I always thought a yearly "repreave" would be nice, not something forced of course, but an option that comes up like a vet reward gump... that asks you if you wanna "change your ways" or whatever.
Once you hit "yes" you turn blue.
Once you hit "no" you stay red. (if you were red)
Not a forced thing, but a way to get your red, blue rather then waiting 10 years as some of us would.
Of course you would have those that go blue for a day then do a massive killing spree, but they would be red quickly again... no issue there.
Of course you would have the day before the "repreave" be a massive kill everyone day, because everyone would know they would be able to go blue the next day ... so EA would have to make this something that well was random... like how the inquis spawn... happends every year, but random time between a month or two period.