not to accept insured items why cant they be set to not accept dupped or illegal items? Some one trys to sell an illegal, or dupped item on a vendor. The vendor gives you a message sorry this item is illegal or dupped I cannot sell it for you.
not to accept insured items why cant they be set to not accept dupped or illegal items? Some one trys to sell an illegal, or dupped item on a vendor. The vendor gives you a message sorry this item is illegal or dupped I cannot sell it for you.
Hey Sheridan we were on a roll why did you have to rain on our parade with logic! Alas you are correct if the story is true.It's been surmised that it was the BODs for the runic hammers that were being duped and not the hammers themselves. In that case, this proposed idea would have had no effect...
but would have the affect on any other dupped items.It's been surmised that it was the BODs for the runic hammers that were being duped and not the hammers themselves. In that case, this proposed idea would have had no effect...
Wand of duping ID could start dropping.but would have the affect on any other dupped items.
your saying the bods were dupped not the hammers so players are being banned for buying legal items and not dupped ones? yes i know the hammers are rare, and players should of know but why not just delete the hammers why ban for it
Ty, and actually Im the only one out of my siblings that was born without blonde. So I am the only one in my family that has auburn hair, and has dark hazel eyes. My blonde moments might come from being raised with blondes tho LOLDamn Michelle and here I was believein Zynia that you were blonde! That is a brilliant idea!
Ty, and actually Im the only one out of my siblings that was born without blonde. So I am the only one in my family that has auburn hair, and has dark hazel eyes. My blonde moments might come from being raised with blondes tho LOL