I type it all with me tongue!
hehe sorry, but with all the OMG I got banned and all I had was these 53 valorite hammers!...posts, then the OP making this thread, making it sound like some huge conspiracy is going on with this guy's vendors, made me feel.......as our limey friends say....a bit cheeky
So the guy has vendors. Ok. Maybe he likes them. Maybe he puts stuff on them. Perhaps he ran a mall at one time and closed it. Perhaps he plans on opening that mall in the future. Maybe, just maybe, he plans world domination and one day will crash all the UO servers and then all your base will belong to him.
There is only one thing for sure though. It is absolutely none of your business
Can we all just play the game without meddling in others affairs? How they play the game? What template they use? Do they grind out potions naked and drunk while playing the lute? As long as it is not affecting you or your account, don't be bothered by it.
I suppose in keeping with the theme of the thread, the greatest thing in UO that makes me wonder would be why does everyone want to stick their nose in everyone elses buisiness? For that matter, even IRL. If it's not violating the rights of others, it's nobody's buisiness.
And I say good day sir!