All of them are rare hues except for maybe it was meant to say 5 rare and one common lol.I got a few 1068. Well it does not say it is rare to get, just a rare hue...
Or have our names on them.What would have been nice would be if each of them would give the rose in the color of their flowers... but I suppose that's too much to ask.
Or better yet would have been nice if they worked like those old valentines cards that said to xyz from ABC... you know... with some random corny saying... or just a friendship rose from (giver) to (receiver)... that would have been nice.Or have our names on them.
Hey I resemble that remark. No antiques in that one. No rare color Cauldrons. But I do like the yellow and brown ones. I put those by beds to replicate a bed pot.Typical UO Player posting on Stratics/UO Forum: "Ughh I never get the rare color!!"
The same typical UO Player posting on Stratics/UO Forum: "The rare color isn't rare enough!!"
I realized that all those others I mentioned were tokens. Clickys may have different code. Just comparing this to the Batlik paintings. I received an average of two snowman with campfire per shard. It was about 1 in 12 chance. I did a lot of shards for those since there is a set of 8.It wouldn't surprise me if they used the same RNG code but I don't know if the people who said they did like 100 Yukio quest to only receive 2 sets of earrings (1 in 8 chances I think they were?) would agree with that
The castle is still old school on Siege. It’s near the casket before you go inside the front door.same place but in Fel