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Chesapeake PVP Thread


Stratics Veteran
Just trying to entice people to come back to chessy pvp :)


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As the official mascot of Chessy's PvP scene since 1998 I have a duty to uphold til death to keep an idea of who thinks they are running my shard ;). Its cute to watch you guys argue like little teenagers again.

Needs to be more people in UO in general.

I love you guys are fighting in my city. The mines ran dry in Minoc long time ago. The miners had to turn to lumberjacking to survive. Its why you now see no miners or lumberjacks. All natural resources have been drained from my city. We survive soley on the tears of the fallen.
you type here more than disco!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
how are you enticing people back to chessy when u log off when its even numbered fights. thats a pretty big joke


Stratics Veteran
Broli you still hiding on Sonoma? Learned your lesson on Chesapeake and ran away :).


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
doing good. business goes well. all healthy and striper season starts monday. that was last year opening day trolling raritan bay.

should take 1st place in the chessy contest this month

and yes i was stoned.


mana hit

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I’m stoned in most of my pics, but usually not holding a bada$$ fish. Nice job and good luck !!


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
doing good. business goes well. all healthy and striper season starts monday. that was last year opening day trolling raritan bay.

should take 1st place in the chessy contest this month

and yes i was stoned.
What bridge is in the background?


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
thats the verrazano. fished right off the south shore of staten island. going tonite but out of south atlantic.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
doing good. business goes well. all healthy and striper season starts monday. that was last year opening day trolling raritan bay.

should take 1st place in the chessy contest this month

and yes i was stoned.
I read stripper not striper...damn getting old :shakes fist:


Stratics Veteran
Just checking in to find out where Broli aka Forest and Tramit are hiding out? Lost those last few 3v3's you cried about so much and haven't really seen you since. Now that you guys joined Cartel you can easily outnumber us. Still don't see you on Chessy anymore though or Atlantic for that matter. We are rolling over you guys on Atlantic now too which is why you have disappeared again I guess.

Turles (UHOH)

Stratics Veteran
as the end of orion approaches how will you pvp without all your scripts cork. Its back to getting stomped out by 2 or 3 guys vs your whole guild. its full circle for you ****ty at pvp then orion dependant just to be decent an now back to total **** the circle of pvp life has come an gone for you an the rest of pain. its funny how i have people messaging me telling how hard your trying to find anyway to get around the death of automated pvp. cya in a few days big boy fridays patch ends orion an ends your abilty to even be decent at pvp again.


Stratics Veteran
as the end of orion approaches how will you pvp without all your scripts cork. Its back to getting stomped out by 2 or 3 guys vs your whole guild. its full circle for you ****ty at pvp then orion dependant just to be decent an now back to total **** the circle of pvp life has come an gone for you an the rest of pain. its funny how i have people messaging me telling how hard your trying to find anyway to get around the death of automated pvp. cya in a few days big boy fridays patch ends orion an ends your abilty to even be decent at pvp again.
Seeing how most of us have been using enhanced client with Pinco's for quite some time in pvp I think you are confusing me with someone else. Don't conflate the fact that I write scripts for nobody people like you for money as me relying on Orion. Jealous that we have been stomping you idiots without scripts while you run around fully automated?


Stratics Veteran
as the end of orion approaches how will you pvp without all your scripts cork. Its back to getting stomped out by 2 or 3 guys vs your whole guild. its full circle for you ****ty at pvp then orion dependant just to be decent an now back to total **** the circle of pvp life has come an gone for you an the rest of pain. its funny how i have people messaging me telling how hard your trying to find anyway to get around the death of automated pvp. cya in a few days big boy fridays patch ends orion an ends your abilty to even be decent at pvp again.
If you think you're so tough we have a couple guys already pvp'ing on NL. Go VvV and show me how good you think you are. Then you can't cry about scripts. Guarantee you will go down quick without all your scripts.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
I'm glad they're finally doing something w/ all these programs. Most of you weren't that good before your gameplay became automated.


Stratics Veteran
I'm glad they're finally doing something w/ all these programs. Most of you weren't that good before your gameplay became automated.
None of these guys in Cartel, UHOH, or FS are going to show up to pvp us on NL because they will have zero capability to script pvp.


Stratics Veteran
as the end of orion approaches how will you pvp without all your scripts cork. Its back to getting stomped out by 2 or 3 guys vs your whole guild. its full circle for you ****ty at pvp then orion dependant just to be decent an now back to total **** the circle of pvp life has come an gone for you an the rest of pain. its funny how i have people messaging me telling how hard your trying to find anyway to get around the death of automated pvp. cya in a few days big boy fridays patch ends orion an ends your abilty to even be decent at pvp again.
How did you guys enjoy getting rolled over last night by a bunch of people running on EC? Nice auto apple and pots scripts you guys are still running. Didn't help you much though did it? lol.

Turles (UHOH)

Stratics Veteran
lol your a joke icu has stated your the only leading the target sharing but your only on ec...... also your in the orion discord everyday making sure to translate the russian. i also have a picture of you stating you are using target sharing since coming over to atl. man thats alot of lieing even for you cork. the castle idoc was nice also you were there fighting kaos up until we showed up then you magically vanished to leave your brothers an the rest of your guild to die over an over. i alone made 300 to 400mil off of ol crazy j.

Turles (UHOH)

Stratics Veteran
yeh your clean alright lol you cant do anything without orion bud an its sad that you try to make people think other wise


Stratics Veteran
lol your a joke icu has stated your the only leading the target sharing but your only on ec...... also your in the orion discord everyday making sure to translate the russian. i also have a picture of you stating you are using target sharing since coming over to atl. man thats alot of lieing even for you cork. the castle idoc was nice also you were there fighting kaos up until we showed up then you magically vanished to leave your brothers an the rest of your guild to die over an over. i alone made 300 to 400mil off of ol crazy j.
Is English a second language for you? Not even sure what you are trying to say in that comment. No one in !CU is telling you anyone in my guild is target sharing. Yeah I speak Russian and Ukrainian so what? And Crazy J hasn't played the game or with us for almost a year. And I wasn't at any castle idoc so not even sure what that flex is all about. I've been very public about writing and selling scripts for the free shard community. Are you jealous you aren't smart enough to write your own and that you need other people to write yours for you? Doesn't change the fact that we roll over you guys every time you show up on Chesapeake and the majority of us are using EC with Pinco's. And even if I was using them and Orion why would that even matter? All of you guys are running Orion and using scripts and you are still getting run over.


Stratics Veteran
You guys stalking me and taking screenshots of my FB and Discord posts to share in your circle j$%k is absolutely hilarious. Living rent free in your head lol.


Stratics Veteran
Poor Lynk your boyfriend the automated pvp'er a couple of nights ago. Too bad you weren't there to give him some crossheals.


Stratics Veteran
Ratmen playing with succubus's and Titans!!! Whats the world coming to?

Hello Deacon.
Lynk likes to have people chase him in there and he honors himself so nothing attacks him and it all attacks you. But we know his game and make sure we always have enough honor to honor ourselves also.