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The next patch looks awesome!


The Enchanter
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For anyone looking for the link:
Publish 111 – Ultima Online (uo.com)

Alot of great stuff in here. I like the changes to dynamic champion spawns and love the bug fixes on the Enhanced client.. especially the fix for ghosts from dead mobs that stay on screen! I am sure the 'bonded pet update' will make many people happy as well.

Looking forward to the pet costumes, too. I wish they had made a dachshund costume, but they sound really great never the less.

Good work, @Kyronix and @Bleak !


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A lot of this is what I asked for and others also I'm sure.

Pets not to go wild but just stand there if unhappy.
Be able to repair the Bake Kitsune hat.
More Shield Transmog Targets.
I always ask for more items at T or T, halloween and Huntsmaster.
Increased spawn at dynamic dungeons.
Increased chance for participation rewards at dynamic spawns.
End time displayed on Quest NPCs. (that one was not me)

The devs listen contrary to what the posters, who dont play to see the changes, say.
If they were to log in they prob would not recognize UO.

James [W^H]

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Do I understand from the notes that we will now have two locations to tame Cu Sidhe?
  • Added additional spawn of Cu Sidhe to the Pixie Forest in Ilshenar


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Do I understand from the notes that we will now have two locations to tame Cu Sidhe?
  • Added additional spawn of Cu Sidhe to the Pixie Forest in Ilshenar
Yup so they can handle the need for more Cus because of the skins!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
> Resolved Gargoyle equipment clipping issues

We'll see. I wonder if they fixed 'em all by not having dirty rectangles any more, or fixed only some of them.


Lore Master
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Campaign Benefactor
Do you think -

Dynamic Champion Spawns
  • Adjusted reward distribution for participation and final rewards
  • Players are eligible for multiple participation rewards based on their contribution to the spawn
  • Only players that have participated in building the spawn are eligible for the final boss reward

this applies to champ spawns? Reds that swoop in at the last sec are denied the champ loot?

I don't think it'll change much, if so. They'll just have to swoop in to kill the players after the champ is dead, not before.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Do you think -

Dynamic Champion Spawns
  • Adjusted reward distribution for participation and final rewards
  • Players are eligible for multiple participation rewards based on their contribution to the spawn
  • Only players that have participated in building the spawn are eligible for the final boss reward

this applies to champ spawns? Reds that swoop in at the last sec are denied the champ loot?

I don't think it'll change much, if so. They'll just have to swoop in to kill the players after the champ is dead, not before.
This is only for the Dynamic Spawn (think Abomination Rabbit). This might increase the price on all boss drops because players cannot just create a new char with 50 magery to cast some blade spirits on the boss when they see it's popped but need to actually work the spawn.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Yes this will be nice because I actually did the first Abomination Spawn when it was released to Origin...of course tons of people there because it was the very first one. I got my bracelet and then nothing after that because every time I went there was nobody there. I didn't get any of the pages from that spawn :(

So hopefully the lure of more participation rewards will bring more people to do the spawn and not just run in for the boss.

As far as the Bonded pet thing.....in the entire time I have been playing my tamer I have never had an issue with my pets. I have never lost a pet and when I give my pet a command and he snaps at me like *Oh heck no I ain't doin' that!* I either feed it or just re-issue the command with no problem.

I know that this team is very good, but now that we are aware that they are messing with the pets coding I will be very nervous taking my pets out. I do hope that they leave the publish on Test Center for a reasonable amount of time....yet even then things can go wrong.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How dumb am I? An idoc with em rares on safes happened on LS. No one local got one item from the safes. So I think they poofed and no one did. Nope. The barrel scripter present and his crew got them all. Now he cannot. Oh joy. If she can do all of this other great stuff and remove Avatar from chat ( I do not see him anymore) why cannot they remove this barrel script. And yes it exists.


Lake Superior Tabloid Journalist
Stratics Veteran
This patch looks great. I can't see anything that I find disagreeable, really. I'm glad they did something about the bonded pet issue. I never lost a pet myself, but I know a couple of other players that did, and it sucked.

Bring on the patch (once it's been properly tested, of course)!

TB Cookie [W]

Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
I'm most excited about the off-hand orb, finally, my mages can look like mages, without having to wear shields. :)

Please can someone post a screeny up as soon as possible?
Last edited:


Slightly Crazed
This is only for the Dynamic Spawn (think Abomination Rabbit). This might increase the price on all boss drops because players cannot just create a new char with 50 magery to cast some blade spirits on the boss when they see it's popped but need to actually work the spawn.
You can do quite good damage to spawn with new toon.
50magery and poisoning , all EvaInt , necromancy and SS you can buy + 2 lowland bouras ( let then die, you can tame more )
Just hope people will stay more and do spawn more.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Fish bushel is like the bags for lumberjack and miner ones ? So you can carry what an extra 5 fish before over weight ?

Lord Arm

Stratics Veteran
i like that people wont have pets go wild/disappear. it probably will bring out a lot more of the multi hidden tamers at certain locations knowing can not loose pets. oh joy
guess they can leave out until server down now and nothing will happen again.
just my opinion, hope im wrong.
what about all the exploited pets they missed or still can be made. seen pets have 2400hps with nearly everything topped out. they are still around fyi.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Fish bushel is like the bags for lumberjack and miner ones ? So you can carry what an extra 5 fish before over weight ?
50% weight reduction
in CC you have to drag them into it

in EC, you should be able to setup a organizer
to add the fish to them


UO Forum Moderator
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50% weight reduction
in CC you have to drag them into it

in EC, you should be able to setup a organizer
to add the fish to them
For that matter, I take my beetle when dungeon fishing, in a relatively safe area. Instead of bringing back about 200 fish (160 in the beetle, 40 on me), I'd be able to use a satchel or two to get over 300 in the beetle, allowing me to stay out fishing in the dungeon an extra 15-30 minutes.


UO Forum Moderator
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What's bizarre is that at the same tine we're getting this patch, google on my phone has decided to push a bunch of articles and play videos (including one about 11 hours long) of a just released "expansion for UO", which appears to be a new area on a freeshard, and would only serve to confuse people not knowing the difference.


Slightly Crazed
For that matter, I take my beetle when dungeon fishing, in a relatively safe area. Instead of bringing back about 200 fish (160 in the beetle, 40 on me), I'd be able to use a satchel or two to get over 300 in the beetle, allowing me to stay out fishing in the dungeon an extra 15-30 minutes.
What's bizarre is that at the same tine we're getting this patch, google on my phone has decided to push a bunch of articles and play videos (including one about 11 hours long) of a just released "expansion for UO", which appears to be a new area on a freeshard, and would only serve to confuse people not knowing the difference.
Why you need taming? 5 beetles (you can invis them) and your fighting /magery skills are water better defense.
Come to place where you will fish (if in fel or in SA ) , relogin and your beetles are with you.
Leave them there, exit dingeon and relogin again.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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That wouldn't work. Loaded pets are not subject to autostable, so they would stay in the dungeon without you.


UO Forum Moderator
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Why you need taming? 5 beetles (you can invis them) and your fighting /magery skills are water better defense.
Come to place where you will fish (if in fel or in SA ) , relogin and your beetles are with you.
Leave them there, exit dingeon and relogin again.
No, I just take one beetle, and rely on my magery/weaving/mysticism. I can't GET to my fishing spot unless I'm riding the beetle. - and since I have to teleport between two 1-square points to hop back and forth between the two sites I fish from, having non-mountable along for the ride is a non-starter (because even if I used the login method to bring them in, they don't teleport with me from spot A to spot B, then would block me from getting back to A - defeating the purpose of having more than the single beetle ridden.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
" Resolved issue that would prevent some castles & keeps from converting to newer styles "
My current castle says Properly Placed but can not be converted.
Does this mean I will be able to convert it after the Publish? I hope I hope


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This patch looks great. I can't see anything that I find disagreeable, really. I'm glad they did something about the bonded pet issue. I never lost a pet myself, but I know a couple of other players that did, and it sucked.
Here, here. Kudos to @Pawain. They pretty much adopted his idea verbatum. I still hope they fix LOS happiness loss eventually. Feeding a Bane every couple of minutes gets expensive quick. But at least I don't need to worry about losing him.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Here, here. Kudos to @Pawain. They pretty much adopted his idea verbatum. I still hope they fix LOS happiness loss eventually. Feeding a Bane every couple of minutes gets expensive quick. But at least I don't need to worry about losing him.
I'm pretty sure you can feed them regular food for happiness.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Can still make the Khaldun tasty treats. They work as food for any pet.

They wont Infuse the pet but they make them happy.

Also almost all pets will eat Blackrock Stew. It must be tasty.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Can still make the Khaldun tasty treats. They work as food for any pet.

They wont Infuse the pet but they make them happy.
That's probably the only option. I just tried raw ribs, fish steak, and fruit and the Bane refused all of them.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That's probably the only option. I just tried raw ribs, fish steak, and fruit and the Bane refused all of them.
That's odd the Ostard eats Meats and Fruit. But the Tasty treats should work because they will eat those.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Khaldun tasty treats anyone can make. I beleive banes will only eat stew, but the wfo has meat as an option on the lore page


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Fish bushel is like the bags for lumberjack and miner ones ? So you can carry what an extra 5 fish before over weight ?
the lumberjack bag is great u can put 3 into a blue beetle and it allows the beetle to carry 3k boards then u get 5 beetles and thats 15k board u can carry + whatever u can put on ur character can make for some nice long cutting trips and less down travelling to unload


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I wish I had remembered to ask for a Pet Groomer at Zento
It is the only stable I use on Atlantic

I went to almost every single stable that I knew about
and they all had one... even Papua