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It's hard enough finding the chests, but I finally got another tombstone (Only my second) and the second I untrapped it, someone in wraith form came up and took it. Hopefully that wasn't your kid! Now there are people just waiting for others to find and unlock/untrap chests so they can steal from of my kids was playing and came across one of the chests that had already been plundered, she looked in it and there was a tombstone just sitting there.
she plucked it up and carried on.
no stealing required.
strange that the thief who cleaned out the chest left that behind.
I think the chests should not be accessible to anyone other than the one that found and picked it.
I found and opened 30 chests in Skara last night and not one unique item, so when I DO find one and someone else just swoops in and steals it...doesn't seem like it should be that way.