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To greef A Tamer (Simple fix ) please read.

  • Thread starter Catskills Player
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0

Ben Dover

"I though you said in a post that we should stay on topic regarding someone interfering with your ability to tame something."

He did but it only applies to us because he's a biased hypocrite that wants everything tailored specifically to his playstyle.
ROFL exactly!!!



Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So now you are saying that it should only be safe to travel via gates?
Pfft, to me, gating is one of the biggest downfalls to the game. Get rid of mounts, eliminate gating and recall, and make the gates go back to where you don't have a choice where you end up. That right there would add to the game...la

Actualy no.. I said:
"Most people who "live" in Fel have runes to where they need to go, they don't need to use a moongate.

And there are a fair amount of moongates that I doubt everyone would be guarded.... at least for a while ;-)


Though he also said:
"This is my final responce to this ... "
"I wish this whole post could be deleted .. " *I bet he does*

So I don't think we should expect too much sense.

Catskills Player

Though he also said:
"This is my final responce to this ... "
"I wish this whole post could be deleted .. " *I bet he does*

So I don't think we should expect too much sense.
I do wish it would get Deleted .. by every one of your post it seems that you have yet to add 1 point that would stop direct greif ... But you post to post ... Or maybe its a post greif ??

"pages a gm "

responce .... we will review the account and take action if warrented ..



Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I do wish it would get Deleted .. by every one of your post it seems that you have yet to add 1 point that would stop direct greif ... But you post to post ... Or maybe its a post greif ??

"pages a gm "

responce .... we will review the account and take action if warrented ..




"it seems that you have yet to add 1 point that would stop direct greif "
Maybe thats because as I have already explained countless times none of what you have posted is griefing.

Kratos Aurion

even further grief... lalalalalala <-lame:D

everyone seems to think tamers are the way to go yet we deal with just as much problems as the rest of the community.

I have known maybe 4 griefers out of the varieties to actually own a capable tamer which in my opinion, entitles them to grief.

If you don't own a tamer and you see a tamer as the end all to all templates I suggest you make them. Theres a lot of setbacks.

Not to mention a mage with highend sdi suit is equally as good as a tamers gm pet and most mages are cowards and only follow up after the tamers attack.

People use tamers. Get over it. If there wasn't that one dragon attacking mel in a group, that one warrior would be trashed or the whole group would be equally pwnt. If tamers weren't here to be meat shields for almost all major spawns, what would UO be like when everyones dead wishing they had better meat shields?


"If there wasn't that one dragon attacking mel in a group, that one warrior would be trashed or the whole group would be equally pwnt."
No they wouldn't.

"If tamers weren't here to be meat shields for almost all major spawns, what would UO be like when everyones dead"
They wouldn't be dead, they'd be playing intresting templates that they had learned well through necessity rather than just relying on pets.

Everything can be done without tamers.

Kratos Aurion

"If there wasn't that one dragon attacking mel in a group, that one warrior would be trashed or the whole group would be equally pwnt."
No they wouldn't.

"If tamers weren't here to be meat shields for almost all major spawns, what would UO be like when everyones dead"
They wouldn't be dead, they'd be playing intresting templates that they had learned well through necessity rather than just relying on pets.

Everything can be done without tamers.
but the fact is, everyone relies on them. There are those players that are truly devoted to "their" playstyle and can handle just about anything. But then you look at the majority of UO. Not everyone can solo everything.

Just face it. Taming is a playstyle. Everyone griefs about tamers and everyone griefs about each other in fel. Its completely hypocritical.

Catskills Player

Hello, Ladies & Gents & hopefully a Higher power (aka developer)

With all of the recent tamers out there saying they have been griefed, It occurred to my how far do some tamer injustice go.

#1 Taming pets. we all have been there. Your taming a beast and see you hard work finally pay off... the Blue Words floating above your beast as you try to not anger it and hope the that Skill of your profession pay off .

A few things usually happen.
most often you Tame the pet...

Or someone else sees that you might get something they want. and they feel a dark idea spawn inside their head, “I know I will attack it and tame it for them or myself”

Or something everyone knows it has happened at one time or another.
"they just kill it"

#2 Why is it that this one seems to happen mostly at spawns and in fel
let me know if you have heard this one before.

A Tamer walks up, and come to join in a spawn or a hunt. there happens to be a bard or Soon after a bard shows up. depending on tram or fel.

Tram A bard is mad at the tamer and area peaces when the tamer attacks to
disrupt the dragons attack. and this makes the tamer Mad because due to this action being repetively done. now the bard has the strongest beast in his back pack. who would have thought it only takes a minimal amount of bard peacing to make someone else have a very bad day.

Fel Taking a dragon or other pet to a gate for some pvp action.

Tell me if you heard this one before...

A bard walks up to a tamer at a gate and sees a big old dragon there. and proceeds to area peace the dragon just to cause a player distress as his mount or pets start to wonder away even thought the tamer has said for his pets to follow him or her ... and the bard area peaces again. and yet the pets wonder off again.

Or this bard also has Discord and is now discording your pets that are blue to you which is and should be considered a direct attack on the tamer pets.
And now the tamer is now under Physical harassment of a bard that he can neither attack nor do anything about.

To end this all here is a simple fix to a problem that has gone on long enough

If a player is taming why there is not a (shield area or time shield) placed on the Creature being tamed... Message "you can not attack that now"
Simple fix...


Bard griefing. When a bard area peaces it should be a shield for the bard alone not an Area effect. (Kind of like Self honor)
then no other players would be affected by bard actions...

Discording a tamers pets in fel (Flag the bard as a direct Aggressor)

Yet there are 3 simple fixes that not 1 person can deny would cause neither harm nor an unfair advantage to anyone if these changes were made...

Please rely back If you Agree Yes this is something you would like to see

Or No because griefing another player is more your style...

Thank you, Catskills Player.
Yup thats what i said ....

Ben Dover

People use tamers. Get over it. If there wasn't that one dragon attacking mel in a group, that one warrior would be trashed or the whole group would be equally pwnt. If tamers weren't here to be meat shields for almost all major spawns, what would UO be like when everyones dead wishing they had better meat shields?
Well obviously your opinion is very biased. My guild for one almost NEVER has a tamer with us when we do Mel, or any of the other peerless bosses. Our group NEVER gets "pwnt" as you said. And our warrior never gets trashed. And a tamer killing a champ at a champ spawn is just ludicrus, I can solo kill any champ spawn champ 5 times faster with my mage than you can with your superdragon or any other pet you want to bring. Learn to play the game.. Learn to use a little common sense and some tactics and perhaps one day you also can quit hiding behind your huge "protect me" pets. Until then keep your trammie backside in TRAM where you belong, and stop the whining and complaining that the rest of the UO world is against you. We are, and frankly we dont give a **** if you like it or not.


"but the fact is, everyone relies on them."
I don't.

"Not everyone can solo everything."
Anyone could if they wanted to.

"Taming is a playstyle."
I haven't said it isn't/shouldn't be.

Helen D

Hello, Ladies & Gents & hopefully a Higher power (aka developer)

With all of the recent tamers out there saying they have been griefed, It occurred to my how far do some tamer injustice go.

#1 Taming pets. we all have been there. Your taming a beast and see you hard work finally pay off... the Blue Words floating above your beast as you try to not anger it and hope the that Skill of your profession pay off .

A few things usually happen.
most often you Tame the pet...

Or someone else sees that you might get something they want. and they feel a dark idea spawn inside their head, “I know I will attack it and tame it for them or myself”

Or something everyone knows it has happened at one time or another.
"they just kill it"

#2 Why is it that this one seems to happen mostly at spawns and in fel
let me know if you have heard this one before.

A Tamer walks up, and come to join in a spawn or a hunt. there happens to be a bard or Soon after a bard shows up. depending on tram or fel.

Tram A bard is mad at the tamer and area peaces when the tamer attacks to
disrupt the dragons attack. and this makes the tamer Mad because due to this action being repetively done. now the bard has the strongest beast in his back pack. who would have thought it only takes a minimal amount of bard peacing to make someone else have a very bad day.

Fel Taking a dragon or other pet to a gate for some pvp action.

Tell me if you heard this one before...

A bard walks up to a tamer at a gate and sees a big old dragon there. and proceeds to area peace the dragon just to cause a player distress as his mount or pets start to wonder away even thought the tamer has said for his pets to follow him or her ... and the bard area peaces again. and yet the pets wonder off again.

Or this bard also has Discord and is now discording your pets that are blue to you which is and should be considered a direct attack on the tamer pets.
And now the tamer is now under Physical harassment of a bard that he can neither attack nor do anything about.

To end this all here is a simple fix to a problem that has gone on long enough

If a player is taming why there is not a (shield area or time shield) placed on the Creature being tamed... Message "you can not attack that now"
Simple fix...


Bard griefing. When a bard area peaces it should be a shield for the bard alone not an Area effect. (Kind of like Self honor)
then no other players would be affected by bard actions...

Discording a tamers pets in fel (Flag the bard as a direct Aggressor)

Yet there are 3 simple fixes that not 1 person can deny would cause neither harm nor an unfair advantage to anyone if these changes were made...

Please rely back If you Agree Yes this is something you would like to see

Or No because griefing another player is more your style...

Thank you, Catskills Player.
I dont really like your ideas either they dont sound very fair.

Kratos Aurion

"but the fact is, everyone relies on them."
I don't.

"Not everyone can solo everything."
Anyone could if they wanted to.

"Taming is a playstyle."
I haven't said it isn't/shouldn't be.

Maybe I should have clarified. A lot of people relie on tamers at some point or another. Its not always fighting based either. Whens the last time you tamed a fire beatle, lesser hiryu etc.. w/o a tamer?

And the fact of the matter is, anyone could solo anything. Even tamers. The second part of the poor arguement is

-wealth? you need money to get you the gear
-viable templates. there are good templates then there are great templates. Using them consumes a lot of time to perfect, as well as even make.
-most templates/suits that can solo highend creatures are geared toward that specific creature. Meaning, you would need different suits/weapons/template for different creatures.

I never said you weren't implying that, but a lot of people are. People seem to think tamers are the gods of ultima. Fact is they aren't. I've played from every perspective of the game at one point of my career (dexxor, mage, thief, tamer etc) and to me, its as hard as any other. Playing a tamer takes as much skill as playing a mage or a dexxor (which isn't as easy as people with inexperience claim).

There are multiple instances in the game that tamers are pretty much useless for anyways. Paroxysmus comes to mind right off. Pets make him regen full health. Travesty another. Even though pets are effective, they suffer from overwhelming ninja if you cant stay alive or keep the pet alive. Also overwhelming numbers of event spawn. Not only does it get insanely hard to keep your pet alive, but it gets insanely hard to keep your self alive. Most tamers are geared toward mana therefore they can save their pet. We aren't all defensive and offensive.

Catskills Player

I dont really like your ideas either they dont sound very fair.

I just find it very nice that not 1 person yet has said how this would in a negative way be a bad thing....

Giving a pet in progress of tame a no attack by outsider until the tame fails... people could still attack the pet when the attempt fails...

And flagging bards that directly discord a tamers pet ... in fel ... the bard attacked my pet with a stat cutting skill ... Same as a mage walking up to you and casting curse ... with only 1 difference ... the mage would go grey ... then why not the bard .

Area peace on a bard ... he would be protected by his skill ... but would not cause my pets to run off for no apparent reason... 'Or why not just a server response message “you are not in danger “hence no need to use area peace ...

Seems to me not being biased at all ... because I hardly play my tamer ... probably due to my pvp reputation .On a dexer.

..That people need to grief me due to them getting owned at one time or another and this is my payback ... game machanics Griefing ..


To everything else you said fine/fair enough.

"There are multiple instances in the game that tamers are pretty much useless for anyways."
Theres a lot less for tamers than there are for bards. "That can't be provoked" has been on too many monsters. Some things can't be the first target of a provoke attempt yet spawn with nothing else around (which is thoroughly pointless they may as well not be provokeable at all).

I also find that it's a lot easier to build a tamer suit than it is anything else. I can even go out in a luck suit on my tamer and barely worry about dying even with no resists.

Catskills Player

To everything else you said fine/fair enough.

"There are multiple instances in the game that tamers are pretty much useless for anyways."
Theres a lot less for tamers than there are for bards. "That can't be provoked" has been on too many monsters. Some things can't be the first target of a provoke attempt yet spawn with nothing else around (which is thoroughly pointless they may as well not be provokeable at all).

I also find that it's a lot easier to build a tamer suit than it is anything else. I can even go out in a luck suit on my tamer and barely worry about dying even with no resists.
when was the last time u tamed a dragon in a luck suit and used no bard skills ... not all tamers are bards .. some of us are straight tamers ...

but this is not about tamer VS Bards .. its about people griefing others ...


"I just find it very nice that not 1 person yet has said how this would in a negative way be a bad thing.... "

I have several times.

"Giving a pet in progress of tame a no attack by outsider until the tame fails... people could still attack the pet when the attempt fails... "

No one should have to wait for someone else.

"Same as a mage walking up to you and casting curse ... with only 1 difference ... the mage would go grey ... then why not the bard ."

Except curse is a negative spell and discordance is a passive skill. It causes no actual loss, if the person moves away or hides their pet then the pet doesn't then have half it's hp or less skills it goes back to being full. Discord is like the way pain spike damage comes back if the target doesn't die.

"..That people need to grief me due to them getting owned at one time or another and this is my payback ... game machanics Greifing .."
Yes the world is against you. You and everyone else.


"when was the last time u tamed a dragon in a luck suit and used no bard skills ... not all tamers are bards .. some of us are straight tamers ...

but this is not about tamer VS Bards .. its about people griefing others ..."

I didn't say I tame in a luck suit. I tame in my main suit, however my tamer can change to a luck suit at any time for hunting and remain alive fairly easily behind the pets.

I know what it's about and from my experience it's usually the tamers doing the griefing.

Catskills Player

"I just find it very nice that not 1 person yet has said how this would in a negative way be a bad thing.... "

I have several times.

"Giving a pet in progress of tame a no attack by outsider until the tame fails... people could still attack the pet when the attempt fails... "

No one should have to wait for someone else.

"Same as a mage walking up to you and casting curse ... with only 1 difference ... the mage would go grey ... then why not the bard ."

Except curse is a negative spell and discordance is a passive skill. It causes no actual loss, if the person moves away or hides their pet then the pet doesn't then have half it's hp or less skills it goes back to being full. Discord is like the way pain spike damage comes back if the target doesn't die.

"..That people need to grief me due to them getting owned at one time or another and this is my payback ... game machanics Greifing .."
Yes the world is against you. You and everyone else.
The only thing you have said is "you want the ability to attack someones tame in progress ... Please explain this is iam not getting your point here ?????

What right do you have to cast a negitive effect on my pet in Fel and not be held accountable for it .... your in tram and someone says dont invis me . pages a gm and the person that casted gets banned .. for herassment .

Why should you be allowed to herass me and my pet in fel while the whole time saying its a game tactic ... yea its a Game machanic tactics that needs to be reviewed ... cause its being used as a exploit ...

Dude this is not anything personal towards you .. but you argue a endless point just to post something that over and over your using cop outs .. get off your high horse and either post something usefull . or just stop with your negitive post.


"The only thing you have said is "you want the ability to attack someones tame in progress ... Please explain this is iam not getting your point here ?????"
I didn't say that, I said no one should have to wait for you to fail an attempt. The point is you want tamers to not have interuptions during taming and I don't agree with it because it stops other people hunting.

"What right do you have to cast a negitive effect on my pet in Fel and not be held accountable for it"
It isn't cast nor negative. What right do you have to request taming without interuptions? Or changes to bard skills when your so obviously against anything but tamers?

"your in tram and someone says dont invis me . pages a gm and the person that casted gets banned .. for herassment . "
Why would I be invising people in tram?

"Why should you be allowed to herass me and my pet in fel "
Why should you be allowed to use your pet for the same reason when theres no counters.

"while the whole time saying its a game tactic"
I haven't said it's a game tactic.

"cause its being used as a exploit "
No it isn't.

"Dude this is not anything personal towards you .. but you argue a endless point just to post something that over and over your using cop outs .. get off your high horse and either post something usefull . or just stop with your negitive post."
Your saying 'get off your high horse' while portraying yourself as the sole judge of whats useful. I don't know why you keep talking about negativity, I'm disagreeing with you - disagreeing IS negative. Your basically just saying 'agree with me - don't answer back - just agree' and no, I won't & I hope no one else does either.

Catskills Player

"The only thing you have said is "you want the ability to attack someones tame in progress ... Please explain this is iam not getting your point here ?????"
I didn't say that, I said no one should have to wait for you to fail an attempt. The point is you want tamers to not have interuptions during taming and I don't agree with it because it stops other people hunting.

"What right do you have to cast a negitive effect on my pet in Fel and not be held accountable for it"
It isn't cast nor negative. What right do you have to request taming without interuptions? Or changes to bard skills when your so obviously against anything but tamers?

"your in tram and someone says dont invis me . pages a gm and the person that casted gets banned .. for herassment . "
Why would I be invising people in tram?

"Why should you be allowed to herass me and my pet in fel "
Why should you be allowed to use your pet for the same reason when theres no counters.

"while the whole time saying its a game tactic"
I haven't said it's a game tactic.

"cause its being used as a exploit "
No it isn't.

"Dude this is not anything personal towards you .. but you argue a endless point just to post something that over and over your using cop outs .. get off your high horse and either post something usefull . or just stop with your negitive post."
Your saying 'get off your high horse' while portraying yourself as the sole judge of whats useful. I don't know why you keep talking about negativity, I'm disagreeing with you - disagreeing IS negative. Your basically just saying 'agree with me - don't answer back - just agree' and no, I won't & I hope no one else does either.
Actualy it was Yes or No . would this change be good ...
And here comes the 500 times post .. i dont like it ... when the sole post was is this Fair ....


Next time i will put in a poll with a yes no

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The only one I agree with is flagging a discorder as crim when they discord a BLUE pet. That action should ABSOLUTELY flag that bard as crim. The rest of the stuff..deal with it. :lame:


"Please rely back If you Agree Yes this is something you would like to see
Or No because griefing another player is more your style... "

Yes you agree or no because your a griefer? lol

Helen answered a simple no and you gave her a load of off topic rubbish too.
That off topic smilie seems well at home in your post.

Catskills Player

"Please rely back If you Agree Yes this is something you would like to see
Or No because griefing another player is more your style... "

Yes you agree or no because your a griefer? lol

Helen answered a simple no and you gave her a load of off topic rubbish too.
That off topic smilie seems well at home in your post.

Iam a firm beliver in Walk a mile in someone elses shoes ...

So i would like to do a live Demo for anyone , And most of all everyone that seems that there is not a problem .

Where Test Shard .. .

When 8pm tonight meeting at brit gate 8:30pm EST ..

Events ... Live demonstrations of this Post .... all are welcome to come and take a look ... and voice your oppinion on spot and mostly Here ..


Catskills Player

I will show another live demo Saturday night

TC1 Shard .

8pm Est ..

Once again all are welcome to come and see a live demo in game .


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Let me put this bard v tamer thing into some context.

When there is no bard present, this is the situation we find:

A blue tamer in guardzone sending their pets to attack selected targets around the gate. He/she remains in or near the guardzone, which means nobody can kill them without being guardwhacked. The tamer's pets however, can go out of the guardzone to finish a fight if necessary, then return to the tamer. It doesn't matter how many opponents this tamer has, they can only attack him outside the guardzone. He can pick reds off 1 at a time.

Add the bard and at least the pets can be killed more easily. Pets can still fight while discorded BTW. The tamer can still hide out in guardzone, but his weapons at least, are vulnerable.

The bard is your countermeasure. Barding only affects your pets and even so, doesn't take 1 hp of damage from them. If we make barding flag the bard, how exactly does one kill a tamer in guardzone? It strikes me that you want to be able to score the kills, but can't stomach the concept of your pet being killed. The bard isn't discording you or killing you, just affecting your pets. What on earth are you doing in Fel if that bothers you so much?

Try fighting outside the guardzone, then you can kill the bards if they offend you so much. If the counts worry you, find a red friend to do it. Adapt your gameplay rather than expect a change to the playing field to your level.


Catskills Player

Let me put this bard v tamer thing into some context.

When there is no bard present, this is the situation we find:

A blue tamer in guardzone sending their pets to attack selected targets around the gate. He/she remains in or near the guardzone, which means nobody can kill them without being guardwhacked. The tamer's pets however, can go out of the guardzone to finish a fight if necessary, then return to the tamer. It doesn't matter how many opponents this tamer has, they can only attack him outside the guardzone. He can pick reds off 1 at a time.

Add the bard and at least the pets can be killed more easily. Pets can still fight while discorded BTW. The tamer can still hide out in guardzone, but his weapons at least, are vulnerable.

The bard is your countermeasure. Barding only affects your pets and even so, doesn't take 1 hp of damage from them. If we make barding flag the bard, how exactly does one kill a tamer in guardzone? It strikes me that you want to be able to score the kills, but can't stomach the concept of your pet being killed. The bard isn't discording you or killing you, just affecting your pets. What on earth are you doing in Fel if that bothers you so much?

Try fighting outside the guardzone, then you can kill the bards if they offend you so much. If the counts worry you, find a red friend to do it. Adapt your gameplay rather than expect a change to the playing field to your level.

I have no problem getting killed if i flag onto another player and die . it happens iam a big boy . so this is not about changing play styles or tactics .. its about a Known exploit of every time the bard repeat plays area peace.. when in fact the dragon was following it master that the dragon or pet wonders off ... Which this should not happen it Should " calm the argessors on screen that are affecting the bard if they were in fact agressive towards the bard " not dissrupt game play for all non agressors towards a barding char . that is out to grief .

Actualy what is happeneing . there is a group a reds are sitting outside the guard zone . A then they get another blue guild member to do log onto a bard just to exploit the fact that they know they can area peace the dragon to make it wonder off and discord the dragon to weaken its stats and resist . all the time the bard stays blue and is not attackable ..

everyone wonders why they dont see a more diverse set of players in pvp cause theres lots of people in pvp that resort to these lame tactics that are exploited more often. And iam just adderessing the fact that this is a exploit and maybe someone should look into this ... is all .

Just like when a bard area peaces in a area where 2 people are fighting being dexers and the same things happens " the fight did not involve the bard " but the bards affects disrupts a Outside fight that was already going . which makes the fighting players have to stop and set a attack last key for the sole fact people this this is how this should work when its not how the design was intended .

People say deal with it .... Why should i have to deal with a exploit that should not be in the game to be considered a exploit "of game machanics" . Thats my Point!!!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And how else are they to counter your attacks? How can they kill you while you're in the guardzone?

If you can't kill a monster with one template, what do you do? You adapt or get another. If you aren't able to kill a player who is attacking your group you do the same thing. These players have learned how to counter your attacks successfully. That's what you're supposed to do in PvP. Though in this case it's more like player vs player + pets + guardzone.

You are sitting in a guardzone with 2 bonded pets, and at most your risk extends to the death of a pet or pets. You can, if you wish, deal killing shots to opponents to get insurance gold. Your opponent gets nothing, unless you time it wrong and get caught outside guardzone. If your pets die, the most you lose is skill points, whoopee.


Catskills Player

And how else are they to counter your attacks? How can they kill you while you're in the guardzone?

If you can't kill a monster with one template, what do you do? You adapt or get another. If you aren't able to kill a player who is attacking your group you do the same thing. These players have learned how to counter your attacks successfully. That's what you're supposed to do in PvP. Though in this case it's more like player vs player + pets + guardzone.

You are sitting in a guardzone with 2 bonded pets, and at most your risk extends to the death of a pet or pets. You can, if you wish, deal killing shots to opponents to get insurance gold. Your opponent gets nothing, unless you time it wrong and get caught outside guardzone. If your pets die, the most you lose is skill points, whoopee.

A tamer cant kill you with his pet if hes dead .. thats the point everyone misses ...

Just the fact that if a player is just standing there that people are getting on bards just to exploit ...

How hard is that to understand .. ????? maybe iam crazy ... but are we playing the same game here ?


"I just find it very nice that not 1 person yet has said how this would in a negative way be a bad thing.... "

I have several times.

"Giving a pet in progress of tame a no attack by outsider until the tame fails... people could still attack the pet when the attempt fails... "

No one should have to wait for someone else.

"Same as a mage walking up to you and casting curse ... with only 1 difference ... the mage would go grey ... then why not the bard ."

Except curse is a negative spell and discordance is a passive skill. It causes no actual loss, if the person moves away or hides their pet then the pet doesn't then have half it's hp or less skills it goes back to being full. Discord is like the way pain spike damage comes back if the target doesn't die.

"..That people need to grief me due to them getting owned at one time or another and this is my payback ... game machanics Greifing .."
Yes the world is against you. You and everyone else.

Discord is way worse than curse. You may have noticed that players cannot discord other people? I think that's because discord is so destructive, that or the UO people knew that the flagging wasn't right and knew better than to allow such a thing in that circumstance..

Discord destroys the target's resists and skills both. It turns your pet into a complete piece of sh*t compared to what it's supposed to be. A discorded pet (or monster) can be ripped to death pretty quickly because of the resists being horrible, and it can't hit anything with its melee attacks, and its defense chance is murdered, and if it had magery or poisoning, well, good luck with having it cast well with like 70 magery.

In the real world, removing your pet from the situation for 15 seconds to undo the effect isn't a balanced solution. You and your pet (depending on the pet) can be dead within that time. And the bard will presumably re-do the discording when you get back anyway! Not much sense there.

I'm thinking that it's obvious that a bard who does this to someone's pet should become flagged to the tamer (and pet, the flags should match), and go crim if the pet owner is blue. I'ma guess the UO people just haven't gotten around to where they can fix this, they are hella busy.

The effect is worse than cursing the tamer. You're taking a huge part of his template, in fact the primary offensive part (the pet) and turning it into a turd. It's clearly a negative act, eh?????

If people could discord one another, the missing flagging for doing it would get an uproar for sure. hehe.

Catskills Player

Discord is way worse than curse. You may have noticed that players cannot discord other people? I think that's because discord is so destructive, that or the UO people knew that the flagging wasn't right and knew better than to allow such a thing in that circumstance..

Discord destroys the target's resists and skills both. It turns your pet into a complete piece of sh*t compared to what it's supposed to be. A discorded pet (or monster) can be ripped to death pretty quickly because of the resists being horrible, and it can't hit anything with its melee attacks, and its defense chance is murdered, and if it had magery or poisoning, well, good luck with having it cast well with like 70 magery.

In the real world, removing your pet from the situation for 15 seconds to undo the effect isn't a balanced solution. You and your pet (depending on the pet) can be dead within that time. And the bard will presumably re-do the discording when you get back anyway! Not much sense there.

I'm thinking that it's obvious that a bard who does this to someone's pet should become flagged to the tamer (and pet, the flags should match), and go crim if the pet owner is blue. I'ma guess the UO people just haven't gotten around to where they can fix this, they are hella busy.

The effect is worse than cursing the tamer. You're taking a huge part of his template, in fact the primary offensive part (the pet) and turning it into a turd. It's clearly a negative act, eh?????

If people could discord one another, the missing flagging for doing it would get an uproar for sure. hehe.
Well Said .... Well Said ..


"Iam a firm beliver in Walk a mile in someone elses shoes ... "
That saying means understand it from the other perspective, you haven't done that.

"the fight did not involve the bard "
Why shouldn't a bard be allowed to help his allies? How much a bard can actually do in PVP with a severely limited template (360 points for discord/peace/music) is already minimal compared to how much damage a pet can do.

"Why should i have to deal with a exploit that should not be in the game to be considered a exploit "of game machanics" . Thats my Point!!!"
Someone countering you is not an exploit. It's only a shame that it is limited as much as it is.

"A tamer cant kill you with his pet if hes dead .. thats the point everyone misses ..."
The point I'm missing is how did the tamer get from being alive in the guard zone to being dead in the guard zone? Or if you don't mean the tamer and mean his pet, who is this amazing pvp/pvmer who got through 900+ hp before the tamer called the pet back in/pet balled/logged out to save his pet?

"You may have noticed that players cannot discord other people? "
Yes, it was in my first reply where I said I would be fine with discord being an aggressive act if bards were implemented fully in to pvp.
However currently you can only discord the pet, a discorded super dragon can still have over 90 in it's melee skills. It's resists are cut but it's hp are not so it's still going to be firebreathing for the full amount, an amount which is still over half your hp. Also as it's hp are not cut it will still take a long time for any player to get through. Unless of course like Catskills Player it turns in to a sudden 9v1 when it's your turn. (ignoring that it's still in gz)

"Discord destroys the target's resists and skills both. It turns your pet into a complete piece of sh*t compared to what it's supposed to be."
Compared to what it's supposed to be but still more than a player can deal with in close quaters - it's breath is doing over half your health, your being bled and meleed, which if the player is hugging the guard zone is the case.

"and if it had magery or poisoning, well, good luck with having it cast well with like 70 magery."
Well they can have 126 magery so thats like 89 magery discorded. Even if it wasn't 70 is enough for plenty of spells.

"In the real world, removing your pet from the situation for 15 seconds to undo the effect isn't a balanced solution. You and your pet (depending on the pet) can be dead within that time. And the bard will presumably re-do the discording when you get back anyway! Not much sense there."
He's sitting in the guard zone, he isn't dying any more than he was before discorded. Unless he chooses to flag on multiple people.

"The effect is worse than cursing the tamer. "
I don't see how. Cursing a 100 hp player, another player has a reasonable shot at killing him. Discording a greater dragon, you try and get through 900-1000 hp while still getting breathed for over half of your hp, while the tamer stands there doing nothing? No the tamer stands there casting heal on the pet or throws in additional spells/attacks.

"It's clearly a negative act, eh?????"
It clearly isn't imo, (if it was he wouldn't be asking for it to be) If it was done to a player then I'd agree but as what it's done to can easily cope with it and still be effective so I don't.
Oh and I'm not just talking about it in theory either, I had my tamers dragon discorded during this current event. You know how much it bothered him? Not in the slightest as the entire event was in guard zone (which to me is no different from the OP gz fighting in yew), my dragon still killed the vanguard and I have a bank box full of shields/swords that can confirm that. I was continually peaced too, how hard was this to overcome? I pressed my macro again and it was dealt with.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm thinking that it's obvious that a bard who does this to someone's pet should become flagged to the tamer (and pet, the flags should match), and go crim if the pet owner is blue.
I can agree with this, but to counter that I say that if you sick your pet on a red to become the aggressor to the red, you shouldnt be able to log out to save your pet. Also a pet shouldnt be able to re-enter a house if its flagged, just like a player.
I would also remove pet summoning balls as well.

But pets don't have to follow those rules, so as i said before, you tamers have to deal with it... for now at least

Catskills Player

"Iam a firm beliver in Walk a mile in someone elses shoes ... "
That saying means understand it from the other perspective, you haven't done that.

"the fight did not involve the bard "
Why shouldn't a bard be allowed to help his allies? How much a bard can actually do in PVP with a severely limited template (360 points for discord/peace/music) is already minimal compared to how much damage a pet can do.

"Why should i have to deal with a exploit that should not be in the game to be considered a exploit "of game machanics" . Thats my Point!!!"
Someone countering you is not an exploit. It's only a shame that it is limited as much as it is.

"A tamer cant kill you with his pet if hes dead .. thats the point everyone misses ..."
The point I'm missing is how did the tamer get from being alive in the guard zone to being dead in the guard zone? Or if you don't mean the tamer and mean his pet, who is this amazing pvp/pvmer who got through 900+ hp before the tamer called the pet back in/pet balled/logged out to save his pet?

"You may have noticed that players cannot discord other people? "
Yes, it was in my first reply where I said I would be fine with discord being an aggressive act if bards were implemented fully in to pvp.
However currently you can only discord the pet, a discorded super dragon can still have over 90 in it's melee skills. It's resists are cut but it's hp are not so it's still going to be firebreathing for the full amount, an amount which is still over half your hp. Also as it's hp are not cut it will still take a long time for any player to get through. Unless of course like Catskills Player it turns in to a sudden 9v1 when it's your turn. (ignoring that it's still in gz)

"Discord destroys the target's resists and skills both. It turns your pet into a complete piece of sh*t compared to what it's supposed to be."
Compared to what it's supposed to be but still more than a player can deal with in close quaters - it's breath is doing over half your health, your being bled and meleed, which if the player is hugging the guard zone is the case.

"and if it had magery or poisoning, well, good luck with having it cast well with like 70 magery."
Well they can have 126 magery so thats like 89 magery discorded. Even if it wasn't 70 is enough for plenty of spells.

"In the real world, removing your pet from the situation for 15 seconds to undo the effect isn't a balanced solution. You and your pet (depending on the pet) can be dead within that time. And the bard will presumably re-do the discording when you get back anyway! Not much sense there."
He's sitting in the guard zone, he isn't dying any more than he was before discorded. Unless he chooses to flag on multiple people.

"The effect is worse than cursing the tamer. "
I don't see how. Cursing a 100 hp player, another player has a reasonable shot at killing him. Discording a greater dragon, you try and get through 900-1000 hp while still getting breathed for over half of your hp, while the tamer stands there doing nothing? No the tamer stands there casting heal on the pet or throws in additional spells/attacks.

"It's clearly a negative act, eh?????"
It clearly isn't imo, (if it was he wouldn't be asking for it to be) If it was done to a player then I'd agree but as what it's done to can easily cope with it and still be effective so I don't.
Oh and I'm not just talking about it in theory either, I had my tamers dragon discorded during this current event. You know how much it bothered him? Not in the slightest as the entire event was in guard zone (which to me is no different from the OP gz fighting in yew), my dragon still killed the vanguard and I have a bank box full of shields/swords that can confirm that. I was continually peaced too, how hard was this to overcome? I pressed my macro again and it was dealt with.

Where in my post did your event summery come into conversation . It didnt

Oh yea Add what ya want say what ya want ... But still does it have a point in fel Yew griefing or someone attacking your Tame in progress ... Once again NO it didnt ...



Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
But still does it have a point in fel Yew griefing or someone attacking your Tame in progress ... Once again NO it didnt ...
It still seems to me that you are trying to make changes that benefit you.

What if I was to say that I don't like to be attacked by someones pets, so if I get the chance to stop someone from taming one, I will stop them.

How is this different from you sicking your pet on someone because they are bothering you?

I'de have more sympathy for your cause, but there are 800 places in Fel that you can tame creatures without being bothered, but you wont go to those places, instead you want the rules changed.

Catskills Player

It still seems to me that you are trying to make changes that benefit you.

What if I was to say that I don't like to be attacked by someones pets, so if I get the chance to stop someone from taming one, I will stop them.

How is this different from you sicking your pet on someone because they are bothering you?

I'de have more sympathy for your cause, but there are 800 places in Fel that you can tame creatures without being bothered, but you wont go to those places, instead you want the rules changed.
Changes that benifit me No ... everyone would benifit ..

your acting like this is some hardship post ... where i want change because i feel wronged ... NO everyone is affected by these actions all the time ...
Iam just someone Who brings it up ... and that people dont seem to understand ...

And if i sick my pet on someone I flag and go grey ... ????? so where ya going with the if u sicked your pet on someone statement ..


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And if i sick my pet on someone I flag and go grey ... ????? so where ya going with the if u sicked your pet on someone statement ..
It affects every tamer, no one else.

Actually not always, there is a bug that sometimes appears where the pet goes grey to the person, but the owner of the pet stays blue.

Also I am saying that if you sick you pet on me and I start to kill it so you log out in guard zone real fast to save it... you shouldnt be able to do that if your pet is an aggressor.. in fact you shouldnt be able to do it at all.


"But still does it have a point in fel Yew griefing "

Um yes, it's these parts here where I'm specifically talking about the scenarios you've posted about:

""A tamer cant kill you with his pet if hes dead .. thats the point everyone misses ..."
The point I'm missing is how did the tamer get from being alive in the guard zone to being dead in the guard zone? Or if you don't mean the tamer and mean his pet, who is this amazing pvp/pvmer who got through 900+ hp before the tamer called the pet back in/pet balled/logged out to save his pet?"

"Unless of course like Catskills Player it turns in to a sudden 9v1 when it's your turn. (ignoring that it's still in gz)"

"which if the player is hugging the guard zone is the case."

"He's sitting in the guard zone, he isn't dying any more than he was before discorded. Unless he chooses to flag on multiple people."

"Discording a greater dragon, you try and get through 900-1000 hp while still getting breathed for over half of your hp, while the tamer stands there doing nothing? No the tamer stands there casting heal on the pet or throws in additional spells/attacks."

"It clearly isn't imo, (if it was he wouldn't be asking for it to be) If it was done to a player then I'd agree but as what it's done to can easily cope with it and still be effective so I don't.
Oh and I'm not just talking about it in theory either, I had my tamers dragon discorded during this current event. You know how much it bothered him? Not in the slightest as the entire event was in guard zone (which to me is no different from the OP gz fighting in yew), my dragon still killed the vanguard and I have a bank box full of shields/swords that can confirm that. I was continually peaced too, how hard was this to overcome? I pressed my macro again and it was dealt with."

As for the rest of it no, but then it was mostly a reply to Revnant2.


"Changes that benifit me No ... everyone would benifit .. "
If your first change happened, it wouldn't benefit the person trying to hunt as they would have to wait for your taming attempt.

"your acting like this is some hardship post ... where i want change because i feel wronged "
Thats because you keep citing the '9 reds' that are always waiting for you.

"everyone is affected by these actions all the time ... "

No their not.

"Iam just someone Who brings it up ... and that people dont seem to understand ... "

It's understood I just don't agree.

Catskills Player

"Changes that benifit me No ... everyone would benifit .. "
If your first change happened, it wouldn't benefit the person trying to hunt as they would have to wait for your taming attempt.

"your acting like this is some hardship post ... where i want change because i feel wronged "
Thats because you keep citing the '9 reds' that are always waiting for you.

"everyone is affected by these actions all the time ... "

No their not.

"Iam just someone Who brings it up ... and that people dont seem to understand ... "

It's understood I just don't agree.

Tell me why some bard hold down area peace and discord on a person pet and is not flagged . That the tamer should have to stop and invis thier pet every 2 sec .. to get the effect of discord off or leave the view for a extended period of time ...

Area peacing .. you talking like this is a 1 time actions NO they are looping this crap for 15 20 min ... So yes someone has your pet discorded and now inturn its flying off even when it sposta be follllowing you ... it flys off .. So now you hitting you all folllow me every 2 sec as the bard is just sitting there looping area peace ...
But then you know this first hand Right ???


"Tell me why some bard hold down area peace and discord on a person pet and is not flagged ."
If area peace flagged then it wouldn't be area peace, it would be area aggro.

"That the tamer should have to stop and invis thier pet every 2 sec .. to get the effect of discord off or leave the view for a extended period of time ... "
It's 12 seconds and they don't have to. As I already said three times, I had this done to my pet during the event and my pet was still more than able to kill/take hits.

"Area peacing .. you talking like this is a 1 time actions NO they are looping this crap for 15 20 min ... So yes someone has your pet discorded and now inturn its flying off even when it sposta be follllowing you ... it flys off .. So now you hitting you all folllow me every 2 sec as the bard is just sitting there looping area peace ... "
I realise they can repeat it, but it costs them instrument charges it costs you nothing. Why sit there for 20 minutes having this done to you? Their not going to stay there all day and if they did just go somewhere else. You keep talking about exploits/the rules the rules say - make sure you have made an attempt to leave the area. If you don't do that it doesn't make it anyone elses fault.

"But then you know this first hand Right ??? "
Thats right. I have played a peacemaker, a discorder and a tamer and seen it from both sides. It has never been a problem for me.

Your first point - someone interupting tames - there are multiple places to tame most things. If there aren't then it's not a problem to just do it another time. I realise and accept that people might want to hunt the thing I'm taming and if they are I can leave them to it.

Your second point - peacing at spawns/in fel - bards barely have a foot in the door of pvp as it is, making peace only affect the bard means their of even less use as they can't help their allies.

Your third point - bards discord/peaceing pets in guard zone - if you remain in the guard zone your in no more danger than you are if no bard is there. Unless your flagging on multiple people you can call your pet back and guard whack any additional attackers. The only way your pet is going to die is if you've flagged on someone who is specifically set up to fight/kill your pet.


While I am not a fan of griefing.

For tamers to be whining about anything is so ******** that I dont know where to start.

Every event for the last 5 years has catered to Tamers.

Tamers get enhances and updates yearly....while other skills (cough...thieves...cough) get nothing...ever.

I am so sick of tamers and their "I want more for me attitude"

Tamers have run UO since the begining....when you could have a dragon army at your command as you wanted as they were only 1 control slot.

Tamers get new pets every 6 months it seems. You get more bonuses in your stable all the time for having high skill.

No other skill gets outside bonuses from NPC's because of their skill (except begging which is NPC reliant)

Tamers are the most over compensated...over used...cocky group I have ever seen. I have a tamer. He's a T-Hunter. Thats all I use him for.

For goodness sakes almighty.

You were just given a dragon that can hit another player for upwards 180 damage in 2 seconds. (Fireball, physical attack)

This post just proves my point. Tamers are given an inch and they want a mile.

You have no business whining if you are a tamer. :wall:

Catskills Player

"Tell me why some bard hold down area peace and discord on a person pet and is not flagged ."
If area peace flagged then it wouldn't be area peace, it would be area aggro.

"That the tamer should have to stop and invis thier pet every 2 sec .. to get the effect of discord off or leave the view for a extended period of time ... "
It's 12 seconds and they don't have to. As I already said three times, I had this done to my pet during the event and my pet was still more than able to kill/take hits.

"Area peacing .. you talking like this is a 1 time actions NO they are looping this crap for 15 20 min ... So yes someone has your pet discorded and now inturn its flying off even when it sposta be follllowing you ... it flys off .. So now you hitting you all folllow me every 2 sec as the bard is just sitting there looping area peace ... "
I realise they can repeat it, but it costs them instrument charges it costs you nothing. Why sit there for 20 minutes having this done to you? Their not going to stay there all day and if they did just go somewhere else. You keep talking about exploits/the rules the rules say - make sure you have made an attempt to leave the area. If you don't do that it doesn't make it anyone elses fault.

"But then you know this first hand Right ??? "
Thats right.
Yea leave the area cause iam Exploiting game machanics ... yup you totaly right ..

I have every right to be in game anywhere at anytime just like anyone else .. Does it mean i have a right to use Game machanics Griefs to Put someone into distress .... NO it does not ...

Theres no point in trying to prove a point to someone who just goes on and on ... So i give up .... i cant argue with stupid ..


You're out of line. SO what if no one liked your ideas. You just got to chill back a little. What did you expect? Everyone to say... GREAT IDEAS!! Catskills for President!!


"Yea leave the area cause iam Exploiting game machanics ... yup you totaly right .. "
No one is exploiting game mechanics, you said he's griefing you, the rules on griefing are make sure you have attempted to remove yourself from the situation.

"I have every right to be in game anywhere at anytime just like anyone else .. Does it mean i have a right to use Game machanics Griefs to Put someone into distress .... NO it does not ... "
No, but it also means you have no right to request another skill be changed when it isn't being exploited.

"Theres no point in trying to prove a point to someone who just goes on and on ... So i give up .... i cant argue with stupid .."
No, you can't argue with logic.

Btw there were a further three comments edited in to the bottom of my last post which you don't seem to have read. (not that it matters because you don't read the ones you have seen, but I thought I'd mention it anyway!)


"But instead of somone looking at it from another point of view .. all someone seems to do is just post back ...anything and everything other than the main point of the post ... "

I have answered the main points of the post over and over and over again, but you continually ignore them and act as if they aren't there even when I show you that they clearly are.

"IS someone using game machanics to grief others "
No. (for the hundredth time)

"but the only responce was crude come backs of how tamers VS bards "
YOUR TOPIC WAS TAMERS VS BARDS, wtf do you want us to comment on cooking skill?

"What to you want me to do "
Listen/read would be an amazing start.

"deal with it leave the area ... Ect for someone who clearly exploits game machanics to cause herassment / distress to another player for no intended reason other than to just Grief ..."
There is a reason other than grief/harassment but your too ignorant to hear it. (it has been posted hundreds of times)

Ben Dover

I will show another live demo Saturday night

TC1 Shard .

8pm Est ..

Once again all are welcome to come and see a live demo in game .
Whats the matter? No one or very very few people show up for you little "live demo" of how you feel you are right and everyone else is wrong? And btw, wtf exactly are you supposedly demonstrating in the first place? We all know that the majority of tamers are pansy-azz gate huggers in fel. They sit inside the GZ just waiting for some poor unsuspecting red who is more than likely already being ganked by 5 + of your peers, to come running by at half health and they press one button to say ALL KILL, their pets leave the GZ to go attack the poor red thats already half dead, while the tamer hides out in the GZ where he can not be freely attacked. I have said before, and will say again, PvP is NOT for tamers... hence the acronym PvP = PLAYER VERSUS PLAYER... if it were meant for tamers it would be called P+p V P+p or Player + pet Versus Player + pet. Face it, Tamers were invented for and should be used for PvM!

I see further down in this thread where you keep harping on "exploiting bard, exploiting bard, exploiting bard". Do you have any friggin clue of how game mechanics are supposed to work? Quite obviously you do not. I explained it in another thread, you should probably go read that. Area peacemaking CAN be used every 5-6 seconds (depending on connection). I can sit right beside you, hold down my area peacemake skill key, have you sick your dragon on me, and I MIGHT if your lucky take 20 pts of damage. Dont like it? Well I suggest you stop bringing your freaking pets to fel to fight your battles. Log on a real character.

And, oh if you don't like that your precious superdragon can not do the majority of the damage to every mob at events while some lowly bard is there area peacemaking... then I suggest that you be a big boy, suck it up and shut the hell up. We really do NOT care if you are not getting all the new loot. You know what that means if your dragon is not doing the majority of the damage???? It means that WE finally have a chance to get some of our own loot.

I actually have three tamers on three different accounts, so don't try to just say that I am a tamer hater... the difference is that my tamer is not my primary character because I think that they are lame and way over powered with their horde of minions at their control. Perhaps you should invest a little time in actually learning to play another template and quit whining about every little thing that does not work the way YOU think it should work. Or as I said in another post, if it pisses you off SOOO much just QUIT THE FRIGGIN GAME!!! UO for sure could certainly do without one more whining azz crybaby. GEEZZZ PEOPLE

In short, just STFU about this already. Area peacemaking continously using a UO or UOA macro is NOT exploiting. As I said before, I posted up screenies in the other whining tamer thread of how this could easily be done legally. Is it an abuse of game mechanics? Hell NO!! Is it a person being smart and using the skills that took him forever to work up? Sure it is. So now you want to just take away 200-300 of this poor guys skill points because you can't get your way all the time? ROFL are you serious?

Are you 2 years old? Seriously, I can picture you in my mind right now.... your dragon sitting by your side area peaced, you flailing about on the floor kicking, crying and screaming "DEVS, Make him stop peacemaking I can't have what I want" ROFL get over it crybaby. Move on. This guy is using his template. If you don't like it then go the hell somewhere else!!! And stop trying to get yet one more thing changed in the favor of the already over powered tamers.

Lord Kotan

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wow, you made me have to create a stratics name on the temp fourms... If you are a fel bard, you know the exploit, and just don't want it fixed until they do something about tamers in PvP. That is how most people - like or simular to you - think.

Bards can, and have been able to (for 9+ months?) been able to area peace once every .75s (3/4 of a second, which is over 6 times faster than you are supposed to be able to).

It's an exploit, and it's out there. You cannot deny that.

Catskills Player

Wow, you made me have to create a stratics name on the temp fourms... If you are a fel bard, you know the exploit, and just don't want it fixed until they do something about tamers in PvP. That is how most people - like or simular to you - think.

Bards can, and have been able to (for 9+ months?) been able to area peace once every .75s (3/4 of a second, which is over 6 times faster than you are supposed to be able to).

It's an exploit, and it's out there. You cannot deny that.

OMG Someone that has see ppl doing this .... And the whole time i thought it was all in my head ...