OK THEN the link was posted by the other dude but here you go..
look thru them, like the AOS one or before , see what missing?
there were 2 to 3 leads
many seniors
and many more plain GM's
Now to KR link, 5 leads 5 seniors 10 gm total listed.
as to they doing other jobs other then just GM uo. there has been other that even posted they got other game info not uo related by a gm.. then lookdown at the asian shard info, GM for EVERYTHING hehehe so the doesn't look to me like ONE or TWO GM's over all the others on the US shards, BUT with 5 us leads and 5 Seniors, there all one then and we have NO GM's hehehe
KR 10 US listed keeps getting smaller each year i notice 17 for japan team keeps getting bigger i see.
there is no more "GM Platinum" types anymore that doing what she did.
one, UO shut there fourm down, and fadeing post over here
when was the last time a GM posted over here? so to the THread post, there is no more lead GM anymore in charge if it. titles may have changed but jobs havent,