Here are my 2, from both sides of the fence, about 9 years ago or so.
Defender. I had just gotten PK outside of Moonglow. I was chopping tree's. I saw that they were still hanging i ran and logged, and switched charaters. I put on the best armor i had, and hid it with a robe. I put on a newbie mage hat, and equiped a, "Practice Weapon", i had my real weapon, in my pack. I pretended to try to tame a horse. Here they came for their newbie kill, and i switched weapons, and killed them both, and got my stuff back. After that i kept a log of names of people who killed me, so i could return the favor if i ever saw them again.
PKer: I was in one of those moods where i was pissed off at the game. Namely, "Blue Pks". So i decided if you can't beat em, join em. I went to Wrong. I was killing ettens and such until another guy showed up. He got low on Health, and i healed him. "Thanks" he said. "NP", and the trap was set. Later he got low again, and i healed him again. Then when he got low again i said, "Keep fighting, i will heal you". "Thanks," he said. I used the ol trick of using the SAY Macro with my spell macro. Say In vas Mani, Cast Spell Corp Por e bolt. hehehe, Ooooops, stay there i hit the wrong macro, hehehe corp por......000ooo000ooo, hehehe