He's right, unlike you, he actually knows what he is talking about. A discorded dragon will have skills ranging between 70 and 90 - and that is a good discorded dragon, and resists will be very heavily reduced (I don't know the exact numbers but it will be at least 20 points) which will bring the lowest resists down into the low 30's, or lower. A discorded greater dragon can easily die in under 20 seconds to a well equipped, advanced dexxer with a dragon or reptile slayer.
Speaking of being wrong, the only one who has no idea what they are talking about is you. A fully trained gdragon, when discoed, will be absolutely no lower than 72 in ANY skill, as it is a 28% drop there Llewen. Max. If he is GM in skills, that is 72. If he is at say, 122 magery, that runs around 93ish or so, like I said.
It's true, I did misread what you said, however, that doesn't make what I said wrong, I said a good greater dragon will end up with skills between 70 and 90 (I'm slightly off on the higher end, that could as high as 94 for a dragon with perfect wrestling - which I don't believe I have ever seen, for the other skills they can be as high as 90.7). The truth is there are very few dragons with all their big four skills over 120 (I think maybe I've seen one or two), so what I said is generally going to be true, and you try pvp'ing with your combat skills even in the low 90's, and see how far you get...
It could still be close to GM on wrestling.
You claim to know so much, you should know there is a pretty big difference between 94 and gm when it comes to skills (and again that is for a dragon with perfect wrestling)
I disco pets all the time for training purposes. If I recall, the resist maxes are around 85/90/60/60/75, so if we knock 5 off of each for ****s and giggles, and disco it, we have somwhere around 52/57/27/27/42.
Again, that is for a perfect dragon, and falls in the range of what I said, in fact even lower, and again, I've never seen a dragon with perfect resists, not even an old school dragon...
Now honestly there, oh guru of pvp, how many dexxers attack with cold damage weaps? Poison isn't likely to kill them. Most come with a physical attack....I'll give you that some "might" use CW, but it's funny, that is a spell that most dexxers I see choose not to use or forget to use.
Any chiv dexxer with half a brain, attacking a greater dragon, will use consecrate weapon. You'd be stupid not to, whether it is discorded or not...
Bottom line, even with a dragon slayer, if Rev is vetting as he says, they aren't going to kill it in under 20 seconds.
*You're wrong, I stand by what I said, an advanced dexxer with a reptile or dragon slayer, could kill a good greater dragon, and possibly even a perfect one, in under 20 seconds. You can get far more than 10 hits in 20 seconds, and an advanced dexxer with a slayer won't miss a discorded greater dragon very often, and will be doing over 100 points of damage per hit (again, I don't know the exact numbers, but I do know it will be well over 100 points).
In fact, my parry fencer, with no chiv or bushido, with a reptile slayer, could probably kill a discorded greater dragon in under a minute.
* just to be clear, we are talking about greater dragons that have been tamed *
Answer me this bright one....if the gdrags aren't totally overpowered in PvP, WHY, WHY, WHY, did I see every PvP guild on three shards totally overwhelming their spawn spots the first month making sure they all got them? Why do I still see GOOD PvP gdrags sell for 15-20 mill gold, the highest price pet next a blaze cu. Yeah, they're not overpowered.
Funny you should say that. Right after greater dragons came out, I did see quite a few greater dragons in pvp on my shard, but you know what, that has died down completely. I now know of one tamer on my shard that regularly uses a greater dragon in pvp. She does quite well because she is backed by the largest pvp guild on the shard. Most other players that I see trying to use greater dragons die quickly, more than once, and give up and either come back on a different character, or don't come back at all...
Your statements simply don't match the reality of what I see. Maybe it is entirely different on other shards, but my guess is, the pvp'rs that do well with greater dragons, are doing well because they are backed by a large guild. I expect also that greater dragons are pretty effective in spawns, but again, they certainly aren't unbeatable, and back to the original point, if there is a bard discording your dragon, they lose a lot of their power, and the template becomes quite weak. Not to mention that a discorded pet is much easier to peace.
Aggressive bard actions, like discording, are just that, aggressive, and should be flagged as such.
This is coming from a tamer...
Pets have NO place AT ALL in PvP. Yes, that means that tamers are a PvM only template. Sorry, but having your pet discorded is just a work around to the insanity of being able to kill everyone with just a bola, a greater dragon, and the all kill command. Its lame, and it should be addressed.
Just because you play a tamer, doesn't mean you don't fall in the class of tamer haters when it comes to pvp, which you clearly do. Tamers with greater dragons in pvp one on one, can be beaten, and in fact are probably at a disadvantage, in fact one or two of your fellow tamer haters already posted as much in this very thread. If you don't know how to beat a tamer with a dragon, you need to take a close look at what those who can are doing, and try and figure it out, because it is more than possible, I know from experience. In fact, I rarely even use a greater dragon in pvp anymore, in part due to that very reason.
Pvp'ing with a tamer is as legit as pvp'ing with any other template, and the prejudice against them by the tamer haters, is just that, prejudice. It isn't based on statistics or facts, and it isn't based on any kind of logic. It is one of those mob mentality phenomena where the "mob" has decided it doesn't like something, and facts and logic aren't likely to change that.
I'll post what I have posted in other places. I sincerely hope that the devs, if they ever decide to tackle this issue, will collect solid statistics, and pay attention to what is
actually happening, and not just listen to the complainers, regardless of which side they stand on the issue (I'm including myself in that equation). In fact, I would sincerely hope they would do that when addressing
any "balance" issues in the game. I fear that in the past it has often been the side that has yelled the loudest, longest, and most consistently, that has eventually been listened to, and if that is all decisions and changes are based on, it is extremely bad for the game in general.
Having said that, I really don't think this incarnation of the dev team operates that way. I have a lot of respect for the current EA/Mythic dev team, and they seem to be doing a lot of things right. They are going out of their way to listen to their client community, but they also don't seem to be patsies that will simply act on the loudest and most consistent complaints. Here's hoping they continue to operate this way.