What I would like to know is why was this not a issue for the last 2 years that I have been back until you hear everyone complaining about no luck in UWB? Also who are these cry babies that have the dev's ear enough to get things done in this game. Instead of crying about no luck and killing one of the only ways for new players have a chance to get anything worth value in this stupid inflated economy of UO. Cry about the guy that made me stop placing runes for my shop shortly after I started back. Wait he will never stop because he has to be one of the cry babies (he has been doing it for the last two years that I have been back probably out there picking up peoples runes now). Funny you can page and page on a cheater and they do nothing but throw some bag balls around the cheaters house so he can't cheat and see how quick they post about suspending anyone's account found bag balling houses. Or the guy that scripts all the large houses? I get that UWB was made to be a hard and ment to have a group. When I'm on in the morning and can't get enough people to come help me kill the guy by gating them in. How am I going to get enough people together in this dead game to do it at all now? I'm not looking to make this game a full time job like you cry babies. This is the one and only game I play and little by little over the last two years I have been back it has turned from a game into a job to get anything. Already have a job don't need or want another. Stop crying and killing things that obviously people want changed to keep them the same old broken way.