Omfgoose... open your eyes trammies... just because someone cheats/hacks/speedhacks in Fel doesn't mean you CAN'T KILL them. You just gotta know what you are doing. If a lone hacker, can kill a group of 4. That group of 4 shouldn't be PvPing. Even though they use cheats, they're not unstoppable. Bandages only heal so fast, gheal pots have a 10 second timer, they only have 150 total hps (possibly). Learn to fight and you'll be fine.
Allowing powerscrolls in Tram is NOT going to destroy the playground for a lot of cheaters. Those that cheat, do not do so to get rich. It's for the thrill of killing because they SUCK so bad they can't fight like a normal person. Allowing PS in Trammel is only going to AUGMENT the cheating/scripting that goes on.
How hard would it be for a couple people to farm Despise ALL day loading up on powerscrolls w/out ANY risk. And yes, it is possible to spawn it with just 2 people. Even one person could do it with the right template. What is to stop people from scripting that? We've seen what they did with the Painted Caves killing trogs. I can't imagine it'd be too hard to alter it a little to farm Despise.
So if they allow PS in Tram, then they should allow Doom in Fel and double the drop rate of artis to make it fair right? Since everything should be 'equal'.
I complain about cheaters/hacks/scripters all the time. But they're just as human as you and me and bleed the same blood our characters do.
Just last night we helped an ally do 2 harrowers back to back. First time, a legit guild raided. It was a great battle and we won. Second time, the harry was in Shame. The guild from the first harry came, we fought. Won. And they left. In comes the infamous cheaters on my shard. About 10 or so... we fought back n' forth back n' forth. And guess what? We pushed them OUT of Shame all the way from level 3. Yes we outnumbered them, but that's what you gotta do to level the playing field. Get those bastards on foot and they're not as good. Learn to fight properly, use teamwork and you should be ok. Using cheaters as an excuse to bring powerscrolls to Trammel is a crock of crap and a SCAAAAAAAAAAM. It will only promote the abuse of farming powerscrolls. Hell, I could sit in Despise Tram all day and become a billionaire. That's crap.
Allowing powerscrolls in Tram is NOT going to destroy the playground for a lot of cheaters. Those that cheat, do not do so to get rich. It's for the thrill of killing because they SUCK so bad they can't fight like a normal person. Allowing PS in Trammel is only going to AUGMENT the cheating/scripting that goes on.
How hard would it be for a couple people to farm Despise ALL day loading up on powerscrolls w/out ANY risk. And yes, it is possible to spawn it with just 2 people. Even one person could do it with the right template. What is to stop people from scripting that? We've seen what they did with the Painted Caves killing trogs. I can't imagine it'd be too hard to alter it a little to farm Despise.
So if they allow PS in Tram, then they should allow Doom in Fel and double the drop rate of artis to make it fair right? Since everything should be 'equal'.
I complain about cheaters/hacks/scripters all the time. But they're just as human as you and me and bleed the same blood our characters do.
Just last night we helped an ally do 2 harrowers back to back. First time, a legit guild raided. It was a great battle and we won. Second time, the harry was in Shame. The guild from the first harry came, we fought. Won. And they left. In comes the infamous cheaters on my shard. About 10 or so... we fought back n' forth back n' forth. And guess what? We pushed them OUT of Shame all the way from level 3. Yes we outnumbered them, but that's what you gotta do to level the playing field. Get those bastards on foot and they're not as good. Learn to fight properly, use teamwork and you should be ok. Using cheaters as an excuse to bring powerscrolls to Trammel is a crock of crap and a SCAAAAAAAAAAM. It will only promote the abuse of farming powerscrolls. Hell, I could sit in Despise Tram all day and become a billionaire. That's crap.