3 of us played friend’s beta account sophomore yr in college. Drove 2hrs to Atlanta and back 2 days after UO went public to get my own copy after finding they had no immediate plans 2 ship 2 Athens. At that time we prob played +40hrs wk for few yrs.
Started own business, hardly played 1st 2yrs. Got back into it when money was rolling in, prob 20-25hr wk for next 5yrs steadily increasing to 30-40hr wk.
Career change & single again ~30hrs wk. Started doing 24’s working 1d on 2d off, every 2nd wk 1d on 3d off (Kelly Day, they call it) & played like a fiend on days off n laptop at work when able lol.
Took breaks over the yrs, 6mons-18mons prob 4 times after 2010. Haven’t played in over 2yrs now. Got sick of all the cheating/lack of even a veiled attempt to stop it, moved on to other better games that try to stop & action cheaters.
1 Grandfathered Account thats never gone inactive... ever. Log in once every 8-10d to refresh boats, when out of the country its a pita but I git ‘er done.
Gonna try n come back but been saying that for awhile. Bought a new house & seems like there no end to getting everything done so we’ll see. Miss the friends still playing which is the only reason I’d ever come back & why haven’t sold off everything already.
Question: Are we still waiting for the ‘New Updated Approved 3rd PP’s list’ that the boss said ‘It’s coming soon !’ how many years ago ?!?
- NM, I know the answer...