because they are dumb or uninformed. What I am saying is that the trend embraced by those same masses is along the lines of all or nothing. If LRC was capped below 100% so reagents were still required sometimes, I guarantee you if that cap was only 90%, most people would just take it off their suits altogether.
The property would still be useful but given its no longer guaranteed/reliable, and then probably avoided by the player base.
On my PvM char I don't find rage focus that useful. On my PvPing LJ much mroe useful
On my PvM mage, I dont use casting focus or resonance, or spell focusing. On My PvP Focused mage, I use all 3. PvP Mystic mage, I use casting focus and resonance but not spell focusing.
The same goes for a some specials items they may not be great for every situation, but in a few situations they are really helpful. A nice sure shield drop can give you a bit of extra hci, and you can imbue max dci on it which isn't bad. If its got HP surge thats a free boost to healing on the run for my mage, a bit of extra mana regen or stamina regen for a ninja in wolf form is also helpful. Game changing, not really, just a little extra.
I'm not arguing that everyone should jump on it like its the next splintering weapon.
But exploiting those little extras in the best way does make more of a difference.
For example, say a mage casts flame strike at 100 base damage after max SDI/Eval Int etc.
With spell focusing that jumps to 120.
@70's thats about 6 pts difference against a cursed target thats 8 pts damage difference 30 vs 36 and 40 vs 48
Again not that much. Put that on a focused mage @ max sdi and thats a base of 135 damage (40 vs 70resists ,54 vs 60resists)
Its not a guaranteed, and its requires an investment, of attention, skill, and playstyle, and after all that its still only a possibility. The overall player base is usually not willing to make that type of investment on a possibility.
Its not a judgement on whether its right or wrong, its just an observation on how they make up their mind. Personally, I have a few characters that follow the majority of the player base, and then I have a few designed to exploit those possibilities.
Many thanks. If I end up able to test it formally I'll be sure to share my results. However I normally am able to test things only informally and using highly subjective criteria. "Wow, that worked well." "Wow, that didn't work all that good." "Wow, that didn't work at all."All you can do is cast NS or buy/farm pinks. I would think that the result should be the same real or not but it would be good to test your guy and then compare to a similar build on the test server. If you did this sharing the results would be good also.
You don't just "stick it on" though. You go out and get a Defender of the Magus shield with some Resonance on it, equip it, and now you're down some DCI from your imbued shield. So you put on a DCI sash instead of your lieutenant sash. Now you're down 5 int, 2 MR, and 10 LRC. Whoops, hope you didn't need that LRC, because if so then you need to change something else to get it back.If you max casting focus or resonance on any caster, they aren't suddenly going to become uber, or run around never being interrupted. You stick it on a caster who's already making the most of their spell timings, and choices, and they are going to do a little better.
So why didn't you add some legitimate competition instead of novelty items worth less than a pumpkin?Your 15+ Mil Crimson Cinture/Tangle or 40 Mil Lieutenant sash are perfect examples of MUST HAVE items because there's just no competition in those slots. I'd say its those Items that are "Shoved Down your throat" and taken as your medicine because there is no real alternative.