Yep this is what I don't get. People seem to think that these dominating guilds just popped up somewhere and make huge profits for no work. I have been responsible for finances of one large guild. Making webpages, planning a point system, organising your distripution channels, finding merchants from different shards if needed (if there's need to xshard scrolls). Finding members that get along with each other and are trustworthy and are not shouting at each other on Ventrilo all the time. Most hardly finding members you enjoy playing with. When it's pay day you have to organize payments to all members. Also making PvP suits to players is not that easy always. And yes, making champ spawns can get very boring if noone trying to raid you.
These guilds really have seen a lot of trouble getting where they are now.
I gotta say it was fun for a while, but now I prefer playing in smaller guild.
Hardest part is to get members who you want to play with. Anyone can do this same, most of UO players play in trammel, recruit people from there and teach them how to PvP and make suits.
If you don't want to see all the trouble finding new friends then go to gauntlet and buy your PS:s. Or make T2A spawns when most people are sleeping.
It seems that many think they should get everything for free. I hate being in gauntlet cause I prefer PvP way of playing, so I buy my artifacts. Still I'm not here begging champ spawns to drop artifacts also.
If you don't like getting to know new people and facing new challenges, don't make a champspawn guild. Buy you'r scrolls.
If you like getting to know new people and talking to them, if you want new challenges (PvP), make a guild, find someone who knows how to PvP. Usually PvP players are willing to teach new players how to PvP, since we want to players to Felucca.
And you don't need to make all that I listed what I made in big guild. You don't need so many players if you don't make spawns in Despice. Destard, Deceit and T2A spawns are good place to start with. If you have lets say 8 players:
1 bushido archer can take down barracoon alone easily. Basically bushido archer can take alone any champ, you just haveto find a right spot for it.
You have 7 players to put up a defend, in many champ spawns there's a chokepoint you can defend. With 7 players defending a chokepoint properly, you can fight against huge numbers. Also on many shards if you have even like 8-10 players online you are the biggest PvP guild on, so you don't even need huge numbers of players, and that's why I don't agree with people saying there's too few players to make proper guilds anymore. Atlantic is excetion of course, but someone on this thread said that it's possible to make spawns even on atlantic with 2 players.
And this is true, if you have 8-10 players online at the same time, you'r guild is huge in PvP scene on many shards.
I personally want to encourage people to try felucca. Yeah we all cheat and speedhack... Not true. I don't. And yes, I can still PvP. Most of people play fair. Too bad there's speeders and it's sometimes frustrating, but that's why I don't play alone. When fighting in groups those speeders are not making that huge difference anymore. And you know what? If you use Kingdom Reborn client you will run as fast as speedhackers. Kingdom Reborn client makes you run exactly like people using 2D and speedhack, so get that if you don't want to handle people making faster turns then you. Cause speeders don't make you run faster when you run straight, it makes you skip tiles when you make turns, and KR makes the same thing. Maybe I will someday get myself to make macros to KR since I like the graphix also. Or then I just wait for SA.
But like I said, you can PvP without any cheats with 2D just fine. Well, UOA I would suggest but it's not a cheat.
This I want to say: If you want to PvP in group, get Ventrilo. Makes calling targets and crying for heals a lot easier