Drau Blud - LS
Greetings all
It has come time for me to write my farewells, as so many have done before me.
After 10+ years, that is quite a thing to say.
Many of you reading this will have no idea what this game used to be.
I know it is fashionable for some to say, forget the past, and that this game has "evolved" over the years, and that it is not good to hang on to " how it used to be".
You simply could not be more wrong. Because "how it used to be" was a truly incredible gaming exprience.
In my humble opinion, it was P16 that killed this mighty thing, and turned it into the land of care bears, and house builders/sitters. Pathetic.
My most vivid memory will always remain....
I was outside the west gate of Brit, and I was just fooling around, and I saw a guy get PK'd by a red.
This guy started crying about how unfair the game was, and how all he wanted to do was "chop some wood" and be "left alone", so he could raise his stats.
The PK'er had rezed him up already, and was trying to have a chat with this fellow, a was the way of most reds in those days....but the wood chopper was having none of it.
He continued to rail, and shake his fists at the absolute "unfairness" of it all ( standing there fully rezzed and healed, I might add) and decry the terrible people that would let such a thing happen to him in a game HE WAS PAYING FOR!!!!
As God is my witness, I knew right then and there this game was DEAD. I will never forget the absolute certainty that swept over me at that moment....I saw the future....
These people are going to cry, and kick, and scream.....and they will be appeased.
I remember thinking clearly......these people HAVE NO BUSINESS playing a game of this sort.
What the hell did they expect?
I will tell you.
They expected to have it always go their way. They expected that it will be easy, and no one will ever interfere with their little adventures. They expected a stroking of epic proprtions, because that what they were always used to.
Children in a grown-ups game.
Now we have adult children, and Ultima Online, has become the Sims with swords.
Well......I sort of unloaded on the guy. I tried to explain to him that it was, in fact, HIM that was going to destroy this game, by crying and crying and crying, until they "do something about it".
A small group of people had gathered, and a couple were even shouting "yeah! you tell him!"
He seemed a bit limp after his temper tantrum, as most children are, and so I am not sure he really heard or understood me....but there were many there that did.
I walked away from that knowing 2 things for sure.
This was the greatest game ever created.......and it was going to be destroyed.
Well, I played on for many years after that, and I was witness to many travesties, not to mention that HORRENDOUS Todd Mcmoron thing, and a total re-write of the CORE game mechanics, and item properties, and Elves, and ....yeah.
My vision of the future had come true... TIMES TEN!!!
The version you all now enjoy, is quite literrally, a completely different game.
It was then that I realised, I was the frog on the hotplate.
I want to thank all the wonderful people I met here over the years.
Legolas......you are still missed. May your spirirt roam Britannia as long a you desire.
To the looters...... I let my 2 houses fall 3 months ago, with no warning.
I hope some of you were lucky enough to be there, because I tell you I did not remove ONE SINGLE item from ten+ years of playing.
There was a CRAZY amount of really amazing stuff (including 5 full suits of double blessed leather armor, scores of arties and marties.) I gotta believe this was one of the richest falls ever for LS.
If not...then the server gods ate like KINGS that day. LOL
To the PVP'ers .....keep up the good fight.
I was there in the old days, with St. Death, Cookie Monster, Legols, RAEL ( the most insane pirate ever known! They wrote a patch just because of HIM) ) , and the others, whose names escape my old brain. We were gods that ruled the earth, for a short time.
There is so much more. Too much more. It will be lost along with all the rest.
It may be, by chance, that one day long from now, you will see an old warrior, named Drau Blud, mulling around the West Brittian Bank. He has no home, or possesions, save what is on his back.
If so.....please speak kindly to him. He is old, and has had his spirit broken by the ways of the new world.
He only looks back now, to the days of great glory.
That is all.
It has come time for me to write my farewells, as so many have done before me.
After 10+ years, that is quite a thing to say.
Many of you reading this will have no idea what this game used to be.
I know it is fashionable for some to say, forget the past, and that this game has "evolved" over the years, and that it is not good to hang on to " how it used to be".
You simply could not be more wrong. Because "how it used to be" was a truly incredible gaming exprience.
In my humble opinion, it was P16 that killed this mighty thing, and turned it into the land of care bears, and house builders/sitters. Pathetic.
My most vivid memory will always remain....
I was outside the west gate of Brit, and I was just fooling around, and I saw a guy get PK'd by a red.
This guy started crying about how unfair the game was, and how all he wanted to do was "chop some wood" and be "left alone", so he could raise his stats.
The PK'er had rezed him up already, and was trying to have a chat with this fellow, a was the way of most reds in those days....but the wood chopper was having none of it.
He continued to rail, and shake his fists at the absolute "unfairness" of it all ( standing there fully rezzed and healed, I might add) and decry the terrible people that would let such a thing happen to him in a game HE WAS PAYING FOR!!!!
As God is my witness, I knew right then and there this game was DEAD. I will never forget the absolute certainty that swept over me at that moment....I saw the future....
These people are going to cry, and kick, and scream.....and they will be appeased.
I remember thinking clearly......these people HAVE NO BUSINESS playing a game of this sort.
What the hell did they expect?
I will tell you.
They expected to have it always go their way. They expected that it will be easy, and no one will ever interfere with their little adventures. They expected a stroking of epic proprtions, because that what they were always used to.
Children in a grown-ups game.
Now we have adult children, and Ultima Online, has become the Sims with swords.
Well......I sort of unloaded on the guy. I tried to explain to him that it was, in fact, HIM that was going to destroy this game, by crying and crying and crying, until they "do something about it".
A small group of people had gathered, and a couple were even shouting "yeah! you tell him!"
He seemed a bit limp after his temper tantrum, as most children are, and so I am not sure he really heard or understood me....but there were many there that did.
I walked away from that knowing 2 things for sure.
This was the greatest game ever created.......and it was going to be destroyed.
Well, I played on for many years after that, and I was witness to many travesties, not to mention that HORRENDOUS Todd Mcmoron thing, and a total re-write of the CORE game mechanics, and item properties, and Elves, and ....yeah.
My vision of the future had come true... TIMES TEN!!!
The version you all now enjoy, is quite literrally, a completely different game.
It was then that I realised, I was the frog on the hotplate.
I want to thank all the wonderful people I met here over the years.
Legolas......you are still missed. May your spirirt roam Britannia as long a you desire.
To the looters...... I let my 2 houses fall 3 months ago, with no warning.
I hope some of you were lucky enough to be there, because I tell you I did not remove ONE SINGLE item from ten+ years of playing.
There was a CRAZY amount of really amazing stuff (including 5 full suits of double blessed leather armor, scores of arties and marties.) I gotta believe this was one of the richest falls ever for LS.
If not...then the server gods ate like KINGS that day. LOL
To the PVP'ers .....keep up the good fight.
I was there in the old days, with St. Death, Cookie Monster, Legols, RAEL ( the most insane pirate ever known! They wrote a patch just because of HIM) ) , and the others, whose names escape my old brain. We were gods that ruled the earth, for a short time.
There is so much more. Too much more. It will be lost along with all the rest.
It may be, by chance, that one day long from now, you will see an old warrior, named Drau Blud, mulling around the West Brittian Bank. He has no home, or possesions, save what is on his back.
If so.....please speak kindly to him. He is old, and has had his spirit broken by the ways of the new world.
He only looks back now, to the days of great glory.
That is all.