I have a soulstoned thief, I have been a supporter of the thief class since day one of my playing UO, and have had at least 3 active thieves in the past. And I vote no on this here's why:
i have a thief, but i vote no for this.
since certain items are so rare and very impossible to replace there has to be a method of making them impossible to lose.. and thats insurance.. even tho it doesnt work sometimes and stuff still goes on the corpse and gets looted
Even with enough planning, skill, cunning, and guts the mona lisa could be stolen. Nothing is ever 100% safe. That's just the way it works. Why should UO be any different?
i would say having a successful attempt on stealing an insured item should bring 600 out of the bank of the victim and flag the thief grey just as he actually stolen the item. there can be the same level of success that we have now..
I don't want the 600 gold. I want the +15 fencing ring I targeted, or the uber enhanced katana, or the artifact drop they just got. 600 gold is nothing. I can make that in 2 minutes selling stuff people drop on the ground at the bank. You may have a thief, but based on that statment I don't think you get the true spirit of the class.
a message so and so is attempting to steal said item but failed. flagged grey.
a message so and so successfully stolen said item and 600 gold was taken out of bank. flagged grey.
a message so and so successfully stolen said item and 600 gold was taken out of bank. not flagged grey.
no message, 600 taken out, 100 % success not flagged grey.
this would make my pvp thief happy again.
Again, this statement makes me think you're not a thief in the true sence of the word.[Edit]Just to clarify, I don't think real thieves don't PvP. They do. But real thieves are interested in more than just gold. Any PvP'er with a sword can get gold. Theives are something different.[/Edit]
if the gold isnt in the bank or the victim doesnt have renew insurance set, then the item would lose its insurance and would be susceptible to stealing for real the next time.
If your system were put into play,
IF this were to happen, this part I could agree with.
Basically it boils down to this. Fel is not Tram. Fel is supposed to be dangerous. You're supposed to be taking a chance with your items and life when you go there. If someone is worried about losing part of their 20 mil suit, they shouldn't be wearing it in Fel. I think the only thing that should work in Fel are blessed items. I'll say it again, Fel is not Tram, people should realize that and act accordingly when they go there. Don't take me the wrong way, I am not bashing Tram saying it's too easy, and the people who live there are marshmallows. Not at all. I live in Tram, the only life I have know in UO is in Tram. I have had houses in Fel, but only one or 2 for a few months at a time over 8 years. Fel is supposed to the the photo negative of Tram, let's make it a dangerous, scary, fun place to play.