Uhm, no...
You mean like these rules:
1. You may not victimize, harass, threaten, or cause another player unwanted distress or discomfort, as determined by Support Staff.
2. You may not use any offensive or sexually explicit language, graphic descriptions, or accounts of sexual acts (including but not limited to sexual language of a violent or threatening nature directed at another individual or group of individuals).
3. You may not use any unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, hateful, racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable language toward any other player.
4. Characters, items, pets, and other user-created in-game content must abide by the EA Terms of Service, Rules of Conduct and the UO Naming Policy located here.
5. You will not actively encourage other players to violate the Terms of Service or Rules of Conduct.
9. You may not violate any local, state, national or international law or regulation.
"Forty-five states now have laws that explicitly include electronic forms of communication within stalking or harassment laws."
24. You will not do anything else that interferes with the ability of other Ultima Online users to enjoy playing the game in accordance with its rules, or that increases the expense or difficulty of Electronic Arts in maintaining the Ultima Online service for the enjoyment of all its users.
According to the Harassment policy:
Piper has certain obligations:
1. You have asked the player to "please stop", and they have continued to repeat the offending behavior.
2. You have tried to remove yourself from the situation, for example, by recalling away or moving several screens.
3. You have done nothing to instigate or further encourage the harassment.
4. You have added the player to your ignore list, which is located in your UO options, under Filter Options.
5. You have read and understand Electronic Arts' definition of harassment, and Electronic Arts' Terms of Service.
6. Your account information is up to date, including a current email address.
It sounds like she has done many of these if not all.
One note about profanity from the above page:
"Please note that profanity itself is not prohibited, as Ultima Online is a teen rated game by the Entertainment Software Rating Board. However, this does not permit a player to harass another player with profanity."