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Change Monster Curse Back Devs!!!!

  • Thread starter Connor_Graham
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  • Watchers 0


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
First of all, every mage type at the cove invasion can just cast invisibility while pets and warrors get flagged by the monsters.
Yet another person who would rather cry to the Devs, instead of learning how to play their character.

There are these things called invisibility potions... I use them on all my non-mage chars, they work great.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Suit: medable 70/68/70/70/70; 10 HPR, 3 StR, 3 MR, 20% HCI;

Healing with Bandages, 100 dex
How about getting 140 Dex so your bandages don't take 3 hours to use?

Like the other dude said, get 4 FC chiv healing to use while you wait for your band aids to go off.

Maybe dump the HPR and get HPI instead? What good is the HPR if you're dead from not having enough hit points? Both my melee chars have over 130 hps.

Try adapting instead of whining?


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How about getting 140 Dex so your bandages don't take 3 hours to use?

Like the other dude said, get 4 FC chiv healing to use while you wait for your band aids to go off.

Maybe dump the HPR and get HPI instead? What good is the HPR if you're dead from not having enough hit points? Both my melee chars have over 130 hps.

Try adapting instead of whining?
How about you actually discussing the situation rather than crying "whining"????

No amount of FC helps against Mana Vampire (which a lot of the things I fight cast, not just drain).

I DO cast to help the bandages - I've already stated so.

And, lastly, I have repeatedly stated, the big killer is the Breath/tele-melee/spell combo LANDING ALL AT ONCE. As in ZERO time to bandage, cast, drink pot, or ANYTHING ELSE. The Greater dragon is notorious for it, as is the skeletal dragon; the regular dragon does it too, but it's more survivable.

150 HP WOULD NOT SAVE ME from this, as the melee and breath together do 120 points against my 70ish resists - LET ALONE when they are reduced to 60, and the Spell would be the coup de grace even at 150 HP.

It's amazing how so many people feel the need to reply when they can't (or won't) even READ what is being discussed.


Lore Master
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The bottom line is the devs admitted it was unintentional and will be corrected in a patch or two. Can we move on? :bdh:


Connor, it was in the FoF this week. :)
I saw that when I went to check it out. I know a lot of people that are gonna be happy this is being changed back. The few that I've talked to already this morning were quite glad.:thumbup: