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Ophidian spawn problem in Terathan Keep T2A.



The ophidian spawn at Terathan Keep, in T2A on the Trammel facet seems to double up way beyond the ability of players to handle it.

I went there today to collect ophidian rations and slippery snake skins for the turnins, and spent a lot of the time dying to spawn that increases in number.

I always thought spawn was supposed to adjust to the levels players could handle, not overwhelm them. But this spawn was overwhelming for a few players.

At first if you kill a few ophidians, it's not too bad, then the spawn seems to respawn a bit heavier each time. I died four times and was just killing surface spawn.

Can the EA/Mythic Dev Team please look into the spawn and have it at least adjust to the number of players who are killing it - or trying to kill it?

Oh, and there is also the problem of spawn on one side of a narrow channel casting on you while you're on the other side, and your EV's get stuck on them, and neither will move or pathfind around, nor will the EV's simply start attacking creatures they could easily get to. I really appreciate the EV holding the spawn at one point but the Ophidians take way too long to realize they need to pathfind around to get to where they can be killed by the EV's.

Cheers ...


angelus aconitum

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was there with my warrior and I did pretty well against them. The key is to lure a few down the road where not all can target you at once and taking them out one by one.

Btw, the best way to survive is to not recall directly to the Keep, but coming from the Papua bank, so that you can work your way further into it, or just wait for the Ophidians to respawn.

Just a note: The slippery snake skins only come in one hue, a yellow hue.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If the keep is too heavy a spawn try the desert outside Ophidian Lair?

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Are you perhaps on a shard that never cleared out the invaders from almost two years ago? Are any of those ophidians red?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*note: this is based on experience before the last two publishes - the spawn may have been increased in this area without my knowledge*

Pace yourself, and you may be able to work your way through the spawn. Stay on the edge of the spawn always, and don't be afraid to run away (though be prepared to run through more spawn that has spawned since you cleared it out).
I've worked my way into the keep and back out many times before (and died trying many more times).
It's very, very difficult to do solo. It's best to work in a team of at least 3, keeping very very close to each other to avoid attracting too much spawn.

miss uo

If the keep is too heavy a spawn try the desert outside Ophidian Lair?[/QUOTe

The desert is your best bet. Easy to solo from the desert side, working along the edges. The spawn is heavy and it respawns very quickly. I was there for a few hours this morning.


No, they got cleaned out a month or two back. Oceania would have been one of the last shards to cleanup that spawn though.

On the spawn being too heavy, never got time to think about switching places to a less heavily infested spot, will try that. Thanks, Petra Fyde for that it ought to work!

Are you perhaps on a shard that never cleared out the invaders from almost two years ago? Are any of those ophidians red?
Cheers ...



i belive fire steed n i r the one clear the last few red Ophidian i oceania, when i don't know i shouldn't kill the queen,
but i do find out there still @ least one shard still have red Ophidian spwan