You know - there is an easy middle ground here.
Have the fel champ areas do the following -
1. If one attempts to use the "Help, stuck" option there, you get a canned message that the normal option is not available in that zone. Instead, you must go through the normal help queue.
2. The message will also state that if the GM comes to check on you, and you are not truly having such an issue in the champ spawn area, you may have a warning, or even a 24 hour suspension action, placed on your account, from having wasted the GM's time.
3. If you are judged to have a real issue with being stuck, at most the GM will teleport you to within 1 screen of the exit of that spawn area in a position where you are no longer stuck (or within 1 screen of the connector to the next dungeon level on the way out, for a dungeon champ spawn area) - but make you visable at the same time. They will NOT jump you out of the dungeon, or to a T2A town.