Yes, this is another Siege Perilous invitation. But this time I am being more specific to whom I am inviting. This invitation is for those of you who either have or have interest in playing a class that has been nerfed into oblivion on the production shards. Want to play a thief, snoop someone’s backpack and not see it filled with items with the insurance tag? Siege Perilous is your last chance to do this on an EA/Mythic sponsored server.
For this reason, I have created a few guilds. I am the guild master of the Secret Society (S|S) on Siege, it is the oldest thief guild on the shard (there haven’t been many), but was created by Crazy Joe and Chaotic Jelly on the Atlantic shard, many years ago. When I made the move to Siege Perilous, I brought the guild with me and have been here ever since. The primary goal of the guild? Have fun (yes, many will say at the expense of others, but tough noogies on them). The motto of the guild? Live by the code or die by the code. The code refers to a group of rules that were created on the Thief Forum (here at Stratics)…
Rules of Ethics for Thieves:
Any thief that violates these sacred rules forfeits their right to be covered by these rules and becomes KOS/SOS to all of our brethren.
1. Thou shalt not steal from or loot fellow thieves.
2. Thou shalt not purposely reveal fellow thieves.
3. Thou shalt not identify disguised thieves.
4. Thou shalt not kill fellow thieves.
5. Thou shalt not follow fellow thieves around telling people that they are thieves.
6. Thou shalt offer aid and comfort to fellow thieves when possible.
7. Thou shalt not ask stupid questions that are thoroughly covered in the FAQ.
8. Thou shalt check the forum to see if thine question as already been answered.
9. Thou shalt retain a sense of humor.
10. Thou shalt not call thy self a thief if thou hast not stolen from thine fellow player.
11. Thou shalt remember that thine profession is spelled thief and not theif.
If you can’t follow those simple rules…you have no place in the guild and will be targeted by the guild and will be killed or stolen on sight.
It’s been a long time coming, but I am here to see how many old school thieves are still around and are interested in getting started up on Siege. Many may have not bothered because of the tough skill gain system on Siege, but for this reason, I have created a newbie guild the Not so Secret Society (NS|S). The goal of this guild is to be setup for new thieves to the shard, to give you a group of players you can interact with that won’t bristle at the mere thought you are a thief. It is setup for you to hone your skills in thief crafting before your have completed your training. There is no rush to get your skills up by the guild, so if you wish to just start a character on the shard and get them in the guild…fine. Do that; work your skills as quickly or as slowly as you choose, that is up to you. Even if you only play your character a few days a month, again, that’s fine, I have the feeling our skill gain system will be corrected in the near future, so it probably would be a good time to get started on a character, if this is the type of shard you may have interest in.
The S|S has guild does have rules as far as skills that must be attained before entering. Stealing, hiding and snooping must be at 90 before you can transfer into the S|S from the NS|S. Those of you who have been on the shard and already have skills trained that high, will have a two week test period in which you must stay in the NS|S. After those two weeks is up, you can move into the S|S or the S|S.. What is the S|S.? Well, it’s the third guild in the group. It’s the faction guild I just created. I know there are many types of thief out there, and I hope these guilds will give all ranges for fun to be had.
I have not done much as far as planning yet, but do count on events with the guilds. I will also have a website and vent server up shortly, but wanted to wait until I had a few guildies before I bothered with the time or money.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask here, send me a PM or drop me a note in ICQ: 91865190.
Any who, let’s see how this goes, I think we could have a lot of fun, and hell, even get more people to the shard at the same time \0/ …la
For this reason, I have created a few guilds. I am the guild master of the Secret Society (S|S) on Siege, it is the oldest thief guild on the shard (there haven’t been many), but was created by Crazy Joe and Chaotic Jelly on the Atlantic shard, many years ago. When I made the move to Siege Perilous, I brought the guild with me and have been here ever since. The primary goal of the guild? Have fun (yes, many will say at the expense of others, but tough noogies on them). The motto of the guild? Live by the code or die by the code. The code refers to a group of rules that were created on the Thief Forum (here at Stratics)…
Rules of Ethics for Thieves:
Any thief that violates these sacred rules forfeits their right to be covered by these rules and becomes KOS/SOS to all of our brethren.
1. Thou shalt not steal from or loot fellow thieves.
2. Thou shalt not purposely reveal fellow thieves.
3. Thou shalt not identify disguised thieves.
4. Thou shalt not kill fellow thieves.
5. Thou shalt not follow fellow thieves around telling people that they are thieves.
6. Thou shalt offer aid and comfort to fellow thieves when possible.
7. Thou shalt not ask stupid questions that are thoroughly covered in the FAQ.
8. Thou shalt check the forum to see if thine question as already been answered.
9. Thou shalt retain a sense of humor.
10. Thou shalt not call thy self a thief if thou hast not stolen from thine fellow player.
11. Thou shalt remember that thine profession is spelled thief and not theif.
If you can’t follow those simple rules…you have no place in the guild and will be targeted by the guild and will be killed or stolen on sight.
It’s been a long time coming, but I am here to see how many old school thieves are still around and are interested in getting started up on Siege. Many may have not bothered because of the tough skill gain system on Siege, but for this reason, I have created a newbie guild the Not so Secret Society (NS|S). The goal of this guild is to be setup for new thieves to the shard, to give you a group of players you can interact with that won’t bristle at the mere thought you are a thief. It is setup for you to hone your skills in thief crafting before your have completed your training. There is no rush to get your skills up by the guild, so if you wish to just start a character on the shard and get them in the guild…fine. Do that; work your skills as quickly or as slowly as you choose, that is up to you. Even if you only play your character a few days a month, again, that’s fine, I have the feeling our skill gain system will be corrected in the near future, so it probably would be a good time to get started on a character, if this is the type of shard you may have interest in.
The S|S has guild does have rules as far as skills that must be attained before entering. Stealing, hiding and snooping must be at 90 before you can transfer into the S|S from the NS|S. Those of you who have been on the shard and already have skills trained that high, will have a two week test period in which you must stay in the NS|S. After those two weeks is up, you can move into the S|S or the S|S.. What is the S|S.? Well, it’s the third guild in the group. It’s the faction guild I just created. I know there are many types of thief out there, and I hope these guilds will give all ranges for fun to be had.
I have not done much as far as planning yet, but do count on events with the guilds. I will also have a website and vent server up shortly, but wanted to wait until I had a few guildies before I bothered with the time or money.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask here, send me a PM or drop me a note in ICQ: 91865190.
Any who, let’s see how this goes, I think we could have a lot of fun, and hell, even get more people to the shard at the same time \0/ …la