We'll put it this way
@Keven2002 ... when UO is concerned typically I do not get drops. Used to get EM Drops regularly in the beginning... but then they changed things from it dropping on the corpse and you having to loot it and made some switch to how the drop get calculated something about top damagers and for quite a long while I didn't see a single drop not ever... then they changed it a mix of damage and healing and whatnot and if you live on the shard and I finally started to see drops again about every 2nd or 3rd drop... unless it was something I seriously didn't want... then I was sure to get a drop. But I quit doing EM Events about 2 years ago... got tired of that grind and the crashing of the client constantly, the lag, the lag induced death toll ... etc...
But as a general rule, I rarely ever get drops... I still remember the first time I got a crimmy... I almost didn't loot it because I kept wondering why Travestry had a piece of cloth on it... This was after 100's of peerless with the guild... 100's... and the fact that every single other member of said guild had gotten at least 2 or 3 of them... I finally got my first... Went to doom over and over and over... never got a drop... just before they changed it so you got "points" you can't see towards a drop and will get a drop guaranteed... I finally got my first doom artie... was that craptastic dragon lance that is complete garbage.
Recall I got a Tangle on the first Navery I ever did... have not gotten one since...
That is generally my "luck" with UO. But then I was in a guild with a guy who seriously would get a drop from everything he did every single time... he even got the ornament of the magician on two back to back Dark Fathers... he was that disgustingly lucky in UO... so you can imagine how that felt being in the shadow of someone like that day after day... of him constantly saying he got this or that artie... and usually good ones... Made you just want to vomit.
The one boss where I seem to have some decent luck would be Scalis... where I have actually gotten the 1 tile soulforge 2x. But GLs used to do them on a fair regular basis... not so much anymore or it's generally on weekends while I'm at work so haven't done those in a long time.
Never gotten a slither off of Medusa despite doing that many times... but yeah... don't expect I'll get one of those.
Now getting a drop on the roof... Normally I don't. And to get 2 drops and good ones... two Cameo's on two runs in a row... very strange for me. But I don't generally take the same character to the roof each time. I generally switch between about 5 tamers... so that might have something to do with it.