Well... Tior, the point Leto was making is not a one on one "thief ingame is thief IRL"... Just that ppl who have no moral objections to empty someones chests "just because the front door was open" might also be willing to do so IRL, yet IRL the step is somewhat harder to take. Still the same minds that have no trouble causing hurt to others!! They simply do not stand still at the consequences of their actions for their victims. Imagine how YOU would feel if it happened to you. Would you still do it then? That is the point we guess.
It is just easier to hide behind a char and cause grief. rolleyes:
Or...you grief just because it is a game. And still you would never do it IRL
Take my girlfriend for example, she was one of the biggest scammers on Europa
but IRL she would never do such a thing because she thinks it is wrong. But, the old saying "It is just a game" comes to my mind. And at least I and I know a many many more see the difference between the game and IRL.. I know what you will say as I heard it a gazillion of times "But it is a RL player behind it" "It takes RL time to get said item" and all the versions of that.
But yet, it is still a game. You can grind for said items for years, and still you dont own it. It is still EAs, so if they just feel they want to remove it they do. "Same" thing here, it is not about moral or ethics because they have nothing to do in a game. Morally I wouldnt kill someone either, but I do it in a game and loot thier armor they have worked so hard for (ok not now ofc because of Insurance). Is that morally wrong? Not really, it is a part of the game.
To mix in RL in a game is one of the most stupid things I know of, it has nothing to do with it what so ever. It is completly different worlds with completly different moral aspects. As it is obvious it is not morally wrong to slaughter someone. Thats ok.
It is not wrong to sneak up to someone and steal a item right out of thier bag., that is also ok
But for heaves sake, dont take a item that stands in a house. That is wrong in so many ways and it makes you have the moral intentions of perhaps even doing it IRL. You might not do it now, but you might do it someday. Because you took a item from someone...in a game! Holy moses.
How I would feel?
Hm, much like oh damn I forgot to lock those down (in this case) how stupid can I be
That is how I would feel, blaming myself and not the rest of the world. Because the fault is mine. And because I know if I saw a chest somewere that wasnt locked down I would take it as well.
So stop mixing in RL with the game and you will see it gets more easy I promise
OMgooses you're Isaac and you didn't say hi to me?
I still have your PBD.
Sowwwy!!! I didnt think you would remember me

Hiiiiiiii :bowdown:
Tior, did you play UO in 2001-2002? Perhaps with chars such as Talon, Orin(or Oren), Phoebe and Talon ?
I did play then but I never had chars with that name (except Talon). But then again people said I had chars I never had so who knows.