just so you know,you CAN lower your lumberjack.I haven't ever tried this method yet but you can get discorded by a satyr.
I was intruiged by this thought. I had never even considered it. It works for lockpicking, why not other skills as well. I decided to test it out, and after doing so, I can't recommend this method of training for lumberjacking. here's my findings.
So, as I type this my lumberjack is in the weld, axe in hand following a Satyr. For the first 5 minutes or so, it worked great. Disco dropped my LJ down to around 55-60. I wandered from tree to tree (keeping my satyr in sight as much as possible) hacking away. After making the rounds of the entrance to the weld, I headed in a little deeper, over near swoop. My Satyr didn't want to follow. He'd rather say near the entrance with his other Satyr buddy. So if I get too far away the disco runs out, and I have to start again. But since the entrance is pretty much clear cut at this point, I have to move deeper into the weld to find wood. Satyr not following makes disco wear off too quickly to be really effective. Maybe I'll re-visit this method when I'm up a little higher into the 90's or so, and gains are coming much slower than they currently are. But as for now, I think I'll just continue to roam around outside minoc and hope for the best.