That's the thing, ROT, yes it IS a piece of cake. Make one circlet, clean up house, water plants, do laundry, what have you for 15 minutes, come back, make another circlet.
Then repeat that for 10 days *yawn* and meanwhile, all your other skills are sitting at 70, lol.
Takes 6 months to make a fully set up character if you take skills to 120. Should take like, 4-6 weeks imo.
Trust me, rot I like in the fact that it slows progress enough to be able to enjoy the low-mid range levels of play, but geez comeon, its freakin booooring.
If you are working only 1 skill and say, going from 100-102.1 (a rot 1 day cap) thats 21x15 = 315 minutes you have to sit there with an egg timer and either log on once per 15 mins or keep occupied for over 5 hours. Not everyone can sit around their computer for 5 hours and be able to be on every 15 minutes.
IMO reduce wait time between gains to 10 minutes for 99+ skills, and either raise the cap just a bit, or give each skill you are working its own daily gain cap.